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The Peeper and the Bitch

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A peeping Japanese teen becomes a bitch's bitch.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 12/15/2018
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Reo Tanaka breathed with excitement as eighteen-year old girls removed their navy blue school blazers, the girl unaware the boy Reo stood inside the locker at the room's far end.

The boy's cock was hard, pushing against his boxers, ready to meet a pussy's wet warmth.

After training his eyes training on Erino Kashi, Reo released a trembling breath as he let lust continue filling his body.

When Erino had her white bra exposed, Reo stared at the huge breasts pressing against them. The boy was aware Erino would cover her bra with a shirt soon, so he kept his eyes aimed at Erino's breasts until the girl put on a white shirt.

"Why can't you be mine?" Reo said in a quiet tone.

Unlike Jenji Watabi, Reo did not have a person he could exchange kisses with or have sex with.

Unlike most single boys his age, he did not watch porn.

Instead of watching porn, Reo would spy on women or girls when they changed their clothes, let the memories occupy his mind while he stroked his cock until he cummed.

He was in Tokyo, Japan, which contained Masato High School's girls' locker room.

Standing, Reo was inside a empty locker that had an empty box near it.

Reo was not aware why the box was in the locker room, but he placed it there in an effort to discourage lazy girls from opening the lockless locker wide he stood in.

The boy had the deep urge to open the locker, thrust his cock in and out of every pussy in the room.

As the girls prepared for physical education class, talking, laughing, stripping to their bras and panties with an obese seventy-year old American's casualness, Reo averted his gaze to a ass while its owner bent over.

"Nice one. I should jam my fingers up your ass later," a girl said while slapping the bent over girl's ass. The ass slapper stood with her purple bra exposed, the gray shirt she would change into draped over her right shoulder. "Straighten up. Do it, before a random creep shows up and put his penis in your ass."

The bent over girl sighed. She straightened before putting on her physical education uniform's navy blue trackpants. She said, in a playful tone, "You're such a bitch."

The ass slapper chuckled, patted the other girl's head. She said, "But I'm still your friend, right? So, hurry up, Hana."

Reo shook his head.

"You can't tell her about the bike right now?" Reo said in a quiet tone. "Girls are weird."

"Tina-san and Hana-san," a girl said, dressed in her school uniform, having not changed into her physical education clothes, which she held. The girl had long black hair, a slim body, a face that was difficult for the average straight male not to stare at. The girl moved to the spot near the Hana, crossed her arms. "I heard you two love those K-roaches."

Hana trained her eyes on the floor, bowed her head.

The ass slapper-Tina-nodded her head. More willing to fight the rude girl, Tina said, "Everyone else calls them Koreans. The South Koreans. They're only considered roaches by people who aren't too smart."

The rude girl took a step closer to Tina, who took a step back.

When she her face was six inches from Tina's, the rude girl said, "Walk away, unless you want to get hurt."

Hana gathered her clothes, walked beside Tina as they put distance between themselves and the rude, racist girl.

Reo furrowed his eyebrows, viewing the racist through the slots in the locker he stood in.

"Who the hell are you?" Reo said in a quiet tone, curious and amazed by the racist.

The racist girl sat on the backless bench situated between two locker rows.

Tina slapping Hana's nice ass entered Reo's mind, followed by the moment when Tina said she should shove her fingers up Hana's ass.

The peeping boy grinned, stroked his hard cock for a few seconds.

His heart pounded at an quicker rate while warm joy flooded his body.

Reo had enough great masturbation fuel memories.

He longed to be at his apartment, where he would masturbate to the memories he gained while being inside the girls' locker room.

The apartment Reo lived inside had him as its sole tenant.

Two months ago, Reo's father and mother had caught him watching ane recording a girl sleep on the family's living room sofa. Reo's mother was the girl's tutor.

The incident, along with the fact Reo didn't plan on becoming a doctor like his parents longed for him to, made the peeper's parents rent an apartment for the boy to reside in.

Reo's parents had disowned their sole offspring, drunk wine and had sex after Reo moved into the apartment, grateful to no longer have to feed their son or deal with him anymore.

The racist girl remained on the backless bench after the other girls left the locker room.

Reo kept his eyes trained on her.

"Come on. Take your clothes off. Hurry up." Reo said in a soft whisper.

His fingers and feet trembled with impatience and lust.

Since the racist girl was the sole girl in the locker room, Reo kept a strong focus on her.

But he had an intense urge to become alert to the girl's name.

He had the deep longing to see her later, or at the least, tomorrow.

The racist stood, turned her back to Reo.

At an casual pace, the girl removed her navy school blazer, placed it on the bench.

Reo brought his face ten centimeters closer to the locker's solid material.

He made sure he wouldn't lunge into the open a bit locker, which would cause it to open wide.

The peeper appreciated the fact no girl closed the locker while he stood inside it.

If a girl closed the locker he was inside, he would have to convince them to open the locker.

Reo doubted a girl wouldn't be furious if she found him in the locker.

The racist girl unbuttoned her white dress shirt after removing her navy blue tie and putting it on the backless bench.

When the racist took off her white dress shirt, Reo's heart pounded a bit faster as he trained his eyes on the girl's back.

Grabbing his cock through his clothes, Reo hoped he would one day run his fingers along the racist girl's back.

The girl took off her uwabaki slippers, removed her navy blue skirt.

"Wow." Reo said in a soft whisper while he stared at the girl, who had her red bra and red panties exposed.

A familiar sensation arrived in Reo's nose.

The girl placed her skirt on the backless bench.

Reo sneezed.

His eyes widened.

He did not doubt the girl heard the sneeze.

The peeper shut his eyes, like a person might do while hiding from a killer who has a blood-soaked butcher knife in their gloved hand.

Reo didn't doubt he would soon be in deep trouble.

Goosebumps were on his body.

His teeth chattered.

The fear in Reo's body was as strong as the disappointment his parent had for him.

"Come out. I won't hurt you," the racist girl said after moving to the spot behind the empty box near the locker. Reo didn't open his eyes. The racist kicked the box away. "What's your name? Can you tell me about yourself?"

Reo opened his eyes, didn't speak, but the girl in the locker room did not demand answers. She had asked questions.

Reo seemed to have the power.

He hoped the racist girl would continue being sympathetic to him.

Reo made the locker go from cracked to open wide, stepped outside the place he had hid in.

The girl moved her gaze from Reo's feet to his forehead.

"I'm Tanaka Reo. I live alone, because my parents decided to disown me. I get my meals from free samples at stores, drink from water fountains, wash up in restrooms. That's all. I'm just a nobody." Reo said while bowing his head, making himself sound as pathetic as he was. He did not train his eyes on the girl who had one clothing item hiding her pussy.

"You seem like a nobody, for sure. What kind of creepy as fuck asshole spies on girls inside the girls' locker room?" the girl said. "Tanaka, I am Yamamoto Saya. And I'm going to fuck up your life."

Reo furrowed his eyebrows, lifted his head.

A fist met his stomach.

He dropped to his knees. A sock-covered foot collided with his cheek.

The girl-Saya-tugged hard on Reo's black hair.

"Let me leave. I'm sorry!" Reo said in an pleading tone. Saya remained standing in front of him, keeping a tight hold on the peeper's hair. "Saya-san, plea-!"

A fist met Reo's face, interrupting his sentence.

Saya hated South Koreans. She had threatened to hurt Tina, had hurt Reo.

Reo viewed Saya as a person who deserved to be called a monster.

"You really pathetic. But I'm going to use and abuse you. For sure." Saya said before slapping Reo so hard he yelped as if he was burnt.

Using one hand, Saya pulled her panties down, took them off, slammed them against Reo's face.

The racist girl's pussy's aroma entered Reo's nose.

Reo kept his eyes closed.

"You're going to eat me. And I really hope a dumb ass like you knows what I mean by that." Saya said before tossing her panties onto the empty box. Reo opened his eyes, which had tears in them. "Don't be such a pissing and shitting on himself baby. Most guys would love to eat a beauty's pussy."

Reo shook his head. He said, "N-no. I only w-want to kiss, hug, hold hands, cuddle before getting married. I'll only eat you if you were my-"

Saya moved Reo's mouth to to her shaved pussy.

The aroma made Reo fight the urge to become obsessed with the pussy.

"Eat me." Saya said in an spiteful tone, gripping the peeper's hair. "Fucking hurry."

Reo didn't intend on the racist girl beating him again

The boy slid his tongue along the racist's clit.

Saya bit her lip.

Reo brought his hands to Saya's thighs, stroked them.

Reo placed his lips against the skin on Saya's waist.

A palm slammed against Reo's head.

"Eat me, creep." Saya said in an frustrated tone, as if Reo was as intolerable as Jehovah Witnesses visiting an atheist. "I don't want your kisses. And take off your uwabaki slippers and socks."

Reo gritted his teeth, removed his uwabaki slippers and socks.

He moved his hands to Saya's ass, squeezed the girl's ass cheeks.

Reo would have rathered watch the racist girl strip than have have ora sex with her.

He would have rathered use his tongue to lick a girl's clit he did not have the longing to slap him or beat him.

Racist, violent girls were not girls Reo had the deep urge to please in an sexual way.

But if Reo refused to perform oral sex on Saya and give her an orgasm, the girl might establish a false rape accusation, chop off his penis, or have him smuggled into Nauru with his clothes gone and eyes missing.

Humans were more terrifying and cruel than any animal in existence.

Reo was alert to this fact.

He turns his head to Saya's face. While moving his hands along Saya's ass, Reo said, "You're body is lovely. And its feminine form is great. So, please excuse me if I touch you more than I should. I don't have a lot of experience with this."

Saya slammed her foot into Reo's stomach, brought her palms crashing against the boy's temples as hard as she could.

As Reo hit the floor with his back, along with his head, Saya said, "Not surprising. Real guys get real pussy. They don't need porn or peeping to get satisfaction."

Keeping his eyes trained on the ceiling, Reo fought the urge to shove his abuser's head hard against a locker.

Saya stood above Reo's face, facing the locker row Reo's feet was closest to. If she chose to sit on Reo's face without turning she would be able to pull out his cock.

Saya sat on Reo's face.

"Eat me." Saya said as an command. She unzipped Reo's school pants after loosening his belt, removed the pants, took off the peeper's boxers.

Saya's mouth gaped open, as if she was ready to have a man shoot his cum into her mouth.

Reo's hard cock was nine inches long.

"Is he bigger than Milo?" Saya said in a whisper too quiet for Reo to hear.

Saya gripped Reo's cock, stroked it at an slow pace that made Reo fight the urge to tell her to stroke his cock faster.

Saya's pussy was against Reo's mouth, but the eighteen-year old peeper made no move to please the brutal racist.

A hand collided with his balls.

Reo shut his eyes but did not scream.

"Eat me." Saya said in an frustrated tone, not regretting the fact she struck Reo in the balls.

Reo tapped Saya's pussy with his tongue.

The wetness from Saya's pussy met Reo's tongue. Reo continued licking Saya's pussy, avoiding her clit on purpose, intending on teasing the girl in an sexual way.

Like Reo did to her, Saya teased Reo.

Saya stroked Reo's cock at an slower pace than before.

She released his cock, kept her eyes trained on it as it throbbed.

"I want to cum, virgin. Make me cum, or I'll have you dead by Friday." Saya said.

Reo intended on peeping on girls undressing many more times in his life.

He did not intend on having a girl hire a person to murder him.

Reo slid his tongue along Saya's clit at an slow pace.

Saya kept her hands on Reo's thighs, gripped them when the peeper licked her clit at an fast rate.

Saya shut her eyes, released a moan.

The moan made Reo lick faster.

Motivated by the racist but sexy girl's pleasure-filled moan, along with the will to survive to next Monday, Reo continued giving oral sex to the girl who had hurt him.

A pussy's aroma shrouding his face, mouth, nose like a serial killer intent on suffocating a person to death, Reo listened while Saya released an long, loud moan.

Pussy liquid sprayed against Reo's tongue, mouth, face, alerting Reo to the fact he was successful in giving a girl an orgasm.

"A fucking creep just made me squirt all over his face!" Saya said in an loud tone, speaking as if Reo was not in the room with her. Saya trained her eyes on Reo's cock, stood. "I'm going to see if your cock is as amazing as your tongue."

Reo furrowed his eyebrows, not longing to have his cock inside Saya's pussy but also aware, if he had sex with Saya, he could brag about no longer being a virgin to future friends.

But if Saya had sex with him, Reo would have lost his virginity to a girl who hurt him.

If Reo had sex with Saya, told a future friend, "Yeah. The first girl I ever had sex with actually beat me up, as if I was a guy who called her a bitch or something," the peeper doubted it would be words that would fill him with great pride.

His eyes still closed, Reo remained on the floor, trying to accept the fact he would soon lose his virginity to a girl he did not long to lose his virginity to.

After a pleasing warmth surrounded his cock, Reo opened his eyes before turning his head to Saya, who was in the reverse cowgirl position as she let Reo's huge cock remain inside her wet, warm pussy.

Reo wasn't a virgin anymore.

Unlike many boys who lost their virginities to girls before, warm joy was not found inside Reo's body as he was alert to the fact he was no longer a virgin.

A bitter emotion entered his body.

The emotion was one a man, woman, boy, girl might have while living during a phase in their life when they no longer have the urge to live.

A depressed person lives with the bitter emotion Reo experienced. The depressed person might watch movies, cook when they are not hungry, lie in their bed while imagining how to make their life great, contact a person they did not speak to in seven months, avoid reading about the horrors the universe holds, in an attempt to convince themself their life does not have to end.

But until the depressed person chooses to take their life, the bitter emotion Reo experienced would lurk or let itself remain exposed, until the depressed person uses a noose, a speeding train, or different suicide methods to no longer experience the bitter emotion that made its home inside the depressed person's life.

Tears formed in Reo's eyes as Saya let her pussy grip the peeper's huge cock.

Saya twerked her hips, pleasing herself and Reo, moaning each time she took Reo's entire cock into her pleasant pussy.

The peeper let the back of his head meet the locker room's floor.

Reo, on his back, made no attempt to thrust his hips upwards, letting the cruel racist use his cock for sexual pleasure.

Reo was as submissive as a priest praying for three hours while kneeling.

"I love this creep cock!" Saya said in an loud tone, enjoying herself more than Reo was, who might have brought envy to a straight virgin male whose cock was never inside a pussy before and after childbirth, if the virgin male was aware Reo's cock was inside a pussy. "Make me cum, you creepy shit!"

Reo opened his mouth a bit as it felt as if his cock intended on squirting cum.

He slapped the floor with his palms, aware he was going to orgasm, aware his cum would rocket into a waiting pussy.

Saya's body trembled.

She squirted as she moaned, soaking Reo's cock, wetting the floor, having climaxed from having sex with a boy who watched her strip out her school uniform without her knowledge.

Reo did not speak, but his huge, Japanese cock made an interaction as it spewed warm cum into Saya's pussy, releasing powerful cum jets.

Reo released an heavy, trembling breath.

Warmth shrouding his body, as pleasing as finishing what you told yourself you were going to finish three years ago, Reo shut his eyes before turning his head to the right.

The urge to drink exposed itself, settling inside Reo, giving discomfort to his mouth and throat.

"Your cock is mine now." Saya said as she stood, speaking in a tone resembling a news reporter delivering one-hundred percent facts. "Tell me your cock is mine. Tell me your cock belongs to me."

With reluctance, Reo said, "My cock is yours. It belongs to you."

As Reo's cock softened, Saya moved to the spot next to Reo's head. She said, "I'm Ito Saya's bitch. Say that."

Reo opened his eyes, took a deep breath.

"I'm Ito Saya's bitch," he said, grateful him and Saya were the sole people in the locker room.

Reo stood, zipped his pants after putting his boxers and pants on, tightened his belt.

Saya dressed into her physical education clothes, which was a white shirt, a navy blue tracksuit with the school's logo on the tracksuit's top, white shoes.

After Saya forced Reo to type his address and cell phone number into Saya's phone's Notes app, the ruthless girl photographed the peeper's face.

"I'm going to tell a certain someone all about you. Your name. Where you live. What you did today." Saya said as Reo fought the urge to dash out the locker room. "This person isn't my friend, but he would be if I didn't hate Chinks. His name is Li Wei. He's a gangster schoolboy from Beijing. And he's in my class. If you do anything to make you angry, I'll have Li Wei, or other gangsters I know, take out your eyes and make you become a blind sex slave in a country most people never even heard of. I suggest you don't make me angry, and everything will be fine. Now, you have ten seconds to get out of here. One. Two."

Reo sprinted out the locker room, no longer a virgin, but now forced to be a sex slave to a girl who could have gangsters take out his eyes before sending him to a foreign country where he would live a life that would give him the intense urge to die.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 6 years ago
Interesting premise

...I wonder what will happen next?

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