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The Perfect Fit

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Wife and I search for the perfect fit.
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This is a cuckold story. Read at your own discretion.

I watched them dancing together. Him, tall, well built, handsome. Even at 40 his thick and wavy black hair was full and well groomed. Tinges of gray on his temples gave him an air of sophistication.

Cindy's eyes were lit up and anyone watching could see that she was enjoying herself with him. That became painfully obvious when I heard a woman at a near-by table tell her escort, "Don't they make a beautiful couple?"

"Shhh. Her husband is sitting right next to you."

But that lady was right. They made a beautiful couple. Cindy and I had arrived first. Jack had made the reservations and when we got there and gave his name, the Matre de showed us to his favorite table.

We entered as a couple but when Jack arrived, he was clearly with my wife and I no more than a third wheel.

Hearing that woman state the obvious made my dick twitch. It's been like that ever since Cindy and I discussed her taking a lover. And here we are now, celebrating his arrival in our lives. But they were more than a beautiful couple. He is our Master and she his willing whore.

It was only two weeks past that my life changed forever. When I got home from work and greeted my wife. "johnnie, we need to talk," she said.

Those are words no married man who loves his wife wants to hear. So, with my heart beating hard, I asked if she was leaving me.

"Oh, sweetheart, no. No way. I love you. I would never leave you."

Relieved, I then asked what she wanted to discuss.

Sitting next to me, Cindy took my hand in hers. "This is difficult for me to talk about, johnnie. But it has to be said."

"Listen Cindy, as long as it isn't you leaving, anything else will be a relief."

She began to give me a rundown of our problems. "Now johnnie, you know you are always working. You know how many times I've tried to get you to pay attention to me. Every time I wear something sexy, something I think might light a spark in you, you respond by turning over and going to sleep."

"Come one, Cindy. You know how tired I am after a long day."

"I do, johnnie, really. But when you do make love to me, you always finish before I do and you just turn over and go to sleep."

I listened staring at my hands in my lap.

Taking my chin in her hand, Cindy raised my face. Looking me in the eye, she swore she wasn't trying to hurt me. "Please believe me babe. This next part is very hard for me."

"She held my hand and told me that my dick was not up to par. "You know I had a couple lovers in college, johnnie. I know you and I got together and I pretended I liked what you did for me. The truth is I faked it hoping I'd grow out of needing whatever you want to call it."

"A bigger cock," I said. "You need a bigger cock." It was more of an accusation than a statement.

She let go of my hand and stood up. "I knew you couldn't just hear me out. I told you this was hard for me and yet you are already accusing me when I haven't even finished."

"I'm sorry, Cindy. Please. Come back and finish. I promise I won't interrupt you again."

She stood looking at me. There was a sadness in her eyes that I knew needed to be addressed.

Sitting back next to me, she took a deep breath. "Well, you were right."

Waiting for her to finish the room grew quiet.

"You're not going to ask me what you were right about?"

"I don't need to hon."

"Well, what do you suggest?"

"Me? What do I suggest? Are you serious?"

"Oh, I'm serious alright. Since you're the cause of my problem, I thought maybe you'd like to help me resolve them."

"Huh?" I wasn't sure that I heard her right. "You want me to find you a lover?"

"Thank you, johnnie, I knew you'd understand," she smiled and kissed my cheek. "I just know you'll find us the perfect fit." Then she turned and walked out of the room humming.

Did she just say the perfect fit for us? My head was spinning.

I followed her and asked what she meant about that "us" thing.

"Well johnnie, I don't think you'd be comfortable if you didn't like him and I know he wouldn't feel at home if he thought you were resentful."

"But, but I uh, oh hell Cin. How do you expect me to do that? Walk up to some dude and ask if he'd like to have sex with my wife?"

"That's a starter but a little on the nose, don't you think? I have faith in you babe. You'll figure it out."

Day after day when I'd get home from work she'd ask if I found her a man with a cock. "Look," I stammered, "It's not like I'm asking every guy I eet to show me his privates."

"Well, you could put an Ad on Craig's List."

"Cindy, think about that. Besides a ton of weirdos, it might be dangerous. There has to be a better way."

"An online search, maybe?"

I thought about that for a minute. "That's a good idea," I said.

That evening found us reading ISO's on and AFF. Cindy would point out men with big cocks enthusiastically. Every time she'd see a dick-pic, she'd grab mine and wistfully wish I had one that big. "That's a nice one, isn't it johnnie?"

When it was bed time, Cindy had me go down on her. She held my head tightly between her legs and humped my face with gusto. Her thighs covered my ears but that didn't muffle her words. I cringed hearing her mutter things like, "That's it johnnie. Clean my pussy for the big man. Suck his cum baby, eat it all. God, I love his cock." And other things of that nature made me feel less than manly.

Our evenings were spent pouring over pictures of cocks and later more cunnilingus for my wife.

Once in a while Cindy would lay beside me whispering how sexy those cocks pics are as she masturbated me. "Just think, johnnie. A nice big fat cock deep in my pussy while you watch the man you chose fuck me hard making me cum over and over."

Almost instantaneously, hearing her say that would make me cum. She'd chuckle and have me go down on her.

Seeing that the scenario she laid out aroused me, it became her mantra. Every night was like the last one, me watching her get fucked by a man with a big cock. I hate to say it but the prospect of see her under a stud excited me more than it should have.

One night when I tried to have intercourse after seeing so many dick pics, she turned me down. "I'm saving myself for a big cock, baby. No pussy for you until I enjoy a real cock."

Now I'm left to eating her and jacking off. The hunt for the perfect fit continued.

The Ad that caught both our attention was the one that read: "Ladies, if you're not getting what you need from your otherwise attentive husband, contact me. I am a married gentleman with one son who recently graduated high school. My wife knows and supports me in my endeavor to please unsatisfied married women. I have what you need and want and together we'll have great sex and together, we will make your husband a happy cuckold."

The picture attached to his Ad was a handsome man about 40 or so. His smile was one of confidence.

"He's the one, johnnie. Contact him for us."

"Me? He's looking for a female to contact him."

"Of course, he is. That's why your response to his Ad will get his attention first."

"But you don't even know if he has a big cock. He didn't show it in his Ad."

"So, ask him for one. Tell him he has to prove he has a big cock."

"Please Cindy, I'll go along with this but please don't make me contact him."

"No. It has to be you, johnnie. What if he's some creep. You contact him. Then, if he measures up, you can meet him. You know, vet him before he even gets to see me. That's the safest way, babe."

What she said made sense. I mean if I'm going to allow some man to have sex with my wife, I should at least make sure he's not some dangerous character.

"Um, how or what should I say?"

"I'll tell you what. Since you're gonna meet him first, the least I can do is write up your intro and send it to him with your email address. Okay?"

What a relief that was. "Yeah, you do it."

In hindsight, I probably should have assisted at the very minimum. Instead, Cindy worked on our response privately.

When she, at last, pressed "send", she called me over to see what she put together.

"Kind sir. It is with humility that I respond to your Ad. As the attentive husband of a loving wife, I am unable to provide her the sexual satisfaction she needs and deserves. There is, however one consideration that you have left to our imagination. If I may, sir, can I ask you to please send us a picture of your cock. My private email is attached. Both my wife and I very much look forward to your reply in the hopes that your cock, your stamina, and your technique can give her the great sex she needs.

Respectfully yours


"Well? What do you think, johnnie?"

"Honey, you can't send this. It makes me look like some needle dicked loser. He won't have a bit of respect for me."

"What's your point, johnnie?" She asked standing with her hands on her hips looking at me defiantly. "You didn't want to do it. I did it for you. You could have looked over my shoulder and helped but you didn't. You watched football instead. That tells me that TV football means more to you than my happiness."

"You know better than that, Cindy. Your happiness is important to me. That why I'm going along with your request to experience a, um..."

"A big cock. A cock bigger than yours. A real man's cock. Is that what you were going to say?"

It occurred to me that there had been a power shift in my house. What was once an equal partnership now seemed weighted in Cindy's favor.

"You're right, honey. I'm sorry for questioning you," I said surrendering to her will.

It took only an hour before my mailbox received his reply.

"johnnie, thank you for your most unusual response to my Ad. I have never received a response from the husband of the woman who needs what I have. While I appreciate the respect you demonstrated in your response, I must insist on a quid pro quo. By that, johnnie, I require a photo of your short comings as it were to assure myself that you aren't just some homo looking for dick pics. I also require a few of your Mrs. in various forms of dress and undress. Then, I would like you to tell me about her likes and dislikes. All photos need to be date stamped. When I have received them, then I will show you and your Mrs. what she has to look forward to.

Thank you


Cindy was disappointed that he hadn't sent us a picture of his cock but was very happy to have received his requests for photos. "What should I wear, babe? How much of me should I show him?"

"I, uh, well, I suppose that's up to you, Cin."

"You're right. It is up to me. Get the camera."

I went to the closet and broke out the digital camera. By the time I returned to the bedroom I saw she was changing into so sexy sleep wear.

"Isn't that a bit over the top, Cin?"

"You read his note. He wants to see me in various forms of dress and undressed. He also wants to see your little dick."

I cringed when she said the last part. Up till now, my wife hadn't been disrespectful of my lack of length and girth.

"Take the damned photos, johnnie."

I took the damned photos. She had her sheer white negligee on which left little to the imagination. She turned and stuck out her fabulous backside; her panty purposely wedged in the crack of her ass. She laid on the bed and propped herself up with pillows. With her feet flat and her knees spread, my wife had me take the picture of her crotch. The image didn't quite show her pussy but you could tell there was pubic hair behind the panty.

She shed her top, held her breasts together and pursed her lips as if blowing a kiss.

"Okay, that should be enough, johnnie. Drop your pants and lets show him your little dick."

What could I do? In for a penny, in for a pound, as they say. I dropped my pants and undies. My dick was trying to inch up inside me which made it that much smaller. Cindy took the picture. "Looks like a turtle head," she laughed.

Then, adding injury to insult, she came over and played with my dick and whispered nasty things she was going to do to me after we sent the email. My dick responded in kind and she took a couple pics with it hard, standing it's full 5" of female disappointment. She also captured that on the camera.

I up loaded the photos under Cindy's supervision. She wanted to make certain that I didn't omit the dick pics. I looked ridiculous standing with a T-shirt on and my boner sticking out. The look on my face said it all. I was a sad sack for sure.

"My wife would like to be fucked with a big cock, what she calls a cock of a real man," I wrote as Cindy dictated. "She would like to be fucked in every position. She does not do anal."

"What if he wants head, Cindy? Should I tell him you don't do that?"

"Better not, johnnie. Might scare him off."

Cindy continued her dictating, "As you can see, I lack real manhood and it would be my pleasure to watch you please her and assist you in anyway, and I mean anyway you feel I might be an asset."

"Wait. What does that mean. What do you expect me to do?"

"Christ johnnie. Do I have to spell everything out for you? It means what it says. If he wants you to lick me first, you'll lick me. If he wants you to put his cock in me, you'll do that too."

There was no arguing with my wife. She was adamant that I type what she says which I did feeling less and less like a man.

"So please take into account my tiny dick which has never given my wife pleasure and accept my request for you to cuckold me.

With all due respect and great anticipation


Now press send, johnnie," Cindy insisted.

I did.

What she had promised me to make my dick hard was forgotten. When our email was sent, she had me lap her pussy for an hour while she described to me in detail how she was going to enjoy a big cock after so long without one.

All day at work I dreaded coming home to my private email. I needn't have worried. Cindy opened it before I got home.

"God, johnnie, it looks so big and he's so handsome. Look, his wife is posing with him. Isn't she beautiful?"

"Not as beautiful as you my love," I said to my overly excited wife.

She kissed me. "Thank you for allowing us this. You've been a sport and I've been a wee bit bitchy. Here read what Jack says, that's his name.

I sat and read his note.


Good boy. You did just as I asked. If you're always this agreeable, I'm sure we would fit together well. Your wife is a stunner, johnnie. You married well; I must say. I cannot wait to sink my big cock into her tight pussy. Seeing your dick, such as it is, I know Cindy will be as tight as a virgin."

I had to stop reading as I blushed and looked at my wife. Cindy was standing behind me smiling.

Back to his email,

"I have enclosed a picture of my lovely wife to whom I will introduce you both. No, johnnie, you will not have sex with my wife nor be permitted to touch her in any way. This next part is important, you and I will meet in a public place where we will discuss everything and set a date. In the meantime, I suggest you tell your wife that I prefer a shaved pussy and insist you do that for me, johnnie. I want you, johnnie to shave her cunt. As you can see by my picture, I keep a neat pubis and expect you to do the same."

"Once more in closing, if this email satisfies your wife and you, let me know and I will set a time and place you just you and I johnnie to meet.


Cindy was excited. "Tell him to set the time johnnie, the time and place. Maybe I'll tag along to see for myself."

"Yeah, I wouldn't do that. Jack sounds like a guy who expects people to follow his instructions and might back off if we don't."

"You're right, johnnie. I won't tag along then."

I sent the email asking him to set the place and time. His response was for us to meet in a cafe close to my office at lunch the next day. He told me not to be late that he hates being kept waiting. at the end he said that us answering him so fast my wife must be desperate for a real man's cock.

The constant alluding to my little dick was humiliating and yet somehow arousing that a man who might fuck my wife is talking about it. I masturbated that night under the watchful eye of my wife. Filled with shame and humiliation, I came quickly.

I was dreading meeting Jack. I mean who wouldn't? My wife wants his cock, he wants my wife and now he wants to meet to discuss what? I had no idea what he wanted other than Cindy.

I watched the clock that morning hoping time would stop. Instead, it seemed like every time I glanced at it, the clock had moved an hour closer to noon.

I sat waiting and checking my watch. AS much as I didn't want to be there, I did get there 5 minutes early just to be safe. I sure as hell didn't want my wife climbing up my ass for being late.

"There's my boy," the tall handsome man said sliding in across from me. His teeth were perfectly straight and very white. His handshake firm, his eyes confident. Mixed feeling that at the time I was unable to identify filled me.

"I always meet the prospective cuck, johnnie. I like to see what I'm in for."

"I understand, Jack."

He gave me a curious look. "Let's begin anew, shall we?. My name is Jack Evans. You may call me Mr. Evans. I think a proper show of respect for the man who will give your wife that which you cannot is appropriate. Understand?"

"Yes sir," I said blushing.

"Good. Very good. Now let me tell you what I expect. If any of this is too hard for you to comprehend, you have the option to back out and no harm, no foul."

"Okay sir, I understand."

"Great. Now this is what I expect from you. When I'm with you and your wife, I am the man. What I say goes. I will treat Cindy as if she's my own wife. You will treat the both of us with respect. I intend to give her the best sex she has ever experienced. I also intend to bring out her inner slut to use as I see fit."

"Sir, Mr. Evans, what does that mean; use her as you see fit?"

Mr. Evans chuckled. "Son, you'll just have to wait and see. What I will tell you is that I will never, ever force your wife to do anything she does not wish to do. I will not harm her in any way. I will, however, treat her like my slut, my whore and she'll love it. Let me repeat that, johnnie. She will beg me to make her my whore and I will oblige."

"Um, Mr. Evans, sir. I'm not so sure about that. I mean Cindy is a bit more conservative than that."

"Well, we will just have to see, won't we?"

"Yes sir."

"Now for you, johnnie. I want you to be naked before I arrive to fuck your wife. You will always be naked in my presence. It will add to the humiliation of which you will soon become addicted. If I'm right about you, you're submissive at heart. I will use that to your favor. I will cultivate that side of you until you are the perfect cuck."

"I understand." Even as I said that, my dick grew hard.

Mr. Evans saw the look on my face. "You're hard right now aren't you? Your little dick got hard just thinking about becoming my sub cuck?"

"I uh, no. No sir, I'm not hard."

"Do not lie to me johnnie. I know all about bois like you and how you react to a dominant man. Now tell me the truth."

I was unable to face him. Looking down at my hands in my lap, I said, "Yes sir."

"Yes what," he demanded.

"I'm hard sir," I admitted.

He glared at me, long and hard. "johnnie, never lie to me again. This relationship won't get off the ground of you are honest with me and more importantly, honest with yourself."

A server finally arrived to take our orders. Mr. Evans order the chef salad. I ordered a BLT.

We talked some more while we waited for our lunches. "Have you shaved her pussy yet?"

"No sir. Not yet."

"What are you waiting for?"

"Um, well Mr. Evans, I thought that if we knew when you were coming to meet her, I'd shave her that day so she'd be as smooth as she could be for you."


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