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The Perfect Pair Pt. 11

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The Halloween Party.
14.5k words

Part 11 of the 12 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 05/28/2020
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The Perfect Pair, Chapter 11

(fetish, chastity, consensual, cross dressing, ponyplay)

By ChangeYourPassword

Author's Note: This is a work of fiction. It is a story of sexual fantasies and fetishes. These sexual practices are not for everyone, but those of us who delve into them understand the allure. The characters in the story certainly do. If you enjoy this story and the fetishes involved, great. If not, please forget the whole thing.

A story of a loving couple exploring their sexual fantasies, together.

Read Chapter 1 - 10, first.

The Halloween party adventure.

They next got together with Kelly and Victoria on Friday evening, and after studying and dinner Kelly brought up a new topic. "OK, you guys, I've figured out what we can do for Halloween. And if I do say so, myself, it's going to be a ton of fun."

They all paused to listen to what she had to say. As none of them had bothered to come up with anything, Kelly's plans would be all they had.

"Before I explain, I need your promise, though. That you will go along with my grand plan. Full commitment. No argument. No backing out. OK?" And she gave each of them a look that told them that she was serious. Mortally serious, as in 'cross me and you die,' serious.

Very suspicious, Brooke asks, "why? What evil do you have in mind?"

"Who me? Evil. You misunderstand me, young lady. I'm just thinking of a fun way for all of us to spend the evening, participate in the contest and entertain our friends. Nothing more. Nothing unseemly."

Brooke grins uncertainly and looks around the table. Denise is slowly shaking her head, while Victoria's face is expressionless. Brooke isn't sure if Kelly's partner knows what she has planned, and isn't enthused, or if she doesn't know and is frightened but too dedicated to decline anything Kelly wants.

Kelly, seeing the lack of enthusiasm, begins the hard sell, "look, you're all about sexual adventure, the chastity belts and the big breasts and the rings and all of that. Consider this to be just another adventure. I guarantee that no one will be hurt. Your reputations won't be sullied. And with your belts on, you certainly know you won't be raped!"

She smiled pleasantly at all of them.

Brooke chuckled, "Oh you should be selling used cars, on the corner lot. You're so full of it!"

They all laughed.

But Kelly continued, "I can tell you that my plan involves all of us. So, you can count on spending the whole evening together. One big happy family. OK?"

Brooke looked at Denise, questioningly. She had continued shaking her head, through Kelly's spiel, but under Brooke's stare, Denise finally just shrugged, as in 'whatever'.

With that Brooke stared Kelly in the eye for a few seconds, and then, "OK, we'll do it. Whatever 'it' is."

Kelly clapped, "great! Denise?"

"Yes," with a sigh.

Then turning to Victoria, "You're in; aren't you?"

Victoria nodded, but there was a bit of reluctance in her voice as she answered, "of course."

"OK, then, I have this all worked out and remember you promised. No going back on your word."

Her admonition made all three of them even more worried. What in the hell had they volunteered for?

Kelly took a deep breath and then smiling broadly announced, "we're going as a three-horse team and me as the woman warrior, chariot driver."

"What?" came out of three mouths at once.

Kelly pulled out a picture that she'd apparently found on the Deviant Art web site of three pony-girls in harnesses pulling a small chariot with a woman in golden armor standing and holding the reins.

All three of the would-be pony-girls sat dumbfounded, as Kelly went on to explain.

"I'm using the money left over from selling my bike to pay for the stuff. The little chariot, my armor and your harnesses and boots. So, don't worry It won't cost you a dime."

She smiled, at all three of them. Kelly was obviously excited, but the same couldn't be said for her friends.

"Of course, you'll all be wearing your chastity belts and bras and thigh-bands, too. So, you'll be well covered and safe from harm."

When Victoria tried to say something negative, Kelly just continued, not allowing her to get a word in.

"Don't worry, we'll practice so you'll all learn to walk in your sexy hoof boots and pull the cart in your harnesses. And the gorgeous horse tails will be mounted on the backs of your belts, and held in place by the harness."

Kelly paused for a moment, to point at the picture again.

"The head harness will hold your hair in long pony tails and you'll have horses' ears mounted on it. The bits in your mouths are designed to not be too uncomfortable, but they will make it impossible for you to talk. No complaints from the ponies."

Denise was shifting into being petrified!

Brooke, like Victoria just sat there shaking her head.

When Denise started to object, Kelly stopped her, "you all promised. You can't back out on me now. Don't make me go all Dom on your asses." She looked pointedly at Victoria, and then shifted to scowl at Brooke and Denise.

It was Victoria who sealed the deal. "Hey, it will be fun. I hate to admit it but when Kelly wrapped me in that pony-girl costume, last month. Once I decided to just go with it, I actually had fun!"

Denise looked from Victoria to Brooke, who shrugged and nodded. Outnumbered, she decided that she had no choice but to go along, to get along.

Kelly, seeing agreement all around, begrudging though it may be, clapped and laughed. Delighted that her plan was coming to fruition.

"OK, great! Leave everything to me," she then jumped up and retrieved a cloth measuring tape and a pad of paper.

"OK. Right now, I need you two," gesturing at Brooke and Denise, "to strip off your dresses, so I can get some measurements. I have to get them to the harness maker."

"Oh great, the harness maker. I never fantasized of ever having to provide measurements to a harness maker," Denise mumbled.

Brooke and Victoria heard her and laughed, but Kelly was too busy fussing with wrapping the tape around Brooke's waist.

The two of them left the house nervous, but also excited about the new adventure Kelly's Halloween plans would present. Denise was more nervous and Brooke was more excited.

Brooke and Denise spent yet another weekend locked away, with no release or relief. With their goals now well past 100 points, it was taking them three or even four weeks to earn their pleasures, even with the points they were earning from wearing the new accessories.

As they usually did, they spent much of Saturday and Sunday either relaxing at home, or out and about town, earning points for exposing themselves, so to speak, in public.

They were both getting really horny and anxious for their next release. Brooke expected to reach her goal on Saturday, while Denise expected hers on Wednesday of the following week. It frustrated her no end, that despite her partner's ten-point penalty, Brooke was still earning points at a faster rate than she was. Much of it was attributable to the expandable butt plug, and to Brooke's ability to wear her chastity bra full-time. Two things that Denise just couldn't deal with. Of course, Brooke also had larger implants and more piercings, too; she'd had those from the start, and they had always made a difference. Denise often tried to think of ways to increase her points earning potential, but couldn't find a way. It made her life even more frustrating, which added to her horniness.

Monday evening was another 'normal' day for them. They arrived at Kelly and Victoria's in their complete chastity outfits and hobbled around in their thigh bands all evening long. They studied, visited, ate dinner and chatted some more before Brooke and Denise headed for home.

It was a pleasant and relaxing evening, but it only served to make the pair even more anxious for release.

On Tuesday, at the club, Kelly filled in the entry form for the contest. During the process, she asked the others to individually complete the portion of the document that asked for participant name and contact info.

Brooke was first, "What's this, 'Entry name: The Goddess' Ride'?"

"That's the name of our group costume. What's wrong with that?" Kelly said, looking a little insulted.

"Oh, nothing, my Goddess," Brooke replied, giggling.

"Yes, my Goddess," Victoria added, "we are yours to command, my goddess."

Denise completed the game, "we serve only you, my Goddess."

And when Kelly began cursing them, they all broke out laughing.

Victoria calmed a resentful Kelly, buy leaning over, grabbing her head and kissing her lovingly.

Apart from that, they had a typically entertaining time.

That night seemed to be visitor's night as both Christine and Roxanne, and Annette and Francis stopped by to chat.

Of course, the time with Christine and Roxanne was much more enjoyable and lasted longer than the drive-by from Annette and her slave husband.

The difference between the two kinky couples was unsettling. Roxanne was so comfortable and happy in her role as slave to her loving mistress, while Annette's treatment of her husband, always seemed to leave him miserable and humiliated. Of course, they were still together so one could only assume that, on some level he enjoyed his ill-treatment. A true submissive, and probably a masochist, as well.

Denise was happy that she was again wearing her slave collar, as when Annette noticed it, she immediately commented, "Oh, I see that Brooke has finally collared you. Good for you dear. But I'm actually a little sad. I had hoped to someday put my collar around your pretty neck. I guess, I'll have to forget that idea."

"Yes, you will," Brooke replied, closing out that discussion.

Soon thereafter Annette led her slave off to mingle elsewhere.

Christine and Roxanne, more welcome, actually sat down at the table for a while, talking.

Christine asked the table if anyone had plans for the Halloween party and Kelly was quick to explain that she, and the three of them, were working on a group thing, that was, at that point a secret.

Roxanne, tried to get her to explain, but Kelly held firm and no one else had the courage to tell.

After a while, Christine led Roxanne off by her leash, headed for the dance floor and they said their goodbyes.

The rest of the evening was enjoyable and they ultimately left the club with their normal, loving farewells.

Over the next couple of weeks, Victoria watched as Kelly went into overdrive, working on her Halloween project. She was used to Kelly's energetic approach to such things, that was just the way she operated when she took on such a mission. Especially when it was her idea, and when it involved something sexy.

Victoria overheard phone calls and saw snippets of emails about the construction of the chariot, the harnesses, the pony boots and Kelly's own costume. She also understood that everything was rushed and expensive, but that didn't seem to interfere with Kelly's plans.

The harnesses arrived two weeks before the event, and they assembled at Kelly's house on a Saturday to try them on. None of the would-be ponies were impressed.

The harnesses were all made of soft, belt-leather, dyed navy blue. They included a tall, laced belly-band, like a waist-cincher, with a bunch of two-inch straps buckled to it. One ran straight down between their legs and connected at the back. Another ran up between their breasts to a tall posture collar, and then down the middle of their back, to connect again with the waist belt, above where the crotch buckled.

From the chest strap, a pair of one-inch bands also ran, from between their breasts, in a V-shape over their shoulders to meat up again with the center strap, mid-back.

Also, from the point just at the top of their ass cracks, a long flowing horse tail stood out several inches before draping, gracefully down to the floor. The things were secured in place by a stiff extension that dipped down from their broad belts, and were further strengthened in their position by the strap that ran front to back and also connected there.

The posture collar was tall and stiff and held their heads erect and unable to move in any direction; up, down or sideways.

The head harness was elaborate and intimidating. It included straps under their chins, an inverted Y strap that passed over their cheeks and the bridge of their noses and then over their heads to the back. There was also a band running around their foreheads. The band running over their heads, front-to-back included a ring at the top, through which their hair, in a pony tail, would run. There were also vertical straps that ran up the sides of their heads, in front of their ears. And these held blinders alongside their eyes, removing their peripheral vision. Atop their heads, the straps held a pair of tall horse ears, these made of stiff black leather.

The head harness with its blinders, coupled with the posture collars that held their heads rigidly looking straight forward would severely limit what they would be able to see.

Finally, thick rubber bits ran across their mouths, and the rings at the sides of their mouths were large and secured in place by their own straps. These rings would also connect to the reins that Kelly would be holding to control her ponies, while standing in her chariot.

Everything buckled on, tightly, and small padlocks, ensured that each and every buckle couldn't be opened.

Perhaps the thing they hated most was that their arms were strictly locked away and unusable. Here was the only difference between Victoria's and Brooke and Denise's harnesses.

Victoria's arms were held in the reverse prayer position she had been practicing for many months. Brooke's and Denise's arms were held, in a 'box tie', bent at the elbow, and secured across the small of their backs.

In any case, none of the ponies would have the use of their arms for the duration. And they all hated that idea. They'd be so very helpless.

When all three of them complained about that situation, Kelly's response was a bit cavalier. "What are you worried about? You'll all be safely locked away in your chastity belts and bras. And your plugs too. No one will be able to harm you."

And when she noticed that Denise was about to say something, she cut her off, "yes Denise, I know you won't have one of the expanding plugs, so we'll just us the locking version of the regular plug in your sweet ass."

"But Kelly, how can we go all night without our arms?" Victoria asked. "We'll want to eat and drink, and we'll probably need to pee too."

"Well, ponies just pee on the floor, wherever they stand, don't they?" Kelly replied.

But after she'd seen the shocked reaction, she had anticipated from the three of them, she laughed, "just kidding girls. You'll be helped for tasks like that, and I can always unlock you if I have to."

They all breathed a partial sigh of relief, but they remained dissatisfied with Kelly's answer.

The only other aspect of interest was on the lower edges of the belly bands, where above each hip a ring was sewn. Kelly explained that it was by those that they'd be hitched by a couple of short straps to the chariot.

All they did that morning was try everything on. And Kelly, wisely, didn't employ any of the padlocks.

She did, in each of their cases test out the straps that would secure their arms, but she quickly released them as soon as they verified that they worked as designed.

After they had all been fitted, Kelly had them walk around the house for a while making sure that nothing chaffed or otherwise caused them discomfort. They all complained about the tightness of the tall waist bands, the restrictions of the collars, and the limitations to their vision. Above all, they protested the terrible bits that forced their mouths open, prevented them from talking, left them drooling uncontrollably, and tasted dreadful.

Kelly pretty much ignored their whining. She was delighted, though, when nothing was identified as being impossible to deal with.

After an hour, Kelly helped them all rid their bodies of the harnesses, leaving them in just their chastity bras and belts. They'd all been allowed to leave off their thigh bands for this session.

They took a break and the girls relaxed and sipped at their wine, discussing and complaining about the various aspects of the harnesses they hated the most.

Kelly disappeared for a few minutes, and came back with three boxes of boots. Passing them out, she said, "here are your pony boots, ladies. Please try them on, and let's get in a little practice with them. They should all fit perfectly; I paid enough for the damn things, you should be able to wear them for hours, or even days."

"Days?" Brooke looked at her as if questioning her sanity.

Kelly, though wasn't to be challenged. "As long as we need."

Each of the girls opened their box.

"Wow, these are nicer than that other pair you forced me wear. It seems like they'll provide more a lot more support. But they seem taller too," Victoria said.

"They are. They're the best available. And all of you should certainly be able to walk in them. Please, try them on."

Brooke and Denise were examining the things, especially the hoof part, that were hard on the outside and padded on the inside. They did look like a horse's hoof, and had hard plastic 'shoes' screwed to their bottoms too. They also found metal versions of the horse shoes in the bottom of the boxes.

Both of them were fascinated and a little frightened, by the things, as they'd never seen anything like them, up close, before. Except, of course that one time at the club with Victoria. And then they hadn't gotten a good look.

As they slipped their feet into the stiff leather, they all discovered that they were really tall. Used to their five-inch heels, Brooke and Denise realized that these things were more like six or even seven inchers! Almost ballet boots in nature. Only their bent toes would be holding their weight.

Lacing them up to their knees, they grasped that the stiff leather around their feet and ankles included some sort of boning that relieved at least some of the pressure on their toes.

"Lace them really tightly, girls, all the way up to the top. It will give you more support," Victoria, the voice of experience, advised.

Once they had them on, all three of them stood up, and all three of them groaned in pain as their feet, ankles and legs complained about the abuse they were suffering.

They held onto each other, and to Kelly as they slowly started moving around, testing their ability to walk in their new hooves.

For the first few minutes they were all so focused on their balance and strides that they didn't hear the noise they were making. But they all soon started giggling as they realized that they sounded like a herd of horses walking around the hard wood floor in Kelly's house. The clip, clop racket did sound just like a horse and with all three of them walking about, it sounded like several of the beasts were tramping about.

"Where's the little lackey clapping coconuts?" Denise joked.

Brooke got it and joined in, laughing, "yah, like the Monty Python movie."

Kelly kept them at practice for a full hour, harassing and cajoling them to keep moving, and refusing to allow them to rest or remove the crazy things. Eventually she did relent and, relieved but still complaining the three of them were seated and rubbing their poor feet and ankles, with the pony boots lying in a pile in front of them.

Kelly, feeling pleased, knelt in front of them and assisted each, in turn, in the massage process.

"Well that wasn't too bad, was it?" she asked the group.

When both Denise and Victoria failed, or was it refused, to answer, Brooke spoke for all of them.

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