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The Perfect Pair Pt. 11


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"Well, that was tough and painful, and I don't know if I can walk around in those boots for hours on end, at the club."

"You won't have to. Once we parade in, and show off for a few minutes, I'll unhitch you from the chariot and you can all sit down and relax for the evening. We will be having dinner and drinks, just like we always do."

The three of them looked at each other, skeptically, but finally Victoria answered. "I hope you're right, and with more practice, I think we'll be able to stand an hour or two on our feet, or hooves, that is."

That got a giggle out of them all, helping them to relax a bit.

The three of them sat around discussing the whole idea, while Kelly stepped out into the garage.

"We did promise to do all of this," Victoria said.

"Yes, but it's way over the top," Denise spoke up, shaking her head, discouraged.

Looking to Victoria, Brooke asked. "Do you really think we'll be OK? You're the only one of us who has played at this pony-girl game; that one night at the club."

"Yes, and I survived, and even got a kick out of it. It did feed my whole submissive fetish. But, I'm not sure you two are all that much into that kink."

Brooke focused on Denise, who gave her a 'who me?' look in response, that drew a smile. She sighed, "Oh, all right, I'm sure we can survive a few hours in this get-up, catering to Kelly, our Goddess."

Denise again shook her head, "or slave driver."

And they all laughed at that.

Kelly returned a few minutes later and invited them out to the garage where she unveiled the chariot she'd be riding in, and they'd be hauling around.

It was admittedly small, and light weight, and it wasn't a real chariot. It was actually a small platform, about two-foot, square, but with a gently rounded front. It sat on four casters, one under each corner, with the two in front able to swivel, and the two in back fixed in place. Like a chariot it had panels on the front and sides that rose up to about Kelly's waist as she stood on the platform. It included two big, fake wagon wheels on each side, just for effect.

Sticking out from in front was a pole, kind of in the shape of a 2, with the base parallel to the ground and affixed to the chariot's floor. The three ponies would be affixed in a triangle to the top tip of the '2' which stood about waist-high.

Kelly explained that Victoria would be in front, with Brooke and Denise behind her and to the sides.

"The whole thing is designed to be easy to move around, and to fit through doors and around the spaces between tables," said Kelly, proudly.

Again, all of the unenthusiastic ponies just accepted her comments, resignedly.

Brooke and Denise visited with their friends for only a little while longer before heading home to enjoy the rest of their weekend.

They relaxed the rest of that day, and went out, in their chastity gear and bimbo attire on Sunday. It was wet and chilly outside so they stayed indoors at the largest mall in the city, and their day included both lunch, dinner and a movie, all within the confines of the huge facility.

By now they were both competent in their thigh bands, and although their movements were far from graceful, they no longer drew curious stares. The watchers were once again focused on their looks, sexy clothes, Brooke's breasts and their prominent nipples.

Denise was happy that Brooke also refrained from flashing the passers-by, and certainly didn't describe their chastity attire to anyone. Brooke was by now so used to her expanding plug, that she no longer reacted noticeably, to the thing as it stretched and released within her ass.

All in all, it was an enjoyable day. And it earned them several points toward their next release.

On Monday evening, when they arrived for their regular date of tutoring and socializing, Kelly immediately required the three of them to don their pony boots. To practice and gain confidence walking in the things. Although they hated the idea, they all complied, not wanting to disappoint or anger her.

They all bitched energetically, when they realized that they'd be practicing with their thigh bands locked in place.

"But we won't be wearing our bands on Halloween," Denise whined.

Kelly's reply frightened them. "Well, I know that's the plan, but if you three get good enough, you could wear the bands with your pony gear."

"Oh hell no!" Brooke mumbled as they all resumed lacing up their boots. No more complaints were made.

For the next several hours the clip-clop of their footsteps echoed throughout the house. It was annoying and a constant reminder of their pending pony-girl performance. Now, only a week away.

By the time Brooke and Denise left for home, all three of the ponies' feet and legs were sore and tired. But they had gotten much better at moving around in their boots, even restricted as they were in their thigh bands.

On Tuesday night, Carrie again joined them at their table. This time she sat between Kelly and Brooke, and Kelly monopolized a lot of her time getting to know the cute, young lady. And Carrie got to know and like Kelly and Victoria, too.

When the band started up, Kelly invited Carrie to dance, and they worked their way into the mob, but she then hustled the confused girl off, out of sight of their table, to the other side of the restaurant for a private chat.

"Don't worry, I'm not kidnapping you, or anything, I just wanted to ask you a favor," Kelly explained.

She then asked if Carrie's Elf costume is restrictive in any way. Will it allow her freedom of movement? Carrie, still unsure about the line of questioning, assures her that it will not provide any challenges to her ability to walk, or any other task.

Nodding, Kelly then introduced her main point. She described 'The Goddess' Ride' and the costumes her three friends will be wearing, and asks her to help with the care and feeding of the ponies. Carrie delighted by the mental picture she forms of the whole thing, happily agrees, to help.

The two of them then return to the dance floor, for one more song, and then wander casually back to the table.

The rest of the evening is just plain fun for one and all.

In the parking lot, before Brooke and Denise head for home, they agree to more practice on Friday, but all three of the pony-girls pressure Kelly to allow them to wear their boots without the thigh-bands.

Much to their relief, she agrees.

Brooke and Denise arrive at Kelly & Victoria's home on Friday night, happy to be without the annoying bands holding their legs together.

They lose some of their enthusiasm, though as they lace up their tall pony boots, and begin clip-clopping around the house. By now they've actually become fairly competent in the crazy things, so despite their misgivings the night goes well, and only the annoying sound of their hooves on the hard floors bothers them.

Kelly is profuse in her praise for their skills, but she keeps pushing them to prance around, both inside and outside the house.

When, Victoria and Brooke, sigh in unison as they sit and Kelly and Denise giggle in response.

"What are you laughing about?" Kelly asks Denise, sternly, "you should also be wearing an expanding plug, and sighing as you sit, as these happy ponies do."

Denise, quickly stops snickering and does her best to look repentant.

The conversation around the dinner table centers around the upcoming party and their costumes.

Kelly is, as always enthusiastic, while the three pony-girls are less so. They are, though accepting of their roles and trying their best to be at least content in their pony personas'.

As their evening draws to a close, Kelly invites Brooke and Denise to come over in the morning to start full dress rehearsals for Tuesday's event.

When they don't show a lot of enthusiasm, they get a lecture, with Kelly making it abundantly clear that the practice session will happen, and that they will all attend. "End of discussion. We only have a few days left before the party and we need to be ready. See you tomorrow at 9:00am."

Brooke and Denise left for home, resigned to spending their weekend, or most of it, in their pony-girl harnesses.

At nine the next morning Brooke and Denise are at Kelly's front door. Kelly lets them in and gives them perfunctory kisses before leading them into the house. Victoria is already fully dressed in her harness and pony boots, over the top of her chastity belt and bra. Her arms are secured and she even has her bit in place.

"Oh no, you don't," Brooke says. "There's no reason for us to wear the bits just to practice."

Denise agrees, "that's for damn sure. It isn't going to happen. And I don't like the idea of securing our arms either."

Kelly looks at them angrily. "It's all part of the costume and you have to get used to it. You need the practice. So, stop your whining, and let's get you buckled in."

But Brooke stands her ground, and Denise supports her. "Nope," they say in unison.

Kelly continues to try and stare them down, but they respond in kind, but the Goddess won't give in. "Now listen ladies, we have to practice the full routine, with you pulling the chariot and with me using the reins to direct you. And you have to get used to the feel of the bits and reins for that. So how about just for a couple of hours, you'll wear the bit. Please?"

Brooke, calming a bit, could see the logic in that argument. Kelly was right in thinking that they had to practice the full routine, just like it would be on Tuesday, so she sighed, and nodded. "I suppose you're right, we do need that level of practice, but just for an hour."

Denise couldn't disagree, so she nodded.

"OK, good, so let's get you harnessed up." Kelly said.

It took them almost a full hour to get the harnesses strapped to their bodies, and the bridles and bits buckled about their heads. Of course, in the end their arms were also secured, so all three of the ponies were helpless.

Then Kelly secured them to the chariot, further restraining them.

The Goddess mounted the cart and began coaching them on how to pull together and respond to the reins. She seemed to enjoy herself, but the pony-girls didn't.

After an hour of dragging the chariot around all three of the ponies were tired and sore. Finally, Victoria stopped, and stomped her hoof, and when Kelly looked at her questioningly, Victoria pointed with a head movement toward the clock. Brooke and Denise, made little grunting noises in agreement, it was time to stop.

Kelly though played the bitch, "is that any way for ponies to speak? Let me hear a nice whinny from all three of you."

When all she got was a dirty look, she reached for her buggy-whip, and that got the desired reaction. Each of them whinnied as good pony-girls should.

Kelly laughed, "very good. Now you're right, it has been an hour, but I think there's still room for improvement. So how about another hour this afternoon? Then we'll be done."

When all three whinnied and shook their heads, as best they could, indicating what they thought if that idea, Kelly shook her own head, and reprimanded them. "Now ponies. If you don't agree to another session, after a rest and some lunch, then I might just have to continue this practice until I'm completely satisfied."

When the three of them continued to complain, she continued, "It's not like you have much choice, you know. You're pony-girls until I let you out of your harnesses."

Hitched to the chariot, Victoria couldn't even turn around to look at her sisters for support, and she knew all too well how stubborn her lover could be, so she began to nod her agreement. Seeing Victoria, Brooke and Denise looked at each other and understanding that they really didn't have a choice, they agreed too.

Kelly, beaming, congratulated them on their wise decision, "good girls, now let me unhitch you so you can relax." And she proceeded to one-by-one unhook them from the cart, unbuckle their bits and unlock their arms.

All of them moaned and groaned as they worked their jaws and arms, to get their circulation going and stretch their joints. As soon as they could they also wiped their mouths and chins and drank big glasses of water.

"Damn, Kelly you're a mean Goddess. You need to treat your ponies better." Brooke scolded her.

"Hey. I've put a lot of time and money into this, and I really want it to go off perfectly. And that requires a team of fully trained ponies. So, relax for a while, and then we can get some lunch going."

They all grabbed soft drinks and settled down, lounging on the soft cushions of the couch. Of course, the ponies were still in their harnesses, boots and tails, and that limited their comfort level. The tails, coupled with the expanding butt plugs in Brooke and Victoria made it difficult to sit. But they still appreciated getting off their hooves, and away from the chariot.

In between complaining, they talked about the issues and challenges of moving as a team, not tripping, and maneuvering the chariot around the furniture and through the doorways. They also, occasionally commented about how heavy Kelly was, only to make her angry.

They made lunch, clip-clopping around the kitchen, and sat around the dining room table as best they could, arranging their tails to fit through the slits in the chair backs. Another annoying aspect of their outfits.

After lunch, Kelly made all of them parade endlessly around the house, at varying speeds, to improve their 'gaits'.

They then took another break, to rest and get off their hooves before it was time for their afternoon practice session with the chariot.

This time, Kelly even donned her full Goddess costume, with its golden breastplate, short skirt, sandals and tall golden helmet. It was shaped in the Spartan style so it hid most of her face, but included a tall, and elaborate 'comb' running from front to back over its crown.

The ponies admitted, begrudgingly, that she looked impressive.

Kelly re-secured their arms, installed their bits and hitched them to the chariot. That process did go more smoothly, and faster, this time. Practice makes perfect, don't you know...

Also, this time Kelly employed her buggy whip to help them understand her directions, better. The thing had a stiff 3-foot rod with a 6-inch leather tip, and she's good with it! Several times she elicited squeals from a pony when she caught them just right on a flank. The Goddess enjoyed those moments, much more than the ponies did.

By the time they finished that hour, the ponies were tired and sore and ready to call it quits, so Kelly let them off the hook, and stripped them of all of their gear.

Before Brooke and Denise left, they surrendered, at Kelly's insistence, to more training on the morrow, but this time Brooke and Denise insisted that it be done at their house - where the chariot wouldn't be available.

Kelly had to be satisfied with that plan. She feared a total pony revolt if she pushed them too much farther. It could have been ugly!

The Goddess and her number one pony showed up at Brooke and Denise's house exactly at 10:00, and they each carried a carton full of pony tack.

As soon as they were in the door Kelly started getting on the three of them to get undressed and into their harnesses.

Reluctantly they agreed, and an hour later they were fully outfitted in their hoof boots, with body and head harnesses over their chastity belts and bras.

Kelly had insisted, and she secured their arms, but had allowed them a pass on their bits. She did threaten to insert the things if her ponies complained too much.

Once in their outfits, the three girls were pretty much helpless, so there was little they could do but, act like the ponies they were.

Kelly got a kick out of herding them around the house, so they could practice in their boots and with the restrictions imposed by the harnesses, particularly with the collars, head straps and blinders limiting their vision. Those aspects led to a lot of tripping and bumping into things. And, not unexpectedly, whining and complaining.

Kelly ignored it all, and used her buggy whip to control and motivate any recalcitrant ponies. Its use added squeals and curses to the mix.

Periodically she held up water cups for them, and even popped snacks into their mouths. She also allowed them to take breaks and relax on the kitchen chairs.

They all had difficult times with their tails, getting caught under them, or on the chair backs, and Victoria and Brooke, had additional issues with their expanding butt plugs. All of their struggles and reactions made Kelly laugh, delightedly.

Kelly did unstrap their arms for a late lunch and all of them took advantage of that freedom not only to eat, but to visit the bathroom. They had to be careful not to dip either their tails or their unbuckled crotch straps from dipping into the toilette. It was just another annoying aspect of their costumes.

Kelly browbeat them into another practice session, with their arms again secured behind them after the lunch break. Once their arms were secured, she then informed them that they needed more practice with the bits in their mouths.

All of them complained, but couldn't provide any real resistance, so eventually all of the ponies were gagged and whinnying as Kelly again played cowboy and forced them to parade around the house and even out into the chilly back yard.

Finally, with her ponies again close to revolt, she declared their performance acceptable and the training session at an end. She laboriously removed all of their tack and allowed them to stretch, moaning and groaning, before they all collapsed onto the couch.

There, Kelly waited on them, providing glasses of wine and plates of snacks, as they recovered. The only thing that really cheered them up was when she reminded them that the practice sessions were over and all they now had to do was play along at the party.

After visiting for a while, Victoria slipped her dress and shoes back on and the two of them headed home, with the two boxes of leather-goods in hand.

After a good night's sleep Brooke and Dennis headed into work, relieved that there will be no practice tonight, and that they'll be able to relax at home all evening. After discussing the upcoming event, though, they request the next couple of days off, and their bosses grant it to them.

When they meet up at Kelly & Victoria's Tuesday afternoon, ready for their dubious adventure, they're surprised to find that Kelly has actually rented a cargo van to haul them and the chariot to the club.

"Damn! You really have gone all out!" Brooke says.

"Yes, I have. So, all of you had better be good little ponies, and play your parts. No screw-ups, and no revolts."

Kelly insists that they all get fully into costume, before they depart, and the three ponies, unhappy about losing the use of their arms earlier than necessary, tell her so. But Kelly explains that there won't be room in the van for her to crawl around and do up their arms, once they arrive. So, they capitulate.

"At least we don't have to wear the bit gags," Brooke says to her pony friends.

"Yah, whatever," Denise mumbles.

As they lace on their boots, Brooke notices that the metal hooves have been installed in place of the hard-plastic ones. "Kelly, have you been playing blacksmith?" she asks.

"Yes, you'll be walking around the parking lot and the harder floors in the club, and we don't want to wear out your shoes. And those steal shoes make a lot nicer noise as you stomp around."

"Oh great!" Denise said.

Inside the van, the three of them sit on pillows scattered about the open deck, with the chariot taking up a lot of the floor space.

They arrived at the club, early and Kelly parked in the back of the lot. She then had everyone sit and wait. She was determined to make a grand entrance, and there just wasn't enough activity, yet. All of the ponies were uncomfortable, but could do nothing about it.

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