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The Photo Shop Ch. 01


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"Oops!" was all she could say.

"Let me try to help you" I said, but before I could bend down to pick up her dress she turned and stepped out of it, kicking it to the side.

I have no idea what possessed her, but she let go of the most perfect B-cups I had ever seen and was reaching for the ceiling stretching her body pushing out her boobs and pulling in her midriff as if she was offering her breasts and her whole body to me.

"I feel adventurous Lew!" she cried out, "Take my picture!"

Her mounds were topped with small darkish areola, typical for black haired women of Southern Europe about the size of a 2 euro coin.

I quickly started clicking away with the camera.

It became clear in about 2 seconds that she had other plans in mind for me as she started to come closer and closer, making it impossible for me to take anymore pictures.

Her arms dropped and she took my head between her two hands and in one swift motion her lips came to mine with the tip of her tongue darting out and trying to get into my mouth, which I of course immediately allowed and participated in.

I almost dropped the camera, but was still astute enough to put it down on the coffee table to my side, saving my precious camera and all the pictures I had taken of her.

Leaning back a bit she said "Oh yes kiss me!" and invaded my mouth again with hers.

My arm went around her, one hand pressed against the middle of her back, the other hand gripped her butt.

I buried my face between her breasts. And with a muffled voice I whispered, "Oh my God you are so beautiful Catharina!"

From the valley between her breasts I moved to the left one licking the dark nipple which started to grow under my manipulation until it stood out hard like a pencil eraser.

"Yes Lew, I love it when you kiss my boobs!"

Meanwhile my hand was massaging her right breast, pinching its nipple between my thumb and index finger resulting in some light moans from Catharina.

When I replaced my hand with my mouth that same hand slowly ventured down her stomach, tickling her belly button and shortly stopped at the elastic of her thong.

Hooking a finger in it and slowly taking it down, thus unveiling what felt like a nicely shaved pussy topped with a narrow landing strip of her coal black hair.

I was really desperate to get a closer look at it so I dropped to my knees bringing my face exactly in front of her most intimate area.

My palms reached for her round, firm ass cheeks, grabbing a hold of them like I was drowning, pulling my face into her perfumed pussy.

She smelled of vanilla accentuated by her own delicate aroma.

I brushed my lips down her pubes and reached the top of her gash.

My tongue raked along her velvety labia as I planted kisses on the hood of her clit.

"Oh my God this is heaven!" she cried out in between moans.

As she was still holding my head, her hands had moved together with it descending, this allowed her to push my head straight to her lips down under, urging me to kiss them as she had kissed my lips just a minute ago which I promptly did.

"Yes Lew kiss my pussy...Lick my pussy...Make me come!"

I felt her bending her legs making her knees point outward giving me better access to her delicious cunt.

She sighed hard pulling my head into her snatch even tighter.

Moving my hands slightly upward to her hips I guided her towards the settee and made her sit down.

Grabbing her legs just above the back of the knee I was able to really open her up resting her feet up on my shoulders and pushing her knees gently outward.

I pulled back for a moment, appreciating the captivating sight of her secret garden, her labia were smooth and hairless.

They were pale and puffy, and now spread wide before me.

Between them, her inner lips, a deeper pink hung blood engorged and begging for attention.

"Oh Catharina, I am going to eat you alive!"

I started licking her pussy again from the hooded clit all the way down over her perineum to her little brown star and back up pinching her love bean with my lips enticing it from under its hood eliciting high pitched moans from her.

My questing tongue traced circles around her now growing clit until she was dripping from my saliva and her own honey.

Sliding down again I pushed my tongue as deep as it would go into her fuck hole, and feasted on the rich, tangy taste, of her nectar.

After a while, replacing my tongue with my index finger I started to make the famous come here movement tickling the spongy tissue of her G spot.

This really got her juices flowing, she started to move her pelvis up arching her back all the while making moaning noises.

After introducing a second finger in her love grotto she started to buck and deeply inhale drawing in her stomach bringing out her two mounds which she started to caress herself pinching the rock hard nipples.

Her clit had now almost doubled in size and I began giving it little bites alternated with long licks with a flat tongue.

Her moans increased in volume, "Oh, Dio...Oh, Dio!" she began to gasp out load in her sing song Italian.

It was then that I felt that an orgasm began to course through her.

"Fammi venire!" she cried out, further reverting to her mother tongue reaching her orgasm.

Her pussy was producing a flood of girl cum. I could barely keep up swallowing her delicious fluids.

This was by far the best dessert I could imagine to ever get after a dinner and to be honest totally unexpected.

I could not have imagined that a simple dinner engagement with in fact a total stranger would result in such a feast.

I had difficulty keeping her in position as she really started to buck her hips accompanied by loud cries, "Ti vengo! Ti vengo!" yelling out load.

I sure hope the neighbors were not at home and if not, stone deaf, flashed through my mind.

I kept licking her pussy sticking my tongue deep in it while I started probing her backdoor with my finger.

"Oh si, OH SI!" she screamed, "Keep doing that, that feels sooo good."

By slowly wiggling my finger in her but hole I kept her orgasm going resulting in more screams, hard breathing pushing her pelvis harder into my face.

As her orgasm increased, I felt her vagina contracting around my fingers firmly embedded inside her.

Pushing my other finger up to the second knuckle in her rear passage resulted in a bigger flood of girl juices in the front.

Looking up at her she was out of this world her eyeballs had turned up and she was shaking and shivering and by the looks of it, losing consciousness.

I removed my fingers and put my hand flat on her pussy to bring here down from this enormous orgasm she just experienced while I placed little butterfly kisses all over her body.

Starting at her abdomen and slowly going through the valley of her perky breasts making a little side trip to her engorged nipples over her collarbone to her neck ending up on her cherry lips.

By that time she had come down from her orgasm she had fallen asleep.

I picked her up and carried her to her bed laying her down and pulling a sheet over her so she wouldn't get cold and could slowly recover from her adventure.

I settled back in the settee and sort of tried to imitate her by making myself comfortable with a pillow and a blanket.

Before falling asleep however I had set my alarm to 6 AM as I knew she had to be back at work around seven to serve breakfast in the hotel restaurant.

Promptly at six the alarm went off startling me.

I opened my eyes, at first I had no idea where I was, but then it all came flooding back like a Tsunami, the divine body, the gorgeous eyes, the legs long as a night without love, the toned abdomen and the twin peaks crowned by diamond hard dark nipples.

I jumped off of the settee and looked into her in the bedroom, she was slowly waking up and giving me a smile.

"What happened?" she asked.

"You were gone from this world darling and joined the heavens I think experiencing a massive orgasm like you did, you lost consciousness and fell asleep. I put you to bed and tried to catch some shut eye myself on your sofa, and here we are."

Then she remembered, "yes, I have never before experienced such an orgasm in my life, I had no idea what came over me, it was earth shattering."

"I am afraid you now have to forget all about that and start getting ready for work. Guests will be waiting to be served their breakfast at the hotel, me being one of them."

"Oh yeah, I need to get cracking," she said all of a sudden totally business like.

She jumped out of bed giving me again an amazing view of her glorious naked body and hurried into the bathroom jumping straight into the shower.

When she came out, about five minutes later, she looked refreshed and ready to tackle that day's tasks.

"Catharina, would dare going to work commando?"

I saw the question marks appear in her beautiful almost black eyes. "Commando," she asked, "what is going commando?"

"You never heard about going commando?"

"No!" was her clearly honest answer.

"Well Catharina, going commando is when you don't wear underwear especially down there, you just leave your pussy uncovered under your overclothing."

"MMMh! I never heard of that, I am not sure that is a very good idea though but I will give it some thought during the course of the day."

We walked together to the hotel splitting up at the corner of the street, she going to the employee entrance, me going through the grand entrance straight to my room.

I too jumped in the shower, shaved and put on some clean clothes so I could join her in the breakfast room.

Upon entering the breakfast room I saw her already waiting for the guests to arrive.

On a Sunday morning however, around seven thirty not many patrons of the hotel had the courage to come down to breakfast, so again I was virtually the only guest in the breakfast room.

I choose a strategically placed table with my back to the wall so I could oversee the whole breakfast room making sure nobody was paying attention to me.

Quickly Catharina joined me at my table with the breakfast menu.

After receiving it from her I took ample time to look it over and start a conversation with her about what she would recommend.

In the meantime I made my move gently caressing her knee and slowly sliding upward with my hand tickling her inner thigh getting closer and closer to the spot I wanted to explore and feel if she had followed my suggestion of going commando.

A slight tremor went through her body as my hand moved slowly towards her secret love garden.

As she was standing next to me behind the table nobody could see what was going on. When I came closer to my target I started to feel some wetness.

It was clear that her juices had started to flow, I could even detect her womanly scent.

Finally my thumb reached her labia and I promptly started to wiggle it back and forth eliciting a slight moan from her lips.

Moving my hand to the rear, I replaced my thumb with my index finger between her pussy lips and my thumb moved to her little brown star.

As my thumb was wet from the juices that had emanated from her pussy during its passage there, it slid easily into her little back passage up to the first knuckle, resulting in another a bit louder sigh.

By that time my index finger was almost in her love canal to the second knuckle.

I started to wiggle them both toward each other and felt her tremble, her legs started to give way, time to stop, otherwise she surely would have orgasmed and I am sure the rest of the staff would have noticed.

So I quickly withdrew my hand and brought my index finger up sliding it into my mouth so I could taste her honey again.

She looked at me with big eyes that in fact did not really see anything as she indeed had a mild orgasm stifling her moans with her order book for breakfast.

After a few seconds she composed herself and was able to note what I would like for breakfast, orange juice and tea to drink with two fried eggs sunny side up, bacon, some hash browns and please lots of baked beans. Toast and jam, a croissant and some yoghurt and fresh fruit to finish it off.

I thanked her for following my suggestions and expressed the hope that she did not regret it, followed by a wink. "I sure hope you liked my commando look sir?"

After which she blushed and moved quickly towards the kitchen to pass my order to the chef and get my drinks.

On returning with my order, I asked Catharina if she would be interested to meet up again when she was done working for the day.

"I finish my shift at four, after the afternoon tea service, and it would be nice to have another fun filled evening with you."

After breakfast I returned to my room to get some work done.

All of a sudden I remembered I still needed to download the photos I had taken the day before onto my laptop. I was soon distracted by the photos and completely forgot about work.

Reliving the day through the photos was mesmerizing especially when I came to the part of the photo session in her place in the evening when I had captured her natural beauty in all its naked glory.

And glorious she really was, now that I had ample time to take all of the images in, in a slow pace, admiring all the different parts of her tempting body.

From her classic Roman face framed with her abundant black hair looking at her shoulders, slightly tanned moving onto the twin peaks adorning her chest crowned with the most adorable light brown areola ending with, slightly darker, rock hard nipples.

Descending further towards her stomach passing by the cute dimple her belly button made in this almost concave surface finally arriving at her pubic bone rising again from the toned expanse of her stomach adorned by the nicely trimmed narrow landing strip of black hair to the most delicious pussy like a ripe plum.

No inner labia in sight almost like a teenagers, which in hindsight, I immediately remembered she still was. Her legs completed the picture, long slender toned kissed by the Italian sun.

Going over the photos gave me a raging hardon, especially when I started to remember how her pussy tasted and felt. I hoped I would be able to repeat the experience of the previous night and even take it a little further.

I had not really any idea what her sexual experience amounted to, was she still a virgin, which honestly I doubted given her reaction after her dress had dropped to the floor revealing her exciting body, giving me the opportunity to take my first pictures of a completely nude woman.

The few square centimeters of fabric which were covering her pudenda was just a detail I liked to forget about.

This got me so turned on and since I hadn't come the night before only taking care of her I got my prick out and started beating the meat.

Looking at the pictures was better than watching a porn movie. This time however I didn't want to come as I preferred to keep my strength for that evenings' adventures.

I quickly saw her again at lunchtime in the hotel restaurant which contrary to breakfast was overcrowded as lots of Italian families celebrate all kind of events in hotel restaurants at lunch on Sunday.

Returning to my room I enjoyed a siesta in anticipation of hopefully a very busy evening and night, one can always hope, but not before going over the photos again.

It was hard not to masturbate, but I refrained from doing so to keep up my strength for later that day.

Barely 5-five minutes after four I heard a knock on my door "Room service!" I heard a familiar voice saying.

The real room service had already delivered a bottle of Champaign of which I had already filled two glasses.

When opening the door I almost dragged her inside quickly closed and locked it, but not before I had put the 'Do Not Disturb' sign up.

She melted into my arms and we started kissing like there was no tomorrow.

Our tongues started a battle going up and down and around exploring each other's mouth to discover and stimulate all the nooks and crannies. She was an excellent kisser.

After about ten minutes we came up for air and I looked into her dark smoldering eyes and she returned the gaze with the same intensity.

"Well my little Italian princess," I said "Are you ready for some more cunnilingus or would you prefer to explore some of the delicacies of the Kamasutra?"

She looked at me again with those question marks in her eyes I had seen before when I brought up the idea of going commando.

"Cunni...what?" she asked hesitantly.

"You have no idea what cunnilingus is my darling?"

"No I have no idea".

"Well think back to what I did to you last night on the sofa."

"Oh you mean eating my pussy, is that what it is?"

"Yes Catharina, that's what it is, the art of oral sex on a woman.

"Then probably you are not familiar with the term Fellatio either?

"Absolutely, I know all about that, it is about the only thing Italian men really want."

"You never had an Italian man go down on you then? Which is another way of describing cunnilingus."

"No "you were the first ever to pleasure me that way."

"Hey great so I took your cunnilingus virginity then?"

"Yes and you are most welcome to continue the performance if that is what you like to do?"

That was all I needed to bring my hands to the hem of her skirt and lift it up over her hips and yes, she was still commando, so I could attack her muff immediately with my eager mouth.

While I started kissing her pussy lips she started to unzip her skirt to make it easier for me to bring her the joy she was secretly expecting.

I looked upward once more into her eyes and smiled. With a muffled voice I said, "I promise I will make you happy." and planted a soft, slow kiss on her fleshy pussy lips, inhaling her enticing scent.

As she was now naked from the waist down and nothing was holding me back to go for the full attack on her pussy, I moved her towards the bed and laid her down gently.

Moving from her pussy lips upward toward the fleshy hood holding the wonderful pleasure button that gets every woman going, I started to give it short licks enticing her pleasure bean out from under its fleshy protection.

I alternated the clit licks with flay tongue ones, going all the way down to her vaginal opening and sticking my tongue in there as deep as it would go. That got her going, she started to moan, her breath increased considerably giving a hint that I got her arousal going at full speed.

I kissed my way down one labia and up the other, lightly blowing warm air along her snatch. She began shivering violently.

As I didn't want her to have a small orgasm immediately but build up to a better and more intense one, I stopped eating her out and reached up to softly rub her lower back, trying to relax her which resulted in a small disappointed moan from her side.

I wanted however to play with her complete body and two important protrusions were still covered with clothing.

Moving up I started to undo the buttons of her blouse slowly uncovering her fun bags, which were protected by a very sexy semitransparent pink lace bra showing her dark areola crowned by already hard nipples .

Removing her blouse after the last button was unfastened gave me a front row view of her mounds which did not really needed the support of a bra, as it was still in the way of an unobstructed view of what I was looking for she grasped my predicament and moved her arms to her back to unlock the door that was keeping me from her glorious boobs.

When the bra was removed I moved slightly backward and first feasted my eyes on her completely naked body.

I did not immediately attack the twin peaks as most men usually do but I started to move my nails from her neck slowly down and over the topside of her boobs going slowly to the side and then coming back up from beneath through the valley making sure I did not touch her nipples in any way.

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