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The Photographer

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Wife takes the plunge.
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I knew my husband always wanted me to get some sexy boudoir photos taken. I was always afraid of showing some stranger my nude form. I was happy with my features and curves, just didn't want to show them off to someone I didn't know. I had spent time on the internet looking around, but I still couldn't find myself going through with it. My husband and I dabbled around with photography on our own, in our own private home. I knew though it wasn't what he desired. He wanted to be surprised, he wanted high quality photos.

I was out running errands one afternoon, while the kids were in school. Just mostly window shopping, then I would head over to the store to pick up something for dinner. I was a little distracted walking back to my vehicle, and wasn't watching for other cars. I didn't notice the car next to me trying to back out, and would have gotten hit if the person hadn't been watching. I heard the horn honk and managed to jump back in time, but in the process my purse had fallen from my shoulder and thumped against the moving vehicle.

The driver pulled forward, put his vehicle in park and hopped out to make sure I was not hurt. I immediately began to apologize, and looked up to see the vehicle owner. He was quite good looking, medium dark skin, and a bit of a Spanish accent. He had a shaved head and a goatee. He was hot as hell. He began to apologize himself, as he asked me if I was hurt in any way. I told him I was fine, that it was just my purse that got hit. I was quite embarrassed, and he sensed it. He quickly put me at ease, and we got to talking a bit, and then he offered to buy me a cup of coffee. I thought about turning him down, letting him know I was married, but I decided to take him up on his offer. It was just a harmless cup of coffee, and at the moment I could have really used one.

Looking at the time on my phone, I noted I still had a few hours before the kids were due home from school. So I looked at the hot guy in front of me and told him I would accept his offer. He mentioned a place nearby and said he would meet me there. I got to my vehicle a few seconds later and sat for a few minutes, thinking about what I was doing. I was about to meet a complete stranger for a drink. I had to keep reassuring myself that it was harmless. Yes I was really attracted to him, but so what. Not like he had invited me to his place or anything. Deciding I had nothing to worry about, I started my car and drove away. The place he suggested was just around the block, so it took only a few short minutes.

I could see his car already parked in the lot, I pulled in next to his and made my way inside. As I entered the door my new friend stood from his table and waved me over. I approached the table and took a seat across from him. He reached his hand out and introduced himself as Ralph. I told him my name was Jennifer, but he could call me Jeny or Jen for short. We ordered our coffee and took turns sharing a bit about ourselves. It was a fun afternoon, and I was quite enjoying his company, when he noticed the time and told me he had to get going. I looked at my phone again and realized we had been talking for the last hour and a half. It didn't feel like we had spent that much time chatting. As he got up to leave he handed me his business card and asked to call him if I wanted to go out for drinks again.

His card was for a photography studio. I never heard of the place, but I found it interesting that he just happened to own just the business I had been searching for. He seen the surprised look on my face and asked me about it. I Told him I would share the story next time, it was too long to get into at the moment. He seemed to be happy with that, shook my hand again and told me he would see me next time. I had just enough time to get to the grocery store, pick up dinner, and make it home before the kids would arrive.

I spent the rest of the evening thinking about my new friend and wondered if he might be the right person to do the photos we were looking for. I decided to keep my outing a secret from my husband. I don't usually keep anything from him, but I felt that if I did mention the outing I might reveal too much and ruin the surprise. Besides I still hadn't made up my mind on whether I would go through with it or not. I had to admit though my new friend did seem to be what I was looking for. I went to sleep that night giving it a lot of thought. By morning I decided to have a few more coffee dates before I would make up my mind.

After getting the kids off to the school bus, I picked up my phone and called Ralph. He answered and was quite surprised it was me. I could tell he thought he might not hear back from me, or at least not so soon. We came up with a time to meet and we hung up. I had enough time for a quick shower, and to make myself look a bit more attractive than I was yesterday. I really hadn't planned on meeting up with anyone the day before, so I was dressed in jeans and a T-shirt. Today I would wear my favorite sun dress and some heels. My toes were painted a bright pink, so they would look great displayed in open toed heels. I really hated showing them off if they didn't look just right.

I managed to get to the coffee shop a few minutes early. Whoever said women took forever getting ready never met me, I laughed as I said it to myself. I picked out a spot and parked my car. I went inside hoping to find a quiet table in the back from prying ears. Ralph showed up a few minutes later and it was my turn to wave him over. He smiled as he took his seat and complimented me on my outfit. I blushed out a quick thank you. We ordered our coffee, and he asked about my story I told him I didn't have time to finish yesterday. I thought about it a bit and then decided to be open and honest.

My husband has always wanted some professional risqué photos of me. I had done some looking around, but I haven't been able to get comfortable enough with anyone I've seen listed anywhere to do it. I just don't know any good enough people to trust with what I want done. Ralph kept quiet the whole time I was telling him my story. He seemed to be a real patient kind of guy. After I finished talking he took a few minutes to let it all sink in and then asked me some questions regarding what it was exactly I needed. He asked some good questions, like how risqué I wanted to get, what I wanted to show, what I thought about wearing. I gave it some thought and answered that truthfully I just didn't know.

Then he impressed me by telling me that I should start off slow, take some regular pictures, get used to the camera and get comfortable before jumping into anything. I thought that was a great idea, he really knew how to put my mind at ease. He told me to think about it and when I was ready I could call him and set up an appointment. With that out of the way we started to have normal chit chat like we had the day before. It was quite nice; he really made me feel quite at ease. We both shared allot about ourselves over the next few hours. Turned out he was single, no children, and had been doing photography since he was in his early teens.

Time was flying by again as we sat and chatted. Ralph once again had to get going. He had an appointment he had to get to, and asked me out again Friday. I told him instead of coffee; maybe he could show me around his studio and allow me to see how he operated. He thought it was a great idea just didn't want to be pushy about it. We made an appointment for Saturday, so I didn't have to worry about the kids. My husband would be home and could entertain them while I was out. I would make an excuse that I would be out with one of my girlfriends, so as not to ruin the surprise. Plus I really didn't want to get his hopes up.

Saturday morning I found myself filled with the jitters, I was excited but at the same time a bit scared still. I didn't want to cancel my appointment. He did say he would take things slow and make sure I was comfortable. I spent allot of time getting ready, I did my hair up a bit and applied a bit of makeup. I didn't want to go overboard, but I wanted to make a bit of an impression. I decided on a baby pink lacy baby doll dress; with another pair of strappy open toe heels. My husband was drooling as he watched me get ready for my day out. He made some comments kidding around that I was getting ready for a hot date. I knew he would love to know that I was doing just that, but I kept the secret and told him I was just going out with a girlfriend.

I made it to the studio right on time. I entered to find the place empty. I looked around the waiting area a bit not sure where to go. Ralph had a bunch of photos hanging from the walls, displaying his techniques and hard work. He had everything from family portraits, to what looked like high school senior photos. He even had a few g rated boudoir shots like I had envisioned. He really knew how to capture the moment in all his work. He had a great eye for making his pictures look like they were coming to life. I had given each picture a good look over, and then was snuck up on by Ralph. I don't think that was his intention, I was just so amazed by his work I hadn't heard him come in. I was startled and jumped as he called out my name.

He apologized saying he didn't mean to startle me. He said he heard the buzzer as I entered, and wanted to give me some privacy to have a look around before he came out to greet me. I told him it was quite alright and then complimented him on his amazing work. He got a big smile hearing my kind words. He thanked me and asked if I'd like to have a tour. I held my hand out and told him to show the way. He led me through the back and showed me several rooms. He thought of everything. He had rooms that looked like they were cut fresh from the forest, to rooms that had different screens for different backdrops. He even had a room just for boudoir style photos that I had seen in the pictures in his waiting room.

After the tour he suggested I try out a few poses with him in the room with all the different screens. I felt comfortable enough, so I agreed. He led me to the room and we looked through the screens for just the right color background. He decided on a red one to accentuate my pink baby doll dress. The backdrop was a bright color and it made my dress and features pop. He had me stand there as he got out a camera and started taking my picture. He offered a few pose ideas and even helped me into a few because I was a bit confused as to what he meant. After a few minutes of some standing poses, Ralph asked if I would do some while sitting. I thought that was a great idea and he got a bench moved over and got me in some really sexy type poses. I really felt great as his camera clicked away.

He positioned me to show some leg, and I was completely dressed but felt a bit naughty in how he posed me. I would lean forward and put my cleavage on display, even grabbing my lacy clad breasts and really drive my cleavage out there. He seemed to be enjoying himself as much as I was. He didn't ask for any poses just allowed me to do as I liked. I hadn't put on anything under my dress, so I proceeded to tease him even more when I turned around and bent over revealing my panty less backside. I hoped he could see how wet I was. He made me feel so comfortable, and I was rewarding him for it. I then sat down and spread my legs, revealing my freshly shaved kitten. He just stood there mouth wide open as he clicked away with the camera.

He liked the teasing I was doing and wanted it to continue. "Come closer and get a better look." I said to him. He didn't hesitate, he came over and kneeled right next to me and placed his camera on the floor next to him. I could see the question in his eyes, he wanted to touch me and I wanted the same. So I just nodded my head and he took that as consent. He reached a hand up and took my large breast into his hand, and began to lightly rub it through my lacy dress. I lost all pretense of holding back and I attacked his lips with my mouth. I reached up and grabbed his head bringing him down to mine. I kissed him hard and passionately, he returned the favor. He began to grope me more firmly. I had then moved my free hand to his crotch and felt for his huge hard tool. I was hoping that it was as large as it looked. I was not let down when I reached it, I knew immediately it was all him and he was way bigger than I was used to.

Out of nowhere he scooped me up and carried me off to the boudoir room, where a large size bed was waiting silently just for us. I decided I was going to let this hot man take me however he wanted. I was ready for it. He laid me gently on the bed and asked if he could remove my dress. I looked up at him and nodded. He found the clasp and zipper at my side, and expertly had my clothing undone without trouble. I slowly removed the sleeves from my arms, and pulled the dress from my shoulders. As I lowered it my large breasts sprung free. His eyes popped open wide as he caught a glimpse of my braless pierced nipples. It took him a few minutes to peel his eyes away.

I then asked him for help removing the dress the rest of the way from my shaking body. I planted my heel clad feet on the mattress and raised my hips, to allow him to slide the dress from my waiting body. After he had it lowered enough I dropped my hips back to the bed and raised my feet and legs allowing him the freedom to completely remove it, which he did in a sweeping rush. As it cleared my heels I could see it then fly through the air and land in a heap on the floor.

Ralph Wanted to take me right then and there I could tell, but he seemed to be thinking about doing something else first. He confirmed my thoughts when he told me what was on his mind. "I think before we get too lost in the moment, with you already laying there totally nude we could try for some of those erotic pictures you wanted?" He was right this was the perfect time to get them done, it was now or never.

Ralph got out a red silky sheet and laid it across my nude body. He had me try out a few positions before deciding on the right one and proceeded to snap away on his camera. I was so turned on from everything that I left my inhibitions behind and just got wild. Even though these pictures were for my husband, I couldn't help showing off for the man in front of me. I was doing everything I could to tease him. I was showing off for all I was worth. I wanted him to know I wanted him. I knew it was working. I pushed the sheet from my body letting it fall to the floor leaving me naked except my heels. He managed to take a few more pictures before he couldn't take the teasing I was giving him any longer. He set the camera down; I could see the lust in his eyes. I had got him to the point of no return. I raised a hand and gave him the come and get me finger. I needed him bad and I was going to have him if it was the last thing I would do.

He quickly removed his clothing tossing them on the floor with my dress. The look on my face as he revealed his massive member had to be priceless. It was at least eight inches and as thick as a coke can. I knew I was going to be sore when he was done. I had never taken anything that large before in my life but I knew I had to have it. I felt my life depended on it, and I wasn't going to do anything to stop him.

Ralph got on the bed next to me and started to get me loosened up with his fingers so I could take him better. He knew what he had and was going to be a gentleman about giving it to me. I felt his fingers slide into me, my lips spread easy enough. I was a drooling mess down there and he took advantage of it. He fingered me in a loving manner, slowly at first going as deep as he could. It felt amazing. I was in a world of my own at that moment. I then felt his lips touch mine and I opened my mouth to allow him access with his eager tongue. We kissed hard and passionately while he had his fingers buried deep inside me. I began to moan in his mouth as I felt his tongue tangle with my own. After a bit of this I could feel him insert another finger inside me. He was getting me ready, and it didn't take long of his ministrations to bring me to my first orgasm. My orgasm hit me so hard I began to shake and my juices shot from my body spraying all over his hand and the mattress. It was a huge one like I hadn't felt in such a long time. I have generally held back with my husband at home because I didn't want to have to buy a new mattress every few days. When I get going I can make a huge mess and soak anything in sight.

Ralph had stopped his talented fingering after my juices stopped its explosive flow. He allowed me to come down on my own, my body writhing around, my chest heaving searching for air. My hands gripping the sheets, my legs shaking like they were in an earthquake, I laid there in a sexual bliss. I knew I was ready for him. I pushed him to his back, and straddled him. I lined up his hard tool with my sweet hole and drove down my body taking him inside of me as far as he could go. It hurt so good, I was beyond soaked, so he slid in easy enough. I just wasn't used to his girth. He was stretching me out like I never had felt in my life. I sat there with him completely inside me for a few minutes getting used to his size. As he waited he reached for my breasts and mauled them with his hands. He squeezed them roughly and I loved every minute of it. I felt I was ready to proceed so I began to rise up off his hard tool and just as I felt the head begin to leave my stretched out hole, I dropped back down on him. I kept this up for several minutes going slow, but then I began to quicken the pace. Of the few times I raised and lowered on him I had several mini orgasms. They were mini in that I didn't explode like I had with his finger manipulations, but were still good enough to make me dribble down his massive member and make my body tremble.

I had decided that it was time to get serious, and began to ride my horse like the cowgirl I really was. I just hoped that he could handle what I was going to give him. I picked up the pace and took to impaling myself over and over on his massively thick hard on. I was moving in a flash of skin, hopping up and down for all I was worth. He could only lay back and moan as I took him. He held on to my breasts as well as he could. I was flying up and down his shaft and I could feel another massive orgasm approaching and I was going to get it. I moved up and down as quickly as I could. He felt so good hitting my uterus, and stretching out my poor honey pot. I loved every minute of it. As I approached the beginning of my massive orgasm I could feel him thrust up in me as I dropped down on him. He told me he was getting really close and that if I wasn't careful he would blow his seed deep inside me. I took that as a challenge and really began to grind down on him. Making sure he knew I was after what he had just threatened. I wanted him to release his seed inside me, I needed it so bad.

That's when I felt the point of no return, my orgasm rushed through my whole body, right down to my little toes. I lost all sense of the world around me. I fell forward into him and let nature take its course. I bit down on his shoulder and exploded all over his amazing shaft, grinding it the best I knew how. The grinding is what set him off, I could feel his tool begin to throb inside me. I knew he was pumping his glorious seed inside me. I was grinding him so hard that I could feel his massive load leaking out of me, the squelching noise we were making between us was loud. It sounded like a porn movie. He began to push up inside me trying to get the last little bit of his seed out. I started to see stars and collapsed, losing consciousness. I came to minutes later unsure how long I had been out, I could still feel him inside me, he laid there panting his eyes closed. I felt life return to my body and rose up off his chest, my breathing still in a rushed state. Deep lungful's of air filling my heaving chest. My whole body shook, it looked as if I had just been zapped by a stun gun. I had to plant my hands on his hard chest to keep from falling forward again. He had his hands at my waist aiding in my quest to remain upright. I could still feel him throbbing inside me. Every few seconds he would flex his mighty tool and cause me to have another little orgasm from each movement.


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