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The Pirate Queen's Castle

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Kids playing pirates, an adult Pirate Wedding, fun for all!
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Author's note: This is one of my favorite stories that I have ever written. It was a several month labor of love. Modifying the story word by word to comply with Literotica site rules would take weeks that I don't have, so instead I have removed all the scenes with anything that might offend the webmaster or go over the line. Please forgive the gaps and enjoy the rest.


To celebrate our daughter Cindy finishing her first year of college, my wife Penny, twin sister Kelly, and I were going to take her from our home port of Miami to a nice floating restaurant near Key Largo for dinner. Being only inches from the water, they had excellent fresh seafood, of course. It was a rare day with a northerly wind, so I thought we should make it there by 4 or 5pm.

We would also take Cindy and some of our friends for a three-day cruise to Bimini and back the next week to celebrate our 20th anniversary. We had our "pirate wedding" five years earlier, but would celebrate the day we fell in love, six months before we made Cindy.

As she walked aboard the Pirate Queen's Castle, Cindy said; "My boyfriend Marco should be here soon. He's picking up some wine. I hope you don't mind if our friends John and Cathy come along too?"

My sister, 'Pirate Queen' Kelly said; "The more the merrier! You know we have room for 20 on board, or 32 if they're REALLY good friends." There were some blushes, and some smiles.

We had a firm rule. We would always have at least two people sober on the boat, "Dry duty". One of them would officially be Captain for the day. Cindy wouldn't be 21 for two years, but if she wasn't going to be driving, we let her have a few beers or a glass or two of wine on special occasions.

Cindy asked, "So who's on dry duty today? Please say it's not me?"

I joked, "Since Trinifad, your mother might be on dry duty for life!"

Penny sadly said, "Since tequila and the three-day hangover, we don't talk about Trinidad!" She held her temples in remembered pain.

Cindy sniffed a few times, "Do you smell that? Where is that weird smell coming from?"

Penny, Kelly, and I didn't smell anything unusual, just the normal faint smells of oil, diesel fuel, and the ocean.

Cindy led us down towards the engine room. "Daddy, I think the smell is coming from this way. Don't you all smell that?" The boat tilted slightly and there was noise above, probably Marco or John and Cathy coming aboard. I shined my flashlight into the engine room. Sitting near the door (HATCH - HATCH - landlubbers!) was a large box wrapped in red holiday paper, with a big white heart on the front. It read "Happy 20th Kar-ly & Penny".

Kelly and Penny opened the top of the box. They laughed, blushed, and Kelly said; "Karl, the smell is coming from the box! Come help us with it."

I looked inside the box. It had at least twenty SEX TOYS in it, still in the packaging. Under the toys were DOZENS of boxes of condoms!

Cindy giggled and said, "Smell all that rubber and plastic? I told you!" We all had a good laugh. "I snuck in and put it down here last night."

Penny and Kelly looked through the toys. They giggled and pointed things out to each other, deciding which they wanted to try. Cindy said, "I know Momma takes you up her butt sometimes. Do you want to try it Daddy?" She held up a dildo the size of her ARM! All three of them burst into hysterical laughter.

I replied, "I don't know how sweetie. Take off your shorts and show me."

Cindy's eyes got huge, and she started to shudder and sweat, as she stared at the enormous dildo. She gingerly handled the massive toy like it was a bomb, and put it back in the box. Kelly patted Cindy's back and joked, "You look like a virgin on her first night, expecting a tic tac and finding a zucchini!"

"Hahahaha!" I joined the laughter. Penny thanked our daughter, "This much stuff will last us years! Thanks so much, Cindy!" Cindy smiled and corrected her, "That's not just for you. And I hope it lasts until Portugal." We were wondering what she meant, as I followed the girls topside carrying the box. Kelly asked, "Portugal? Is that the name of a bar near here, or something?"

A bunch of voices shouted, "Happy anniversary!" As I came topside I saw eight of our close friends, couples from age 30 to 40. Cindy had also invited her friends, nine college age women, and seven young men. Since it was early summer in Miami, everybody wore shorts and t-shirts, or swimsuits.

Cindy's friends had brought aboard at least ten boxes and three dozen bottles of wine, along with five quarter-barrels of beer and 20 or so bottles of hard liquor! I thought to myself, 'Forty gallons of beer! Thirty gallons of wine! That's enough to keep a small town drunk for a week!' I stared at the big mound of alcohol.

Cindy leaned toward me and said, "I told you Marco was picking up some wine. Don't worry Daddy, we'll get plenty more."

I wondered aloud in surprise "MORE!?"

Cindy put on Kelly's Pirate Queen hat and shouted the orders, "Stow shore utilities and land the gangway!" I helped Marco carry a quarter-barrel below and she said, "Cast off!" as we returned. A moment later she told her mother, "Starboard engine ahead slow, take her out!"

I patted her shoulder, took the mostly full can of beer from her hand, and reminded Cindy; "The Captain is always on dry duty. You're up." She suddenly looked sad for some reason. I chuckled to myself. I asked her, "Cindy, where are your little brothers?"

"Don't worry Daddy. My friend Maricel and her family are taking a trip, and the boys went with them. They're in the same class with Maricel's little sister. In Japan, the boys will be in Robot Monster heaven for weeks."

"JAPAN? for WEEKS?" Now I really started to worry. I half shouted, half asked; "What's going on? Why the huge amount of booze? What are you up to?"

"It's ok Daddy. As you planned, we're sailing the Castle from Miami to Key Largo." Then she sprung the surprise... "BUT WE'RE GOING THE LONG WAY!!!

A boring day cruise becomes a five-month adventure! Thirty thousand miles, instead of fifty! I got a nanny for the boys when they get back, and just yesterday you were saying the business practically runs itself these days. You can check on things using the sat phone. Let yourself have some fun! Live a little!"

She loudly announced to the small crowd, "First stop Grand Bahama, two days from now! We spend a day diving or fishing, then another 8 or 9 days get us to Bermuda!" There were a lot of cheers and applause.

My suspicion started to turn toward happiness. "Grand Bahama is lots of fun, and we like Bermuda."

She continued, "Next we head to the Azores, then Portugal, for more condoms, food, and booze. Then Morocco, France, Naples, and Egypt. After the Suez canal, we head for Sri Lanka, for more food, booze, and condoms. Three months should get us to Malaysia or Singapore, and my friends and I will fly back to college from there. Everybody else will continue on to Australia, Fiji, Hawaii, Panama, then back to Florida!"

She smiled cutely and continued, "I know I say 'condoms' a lot, mostly because you blush every time, Daddy! So funny! Condoms! Condoms! Condoms! Condoms!" I laughed and tickled her under the arms. She giggled and reassured me further, "Don't worry Daddy, one of your lawyers helped me take care of all the visas and permits already."

I thought, 'She knows the trip off the top of her head, she must have planned it well.' I hugged her, picked her up, and said, "Cindy, you're the best daughter ever!"

She whispered, "Remind Mom of that when she gets home, and notices I dinged her car." I laughed as she blushed and sweetly kissed me on the cheek. I couldn't think of any way life could be better!




My earliest memory is waking up with Kelly's head on my arm. We must have been ... probably 3 years old? We survived all kinds of neglect and abuse, but Kelly and I got through it together. At school we had to be in all the same classes. Any time Kelly and I were apart, it seemed like a world-ending catastrophe. Mom took me to the doctor when I was five, and Kelly cried the whole four hours I was gone. That day I only cried two or three times, or maybe it was eight. I choose not to remember clearly.

Our mothers, "Mom" and "Mommy" were sisters and shared a house. They aren't around anymore, and not that important to us, so I won't bother with their names. Kelly had no idea who her father was, and neither did I. Our mothers refused to give us any information, other than "They were assholes who abandoned us!"

They figured it was easier for them to team up, and trade off parenting duties. Mom would take care of both of us for a few days, and Mommy the next few days. They treated us like chores to be done, and rarely hugged us or played with us. When they were gone, we didn't miss them much, as long as Kelly and I were together.

Our family was poor. One day, Mom put just one small bowl of cereal on the table. She said, "Share it, that's all there is." If Kelly went hungry, I would be sad. If I went hungry, she would be sad instead. We took turns feeding each other a small spoonful at a time, watching and enjoying as feeding each other made us happy. Cereal in her mouth, Kelly smiled, I was happy. I got a spoonful, I smiled, Kelly was happy. Our bellies were rarely full, but we had each other.

Mom and Mommy also lacked much patience and tended to punish us a lot. When she was 5 years old, Kelly accidentally spilled water on the floor. Mommy grabbed her, flipped Kelly over her lap, and started to spank her. I held on to Mommy's arm and tried to stop her. She yelled "Karl, get back or you get some too!" I kept trying to stop her, and got a big share of the spanking myself. If I tired Mommy's arm so Kelly didn't get as much punishment, it was worth it to me. Several times Kelly did the same.

Mom came up with a devious twist, which totally reformed all our bad behavior. Kelly did something bad one day, and Mom spanked ME instead. Kelly was so upset she behaved perfectly for months.


It was early winter as we shared the last dried-out piece of cake from Kelly's 6th birthday. It was all we had. We watched out the window as a new family moved into the big house next door, a man, a woman, and a little blonde girl. It took a long time. They had LOTS of stuff!

A few weeks later, Mom made us go meet the new kid next door. We would have been happy watching tv on the couch, playing on the floor, or even cleaning up the house, as long as Kelly and I were together. We didn't think we needed any new kid!

We had never been more wrong about anything! It would be over a decade before we learned the "new kid" was OUR SOULMATE. Mom would be mad if we didn't go along with it, so we dressed in our winter clothes and trudged through the snow. Being six months older and a tiny bit braver, I walked a step ahead. I held Kelly's hand, just to make sure she didn't get scared, of course.

Mom knocked on the door and introduced us, "Hello Penelope, this is Kelly and Karl. I'm sure they're happy to meet you." She talked to Penny's Mom Alice and said she would be back by supper time. Penny showed us where to put our coats and snow boots. She was a cute and nice girl, with long blond hair, instead of red like ours.

We immediately noticed how nice Penny's house was. There were several kinds of fruit in a bowl on the kitchen counter. We smelled cookies baking in the oven. There was a piano in the living room, and they had the biggest TV I had ever seen. Upstairs in Penny's room she had boxes and boxes of toys. We were drawing and coloring away with some of Penny's coloring books when her Mom came in and gave us a plate of fresh chocolate chip cookies, still warm.

Kelly said to Penny, "You're using the red crayon and I need it." I would have asked Kelly to please wait 'til I was done. Penny broke the red crayon in half and gave Kelly a piece. Kelly was energetic, silly, and assertive; I was rational and kind; and Penny was very creative. We all got along remarkably well.

When we were at home, most of the time Kelly and I played either knights, dragons and wizards, or pirates. Penny wanted to play princesses and unicorns. As Penny had piles and piles of toys, most of the winter we played princesses and unicorns. Grumble.

Since Penny's Mom noticed our family wasn't well off, she never minded us taking snack breaks for fruit, cookies, sandwiches, or the occasional pizza with no olives. All three of us hated olives.

When the weather warmed up, we moved our play outside to Penny's huge back yard. There was a large patch of grass, but mostly it was woods and a few old buildings. One great place was behind an old stone wall, which couldn't be seen from the house. There was a small wooden shed behind the wall. It was run-down and ugly, but it kept the rain off when we played outside in the weather. Our parents weren't very attentive, and we were fine with that.

Penny's family welcomed us wholeheartedly, and our mothers were glad to have the time alone. Other than school we practically lived at Penny's. Over the next two years, our play developed into "Knight Champion rescues the Pretty Princess from the evil Pirate Queen." It was our favorite game.

The Pirate Queen (usually Kelly) would jump out with her pirate hat and plastic sword and capture the Pretty Princess (usually Penny), toss aside her princess wand and tiara, and make her sit in the 'dungeon', the old wooden shed. The Knight Champion (always me) with my plastic sword and shield (trash can lid) would heroically march in spewing some gobbledy-gook about good being stronger than evil and the Power of the Light blah blah, until the Pirate Queen got bored and started a sword fight. The Knight Champion would eventually win, then release the Pretty Princess and claim his reward, a hug.

Then there was that one strange day when Penny convinced us to do things her way. Somehow the Pirate Queen rescuing the Knight Champion from the evil Pretty Princess and her evil unicorn didn't seem quite right.

Penny's father passed away when we were all ten years old. For the next month, the three of us were inseparable. We didn't play much. We mostly sat on Penny's couch and half-watched a lot of sword and sorcery movies, pirate flicks, and some fantasy movies. (Yes, with unicorns. Grumble.)

When we were 12, my cousin and I stopped at a garage sale and came up with the most obvious Halloween costume possible for us, Siamese twins. We bought a huge pair of pants and a huge jacket. Halloween was a few months away, but it only cost us a few dollars. We went over to Penny's and showed her our costume.

We kept our normal clothes on. Kelly stood right behind me as we put the massive jeans and coat on together and we practiced walking. We stumbled around in near-unison, almost. This caused several crashes, a few minor injuries, and total hilarity. I picked up an empty paper towel roll, waved it around like a club, and shouted "We are not Karl and Kelly! WE ARE THE EVIL TWO-HEADED OGRE! We are the mighty KARLY!"

Kelly joined in with "Kar-ly! Kar-ly!" Penny made it a trio, "KAR-LY! KAR-LY! KAR-LY!" As Kelly and I tried stepping out of the enormous jeans, we tripped and fell on top of Penny. She hugged both of us as we laughed and laughed.

The girls and I started puberty around the same time, and once we were all 14 our activities changed significantly.




Around 25 years later

Our company finally reached IPO and we suddenly became multi-millionaires. I was looking forward to spending two days relaxing at home before Kelly and I would leave for our first ever vacation, in the Bahamas.

Kelly "only" worked 5 days a week, but I was driven. I only took two or three days off a month, maybe five if there was a major holiday. It would have been none, but Kelly refused to let me burn myself out. After working so much for many, many years, we would finally take a two-week vacation!

The sun was coming up as we lazily laid in bed nude. Kelly traced her fingernail along the tattoo on my right shoulder. She teased,"Such a nice, cute widdle unicorn. So girly and pretty!" I blew a raspberry on her belly, inspiring her to complain, "37 years old, and you still act like a bratty little boy sometimes!"

I replied, "37 next month, and you know you love it!" I blew another raspberry, even louder than the first. We smiled and giggled. "Kel, you know the fact that it's a unicorn hurt me way more than the needle did, right?"

She nodded, started to get teary-eyed, and changed the subject. She asked, "When was the last time we fucked?"

I thought a moment, "Last winter, with those brunettes. Both those girls had huge..." Kelly pinched my nipples. "OW! Smiles. OUCH! They had really big smiles! Nearly as big as yours!"

She released my nipples and gently kissed them. "Good answer."

We had a great time with those girls. Unfortunately, it freaked them out when they discovered Kelly and I were cousins. Some people just can't understand or accept our love. We had been together since we were toddlers. We fell in love with each other and Penny long, long ago, and were still deeply in love. An odd, twisty kind of love, but love.

We tried sex with each other a few times a year, in case anything had changed, but it just wasn't that exciting. We knew each other so long and so well, there was no mystery or surprise to excite us. Without looking, she could probably tell you how many hairs were on my left thumb. I knew her just as well.

Most of the time I would rather jerk off watching Kelly with somebody we liked, or share an attractive female with her, than be alone with somebody and fuck them myself. Her happiness meant more to me than my own happiness. She felt the same about me. We didn't sexually excite each other much, but watching each other aroused by somebody else was a Hell of a turn-on. Seeing each other kiss Penny when we were younger had been extremely arousing for both of us.

Seeing somebody get me excited was by far the most arousing thing to Kelly. She kind of liked looking at me once in a while. She liked looking at Penny more and had a crush on her. But she said watching Penny kiss me "Knocked everything else out of her head and set her panties on fire". I completely understood! Looking at Kelly in an ordinary situation reminded me that she was nearby and doing ok, which was kind of nice. I liked seeing Penny more and had a crush. But seeing Kelly and Penny kiss! BOOM! Hotter to me than any ten cheerleaders naked!

Since Penny disappeared when she was 19, Kelly and I got some relief a few times a week talking about sex and masturbating, or watching porn and getting each other off with our hands. The few times we fucked, we talked about Penny as we did.

I was looking forward to some relaxing and sexy times at the beach. Kelly said, "Grand Bahama will be so great! I'm sure we can find a hot body or three to spend some time under. It can't be that difficult in the Caribbean."

I've never touched a guy in a sexual way and guys don't turn me on, but the couple of times we tried swinging were pretty good. Seeing Kelly enjoying another guy while I was with another girl did get my juices going, especially if Kelly and I could touch each other.

I imagined laying on my back next to Kelly, with a pretty girl riding my cock, my hand on Kelly's boob, Kelly kissing another pretty girl, and a muscular guy going to town on Kelly's pussy. Whoo, hot! I shared my fantasy aloud and watched Kelly's eyes light up. She smiled broadly and her cheeks reddened as she she rubbed her pussy a little. "That sounds REALLY hot! I'll take one of those with a side of 69, to go please?"

I said, "If you're gonna have goals, make 'em count!" We kissed and giggled.

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