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The Pirate Takes His Wench

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Graybeard decides that he must have Tamara.
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"This story is not going to be a fast fuck. If that is what you seek, please choose another story. If you choose to take the time to read this, then I invite you into this fantasy that my Pirate and I created. The story is based on actual emails. As always, I appreciate constructive feedback. However, please be kind as this story and my pirate are near and dear to my heart."

"This story is for you, My Love."


Tamara walked through the house ensuring that everything was in order and that the appropriate preparations were being made for her father's dinner party that evening. Tamara's father was the Governor of the territory and Tamara's mother had died when she was small. Because of this, once Tamara became old enough, she assumed the responsibilities of acting as her father's hostess for these dinner parties. After assuring that all of the necessary preparations were on schedule, Tamara began opening the day's mail. In addition to acting as her father's hostess, she also handled all of his correspondence.

Tamara was thankful for the distractions that these responsibilities afforded her. She was growing increasingly bored with her own social life. Fortunately, her father did not subscribe to the notion of an arranged marriage. Tamara had her choice of appropriate suitors; her father approved the gentlemen that he considered appropriate and Tamara would ultimately choose which one she wanted to marry. The problem was that Tamara was not interested in any of the mealy mouthed gentlemen. They bored her because they failed to challenge her. They were too refined, too genteel, and lacked any real excitement. Tamara could not understand but simply knew that she wanted more from her life. She enjoyed acting as her father's hostess and handling his correspondences. However, she knew that this was not the kind of life that she wanted for herself.

After lamenting about the lack of excitement in her life, Tamara retrieved the mail and began to open it. As was Tamara's habit, she opened every piece of mail before removing any of the letters from the envelopes. She carefully broke the seal of each envelope. As she did this, Tamara noted that one seal appeared to be different from the others. Each seal was distinct based on the sender; however, with the exception of one letter, all of the seals were red. There was one lone envelope with a black seal. Tamara made a mental note to open that one last. She desperately wanted to open that envelope first but instead chose to delay satisfying her curiosity.

Tamara carefully read each piece of mail and penned an appropriate response for each. She took her time and placed each response in an envelope sealing each with her father's official seal or his personal seal based on the type of correspondence. Tamara finally reached the letter with the black seal. This letter was not addressed to her father. Instead, it was addressed to Tamara. This was not unusual as it was common for a friend or potential suitor to send a letter to Tamara. As Tamara read the letter, she was confused. Could this letter be a joke or a prank from a friend? The fact that the seal was black led Tamara to doubt that it was from one of her friends. No one kept black wax to seal an envelope. Red was the only acceptable color of wax to seal an envelope. Tamara noted that the letter seemed to have come from the port. Tamara reread the letter.

To the Wench Tamara Dane:

As set forth in the code of the Brethren, Ye be given notice to surrender ye'self to me at the Port in 10 days. Less ye decide to not show be knowin' the Port will come upon Cannon Fire from the Pirate Ship the Pink Pearl.

I be expecting ye reply swiftly.

Captain Graybeard of the Pirate Ship the Pink Pearl

Tamara was utterly shocked. If this letter was indeed from a pirate, Tamara wondered what she had done to attract the attention of a pirate. She considered ignoring the letter and threw the letter into the trash can beside her desk. It was her intention to burn the letter later in the day. Once she did this, Tamara stood to proceed with her normal daily tasks. The letter in the trash consumed Tamara's thoughts. It was not long before she could no longer resist the temptation and Tamara retrieved the letter from the trash and reread it yet again. Although Tamara was sure that this was some kind of sick joke on the part of this supposed pirate, she decided to reply.

To the Self Proclaimed Captain Graybeard of the Pirate Ship the Pink Pearl:

I know not of such code which you have proclaimed. You are given notice that my father, the Governor, will swiftly retaliate against any such attack upon the Port. The port is of great value to my father and this territory. His Royal Navy will destroy your Tiny Pink Vessel if you choose this course.

I hereby demand the surrender of your vessel in 10 days. If you choose to surrender peaceably, my father is prepared to make your death swift and merciful.

Tamara Dane

Daughter of the Governor

Tamara was satisfied with her reply and believed that this letter would put the matter to rest. Although she still thought the "Pirate's" letter to be a joke, Tamara chose to call his bluff and did not expect any further correspondence from the individual who called himself a "Pirate".

The letter dominated Tamara's thoughts throughout the dinner party. As she made polite conversation with the visiting dignitaries, Tamara wondered if she would receive a reply from the "Pirate". She was torn between wanting to receive a response and continue the verbal discourse and hoping that the letter was someone's idea of a prank. Tamara was immensely relieved that her would-be suitor had been forced to cancel and was unable to attend the dinner party. Given that Tamara was preoccupied with thoughts of the letter, she knew that she would have been unable to conduct a proper conversation with a gentleman in whom she had no real interest.

Soon the dinner party was concluded and Tamara bid farewell to the evening's visitors. After overseeing the cleanup after the party and in truth assistin the servants since she knew that they worked extra hard making the dinner parties a success, Tamara prepared for bed. However, despite the fact that Tamara was exhausted, sleep eluded her. Instead she thought about the letter and wondered if she would receive a reply the next day. When Tamara finally slept, she dreamed of pirates and pirate ships.

The next morning, Tamara chose to change her normal daily schedule and to retrieve the mail first. As she anxiously sorted the mail, she found herself looking for a black seal on the envelopes. And just as the previous day, Tamara found an envelope with a black seal. She forced herself to wait to read that letter last. After what seemed like hours of correspondence and the requisite replies, Tamara opened the envelope with the black seal.

T' Tamara Dane;

Ye be one confused silly lass. Ye see if ye don't surrender ye'self t' me at th' date previously given I shall use th' cannons on me BLACK ship t' level yer Settlement. Yer Father's Cannons can nah shoot far enough t' damage me ship while I do this.

Further, I shall then make land wit' me crew 'n while goin' t' yer Home th' Governor's Mansion I shall scuttle every Man Woman 'n Child we find. We shall then scuttle yer Father, yer Mother 'n every Servant in th' Mansion.

On our way back t' me ship, wit' ye as prisoner we shall set fire t' everythin' in th' Settlement.

Lookin' fore t' yer speedy reply,

Captain Graybeard

Tamara was confused. She found this correspondence both entertaining and daunting. Could this Graybeard truly be a pirate? She was aware that there were many pirate ships which used the ports. In rare instances, her father had bought goods which were brought in on a pirate ship. Of course when he did this, he was careful to use a discrete liaison as it would be unseemly for the Governor of the territory to be known to do business with a pirate. Could her father have possibly done business with the pirate and for some reason she had garnered the attention of this pirate. Tamara wrote a swift reply to this pirate, as she was now convinced that she was indeed corresponding with a pirate.

Cpt. Graybeard:

You call me confused yet you name a black ship the PINK pearl. You must be addled!

My father's cannons on his NAVY ships can and will destroy your small BLACK vessel. I think it would be wise to surrender your ship and crew before YOU are all slaughtered.

I cannot understand your interest with me. Nor can I believe that you would kill innocents to attain me. I am but a simple maiden. My father and the settlement have done nothing to cause your wrath. (My mother died when I was yet a wee babe, thank you kindly). Why cannot you simply leave us in peace???

Tamara Dane

When Tamara received the Pirate's reply, she had a great deal of difficulty reading it. It seemed that when the Pirate became angry his grasp of the English language deteriorated greatly. Nevertheless, she understood his message perfectly clear and she was perplexed as to how to respond. She was beginning to think that she only had two choices. She could either surrender to the will of this pirate or she could choose to run and attempt to hide from this pirate.

Wench Tamara Dane;

I be nah sure where t' start as ye 'ave me mighty angry at ye. I do nah suffer fools!

I be a Pirate I rob 'n I murder fer a livin'. Me interest wit' ye be simple. Th' Yule nights are long, cold 'n dark. I needs a wench in me cot wit' a warm body and t' satisfy t' desires o' me loins. t' me 'n by all accounts I 'ave been given ye be perfect fer th' job.

I shall 'ave wha' I wants 'n I shall nah stop 'til I get it. But I do nah wish scallywags t' die who don't 'ave t'. So I shall tell ye this, surrender t' me or I shall send in a wee crew o' Pirate Assasins t' scuttle yer Father.

Captain Graybeard Who's Ship IS NOT SMALL!

Cpt. Graybeard (of the not so small ship):

I do not understand why you are angry. I simply do not understand why innocent people would suffer because of me. I have no desire to see that happen.

I happen to be a well-bred, well-educated, virtuous young maiden, the daughter of the Governor. Ladies such as myself do not warm the beds of pirates.

Do not misunderstand me; I have no desire to see anyone harmed. Have you considered a visit to the local brothel, to find a willing floozy? I would be wholly unsuitable for your wants and desires.

Tamara Dane


I 'ave no interest in used Trollop.. I know exactly wha' I wants 'n I wants ye.

'tis funny ye mentioned well bred 'cause aft bein' wit' me ye will be mighty well Bred.

Cpt. Graybeard


I cannot understand your reference to being well bred after being with you. This does not make sense to me. Can you explain further?

If you are willing to negotiate, that definitely sounds promising. Perhaps I could find you another female who would be more suited to your requests. What type of female do you prefer? I am a reasonable lady so negotiations are something in which I am well versed.

I await your reply with the type of female that you would prefer so that I may ensure that the loss of life is prevented and that this matter is resolved in a satisfactory manner.

T. Dane


I've been busy at sea and only now have been able t' send this message o' t' you.

What kind o' woman do I prefer? There be only one woman I want and that be you. I do not want some foul mouthed poorly educated Trollop. No I want an educated polite spoken mannerly young Wench. And that person is you.

I will show you in person exactly what I meant when I said you would be well bred, as I intend t' use our time together wisely and provide you with a further education on t' ways o' Seafarin' men.

I be pleased you be a reasonable woman. And I be aye we can come t' an accord. I will await your surrender tomorrow.

Pirate Cap'n Graybeard

As Tamara read the last letter from the pirate, she noted that his time at sea seemed to have calmed his temper and that his grasp of the English language had improved greatly. Despite the fact that she had enjoyed verbally sparring with the pirate, Tamara knew that she would have no alternative but to leave her home and try to hide among the townspeople. She simply could not surrender herself to the desires of this pirate. Although if she were honest with herself, Tamara would admit that the correspondence with the pirate stirred a longing in her that none of her potential suitors had ever accomplished. Nevertheless, Tamara could not concede to surrendering herself to the pirate. She quickly penned a letter to the pirate.

Captain Graybeard,

I regret to inform you that I will be unable to surrender myself to you at the port tomorrow. I have just learned that my Aunt has fallen gravely ill and needs my immediate assistance. As such, I will be departing immediately to be with her and do not know when I will return. It is my greatest hope that you will find an acceptable substitute. I wish you Godspeed and safe travels.

Tamara Dane

After Tamara sent this letter, she left a note to her father informing him that she was suffering from exhaustion and was going to go to their country home to rest and recuperate. She planned to dress as a commoner and hide among the townspeople but did not want her father to be concerned about her absence. Once the pirate had accepted that she had eluded him and departed from the port, she would return home and proclaim herself well rested.

Tamara quickly changed into the garments which were appropriate for a tavern wench. She kept these clothes hidden for times when she wanted to mingle among the townspeople without being recognized as the Governor's daughter. Oftentimes it could be a burden to be recognized everywhere she went and anonymity was a welcome respite. Tamara checked her appearance in the mirror. She preferred the relaxed style of a tavern wench and admired the fact that this clothing accentuated her ample breasts and showed a risqué amount of flesh. After determining that she could easily pass as a tavern wench, Tamara placed a small amount of change in her coin purse. It would never be appropriate for a tavern wench to carry the amount of money which she normally had in her coin purse. Once this was accomplished, Tamara buttoned a coat over her costume. If one of the servants saw her departing dressed as a tavern wench all of her plans would be ruined. There was only one servant, her maidservant, which Tamara trusted. Though the years, the two had become friends and confidants. Tamara knew that her friend/servant would hide her coat as she departed and would have it waiting for her when she returned. This was not the first time which Tamara had sought to escape her life to assume that of a common tavern wench.

After an evening at the tavern discretely watching the other customers, Tamara secured lodging for the evening. The events of the past ten days and the verbal sparring with the pirate had left Tamara exhausted. She fell into bed and was asleep before her head hit the pillow.

When Tamara awoke she was extremely disoriented. Her head was pounding and her memory was fuzzy. The last thing that she remembered she was dressed as a tavern wench and was staying in the local lodge. She had only drunk a partial pint of ale to keep up appearances. She knew it would be suspicious if she sat in the tavern and didn't drink ale. In addition to her ale, she ate a portion of the shepherd's pie that she had ordered. Tamara felt as if she had drunk too ale or as if she had been drugged. She slowly tried to open her eyes, which took a while since the light hurt her eyes. Tamara attempted to cover her eyes with her hand and found that she could not move her arms. In fact, Tamara quickly realized that her arms were stretched painfully above her head. This caused Tamara to open her eyes in alarm. She realized that she was no longer in the lodge and was in a room that she did not recognize.

"I see that you are now awake. It is about time. I was afraid that my men had put too much into your ale. This would have been so much easier if you had simply surrendered yourself to me as I instructed. Then there would have been no need to forcibly bring you here." The stranger said to Tamara as he stood over her.

"Who are you and where am I?" Tamara demanded. She continued to struggle to free her arms. As she did this, whatever was binding her wrists and restraining her arms got tighter instead of looser.

"I am Captain Graybeard, Captain of the Pirate Ship the Pink Pearl. And you are in my cabin. If you are ready to submit to me, I will untie you and we can begin the fun. Are you willing?"

Tamara was incensed. How dare this pirate abduct her and then think that she would willingly submit to his desires. "No, Graybeard, or Blackbeard, or whatever you want to call your furry face! I will never submit to you. You might as well return me to my father!"

Graybeard became visibly angry when Tamara said this. "You mean to tell me that you refuse to submit yourself to me and join me in my bed?"

Tamara looked him in the eyes, "That is exactly what I mean. Sharing your bed is the last thing that I would do." Tamara was sure that she had finally convinced Graybeard to return her to her home.

Graybeard lifted Tamara from the bed, unhooking her hands from the hook on the bed but leaving her hands tied. He put her over his shoulder as if he were carrying a sack of supplies instead of a woman. Once he had Tamara over her shoulder, Graybeard slapped her soundly on the ass. This made Tamara yelp and wriggle on his shoulder. For a fraction of a second Tamara thought that she might actually miss Graybeard, and the opportunity to have a more exciting life, when she returned to her father's house. What Tamara failed to realize was that Graybeard had no intention of returning her.

Graybeard carried Tamara up to the deck of his ship. He was loathed to do this, but she gave him no alternative. It was his hope that when Tamara learned the alternate fate that awaited her that she would instead choose to submit to him. He had never met a woman who stirred him the way that Tamara did. The lust he felt for her knew no limits. Graybeard deposited Tamara on the deck in front of the ship's mast. He took her bound hands and looked the tie around the hook on the mast.

"Since you find me so appalling and do not wish to submit to me, you have left me no alternative but to hand you over to the crew. Maybe you will find them more appealing. They are a lecherous bunch and do not mind sharing a wench. Plus they are not picky as to which hole they put their hard cocks. I hope you will not object to servicing them three at a time as you will now belong to them. Perhaps you find them more acceptable than you found sharing my cabin with me." As Graybeard said this he could see the look of horror in Tamara's eyes. He decided that she might need a bit more incentive to share his cabin and submit to him. He then kissed Tamara briefly and then pulled her blouse down below her breast to place her breasts on display for the crew, who were circling around her with open lust.

Tamara was horrified to realize what fate awaited her. She had thought that Graybeard would acquiesce and return her to her father's house. Instead he was going to allow his crew to use her for their pleasure. Once Tamara realized this, she knew that she would much rather service only Graybeard than the entire crew. Besides, she finally admitted to herself, Graybeard was a very attractive man. In addition to the beard, which was not fully gray, his eyes seemed to change color. Tamara had noticed that his eyes were blue when he was relaxed, gray when he was angry, and seemed to be green when she saw lust in his face.


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