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The Pleasure You Deserve

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Melody is given pleasure by an intruder.
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Melody sighed as she closed the door to her apartment. It had been another long, draining day at work, and the drive home through a blizzard hadn't helped. She didn't think she even had the energy to make dinner. She took her shoes off, filled up a bowl with some chips and collapsed onto the couch. After browsing the rather disappointing selection of shows and movies on her TV, Melody decided just to get into bed, maybe read some of the spicy little novel she'd just gotten on her kindle.

Shortly after putting this plan into action, Melody felt herself getting wet. The novel didn't waste much time on plot development, and the scene she was reading was heating up pretty quickly. She reached down and started to gently rub herself through her underwear. She continued to read, feeling her pussy get more and more swollen and hot. The scene she was reading ended rather abruptly, and Melody found herself skimming in order to get to the next spicy part. She didn't have to skim long. Her whole body was feeling a little flushed now, and she impatiently kicked off her covers, and pulled down her underwear. Melody briefly wished she had shaved, as she always felt sexier in her body when her pubic hair was at least neatly trimmed, but she pushed the thought away. No time for that now. She dipped her middle finger down into her wet opening, and drew the moisture up to her clit, using three fingers to softly rub. The beginning of the scene seemed to perfectly cater to Melody's tastes, but it eventually steered into a kink that Melody was not a huge fan of. She swiped back to the beginning of the scene, then threw her phone aside and focused on her body. She was hot and wet, but her clit wasn't very responsive. No matter how she touched herself, she never could seem to coax it out of its hood into the sensitive, swollen nub she'd read about. She pushed her fingers harder against herself as she rubbed, wanting so badly to come. She had several vibrators in her bedside drawer but she knew they wouldn't help her now, when her body wasn't responding. Closing her eyes, she tried to replay the scenes she'd read in her head, imagining being touched, being talked to like the character in her book. She let out a gasp as her pleasure reached a peak, sending a brief wave of heat up through her face, and then crashed.

Melody went limp on the bed for a moment, breathing heavily, but recovered almost immediately. She continued to lay there, however, feeling frustrated and unsatisfied. What she'd had could barely even be considered an orgasm, and it certainly didn't bring her very much relief. Sighing, she got up to finish getting ready for bed. As she brushed her teeth, she gazed at herself in the mirror, contemplating her ongoing struggle to bring herself pleasure. For years, Melody didn't believe she'd ever had an orgasm at all, so weak were the little peaks of pleasure she was able to wring from her body. She'd bought sex toys, switched from face-down to face-up masturbation, talked to a therapist, but nothing made more than a modicum of difference. Even with a partner, Melody had found, her arousal could be more drawn-out, but rarely could she reach a higher peak.

'Maybe this is it', she thought. 'Maybe this is all the orgasm I'll ever be able to experience.' She gazed at herself a moment longer, feeling even more miserable than earlier, before rinsing out her mouth and putting her toothbrush aside.

Back in her bedroom, she put her wet underwear in the hamper, and dug a new pair out of her dresser. Sitting at the foot of her bed, she felt her eyes grow hot, and a tear slipped down her left cheek. She allowed herself one minute to wallow in misery and disappointment before angrily wiping it away.

"Get it together, Melody." She said aloud. "Your body isn't broken, I'm sure all those authors are just exaggerating when they describe orgasms. And even if they're not, this is just the hand you've been dealt. Get used to it."

Feeling utterly defeated, Melody tucked herself in, turned off the light, and fell asleep.

A loud scraping sound outside woke Melody around 8. Grumpily, she looked out the window to see her apartment's maintenance man shoveling the sidewalk three stories below. The storm had stopped at some point during the night, and the sun now shone gently on the new-fallen snow. Feeling much cheered by the promise of a sunny day, and having a little extra time before work, Melody got up and made herself a large breakfast. In the shower, she used her electric razor, hoping a clean-shaven vagina might help her feel more sexually in-tune. As she rubbed lotion over her smooth, clean skin, the resentment she'd built up towards her body last night began to ease. Maybe she'd try again tonight, put a little more thought in. She pulled her blue dolphin vibrator out of its drawer and set it on the bed next to her favorite scented lotion, thinking the sight of them would help her remember this feeling when she got home.

Melody got dressed for work feeling good about the day ahead, and smiled at herself when she checked her reflection in the mirror. Her short, dark brown hair had dried into gentle waves around her face, and her silky green button-down shirt seemed to bring out the glow of her fair skin. She took a deep breath, exchanged one last look with her reflection, grabbed her bag and walked out the door.

Ten hours later, Melody walked back through her door in a drastically different mood. The day had been absolutely brutal. First she had tripped over an errant lamp cord, fallen on her face and broken the lamp in front of several coworkers. During lunch, she'd stepped out to get a coffee to make herself feel better, and had spilled half of it on her pants. Finally, her boss had returned a recently-submitted assignment of hers with a mountain of edits which she needed to stay late to complete, and a note that said "Not your best work." Melody could hardly remember having a more humiliating day.

Tossing her shoes and bag aside, she collapsed on the couch as usual. Realizing she was still in her coffee-stained clothes, she rose again and wandered into her bedroom to change. When Melody saw the vibrator and lotion sitting hopefully on her bed, she felt, if possible, even more defeated. "Why even bother?" She said quietly to herself, and began to cry. Stripping off her outer clothes and her bra, Melody tossed them carelessly towards her hamper, leaving her clad in just a soft undershirt and panties. Still sniffling, she climbed into bed, turned off the light and cried herself to sleep.

Several hours later, discomfort dragged Melody into consciousness. She was laying on her stomach, pillow angled beneath her chest and head, both hands up under the pillow, near her headboard. A kink in her neck made her want to switch positions, but she couldn't seem to bring her hands down in order to roll over.

She groaned as she lifted her head. Her hands seemed to be caught in something, and she could feel material wrapped around her wrists. Melody opened her eyes wider as she tried to focus.

"What the hell?" she said groggily, twisting her hands but still unable to free them. She became aware of a weight on the bed beside her a split second before a hand clapped over her mouth.

Melody came instantly awake as pure panic coursed through her body.

"MMMF! MMMMF!" Her yells were completely muffled by the large palm tightly molded to her face. She squirmed and kicked as she tried in vain to pull her hands free of their restraints. The comforter was pulled all the way down, tangled up with her feet. A warm weight settled over her back and she felt the hot breath of her assailant caress her ear.

"Shhhhh... Shhh shhh shhh..." a low voice whispered, and she felt another large hand creep down her back. Melody stopped moving, frozen in terror.

"Please," she tried to say against the hand over her mouth.

"It's okay," the voice, deep and male, said in her ear. "I promise I won't hurt you."

The second hand crept further down her back, sliding over her ass, gently caressing her cheeks through the fabric of her panties. The voice let out an appreciative sigh. "Your body is so beautiful." The roaming hand dipped lower, towards her pussy.

Melody jolted and shook her head, "MM-MM! MM-MM!"

"Ohh, I know baby, I know." He said into her ear. His body held her firm to the bed, and his warm hand slid gently across her pussy to cup it. Melody let out a whimper.

"It's okay," he said again, "I'm going to make you feel good."

He moved his hand up and down slowly over the fabric of her panties, rubbing broad circles around her clit.

"mmmf..." Melody moaned dejectedly against his other hand. She could hardly wrap her mind around what was happening. Some man had broken into her apartment and was assaulting her! Her hands were tied to the headboard, and she had no way to free them. She tried to think of some way to escape, but the slow, gentle rubbing of her clit was making it hard to concentrate. The man's hand felt unbelievably good, and Melody could feel herself becoming wet. What was going on? She couldn't be enjoying being assaulted!

The hand moved off her clit towards her opening, where wetness was pooling and soaking through her panties. He pressed a little harder, and Melody felt her pussy lips part around the tips of his fingers. The man hummed appreciatively in her ear. He pulled his hand back a bit, and brushed his fingertips lightly across her damp underwear, skating them across her lips, her clit and down onto her bare legs. His fingers gently brushed along the sensitive skin of her inner thighs, leaving goosebumps in their wake and sending chills up Melody's spine. She shivered, not certain whether it was out of fear or pleasure. The wandering fingers crept back up to the seam of her panties, toying briefly with the fabric before dipping underneath them.

Melody gasped at the skin-to-skin contact as the man's fingers dove beneath her underwear. She heard him softly groan as he felt how wet she was. He drew his fingers back to her clit and resumed his slow rubbing, the sensation now amplified by the slickness on his fingers. Melody whimpered quietly, her breath coming faster now.

"Does that feel good, baby?" The man's mouth was still right next to her ear, and she could feel the vibrations of his deep voice where his chest pressed into her back. "You have no idea how long I've dreamed about touching this pretty little pussy." His hand was moving faster now, the circles his fingers made becoming tighter and tighter around her clit. Melody's legs were beginning to quiver, and her breath came in gasps through her nose.

"That's it, baby, that's it..." He coaxed, as Melody began to moan in earnest. She couldn't think of anything but the man's warm, wet fingers toying with her pussy. Her body was coursing with heat, adrenaline and pleasure, the signals getting all mixed up in her brain.

"Do you want to come now, pet? Does that sweet little pussy want to come?" his words prompted an even louder moan from Melody, though she wasn't sure herself what she had meant it to mean. He seemed to take it as the affirmative though, or else he didn't care, because he focused his fingers directly over her clit and began a quick back-and-forth movement, and his other hand grasped her face even tighter. Melody squealed and her hips began to shake, her legs thrashing, but the man didn't break his rhythm for a second.

Melody let out a scream against his hand as her body convulsed and pleasure flooded her system. She felt the muscles inside her pussy contract, and she gasped for air as she came down from the high, the mans hand having reverted to the soft touches of earlier. 'Was that what a real orgasm feels like?' Melody wondered. It was certainly the most intense pleasure she'd ever felt. Her body was limp, and the man had stopped rubbing her while she caught her breath.

"Did you enjoy that, beautiful?" The man's words made her jump. She had almost forgotten that this man had tied her up and touched her against her will! His hand eased off her mouth.

"Please let me go," Melody whispered, her fear returning.

"Oh, pet, I'm nowhere near finished with you yet." He said, sitting up. Melody twisted her head to try and see him, but she glimpsed little more than a large, dark silhouette kneeling on the bed next to her. He reached both his hands back towards her panties.

"No!" Melody screamed, and the man's hand clapped back over her mouth once more.

"Still not convinced, hmm?" He whispered in her ear. His body pulled away as he reached for something on the far side of the bed. He brought whatever it was close, and his hand let go of her for a millisecond before a thick cloth wrapped around her face and head. Melody screamed into the fabric and thrashed, terrified that he meant to suffocate her.

"It's okay, it's okay!" the man's hands were in front of her face now, gently pulling the fabric down beneath her eyes and nose, doubling it over in front of her mouth. Melody gasped for breath through her nose. "I told you I wouldn't hurt you." He secured the fabric, tying it behind her head. The material was soft against her skin, and Melody thought it might have been the blanket from her couch.

"Please," Melody whimpered against the gag, "please."

"Sweetheart, I said I wouldn't hurt you, and I won't." The man's warm hands stroked down her back in soothing lines. "I promise, I just want to make you feel good. I know this little pussy has been terribly neglected. You don't know how to make it feel good, but I do. I'm going to show you how good this little pussy can feel." His voice became sugary-sweet as he talked, and his body moved down hers until he was positioned between her legs.

Melody had calmed down from her scare, but his words put a chill through her. He couldn't know about her troubles with orgasming, could he?

The man lay down on the bed, and Melody felt his shoulders against her thighs. He pulled his body up towards hers, and his shoulders forced her legs further apart. She could feel his breath, his face just inches from her sodden panties. She flinched as he made contact, but his lips were soft as he kissed his way up from her thighs to the curve of her ass, and finally down to the soft outline of her slightly swollen pussy. He inhaled deeply, and groaned as he exhaled. Melody gasped shakily as he kissed slowly all around her clit. The man let out a sudden growl of impatience, and Melody gave a muffled shriek as he sat up and tore her panties down her legs, and settled himself back between her thighs.

"Ohhhhhhhh baby," the man murmured, more to himself than to Melody, it seemed. "Your pussy is absolutely perfect." His fingers danced along her inner thighs. "Pink little pussies like this one deserve to come, don't they? Don't they, Melody?" Melody gave a jolt at the sound of her name, and squeaked against her gag. "Your pretty little pussy doesn't even know what a real orgasm feels like. Your sexy little novels, those buzzy toys in your drawer can't help you, can they? I know you've tried so hard, but you just can't get this little baby pussy to come properly, can you?"

Melody gave a brief moan of alarm. How could he know? How could he possibly know? This obviously wasn't some random break-in. This man knew her name, knew intimate details about her body! He had been watching her, somehow! She started squirming again, frightened by his knowledge, but his hands tightened on her thighs, holding her in place.

"I know, pet, I know. But it's okay. I know how to make this sweet pussy feel good. I'm going to show it how to come properly."

Melody's mounting panic was washed out of her head as the man leaned forward and licked slowly, deliberately, from her clit to her asshole. His tongue was hot against her skin, and he kept it broad and relaxed as he did it again.

"Fuck, baby, you taste amazing," he breathed against her. "You taste even better than I dreamed you would." Melody whimpered again, and buried her face in the pillow, confused by the pleasure coursing through her body, feeling that she should be holding on to the fear that was quickly slipping away.

The man pressed soft kisses to her clit.

"I'm gonna make this little pussy feel so,"





He began licking her pussy in earnest now. The soft pad of his tongue gently lapped at her clit through its hood, before moving up to tease her opening, and then moving back down. Melody moaned softly, unable to find the strength to try to resist.

He moved his hands up beneath her hips and lifted them, bringing her pelvis up into the air and bracing his elbows on the bed beneath her. Apparently at a better angle now, Melody felt him pull as much of her pussy as he could into his mouth and suck on it, before releasing it with a smack. The man groaned as he pressed his lips to her clit once more, and the vibrations travelled through it, deep into her body as he kissed it. He wrapped his lips around her pussy again, this time gently pulsing his tongue against her.

Melody moaned and gasped above him, feeling the muscles of her thighs tense and twitch outside of her control.

The man pulled back from her for a moment. His thumb came up to brush across her pubic mound.

"This little clit likes to hide away, does it? Doesn't it want to come out and play with my tongue?"

He used his thumb to pull her clitoral hood back a bit, and delicately grazed his tongue beneath it, but her clit remained determinedly out of sight.

"Still hiding, hmm? Well, that's alright. We'll just have to coax it out, won't we, pet? Just have to tempt that little clit out of its hidey-hole so I can give it the attention it deserves." He tapped lightly on her mound as he spoke, and Melody lifted her head from the pillow to try and look back at him, unsure how to react.

"Don't worry, pet." Melody thought she heard a smile in his voice. "I know just what to do." With that, he sat up and, with a large hand on either hip, deftly flipped her so she lay on her back.

Melody squealed with shock, and surprised herself by moaning loudly, completely unintentionally. What was happening to her? The man leaned up to check the bindings around her hands, adjusting them slightly so her arms weren't twisted and the fabric didn't cut into her skin. Melody squinted up at his face above her, trying to make out his features through the darkness. He looked down at her, and she was only just able to see his the glint of his eyes. For a moment she thought he might kiss her, but then he pulled away and moved back down between her legs.

"Now, let's see about this shy little clit, shall we? No wonder your pretty pussy can't come, if you can't get your little pink clit to come out and play."

The man's breath caressed her slick skin again, and Melody drew a shaky breath. She felt one of his fingers at her entrance and tensed, but he didn't push inside. His lips grazed her clitoral hood, just barely brushing against her folds. He wet them with his tongue and then grazed again, sliding easily over her softness. Melody felt his lips purse into a dainty kiss just below her clit, as his finger pulsed slowly at her entrance, still not moving forward. He continued to press teasing kisses at the spot where her clit might emerge, and Melody felt her face and chest beginning to flush. Her breath was coming faster now, despite how little he was touching her. Melody could barely believe how hot, how swollen her pussy felt. She already wanted to come again, badly, and she mewled as the man's finger pressed deeper and he bestowed a delicate lick onto her sensitive skin.

He encountered no resistance as his finger snaked gently, reverently inside Melody. Her pussy was positively soaking, and he continued his gentle pulsing movements against her insides as he alternated kisses and licks against her clit.


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