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The Porch Wolf Ch. 31-40


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"It's quite all right, Alpha Leo. It was an enlightening time for me as I met your Pack members," he said as he moved to the door. "I have other commitments, but the Council will be watching this situation closely to ensure it is resolved promptly. Luna McInnis will remain here until that time. I expect you will work closely with her; she represents the Council in this, and reports directly to me."

"I will not let you down again, Mr. Chairman."

"I hope not." He went out the front door, accompanied by his guard.

As soon as he was in the car, I turned the scooter around to go into the kitchen. I didn't get far; a sultry redhead was in my way, her body shaking with anger. "I'm so sorry, Adrienne. My words and actions hurt you in ways I didn't know. I'm ashamed that I did that to you, especially in front of others."

I felt the slap before I heard it; the left side of my face exploded in pain. "You dismissed me like I was NOTHING! You cut my heart out and tossed it in the garbage with your Kleenex," she said. She had her fists at her side, trembling as her anger fought at her control.

I resisted the impulse to put my hand to my face or strike back; I deserved that slap and more.

I let a breath out and looked into my mate's stormy green eyes. She was right to be furious with me; if she had rejected me and left, I would have understood. I could see her wolf pushing forward, challenging me. My wolf came forward, seeking his other half. The animals didn't need love; once they recognized the other, the attraction was like with rare-earth magnets. My wolf was all for claiming her and spending the night making love. Of course, her human side would rip my nuts off if I tried it. "I know that now. The words and the tone I used caused you great pain. I wish I could take them back; I wish that I could have chased after you and explained myself. My heart ached when I heard your howl, knowing I was the cause." I reached my hand out for her. "I did not reject you, Adrienne. My wolf knew, but he did not tell me because he did not think I was ready. I know what you are now."

"Are you ready now?"

"I will not lie to you, Adrienne. I had never let my mate go after she died; it has only been in the last week or so that I've started to give away her things and sort through her effects. While you were running around, I left my wedding band on the dresser for the first time since she slid it onto my finger thirty years ago. I'm a work in progress, but I'm making progress."

"I know how hard it can be, and I had a Pack that helped me through. Luna Susan told me you withdrew from everyone, and then you were banished. It's a miracle you survived." She was right; Alphas did everything to extremes, even grief. "I will not reject you, not unless I have to do so to protect my heart again."

"You won't need to do that, Adrienne. I know what a gift you are, and I trust Luna. If she gave you to me and me to you, there is a reason. I beg you to be patient with me while I get my life back in order. I'm not ready to be your mate YET, but I will be."

She didn't say anything for a while. "I am to monitor the progress of things here for the Council, and I will do that. I will get to know you and your Pack along the way. Until my job is done, there is no 'us.' We get to know each other as friends first."

I let out a breath I was holding. "Thank you," I said. "You will not regret it. There is a guest room on this level that is ready for you, this way." I led the way back to the hallway, going to the bedroom next to mine that Liv had used that first night.

"It will be fine, though I didn't bring much with. I may have to do some shopping."

We were interrupted by a call to dinner. Adrienne led the way back to the kitchen as I enjoyed the view. She was tall and athletic, with the body of someone a decade or two younger. I think she sensed me looking at her because her hips started to sway a little more in those white slacks.

I didn't have much time to watch before we reached the dining room, where all but two places were taken. Adrienne was left with the chair to my left as I pulled up to the opening for me at the head of the table. My Pack was already recognizing her as the Luna. Luna Susan was on the right, as a fellow Alpha and guest. "You're still alive," Donna said as she brought the manicotti and sausage over with Anita. We passed the trays around, filling our plates with the fantastic smells of the meat and cheese. I cursed that my arm was still in the sling because I couldn't serve my mate as I wanted to.

"Our Goddess has blessed me with a second chance, a mating pull between myself and Luna Adrienne. A second mate is a rare and happy occurrence. I have issues I need to work out, and the Luna has Council business here to attend to. The timing of the completion of this bond, if it does happen, is a private matter between the two of us alone. Is that understood?"

Everyone answered yes. No one would eat until the Alphas did; I deferred to Adrienne, taking my bite a half-second after she did.

Sharkbait broke the silence. "No sex?"

I inhaled a bit of the manicotti, starting to cough as I choked on the piece. Adrienne smacked me three times in the back, the last after I got the pasta out of my trachea. "Thank you," I said weakly.

"It was my pleasure," she said. "Vicki, what do you know about mates?"

"Mommy is mates with Brent, but no sex yet." If I wanted to crawl under the table, I could Imagine what Liv was thinking.

"Yet," Brent said before Liv elbowed him.

"Unky Leo's mate died, and he was sad. Now you come, and he can be happy. Bread, please?"

Liv quickly pushed more food onto her plate, hoping she'd stop talking. Adrienne wasn't intimidated. "My mate died too, and I was sad for a long time. There is nothing better than the mate bond, and nothing harder than living alone after it. I can sense your strength, Vicki. You will be a strong female, and Luna will find the right person for you too."

"Boys are yucky," she said.

The rest of the meal was uneventful, and Adrienne, Susan, and I returned to my office. I had texted my lawyer, Jacob Burnley, with the financial terms Susan had accepted earlier. The paperwork for the sale of eighty percent of Volkov Construction back to me was ready. It took Jacob an hour to go through all the forms and obtain the signatures he needed. "The money will be transferred Monday prior to the paperwork being filed with the Secretary of State's office. Per my client's instructions, the money will be directly transferred to the indicated creditors."

Susan rose and shook his hand. "Thank you, Mr. Burnley. You and Patricia have made this unpleasant task bearable." She left with Adrienne, leaving me alone with my lawyer.

"You overpaid," he told me.

"I know, but I have my reasons," I said.

"I hope so. The company is a mess, and you'll be a busy man turning it around."

I just laughed. "I've been doing jack point shit for years, Jacob. It's about time I got back to work."

"I don't think it will be struggling for long. It's been fun, Leo. Maybe now I can enjoy my winter vacation." I escorted him to the door and shook his hand before he left.

I was exhausted from the day. I readily agreed to a movie night in the living room with those who weren't going for a Pack run. Liv still couldn't shift because her ankle wasn't healed, but Vicki's concussion symptoms were gone. Liv said she could run with Anita and Adrienne; they would do some training with her when the rest of the Pack took off for a hard run.

I let Liv pick the movie, and she selected "Rocketman." I didn't argue; I liked Elton John. I hoped the documentary would be as good as some of the other ones I'd seen lately. I just about spit out my popcorn when the first song and dance routine started. "What the hell is this," I said as I pointed at the screen.

"It's a musical," she said.

"What? The commercials didn't say that!" Of course, I ended up watching the whole thing. Just shoot me now.

The wolves came running into the house, shifting and going to their rooms. Sharkbait's little wolf was covered in clumps of snow and ice. She jumped up on the couch, giving her Momma a lick as her wet paws tracked over her clothes. "Upstairs, SHOWER," she said as she got up to follow her.

I turned the television off and went back towards my bathroom, glad I'd invested in the on-demand water heater for when so many people were in the showers at once. I took my own shower, put on shorts and a shirt with my arm immobilizer, and readied myself for bed. Instead of heading for the sheets, I turned the other way and went out into the hall. The house was quiet and dark; I stopped by the guest room. Lightly tapping, I wished Adrienne a good night. "Good night, Leo," she responded.

Smiling, I went to bed and turned the light off. Sleep escaped me; my wolf was anxious. He wanted his mate.

The door opened just as I thought I might get up again since sleep wasn't coming. "Leo?"

"Come in, Adrienne." I could make out her, in her pajamas, nervously approaching the bed. "Your wolf won't let you sleep either?"


I moved the covers aside. "Come on in. I'll behave," I said. Adrienne slid into the bed, moving until my right arm was wrapped around her back, and her leg was draped over mine. I kissed her forehead, and we were asleep in moments.

Ch. 35

I opened an eye when I sensed the door opening and closing. My wolf wasn't alarmed; in fact, he was happy. Our mate was snuggled into our side, her scent filling the air in my room. I hadn't had nightmares, and I'd slept deeply. Looking over at the clock on the bedside table, it was just past one in the morning.

Adrienne was sleeping peacefully. I didn't want to move and wake her, so I didn't sit up. I heard her come around the bed to my side. "Unky Leo?"

"What are you doing up, Vicki?"

"Mommy and Brent are making funny noises. Can I sleep with you?"

I could just imagine what those two were doing. Now that Liv had accepted Brent as a mate, a physical relationship was inevitable. Liv had never dated, focusing on work, school, and her daughter. She would have no idea what was going on with her headboard banging against the wall, the box spring creaking, and the strange noises they were making. "Come on in and go to sleep," I said. I couldn't lift the sheet with my bad arm, but she managed to get in. She smelled like shampoo and soap, her shark pajamas with long sleeves and booties looked cute on her. She snuggled in, her back against my side, and we both went back to sleep.

The next time I woke, it was to the smell of bacon. I had to go to the bathroom, which presented a problem. I was trapped by a sleeping mate to my right and a sleeping girl to my left. My scooter was on the right, so I had to poke the bear.

I pulled Adrienne closer, kissed her forehead, then moved my arm out from under her head. She didn't like that, and her arm moved across my chest as she clung to me. Her knee moved up, bumping into the next problem, just below my waistband. Her knee couldn't move up any farther without causing damage. "Adrienne," I whispered as I tried to get my arm free.

"Mmmuugh," she said.

I kept shaking her gently. "Adrienne, I need to get up." I must have gotten through, because she rolled onto her back, freeing my arm. I couldn't use my other arm to get over her, so I pulled the sheets and blanket away and scooted down to the base of the bed. She didn't like the cold and rolled back into the warmth of my spot in the middle. By the time I had her covered again, she and Vicki were snuggled up with each other.

I looked back at the scene as I drove into the bathroom; my mate, and a girl I had claimed as my own daughter. Two weeks ago, I wouldn't have believed either was possible.

I finished my business and let them sleep as I went out into the hall and to the kitchen. Donna was there with Anita, Lois, and Carla. They were putting together a Sunday brunch. "There are going to be a lot of guests this morning," Donna said. "Luna Susan informed her Pack last night that it was merging into our Pack. I worked it out so the interested Pack members could stop by this morning, so you could bring them into your Pack."

"Thank you," I said. I'd been so focused on what I did to Adrienne yesterday that I hadn't considered the impact of our deal on dozens of families. The sooner they had their place in the Pack, the better.

"Sit down and eat." I drove over to my spot, and she brought me waffles, bacon, and scrambled eggs. I looked back towards the hallway. "Let them sleep, we're going to have a lot of people eating through the course of the morning."

"You haven't been neutered, so I lost THAT bet," Anita said.

I laughed a little as I took the orange juice from her. "Our wolves wouldn't rest until we were together. I still have a long way to go with her human side."

"Don't push," Larry said. "Go about your business, show her what you are as a person and as an Alpha," he said.

"But don't you ignore her," Donna said. "Introduce her as your second chance mate, talk about a future together, ask for her advice. If you behave as if your mating is a done deal, maybe she'll start to believe you."

"I can't do much worse than what I did in the office," I said. "I have a lot to learn about her."

The door from the garage apartment opened, and Liv came down with Brent right behind her. She looked a little panicked as she searched for Vicki. "Where is she," she asked.

"She heard noises last night and came down to sleep with me," I said. "She's still in there." Liv's face turned red with embarrassment as she realized what I meant. "Nice hickie, by the way."

She pulled at her shirt, which didn't cover the mating bite on the left side of her neck where it met her shoulder. Brent showed his, more on the collarbone than the neck, but still a good, deep bite. "I had no idea it would be like this," Liv said.

Brent wrapped his arms around her from behind, nuzzling into her new mark. Her knees weakened, and she moaned at the sensation before she realized where she was. "Not here," she whispered. "I need to check on my baby."

"I'll get you a plate," Brent said.

Liv came back out alone, not wanting to disturb either of them as they slept. "Vicki barely knows who Adrienne is, I'm shocked she's curled up with her like that."

"It's her wolf," Brent explained. "Adrienne and Leo are Alphas, and our wolves feel comfortable and protected with them, just like she does with you."

She thought about it. "I have so much to learn."

"I would like you all to stay here this morning," I said. "The Welch Pack is merging with ours, and few of them have met either of you. You are important to the Pack. Not only are you new members and mates, but because Vicki is my heir."

"WHAT?" Liv looked at me like I was crazy.

"I've explained the Alpha Mantle, and what it means for Vicki that she has it. She will have the strength and power to rule and defend a Pack. My wolf and I think of her as a daughter; as you know, Catherine and I could not have children. I have a mate again in Adrienne, but the chances of us conceiving an heir together are remote. Vicki is the heir to this Pack, Liv. She's going to be an amazing Alpha when she is of age."

Liv looked at Brent. "You knew?"

"It's not like she has to do anything now, she's not even in first grade yet," Brent said. "She's a mantled female in this Pack; unless she leaves to be elsewhere with her mate, the Pack will pass to her when Leo and Adrienne are gone. That's a good thing, Liv. Packs are more stable if the line of succession is known."

"She's a hungry Alpha now," a voice said from the hall. Adrienne was leading a sleepy Vicki into the room in her shark-footy pajamas. "Good morning, everyone."

I gave her a big smile. "Good morning Adrienne. How did you sleep?"

"I feel rested," she said. "Thank you." Vicki went over to sit by her Mom, and the chair next to me opened up for my mate. Donna asked her what she would like, then went to get her a plate.

"We are going to have a busy day," I said. I explained what would be going on with the Pack members arriving to join. "If you are comfortable with it, I'd like you by my side," I said.

"I haven't accepted the bond or the position," she said defensively.

"I know that. I also know your official capacity is as an observer for the Council. I propose we use that; we acknowledge that Luna has given us a second chance at a mate, but we are not acting on it until the Council business is concluded. In the meantime, you are observing the merger and seeing how we operate."

She took a sip of coffee, thinking it over. "I can accept that," she said.

As the morning went on, and fifteen more families joined our Pack, I could see her comfort level growing. She wouldn't let me hold her hand, but I did everything I could to show my acceptance of her. I introduced her as my future mate, asked her opinion, and complimented her experience as Luna and with the Council. It was hard to get a read on what she was thinking; her years as a mediator had trained her to keep a neutral expression no matter what was said. "What are they saying about Adrienne and Vicki," I asked Anita. She was downstairs, where the informal party was along with the children, while I was doing Pack business in the living room.

"They like Adrienne, her reputation precedes her. She would be an asset to any Pack." I smiled at that; she was better qualified to run a Pack than I was. I wondered how this would work with us. "As for Vicki, that girl could charm the socks off a freezing man. They love her, and love that you have claimed her as your heir. They also LOVE Liv and Brent. Nobody can believe that she is so strong and blessed just days after making her first turn. There's a lot of excitement about the additions."

"And the subtractions? The ones who left?"

"Good riddance. After meeting Vicki, anyone on the fence about what Todd did is pissed at him now. The idea of their Pack being responsible for her nearly dying makes them sick. They love her. She's down there with the kids, and she is already forming them into her own mini-Pack."

"Thanks, Anita." It was nearly noon, and I'd just brought the last family into the Pack. "Can I have one person from each family join me in the upstairs living room in five minutes, please," I said. "Adrienne, I will be speaking to each of the families about the direction of the Miesville Pack in a few minutes. Before then, I need to take a quick break."

"Good idea," she said. "I'll meet you back here."

She went to her guest room to freshen up while I drove to my, soon OUR bedroom. I needed the crash bars around the toilet to move around. When I came back out, I parked in front of the picture window, facing almost two dozen people, who represented the eighty-seven members of the Miesville Pack. Susan sat to my right, her Alpha status gone, and she looked relieved. I waited for Adrienne to arrive and sit next to me before I began. "Before I start talking about the future, I'd like to apologize for the last five years. The loss of Catherine devastated me, and I stopped wanting to live. I pushed away all those who tried to help, including many of you in this room, and I ceased to be the Alpha you needed. Todd came to me, worried that if I showed up at the Alpha Summit that way, another Alpha would kill me and take over." Some of them grumbled at this. "He was right. We made a deal; I would sell him my shares in Volkov Construction, and then I would take a dive in the challenge fight he made. Per our agreement, I was banished."

"He never should have cut us off from you, Alpha," one of the wives said.

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