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The Portal X 9000

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A woman becomes connected to a portal as a sex toy.
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[Features: Portals, rape, unaware, sex toys.]

Hah hah hah.

"Get back here!"

"I said I was sorry!"


OH god hah hah hah, I was out of shape but if that lady catches me I'll probably end up in jail. I mean, come on! So I might have, maybe, possibly put a camera on the stairs. That's not a crime, right? Maybe? Probably? Okay fine, recording women walking by in skirts was probably illegal for some reason or another, but come on! It was just harmless fun.

Well, until this lady noticed me picking the camera up after she had walked by a few minutes ago...

Curse intelligent women!

I turned down an alley quickly and near the end, there was a door in the side of a building. Probably a back entrance into an apartment building or something. I grabbed for it, hoping beyond hope, and apparently I got lucky as the door was unlocked. I quickly went inside and closed the door behind me. With any luck, the women from before wouldn't have noticed I went this way...

Though I had dropped my camera at some point so really, I felt this whole day was a wash.

I turned back around to see where I was and my eyes nearly popped out of my head. I was in a store and not some back entrance of it. It looked like I had entered the front lobby but I was fairly sure that was impossible. But that paled in comparison to what I saw before me. There were colorful things zipping around, a bunch of things in jars, masks, what looked like wands and staffs, things that all looked unique. It was like I had stumbled onto a...

"Welcome to Mazzio's Curiosities!"

I nearly jumped out of my skin as I heard a female's voice from behind me. I turned around and saw a woman standing before me. She had a weird feathered black mini coat on that only reached to midrift, a shirt that read "I ♡ Curio" that didn't cover her stomach, a black hat that made me think of a witch's or pimp hat or some fusion of both, a silver necklace that looked to have a... fairy? frozen in amber on it, and black pants with stars on them. Not stars as in the 5 point stars, but a variety of glowing, rotating, moving, colorful sphere's. As if someone had taken actual stars, shrunk them down and somehow fused them with the fabric.

She had warm tanned skin and a predator's smile. She was also about a foot taller than me.

I didn't know what was happening any more but I got the distinct sensation that I was in danger.

Her smile widened.

"Now now, let's not stand in the lobby my dear boy. Come with me, there's many sights and things to see."

She walked past me and I was stuck there, frozen, not moving a bit. Till she looked back at me and I figured that following was safer than telling this woman no.

"Ah, I see you've stumbled upon me by chance. Well not to worry, after you choose something from here, you are free to leave!"

That sounded like a lot of threat there.

I saw a tentacle in a jar as I passed by and what looked like an ice crystal the size of my head that was... breathing? This story was definitely not normal.

"Where, what, what is this place?"

"Why, I've already said! It's Mazzio's Curiosities! Where you can find all sorts of odd's and bob's for your many needs! Do you want a wand that summons poodles? How about a fairy that does all your chores? Very popular that one. How about a picture book that traps souls or a rice cake that gives you jaw strength of five hounds?"

"Wait, what was that about trapping souls?"

She turned back to me and gave me a smile. A predatory smile and I was reminded that I was not safe in this, in this magical store. I'd probably freak out about this later but right now my mind was merely screaming "AHHHHHHHHHHH" and "I"M IN DANGER." over and over on repeat in my head. I'd always been pretty good at shoving all of that stuff away when need be and I needed it all shoved away right now.

The woman, Mazzio? Was staring at me and began to pout a little.

"Aw, that's no fun. I hate the kids with suppression as a defense mechanism. It's so much better when you all panic."

"I, I don't understand. I'm also 23..."

"Yes yes" she waved away "A child by most standards."

My head was starting to hurt.

"I just, I just have to choose something and I can go right?"

"Yes, absolutely! We have so many wonderful options for you to choose, so, and think deeply here. What do you want?"

"I, how am I supposed to answer that? I have no idea what you have."

"Ah ah ah, nope, you've got it wrong. Don't think about what I have, think about what you want. I'm no genie" Those assholes, she muttered "but I have such a wide variety, it's better to start with what you want. What drives you? What fuels you? What do you want to gain?"

Thinking was absolutely not going to happen right now so I just said whatever I was thinking at the time.


She blinked and looked at me.


She waited, I felt like I had to say more or something but I didn't know what to say.

"I could use a new toy I guess."

The old one was kinda lame.

She just blinked again and then smiled.

"I think I've changed my mind about those who suppress their emotions as a defense. They can give such funny answers. All the world is possible and you choose a sex toy. Not something to make you an incubus or irresistible or a literal sex magnet, no. You choose a toy. Well, very well! Let me come and show you the best toy that no money can buy!"

With that she practically, well, honestly I can't actually tell you what she did. She kinda danced away and suddenly we were at her counter and she was behind it, with a black box in her head.

"Feast your eyes on this my young friend! It's the Portal X 9000. Simply turn the knob, choose the setting, and it'll be the real thing! It has 3 selections, of mouth, ass and vagina. No clean up necessary! Simply turn it off. With this, you'll be cumming your brains out, not literally, in no time!"

My head was really starting to hurt.

"Ah ah, it seems you better take it now before reality crashes into you."

She pushed it towards me and I grabbed it. Suddenly, I found myself facing the door and walking outside. Before I left, I heard Mazzio calling me one last time.

"Oh and Mark?"

I looked back.

"Beware the consequences."

And then my world faded to black.




I woke up with a start, patting all around me. Just a dream. A really, really weird dream. I layed back on my bed and looked at my desk by chance. My heart froze like a layer of ice had wrapped around it. Like the deepest arctic chill had breathed directly into my chest and taken resident there as my stomach became a tomb.

There, sitting on my desk, was the toy from the dream.

"It was real..."

It was all real. I hadn't dreamt it. It hadn't been some imagined delusion or something insane or crazy. The proof was sitting right in front of me. I began to hyperventilate. The woman, the magic, the impossible stuff of it all, it was all Real.

I freaked out, there might have been a little screaming, definitely a decent amount of panicking, before I finally calmed down and could finally get my thoughts in order.

Magic was real, no, at the very least, that place was real. That woman, that shop, it was all, it existed. And...

My eyes shot a look at the toy.

I owned a piece of it. What had she said? What had she said? She said it was like the real thing right? That's...that's it? That it had three options, that it's like the real thing and it didn't need to be cleaned. That's not so bad right? It's nothing crazy or impossible, it's just really good right?

I'll admit, maybe I had more curiosity than sense. Maybe I was just feeling numb and was giving into base impulses but, wouldn't you be curious of what it could do too?

I picked it up and it was, plain. A black cylinder. Long, sure, but not that long. 8 inches maybe? Decently wide. With a light black ring around the base. Despite being a smooth cylinder it felt pretty easy to grip. I took the cap off and it was just flat black. A wall of plastic. Well, maybe plastic, who knew with this thing. On the back there were four squares. Each square had a little symbol next to it, making it pretty obvious what they were. A pair of lips, an ass, and a vagina. The last switch was just an on/off switch.

I turned it on and the light around the base started to glow a light black. I saw light coming from where the flat wall of the front used to be and now it was a glowing, swirling, white. I very, very carefully decided to poke it, but it was still a flat wall. I decided to start simply and clicked the vagina button.

The swirling white changed until, I was looking at a vagina. It looked exactly like a real vagina. I again, very carefully poked it and it felt, well, I thought it felt like a real vagina. I didn't exactly have much experience. Or any, really. I kept poking it, rubbing it and I felt it twitch!

I pulled my finger back like it had been bitten but no, it was fine. But it moved! It really moved! I slowly put my finger inside and it was... wet. Wet and moving. Wait.

What was it she had said? She hadn't said it was like the real thing. She had said:

"..and it'll be the real thing!"


Be the real thing.

This, this was actually someone's real Vagina!

But, but who?!

There was no way to know. This could be anyone's vagina.

Could I, could I really do that? Use this. I may do some questionable stuff but this, isn't this too far? I set the toy down on its base.

I could see the vagina, it was still there, nothing had changed on that front. It was just there.

I sat on my bed and just looked at it.

I couldn't really do this, right? It was wrong, immoral, evil maybe. No, definitely. 100%. This wasn't at the same level as getting a few panty shots.

It was right there.

I shouldn't. I should turn it off and then figure out some way to destroy it and forget this ever happened.

It was right there.

It'd be a good act, to destroy it. It'd be a good thing to do. I could leave it, forget about it, it would disappear from my memory in time. In a few years, I'd doubt my own sanity and maybe think it had all been a really bad day dream or something. A mind gone wild. That I had maybe actually destroyed a completely normal toy I had gotten after going into a sex shop and just cracked a little at the time and imagined the whole thing.

It still sat. Right there.

I grabbed it.

I was a virgin. Everyone kept telling me that was fine, that it wasn't a big deal that, that someone would come along eventually. That I couldn't really look for a relationship or force it, that it would take time. It had never come. If there's any ultimate feeling of failure, it's that. So many things in life are simple. Get a degree, get a good job, you get money. Hang out with people for more than 5 seconds and try talking to them regularly, you'll make friends. But there was no way I'd ever found to simply find a relationship. It was gambling and gambling with skills on the line at that. Couldn't talk about sex too soon, couldn't bring it up too fast, had to be the right amount of flirty and interesting and could never move too quick or slow. So many rules and it was still a complete gamble. It was the worst type of game.

And I had failed completely at it.

Evil or not, even if it wasn't a relationship, at least I'd finally not be a virgin.

I prepared myself and plunged into it.

It was all worth it.


That bastard! How on earth could he even get away?! At least I got his camera but sigh. That probably wouldn't be much help in finding him or reporting him to the police.

Honestly, maybe it was for the best. I probably shouldn't have even chased him. What if he had a gun or even just a knife? It was stupid but I was just so angry. I hadn't been wearing underwear today. Seeing that pervert with a camera, realizing what he had a video of just, caused me to get so mad.


Well whatever.

I was laying on my bed, relaxing after today. I decided to check my phone for a bit and saw that Chelsey had messaged me.

"Amanda, you okay?! I saw you running after some guy. What was all that about?"

"Ha. I was just thinking about that. Some pervert was recording people walking down the stairs."

"Uh, okay?"

"Recording *underneath* people walking down stairs."

"Oh that bastard!"

It was fun talking to Chelsey, until I felt something poke me. I yelped and immediately dropped the phone. It felt like something had just poked my vagina. I quickly took off my panties, thinking it was a bug or something but, but what I saw shocked me. There was some kinda white swirling...vortex where my vagina should be! I tried to reach down but it was like I had become a barbie doll. It was like a flat piece of glass glued to me that I couldn't remove or do anything with. I tried pulling it off or grabbing it or anything really, even punching it, but it was like it was an immovable object, except stuck to me. There was nowhere to grab it, nowhere to move it, it was stuck to me.

And then I felt a finger go inside me.

I screamed and tried to move or pull back or get this horrible thing off me but I couldn't! It wouldn't get off, it was stuck or attached to me or something!

I felt the finger leave my body.

What the fuck was this?! What was going on?! I looked down and tried to figure it out. I didn't know what was happening or what had caused this but I couldn't figure out what to do. I was panicking. Nothing happened for another minute or so, until I felt something horrible.

It was like I was stabbed but pained cleared and I felt what was happening, I realized it was so much worse than that. Someone was fucking me. Someone was, someone had, someone was thrusting inside me with their dick.

I screamed and tried to move or jump or do anything but it wasn't any use, nothing helped. I couldn't pull it off, I couldn't do anything. It was hard enough to walk while, while your, while.

I managed to grab a hammer. I swung.

It hit the white flat plain and did absolutely nothing.

Tears welled up in my eyes as I kept feeling someone's dick ram into my insides, hurting me, making me feel it as it penetrated me. I was being raped. Someone was raping me and there was nothing I could do. I just had to lay here and take it and suffer.

And I suffered.

They used me like a toy. They rammed into me, over and over again, all the way, at full force. It hurt, it didn't even feel good. It only went on for a few minutes but that was like only being set on fire for a "few minutes." Eventually, I felt it pull out of me. I just laid there, too in shock and pain to do anything. I had been so, so utterly violated. Just like that. Fine and then raped. Just like that. Strangely, I could feel the vortex disappear even though I hadn't felt it show up. It was gone.

I layed there, unmoving, frozen in a rictus of mental agony.

Then I felt something flat in my mouth.

I screamed as best I could and tried to bite down to prevent it but it was past my teeth, gluing the top and bottoms of my mouth together. It slammed into my throat and I gagged and kept gagging and feeling like I was gonna throw up as it fucked my face. I felt like I was dying, I felt like I was in hell. I couldn't breathe, I couldn't breathe and something was slamming down my esophagus and I could, I couldn't breathe and something was in my throat and I couldn't stop gagging and I couldn't stop gagging.

It wouldn't stop, it wouldn't end, it just kept going and I could taste liquid, my own liquid, from my vagina, seeping down. I was being tortured.

It felt like an eternity but eventually, it stopped and went away.

The second the vortex disappeared and let me open my mouth I leaned to the side and threw up and gagged in breath while choking and burping and sobbing. It was so horrible. I still felt like I was dying, like I couldn't breathe, when I felt something slam into my ass.

I screamed. I screamed and screamed and screamed. It hurt, it hurt a lot but that wasn't why I screamed. I was screaming about all of it. All of it. The pain, the torture, the violation, the dying. I felt the dick cum inside me and then disappear.

I sobbed and screamed for help. Help that never came.

I don't know how long it was but the horror never returned. I pulled what was left of me after that together and noticed a piece of paper on my desk. It wasn't there before. Fear and terror tore at my heart. Something other. Something like from before. I stared at it, unmoving, for hours, before I shakily reached forward to grab it. It was simple. Just a few lines and an address underneath it.

"Come on down to Mazzio's Curiosities! You're entitled to one free item (consequences free!)"

In a daze, I left for it.


This thing was amazing! The vagina was great but was a bit dry for some reason. I felt like I was going to cum immediately from how awesome it felt though. I wanted to switch it up before I came though and tried out the other settings. The mouth was unique. It made a really loud sound when it was first portalled but, but that was normal right? Anyone would make a loud sound if something appeared in their mouth, right? It felt good. In a different way from the vagina. I was so excited that I went for anal and that, well, we all learn lessons I guess.

The ass was way too dry. I knew you needed lube for that stuff but I really underestimated it. It felt terrible really. Ah, well. I'll know for next time and hey, even if it felt a bit bad it was still so tight. I even eventually came from it. This thing was awesome.

I wasn't a virgin anymore.

Hell, better than that, I had the literal perfect sex toy. I couldn't wait to use it again in a few hours after I took a bit of a rest. I know it's not the nicest thing to do but God Damn does a woman just feel so, so good! Sex is amazing!

I was basking in my afterglow, just thinking about how bright my future was looking when I remembered something. Remembering would be the wrong word because I been purposefully ignoring them and now they seemed to come back with a burning fury in my mind. A literal burning fury as it felt like the words were searing themselves while inside my brain. I clutched my head and held back a scream.

"Beware the consequences."

And then it was gone, like it never was.

I gulped. I knew, I knew that those words had been said to me. But I just, I didn't care. It was just a warning right? It's just, just empty words right? But after that... I waited. I didn't know what was going to happen, but I waited and then I noticed my penis was gone.

I was horrified, thinking the consequence was my dick disappearing. That was pretty severe wasn't it?!

But no, no it wasn't gone. There was a... white... plain over it.

Oh no.

But it got worse, because soon, I could feel another in my mouth.

And then one on my ass.

Something touched my dick. It felt slimy and long. Inhuman.

I screamed but there was no one around to hear it.


"Why?" I asked Mazzio in front of me. She was the reason I had been... she was the reason. She had told me she sold it to the guy.

"Ah, simple my dear. We don't control what others do with our products! If he had resisted and found a girlfriend properly, he would have had a good proper use of his toy. Able to enjoy himself with her at any point anywhere. You were simply collateral damage."

Collateral damage. I was nothing.

"You caused it. You basically gave that, thing, a gun and let it go wild."

I refused to call it a person let alone a man.

"Right you are! But you see," and Mazzio changed. She was no longer a magical woman before me but a monster in human skin, smiling down at me, in a domain of power. Power the likes of which earth should never have seen.


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