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The Possession of Jesse

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A young man's fun is interrupted.
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Note to Readers: This story contains nonconsensual sex between men. If this isn't your thing, please move on.


Jesse was in a rush to get home. Eight full hours with his amazingly hot coworker always brought that old, familiar ache back. Ashley was tall, lithe, and graceful, and just being in the same room with her made him squirm. Even now, in the car, just thinking about her made him wince from the pinch of metal between his legs.

He didn't know why he had always been so fascinated by chastity. He yearned to find a woman to hold his key, to control when he could touch his dick, when he could become aroused. And many of his fantasies revolved around Ashley, the woman he spent forty hours a week with.

But no one held his key, so he kept it in a time-release safe. It would still be another four days before the safe opened, and he could find the release his body was aching for. But his body was impatient, and wouldn't wait.

So he'd have to resort to his other method. It wasn't nearly as good as the real thing, but it was enough to keep him from going insane.

He reached his apartment and immediately withdrew to his bedroom without so much as a glance to his roommate, Nate. After locking the door, he pulled out the sturdy ankle-cuffs and attached them to the bed posts at the end of the bed. Next, he went to his nightstand and pulled out the locking butt plug and the locking penis gag, along with the little locks that went with them.

First, he lubed up the plug, took a deep breath as he held it against his hole, then gently eased it in. Anal play was never one of his favorite activities, but with his dick locked up for another four days, it was all he could do. And when he'd done this before, he always still felt somewhat sated, and the ache in his belly subsided.

He wished he could use the dildo that he sometimes played with while masturbating. He enjoyed the feeling of the thick plastic inside him. But it wouldn't stay in without being held in place. Even average plugs could fall out if he squirmed enough. That's why he bought the locking plug. He enjoyed the fact that he couldn't push it out. The only problem was that the plug only came in one size, and that size was bigger than what Jesse was used to.

He closed his eyes and gasped, his jaw tense, breathing heavily as the smooth metal plug made its way into him. It was a slow process. He didn't often play with his ass.

But finally, it was in place. He reached down and pulled the locking mechanism, and moaned softly as he felt the plug expand inside him. It took a little bit of fiddling, but he finally got the lock in place and clicked it closed.

Next came the gag. He pushed the penis-shaped plastic into his mouth, over his tongue, and buckled the harness behind his head, locking it as well. The gag was long; not so long as to choke him, but long enough that it was just a bit uncomfortable, and if he wasn't careful, it would trigger his gag reflex.

Last, but not least, he went to the mini-freezer in the corner of his room and opened it, pulling out the wrist cuffs and his favorite device of all; the Ice Warden.

It was relatively simple in design. A hollow metal chamber that could be filled with water and frozen, with a metal core attached to an O-ring that slid inside it. Once the water was frozen, it was completely locked, and the mechanism would not release until the water melted.

He took the cuffs and knelt at the end of the bed, straining to cuff his ankles in place. Sure, he could make the process much easier by tying his legs together, to the middle of the bed, but he liked the exposed feeling of being tied spread-eagle. He wished there was a way he could tie his arms to either side of the bed, to lie in a full spread-eagle, but that wasn't something he could do.

He finally got the cuffs buckled, then fell forward on his stomach. Reaching up, he threaded one of the wrist cuffs through the iron slats at the head of the bed, then cuffed his wrists, buckled them, and clicked the locks closed.

Finally, he was done, and he let out a deep sigh, relaxing into the mattress. It would be about two and a half hours before the ice would melt enough for him to unlock himself. He felt full, violated, and exposed. The plug was pressing directly against his prostate. It wasn't enough to give him an erection, much less an orgasm, but if he gyrated his hips a certain way, the pressure intensified. He knew without a doubt that his dick was already leaking precum.

Still moving his hips, he pulled against the cuffs that held him, loving the feeling of being restrained, being helpless. He closed his eyes, carefully adjusting the gag with his tongue, and laid his head down on the pillow. He liked to imagine that Ashley had been the one to tie him down, to cage his dick, to fill his ass and mouth. He created vivid fantasies in his head, and the more he thought about her, the more his hips moved, and the more he pulled against his restraints.

Jesse was thoroughly enjoying himself. The plug and gag were uncomfortable, but he had to admit that the discomfort was part of what he liked about them. He moaned softly, feeling utterly penetrated.

But a strange sound made him immediately snap alert. It was the sound of his doorknob.

His heart pounding, he strained to look over his shoulder, at the door. Thankfully he hadn't forgotten to lock it. But why was his roommate at his door?

He continued watching as the doorknob jiggled. What was Nate doing?

After a few moments, the jiggling stopped, and there was silence. Jesse shook his head, shrugged, and relaxed once more. The interruption had been unpleasant, but he was still enjoying himself.

But then, the jiggling came back. Jesse looked again, and felt his heart go silent in his chest as he saw the latch begin to turn. Pure disbelief and utter dread took hold of him, and for a moment, he couldn't even piece together what was happening.

What was he seeing? Was his door actually being unlocked? By whom? What was going on?

His breath caught in his throat as the door slowly opened and his roommate stepped into the room.

"Get out!" he tried to scream, but the gag prevented anything but muffled shouts from coming out. And the force of his tongue against the gag made it trigger his gag reflex, and he dry-heaved once. He pulled hard against his cuffs, but he had fastened them tightly. He couldn't move.

Nate didn't say a word as he walked further into the room, standing beside the bed. He stared down at Jesse. Jesse cringed as Nate's eyes explored his body, lingering on the metal poking out between his ass cheeks. He had a predator's eyes.

At first, all he did was stare, and Jesse shrank under the weight of his eyes, still pulling on his bonds. He was uncomfortably aware of how far his legs were spread apart, how vulnerable he was, how exposed he was. There was no hiding now.

After a long moment, Nate reached down and put his hand on Jesse's shoulder, moving it slowly down his back.

Jesse felt his entire body go tense, and shut his eyes tight. Oh God, what was going to happen? What was Nate doing?

Was he gay? No, he couldn't be gay. Jesse had seen him with a girlfriend before, and his porn collection consisted primarily of lesbians. But then what was he doing? Why was he touching him?

Nate's hand slowed even more as it reached the small of Jesse's back, then down to the curve of his butt.

"So smooth," Nate murmured.

"Please," Jesse tried to say, tears pricking the backs of his eyes. No one had ever touched his butt before. The feeling was foreign and uncomfortable, and sent unpleasant chills all through his body. He couldn't even really struggle. He was helpless.

He gasped as Nate's fingers went further down, touching him gently between his legs. Then, he took hold of the plug and pulled hard on it, making Jesse cry out with surprise and discomfort.

"You think I didn't know what you do in here?" he asked, pushing the plug in further, and then pulling it out as far as it would go before pushing it back in again. "I know what you are. I know what you like."

Jesse shook his head frantically. God, not this! Not by a man!

He tried everything he could to close his legs, to get away from Nate's hand, but nothing worked. He was stuck, exposed and helpless.

Nate chuckled. "That's a nice little lock," he said gruffly. "You didn't notice that it's brand new, did you?"

Jesse looked up in confusion, and fear clutched him as Nate held up a ring of six keys. He snapped his head forward, looking to the locks that kept his hands cuffed. God, they were brand new, too. They weren't his locks at all. Nate had switched them out.

He felt sick to his stomach. Nate now had complete control over him. He could not get the gag or the plug out without the keys. He had tried. Countless times. It was that reason exactly why he liked those toys so much.

A million thoughts ran through his head, and for a moment, his focus shifted away from Nate's hands on him. He could go to a locksmith. It would be unbelievably humiliating, but he could do it. He could get away from Nate and get the toys off of him.

A soft click brought him back to the present, and he realized with growing horror that the plug inside him was getting smaller. Nate had unlocked it, and was taking it out.

"No!" he tried to scream, thrashing about as wildly as he could as the reality of what Nate was about to do to him began to set in. Panic took hold, and logic fled. The only thing he was capable of thinking about was getting away from Nate, away from what was about to happen to him.

But it was no use. Nate didn't even seem to notice the struggling as he smoothly pulled the plug out. Jesse bit down hard on the gag as he felt a finger slide inside him. No one had ever touched him there before. He had always dreamed of a beautiful, unyielding woman with a strap-on being the first. Instead, his roommate was going to rape him.

Oh God, he was going to rape him.

Jesse couldn't stop the pitiful sob that escaped him as Nate continued fingering him. He renewed his struggle, pulling desperately against his bonds and jerking his hips from side to side, knowing even as he fought that it was hopeless. There was no way to stop Nate. No way to get away.

He went still, shutting his eyes tight and burying his face in the pillow. The feeling of Nate's finger inside him was foreign and alien to him, but not painful. It was thinner and warmer than his dildo, and while he felt humiliated, violated, dirty, it was the same thing, the same feeling, he had craved from Ashley. How many times had he thought of her while in his self-imposed bondage? How many times had he imagined her kneeling between his legs, fingering him?

But God, this wasn't Ashley.

"I'm not gay," he tried to explain. But nothing came out except muffled moans.

"What was that?" Nate asked. "You want more?"

Before Jesse could react, Nate slid a second finger in alongside the first, and pushed them deep inside him. Jesse gasped as he felt himself spread wide, felt himself filled. He moaned, arching his back and curling his toes at the sensation.

He felt the wetness below him, and knew that his dick was leaking.

God, it wasn't fair! This exact scenario had been his biggest fantasy for as long as he could remember. He'd craved this, he'd yearned for it.

But not like this.

His body didn't seem to care about the disgust, despair, and terror clouding his mind. His dick bulged in its cage, and he could feel the precum soaking the sheets beneath him. His body didn't care that the fantasy was being fulfilled by a man rather than a woman. All it cared about was that the fantasy was being fulfilled.

He moaned again. He didn't want to be turned on, dammit! He was too disgusted, too repulsed to be turned on.

"See, I knew you liked it," Nate murmured. "You'll really like what's coming next."

Jesse shook his head. But Nate paid him no mind. He withdrew his fingers and quickly unbuttoned his jeans, sliding them down to his knees. He leaned forward, reaching for the lube Jesse had left on the nightstand.

Jesse cringed at the feeling of Nate's dick resting on top of his butt as Nate leaned over him. He was about to be fucked. Oh God, he was about to be fucked.

Nate wasted no time, quickly lubing himself up, then tossing the tube to the floor. He adjusted his position, using one hand to spread Jesse's cheeks apart, and using the other to press the tip of his dick against Jesse's hole.

Jesse's breath caught in his throat as he felt Nate's dick ease its way into him. Nate paused with just the head inside for a moment, and Jesse took a deep, shaky breath. Well, this wasn't so bad. He was pretty sure he could handle this. He'd just let Nate do what he wanted, then he'd call a locksmith. Or the police. But he just needed to get this over with first.

But then, Nate pushed his dick in further, past Jesse's sphincter, and the pain was unbearable. He writhed and screamed, but Nate didn't even notice. He just kept pushing further in, until he was balls deep, and Jesse was sure he was being ripped in half. For a moment, he simply hovered there, above Jesse's squirming body, letting the boy's movements give him the pleasure he was looking for.

"You're so tight," he whispered, thrusting his hips against Jesse's ass, burying his dick deep inside him.

It would be a long time before Jesse would be able to take his dick without pain, and Nate saw no reason to make it worse than it needed to be. So, while he wanted to ruthlessly pound away at the boy's tight hole, he waited, allowing him to adjust to his girth.

Jesse was panting and blubbering and screaming, but there was nothing he could do. Nate's weight on him kept him reasonably still, and the more he moved, the more it hurt. Finally, after many long minutes, he quieted, the worst of the pain having subsided. He'd never felt so humiliated, so completely and thoroughly violated in his life.

"There, that's better," Nate murmured. "That's a good boy."

With that, he began thrusting slowly, pushing his dick as far as it would go inside Jesse. The squirming, mewling boy beneath him was warm, wet, and gloriously tight. It wouldn't take him long at all to finish.

But he wanted this to last. He was marking his territory, taking ownership of the younger, smaller boy. So he paced himself. He tilted his hips upward, changing the angle of his thrusts and pushing his dick downward, rubbing it directly against Jesse's prostate.

Jesse felt the change and gasped, his hands clenched tightly into fists. The sensation of being filled, being fucked, being raped was already the most emotionally and physically intense thing he'd ever experienced, his dick was already oozing precum, and the contact against his prostate was too much for his willpower to handle. His body and his lust took over, shutting his brain down and seemingly acting without any conscious thought. He felt his back arch, pushing back against the man who raped him, urging his rapist to go deeper, harder.

God, what was happening to him? How could he be turned on by this? He wasn't gay. He'd never been interested in men. He sure as hell had never wanted to be fucked by one. How could rape turn him on?

He couldn't help it. He started moaning, gasping around the gag in his mouth, giving himself over to the control Nate had over him.

"That's it," Nate murmured approvingly. "That's a good boy. Show me what a whore you are."

His words made Jesse's dick jump inside the cage. Jesse began panting as Nate's thrusts quickened, until the man pressed himself hard against Jesse's butt, burying his dick as far as it would go, his entire body quivering with the orgasm.

Jesse could feel the thick, warm fluid inside him, could feel the throbbing of Nate's dick, the weight of him on top of him.

Then, Nate pulled out, rising back to his feet and pulling his pants back up. Jesse turned, looking up at his rapist as he felt the warm semen seeping out of him. He wondered what Nate was going to do to him next.

He didn't have to wonder for long. Nate grabbed the plug once again and quickly pushed it back inside him, clicking the lock closed. He grabbed the key ring out of his pocket, examined each key, and pulled two off, setting them on the nightstand.

"These are the keys to your ankle cuffs," he explained. "When the ice melts, uncuff yourself. If you ever want the plug and gag removed, you'll crawl out into the living room, on your hands and knees, completely naked. You'll crawl up to me and put your face in my crotch, begging me to let you suck my dick. Do you understand?"

What could Jesse do? He nodded, averting his gaze.

"Good," Nate said. He turned and picked up Jesse's phone, laptop, and tablet. His only links to the outside world. "I'll just keep these somewhere safe," he told Jesse. "I'm all you need to worry about now."

With that, he turned and left, closing the door behind him. And Jesse was left alone.

Once Nate was gone, once the adrenaline had worn off, after he realized he had just been raped, he lost it. He couldn't stop the sobs that wracked his body. He could still feel Nate's cum dripping down, drying on him.

So what did this mean? Did Nate own him now? Was there any way to get out of it?


An hour and a half later, the metal core fell from the ice chamber, and his hands were free. For a long moment, he didn't move. He was terrified, and dread flooded over him. He had no idea how long he lied there, staring at his unbound hands.

But he knew that he couldn't lie there forever. With trembling hands, he picked up the two keys and unlocked his ankles. Just one more time, he tried to pull the gag out, tried to force the harness over his head. But he knew even before he tried that he wouldn't be able to do it. The only way to get it and the plug out of him was with the keys. And the only way he could get the keys was through Nate.

Sighing, completely defeated and broken, he dropped to his knees, opened the door, and crawled out to the living room.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Keep up you stories

I need to find a roommate like Jesse. Be fun to bring friends over and have a real party.

GrrrreatImaginationGrrrreatImaginationalmost 8 years ago
Very good story.

Verrrry good story. I especially like it when authors let the readers into a character's thoughts and feelings. Your descriptions were clear, painted the scene well, and created the undeniably erotic qualities that so confused your main character. There was only a little dialogue. Ditto for character development, though the roommates' relationship took a hard turn. Still, how much can there be with a gagged protagonist? Hopefully, there will be more in subsequent chapters.

I DO appreciate that you put the disclaimer at the start of the story declaring the content. Thank you! I need to be in the right mood to enjoy the dynamics of the NC/R story types. While I wasn't looking for that tonite, I made a choice to read on. I guess I just don't understand how stories are categorized, because this was primarily NC/R, and only incidentally Gay Male ('nuff said about that).

Anyway, I hope you keep writing. You have a good style. I'll check out some other of your stories.

davedingy1701davedingy1701almost 9 years ago
Very Good Start

An excellent start to what will hopefully be a long series.

Very well written and nicely paced.

Thank you for this treat.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago

I hope there's a chapter 2!!!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 9 years ago
Major Hot Story

I hope there's more to this one, as Nate takes full control...and maybe Jesse's body decides it likes what's going on, even if his mind doesn't.

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