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The Practice Pt. 11: Hannah 09

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Smoke and mirrors.
3.9k words

Part 11 of the 21 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 04/01/2016
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Hannah was worried: she hadn't heard from Emily in over a week, and neither had Nicole or Ashley. They texted, emailed, or skyped every single day, but now nothing. There was no reason Emily would vanish without explanation unless something had happened to her. Every day that passed made Hannah more anxious for her friend, but what could she do?

For yet another evening Hannah sat in her dorm room drumming her fingers and pondering her options. Her roommate Cam was out partying (as always) and had long since given up on inviting Hannah. Why was she such a bore? Didn't she like boys? Hannah sighed and rubbed her forehead. At least she didn't have to evade Cam's teasing tonight.

Hannah's phone beeped at the top of the hour. Without interrupting her thoughts, Hannah absentmindedly laid back on her bed and spread her legs. Her fingers found the ring between her butt cheeks and carefully slid the softstone plug out of her ass. She enjoyed the feel of the heavy plug forcing her anus open as the thick base pulled out and the tapered tip trailed behind. She inhaled and slowly pressed the plug back into her ass, relaxing to accept the warm stone. The thick base cleared her anus and the plug was sucked in past the neck, finally catching on the flattened pull-ring that rested between her cheeks.

Hannah repeated the withdrawal and insertion nine more times, unconsciously controlling her breathing and her sphincter as she worked the plug in and out. Ten times every hour, 24 hours a day. She could do it in her sleep. Dr. Wilcox said the plug was part of her anal training, and part of her pussy restriction since her rebellious orgasm a few weeks ago. She wasn't allowed to touch her pussy or her clitoris until she could orgasm from the butt plug alone. The white stone was covered in ridged, silvery etchings that felt incredible sliding in and out, but no matter how she moved it she couldn't quite reach orgasm. Still, it felt good....

Hannah continued playing with the plug for several minutes, but eventually gave up when her pussy started demanding attention. She wasn't going to disobey Dr. Wilcox again. She let the plug slip back into her ass and reluctantly dropped her legs on the bed. It felt good, substantial, inside her, and more comfortable than the resonance inducer -- but what she wouldn't give to have that back for just a few minutes.

Her mind was wandering when there was a rapid knock at the door. Her butt clenched involuntarily as it always did when wearing the plug. Could people tell? No way. It kept her pussy wet and aroused constantly, but no one could notice that. Her best friend, Stephanie, hadn't said anything yesterday when they hung out, and she definitely would have if she noticed anything weird.

There was another knock at the door, more insistent, and Hannah put the plug out of her mind as much as possible. She flattened her dress down and opened the door expecting to see another student from her dorm, but instead it was a tall man in a black coat.

"Hey Hannah," Heron said and pushed his way in, closing the door behind him. Hannah backed away and frowned. She hadn't seen him since their practice session with the inducer.

"What do you want?" she asked. "I know you told Dr. Wilcox."

Heron looked out the window and then turned to Hannah. "About your illegal orgasm? Nah. But it's interesting that he knew, isn't it? Successful experiment. Good piece of data."

"He hung me out a fucking window in a thunderstorm, you know," Hannah yelled, surprising both of them. "Don't experiment on me again."

Heron held his hands up in front of his body as if to ward off the screaming girl. "A storm, huh? You're mixed up with the wrong crowd if you don't want to be experimented on," he said, and his eyes turned down towards her crotch. Hannah was used to guys checking her out, but Heron always seemed to see more than others. She unconsciously crossed her knees, and the movement wiggled the plug in her ass pleasurably enough that she bit her lip. "Anyway, you know more now than you did before," Heron continued, returning his eyes to Hannah's face. "You should thank me."

Hannah shivered, remembering the terrifying hours she had spent suspended 200 feet above the ground, upside down, while Dr. Wilcox cropped her pussy. No, the worst of it was after he stopped, after he left her there, hanging with her legs spread under the malevolent shadow he had shown her in the storm clouds. When the shadow descended -- what happened? Hannah rubbed her head again.

Heron stared at her. "Are you ok?"

"Like you care," Hannah said. "What do you want?"

"Geez. Anyway. Dr. Wilcox is sending me to check on your friend Emily," he said, pulling some papers from his pocket. "I got you a ticket. Want to come?"

"Yes!" Hannah said immediately, lunging for the ticket in Heron's hand just as he pulled it back.

"One catch: you have to be nice to me," he said, holding the ticket up over his shoulder.

Hannah glared and crossed her arms. "I can be nice if you can."

"Why should I be nice? I've got the tickets," Heron grinned.

What a dick. "Whatever then, fine, be an asshole. I'll be as sweet as candy."

Heron waved the ticket in front of her face. "And I want to hear every detail about the punishment for your orgasm."


"Because I want to learn more about the things in the storms," he said, looking into her eyes. "Ah ha! You know what I mean. Also, I want to jerk off later thinking about you."

Hannah swung her foot out to kick him in the shin but Heron dodged aside. "Pervert! Ugh, I hate you. Fine. I'll tell you what I saw, but you have to tell me what you know, too." Hannah took a deep breath and collected herself.

"Deal," Heron said, and handed over a ticket. "You can start being nice to me now."


The flight was an ordeal. Hannah needed to access the plug hourly but didn't want her bare butt touching the airplane seats, so she changed into a longer dress. Dr. Wilcox would certainly understand that she couldn't mess with the plug while standing in a security line, right?

Heron insisted that she tell the story of her punishment on the plane, so she did it in a whisper. At least they were in first class and didn't have to share a row with anyone. Heron asked her detailed questions about the minutiae of her reactions to the cropping -- mental and physical -- thoroughly enjoying her discomfort.

"The first time he hit your clit, did your thighs contract or your tummy?" At first Hannah was surprised by the strangely detailed anatomical questions, but she did her best to accommodate his weird interest. She couldn't remember most of the details he asked for, to his mild frustration.

Hannah blushed as her phone's beep interrupted her train of thought. She had the window seat for just this reason. She was a good girl. She'd obey. "Would you please look away?" she asked; Heron smiled and turned his body towards the aisle while Hannah surreptitiously slid the plug in and out, counting to ten under her breath. When Heron turned back her face was flushed and the stone plug was nestled comfortably in her ass. He looked down at her tummy and studied her for a moment before twirling his hand in a gesture for her to continue the story.

Hannah recounted the cropping and the finger in her ass, but left out Dr. Wilcox calling her his "good pussy" instead of "good girl". Heron had seen her crawl like a worm for Dr. Wilcox, but this was too much. The rest of the story was humiliating enough, and judging by the erection in Heron's pants he was getting his money's worth.

When Hannah told how Dr. Wilcox had flung her back out the window into the storm she was shocked to feel tears running down her cheeks. "After he kissed me, I just... I thought... I don't know." Heron was silent. "It was the most terrifying experience in my life, and he didn't save me. He threw me back out the window." Hannah wept, remembering not just the agony of the storm, the pain from the cropping, and the horror of the shadow, but the depth of rejection she felt when Dr. Wilcox slammed the window shut. She felt Heron take her hand in his, and she didn't pull away. "I need Emily. We have to find her."

"What about the shadow?" Heron asked. "What did it do when you were out there?"

Hannah pulled her hand back and began wiping her face with a napkin. "I don't know. It's all a blur. I just remember screaming myself hoarse in the freezing rain. My... my insides felt completely exposed in the storm. The shadow came down onto me..." her voice trailed off. "The next thing I remember is waking up at home."

Heron stared at Hannah for several seconds and shrugged. "Well that's not much."

Hannah furled her brow in thought. Had she only just recognized the blank spot in her memory? "It was the same for Ashley. Shelly must have rescued her from the same kind of thing, and she didn't remember much. So I guess Dr. Wilcox must have come back out for me after all."

"Shelly..." Heron mused with a smile. "There's something wrong with her. But she's amazing."

"Wrong? Amazing?" Hannah asked. Heron was grinning like a lovestruck high-schooler. Good piece of data.

"Maybe you didn't notice, but she's insanely hot. And that smile. I'm going to scoop her up as soon as one of you girls goes psycho and murders Dr. Wilcox."

"Right," Hannah said.

Heron's eyes refocused. "And she's the only woman I can't... well, let's just say there's something wrong with her, in just the right way."


Hannah could barely keep from bouncing in her seat as they drove up to Emily's apartment building that evening. "I haven't seen her in so long," she said. "I hope she's here. I hope she's ok." She couldn't wait to just squeeze her friend in a bear hug and smother her with kisses.

"Yes," was all Heron said.

"What do you know?" Hannah asked, sensing his worry.

"Emily isn't the only girl to fall off the grid recently."

"What? You're just telling me this now? Who else? What happened to them?"

Heron pulled the rental car into the parking lot and turned off the engine. "She's the first I've been sent to find. Let's see what we see. Apartment five-sixteen."

Hannah nearly ran down the length of building five with Heron trailing behind. When she found the right door she pounded on it with her fist, breathing hard. It wasn't easy to run with the heavy plug in her butt.

The door opened under her banging fist, revealing a smiling then shocked Emily, just as Hannah had remembered her. "Emily!" she said and dove to embrace her friend. Emily's arms hung limp for a moment and then hugged Hannah back tentatively. "I knew you were ok!"

Heron pushed them both through the door and shut it behind him before giving Emily the once-over. It was only then that Hannah realized her friend had answered the door completely naked. She was a bit shorter than Hannah with curly blonde hair and a tight, athletic body. Hannah's hands could barely restrain themselves, petting Emily and pulling her close.

But something was wrong. "Hannah, wow. What are you doing here?" Emily asked, pulling away and wrapping herself in a coat hanging nearby. "I was definitely not expecting to see you. And who is this guy?"

Hannah released her reluctantly and was too stunned to speak.

"My name is Heron. Dr. Wilcox sent us to check on you."

Emily clutched the coat around her body. "I'm fine, as you can see. Hannah, I'm so glad you're here, I've been missing you desperately."

Hannah smiled and reached out to hug Emily again. Even through the coat it felt amazing to touch her friend. The nights they had shared on the Island fueled her dreams, day and night. "Why did you stop responding? You didn't answer my texts or emails...."

Emily walked further into the apartment, drawing them with her. "I know, I'm sorry. The past week has been a whirlwind." With a nervous glance towards Heron she said, "I met someone. A man. I thought you were him at the door." Her face blushed bright crimson above the neck of the coat.

Hannah's eyes went wide. "Emily! You can't! Are you serious?" Heron stood against the wall by the door, suddenly alert

Emily laughed. "Oh Hannah, you're sweet. I love you. It's ok though, Dr. Wilcox is fine with it."

Hannah's eyes darted to Heron and he shook his head microscopically. Hannah didn't need his confirmation to know that Emily had lost it. "Really?"

Emily plopped down on the couch and modestly curled her legs under her body. "Oh sure. This is great. Simon has been wanting to meet my friends, and you're like my sister. He's going to be so excited when he gets here." She turned to Heron, "But you should go."

"I'm not going anywhere," Heron said, reaching a hand into his long coat. Did he have a gun in there? How had he gotten it onto the plane?

There was another knock on the door and Emily leapt to her feet. "Too late!" she said and bounced to the door, but it swung open before she reached it. A man in his early 20s stepped in, wearing sunglasses and sandals. Some kind of beach dude.

Heron started to pull something from his coat but the dude looked at him and said, "Stop." Then he looked at Emily and Hannah and a smile came to his mouth. "Emily, you know how I hate to see your body covered up -- take that coat off and suck my cock." By the time he had swung the door closed Emily was naked at his feet and pulling his cock out of his shorts. Hannah watched in horror as she sucked it into her mouth and began to work it with a huge smile on her face.

The dude fixed his eyes on Hannah while Emily noisily sucked on him. "You, too. Take off your clothes and tell me your name." A dark cloud blew out of his mouth as he spoke, as if he had just been smoking a cigarette.

Hannah was shocked to feel her body rush to obey the command. Her hands reached back to untie her dress and then pulled it off in one smooth motion. Her boobs bounced free and her nipples hardened in the cool air. She was already wet, like she had been since she started wearing the plug, but as the dude stared her pussy seemed to go into overdrive. "I'm Hannah," she said.

The dude grabbed Emily roughly by the hair and dragged her with him to a chair, where he sat down. Emily continued to gobble his cock like it was her last meal. "I'm glad you're here." He pulled off his sunglasses and Hannah gasped: the same dark mist that had blown out of his mouth poured out of black, empty holes where his eyes should have been. The mist flowed down his body and surrounded Emily, who was moaning and slurping between his legs.

Heron still stood by the door, his hand in his jacket. "And who are you? Emily's friend I guess?" he asked uncertainly.

The dude laughed and mist spewed from his mouth. "That's right, I'm Simon. I'm sorry you were worried for no reason. As you can see, Emily is just fine. She and Hannah have a lot of catching up to do, so why don't you stand in the corner and be silent." Mist began to pool around Simon's feet and engulf Emily.

That sounded perfect. It would be great to catch up with Emily, and Heron was a dick anyway.

Heron nodded and pulled his hand out of his jacket. "Well this was a waste of time, but I guess we can hang around for a while." He walked over to the far corner of the room and leaned back against the wall.

"Go ahead and relax, Hannah," Simon said. "I've got a few questions to ask you before I fuck your brain."

Hannah knelt on the floor and the mist from Simon's mouth and eyes writhed around her legs and caressed her pussy. The plug in Hannah's ass felt hot inside her. What the hell was going on? "Emily, I think something is wrong."

Simon laughed and reassured Hannah, speaking unintelligible words that lovingly caressed her mind. Where had she heard that language before? A dense cloud of fog poured continuously from his mouth and eyes, filling the apartment with the scent of electricity and metal.

Simon grabbed Emily by the hair and threw her down onto the floor facing Hannah, and then kneeled behind her. The fog whirled around Emily as she got on her knees, and it puffed out as Simon shoved her face into the carpet. Emily's butt rose out of the fog like an island and Simon's erect cock hovered over her: it was huge and throbbing, and dark mist dribbled from the tip. Hannah licked her lips in anticipation, eager to wrap her mouth around Simon's cock when he was done with Emily. Simon positioned his head against Emily's pussy and thrust himself inside in a single motion.

"Yes, yes!" Emily cried, her breath rippling the mist that engulfed her head. She pushed her hips back against Simon, burying his cock in her, and began to moan.

"Get your pussy ready for me, Hannah," Simon said, and Hannah's fingers sought out her clit on their own accord. Tendrils of mist brushed against her pussy lips and sent tingles through her body. A eerily familiar sensation. Emily was really generous to share her boyfriend like this; it had been so long since Hannah had come.

"Thank you, Simon," Hannah whispered, grateful for permission to touch herself again. Again. But it was Dr. Wilcox who had forbidden it.

Simon let Emily do the work of impaling herself furiously on his cock while he spoke to Hannah. "Now then, I've been very eager to meet more of Dr. Wilcox's students. How many of you are there?"

Hannah's finger circled her clit as she moaned her answer: "About a hundred, Simon."

Emily's head popped up out of the mist and she looked back at Simon. "See, I was right!"

Simon, smacked Emily hard on the ass and the girl moaned, dropping her head back into the fog. "Silence, filth." Simon's empty eye sockets erupted with mist as he thrust deep into Emily and made her squeal. "Thank you, Hannah. Tell me about Juliett."

Hannah wracked her brain. Did she know anyone named Juliett? The tendrils of fog felt like fingers sliding up and down her pussy lips, making her groan. Her nipples were rock-hard in the cold fog that was filling the apartment. Her body shivered, but the softstone plug in her anus burned white-hot inside her. She shouldn't be listening to Simon. He was wrong, somehow.

"Hannah, tell me about Kilo," Simon said. Emily moaned softly as he plowed her pussy from behind.

Kilo? Nothing came to mind. Why couldn't she help Simon? She was so worthless. Hannah's ass clenched on the plug and startled her. She looked up at Simon's horrific face and struggled not to scream. She bit her lip. What was going on? In the corner of her eye, she saw Heron leaning against the wall a few feet away, playing on his phone. Her fingers slowed on her clit, but the rivers of fog that surrounded her stroked insistently at her pussy: like the shadow in the storm had done. The fog was up to her breasts now, and Emily was invisible beneath it.

"Hannah, focus," Simon said. "Tell me about Stanley Tardis."

Hannah grinned involuntary. She knew this one. "He's friends with my parents," she began, and stopped. Simon's cavernous eye sockets, black and cold, threatened to suck her in. A soft curl of fog reached up between her pussy lips and pushed against her opening, and suddenly she remembered the shadow descending on her in the storm, stroking her pussy, trying to get inside her. Hannah jumped to her feet screaming: "What are you?!"

Simon's mouth hung open, spilling mist down his body. Then he reached into the fog and shoved Emily to the floor. "Get on your knees, vermin. My cock will tear your mind and body apart, and I'll rebuild you in the proper form." He stood up kicked Emily aside, then stepped forward to loom over Hannah. His cock thrust up out of the fog, pointed at Hannah's face, enormous and beautiful. Hannah's legs weakened. Shouldn't she obey? Something inside her demanded it.

Hannah crouched in the fog, but stayed on her feet. Simon grinned at her apparent obedience. Hannah reached between her legs and popped the anal plug out of her ass into her hands, concealed in the mist. It was burning hot against her skin and the silver runes glowed beneath her fingers. Simon approached her, strutting forward arrogantly, his massive cock gushing metallic-scented mist into her face. Just as his head approached her lips Hannah sprang up and drove the softstone plug into Simon's gaping left eye socket.


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