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The Prank

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Two college friends have a prank backfire.
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Everyone in the story is over the age of 18.


John and Alan were planning a prank on their friend Jane. They were all friends from high school but were now in college together.

Jane was always being teased about how shy and timid she was. It was true she was so shy she never went on a date in high school. She was asked out but was too timid to accept the invitation. She never attended parties in fear of being embarrassed for a blunder she might commit.

Jane wasn't odd or unsocial, she just had this crippling shyness about her that kept her from participating in most things.

John was friends with her because her family lived next in their hometown. They had played together as kids growing up.

All three became friends when Alan would come over to John's house to hang out. John and Alan loved to play practical jokes on Jane because with her timid nature the jokes were even funnier.

The boy's had found out from other female friends that Jane would get to physical education class extra early to change into her gym clothes. She did this to avoid having to undress in front of the other girls. Her shyness seemed to force her to do things like this.

After learning of this the boys started thinking of ways to prank Jane. They came up with various ideas but none seemed to hit the nail on the head. They wanted something that would surprise and embarrass her without hurting her feelings.

The scheme they arrived at would hopefully attain their goal. They decided to sneak into the girls locker room on Janes class day, hide and before she started changing clothes jump out and give her a fright. They knew this would embarrass her.

On the morning of the planned prank John was thinking it needed something more. It was missing a punch of some sort. He mentioned it to Alan and asked him to try and think of something they could add.

They split and went to their respective classes and agreed to meet back just before it was time to head to the gymnasium.

John saw Alan approaching with a huge grin on his face.

"I'm a genius," Alan bragged.

"What do you mean? You must have come up with something from that gleam in your eyes and that wicked smile on your face," John said.

"You bet I did, it's a hoot. It'll knock her for a loop and it's funny as hell too!" Alan offered.

"Well, come on tell me what you've come up with? You know we've only got minutes before we have to sneak into the locker room," John said.

"Ok," Alan laughed. "Same plan but we strip down to nothing and then jump out and surprise her naked as jaybirds. She'll fucking freak out!"

"You've got to be out of your mind, that's crazy," John exclaimed.

"You don't get it. The reason Jane comes in extra early is so she doesn't have to strip down in front of others. So us being naked will only add to the prank, don't you see the irony in it?" Alan explained.

John thought it over and since they were running out of time he simply shook his head in agreement and uttered, "I guess so, maybe."

The boys were careful to avoid letting any see their movement toward the girls locker room. It wouldn't be that odd to see guys in that area because the boys locker rooms were just opposite the girls.

They swiftly darted into the girls area when no one was around. Inside they looked around to find the best place to carry out the plan. They saw a large open gang style shower area and then several small individual shower booths that had curtains that closed for privacy.

It was quickly decided they would each go into an individual shower strip and leave their clothing there to hide them. When they heard Jane enter the locker room they would give her time to open her locker and get her gym clothes out. At that time they would rush around the corner and surprise her.

Waiting anxiously they couldn't help but laugh at the scene. Two totally naked 18 year old boys hiding in the girls locker room. They snickered back and forth but quickly hushed when they heard the locker room doors swing open.

They listened to hear a locker open and then some scuffling noise inside the locker. It was time to put the prank into action. They quietly eased their way to were they just had to round the corner and jump out.

Just before they stepped around the corner they heard the locker room doors swing open again and loud voices coming into the room. They frantically looked at each other and instantly knew their prank had been spoiled. Then it hit them, simultaneously, they needed to get out of there fast.

They were dumbfound for a few seconds until they heard some voices getting extremely close to them. Alan grabbed John's are and ran toward the nearest individual showers stall so that they could hide and pull the curtain. The only thing he didn't think of was how small these shower stalls were. While trying to fit into the small space it became evident that they weren't both going to be able to fit.

John started to move next door to another stall when he saw a girl with her back to them starting to turn around. He knew if she turned she would see them for sure. John quickly pushed back in with Alan and seeing he wasn't going to be able to close the curtain like that squatted down so they could both fit very snuggly in the one stall. He closed the curtain as he completed his squat.

After a few seconds of what sounded like normal conversations among the girls just feet from them they both realized they had gotten away with not being caught.

Assessing the situation John knew something still wasn't right. He then realized his face was flat against Alan's crotch. He could feel the fleshy sponge-like skin of Alan's penis against his face. His forehead was pressed into Alan's full pubic bush.

John whispered, "Get your dick out of my face." John knew this had been a mistake at once. While opening his mouth enough to whisper, he could feel his lips rub against Alan's penis shaft.

Alan whispered back, "Buddy please, please don't talk. Everytime you open you mouth you are rubbing my dick and your hot breath is not helping either."

As John was wondering what the hell Alan could be talking about he felt his friends penis twitch. 'OH FUCK', that's what he meant.

Alan repeated, "John stop breathing on my............my dick man.....your...........it's hot and it's.........doing stuff to me."

Forgetting what Alan had just said John replied, "I can't just stop breathing, what am I supposed to do?"

As Alan's dick continued to twitch and start to swell he whispered again, "You did it again. Stop talking and see if you can't turn your head to the side."

John had been so caught up in everything that was happening he realized he'd never even thought to do that. Even though it was a very tight squeeze he tried turning to his left. Something was blocking his head so he tried to the right, same thing. He looked as far to the right as his peripheral vision would allow and he discovered what it was. His head was blocked on both sides by the showers hot and cold knobs.

Thank goodness in this time trying to find a solution to their problem Alan's dick had stopped twitching and swelling.

Alan whispered, "I see why you can't turn your head now. I have another idea. If I try standing on my tip toes and you see if you can squat down any further maybe that will work."

Unfortunately John replied, "I'll try anything to not have your dick smashed against...........

Alan cut him off saying, "Don't answer me man you're rubbing it again!"

Alan then said, "On three let's try this, don't answer me just do it, ok. I'll go up you go down," Alan had to snicker after realizing what he had just said.

John did not find it as amusing as Alan had.

"Ok, one, two, three," Alan counted off.

As Alan used his leg muscles to propel himself upward so John relaxed his muscles to try and lower himself.

Realizing almost immediately their mistake, but unfortunately too late now Alan's dick was pressed firmly against John's mouth. John, infuriated and not thinking, opened his mouth to verbally express his outrage at what had happened. With that simple move Alan's innocent dick popped into John's open mouth.

John, outraged and shocked, tried again to move his head any and every way to escape this foreign object that had just plunged into his mouth. At the same time he was muttering words, telling Alan to remove his dick.

All this action did was to stimulate Alan's dick. It started growing in length and width. There was nothing Alan could do. The warm and wet mouth and the movement from John trying to do anything to get it out of his mouth plus the vibrations from John's mumbling were just too much.

Alan quickly had a full erection and in his friends mouth at that. Neither boy could believe what was happening. It all seemed to happen in just a fraction of a second.

Alan whispered, "John, man I can't.......don't........what the fuck happened? I'm sorry. I can't do anything to stop this. It's out of my control. We're kinda stuck like this."

Again John tried to communicate, mumbling something incoherent to Alan. John's mumbling got quite loud as you could feel his frustration grow.

"Buddy. Please keep your 'voice' down. You sure don't want to be discovered like this do you?" Alan said.

Until that moment John hadn't even considered that possibly given everything else that was happening. Then the terror hit him. If someone pulled back the curtain it would appear that he was giving Alan a blow job. He'd never be able to show his face on campus again.

John suddenly felt humiliation and embarrassment rush over his body. Even though none of this was his fault he felt ashamed.

They suddenly heard movement in the shower room. Oh fuck no, was someone going to discover them? What was happening?

More voices became closer and clearer. They could now hear some of the discussions going on.

One girl was saying, "Can you believe this? Security said they saw some suspicious activity outside this area and they want us to hang here till they check it out. Damn we could be stuck here for a while."

Alan looked down at John at the same exact moment John looked up at him. The expressions on their faces were the same, astonishment.

With all this happening Alan's dick softened some. He thought he'd try scooching back with all his might hoping his dick would slip out of John's mouth. He tried this maneuver several times. All that did was get him aroused once again. After he thought it through he realized that action just resembled fucking John's mouth.

John shot him a look like, 'what the fuck?' With Alan's dick growing again John was finding it harder to breathe. His mouth was becoming more and more filled with hard dick.

John mumbled again, "I......ca...........nt...........br.........earthe!".

Unfortunately all this accomplished was to get Alan even more aroused.

"Dude, you've got to shut up. You're teasing my dick every time you try to speak," Alan noted.

At that moment John felt Alan's dick near the back of his throat. He was sure he was about to gag at any second. He knew if that happened they would be found out for sure.

John started to hyperventilate. His breathing became harder and faster. He couldn't help it. His brain was signaling him that he wasn't getting enough air.

Everything John was doing exacerbated the situation. Alan couldn't believe how good his dick felt in his friend's mouth. Then he couldn't believe he just had that thought.

Just outside their shower curtain they heard a gasp. "Look here girls. I found these clothes in one of the shower stalls. There.......there guys clothes!"

Another voice asked, "What the fuck are a guys clothes doing in the girls shower? More than that, where's the guy they belong to?"

Yet another strange voice sounded off, "This is some kind of strange fucking day, huh?"

The boys had been wise enough to not take any ids with them so they could at least be thankful for that.

"Ugh, his underwear is even here," the girl holding the clothes said.

"Well we know one thing for sure, wherever he is he's naked," one girl laughed.

Alan and John were seriously starting to get scared. What if they were caught? They'd probably be kicked out of school. How could they ever explain this to their parents. All kinds of scenarios were popping into their heads.

Then another voice piped in, "Here's another set of clothes, underwear and all. This means there's two guys somewhere without their clothes! This just keeps getting more weird."

Alan didn't understand but each time the girls seemingly got closer to discovering them he got more and more aroused. He remembered once seeing an article about guys that got turned on by being naked around clothed girls. It had some kind of four letter description that he couldn't remember. But he did remember that his dick reacted when reading the article. Could he be turned on by such activity? Something was keeping him rock hard for sure.

Between the excitement of nearly being exposed naked to a room full of clothed girls and John's heavy, but silent breathing on his dick, Alan was having a hard time not exploding in John's mouth. The thought of cumming in a guys mouth, especially his friends, didn't appeal to him but right now a warm wet mouth was all he could feel.

The girl that had discovered the first pile of men's clothing declared, "Well I'm going to check around and make sure there aren't any more guys' clothes in here!"

Hearing that, both boys knew their discovery was imminent. What the fuck were they, could they do?

John started uncontrollably trembling. This included his mouth. The vibration from that felt amazing to Alan. As Alan continued to harden even more they both knew the end wasn't far off. Now not only were they going to be caught but one of them was going to end up with a mouthful of cum. John could taste what he already knew to be pre cum from Alan's dick.

Both boys saw a feminine hand grasp their shower curtain. As the curtain began to slide open a far away voice rang out, "Ok girls, everything alright. You can all get dressed and leave. We don't have enough time left for class today. We'll make it up next class. Now hit the road and everyone have a great day."

John took a huge sigh of relief as he heard the girls leaving the shower room.

As John began to try and breathe normally the shower curtain swung wide open.

There stood Jane with a huge mocking smile on her face.

Alan seeing Jane standing there in her gym clothes smirking, sent him over the edge. He pumped rope after rope into poor John's mouth. John could only swallow so much as the excess drooled out both sides of his full mouth. After what seemed an eternity Alan stopped spewing boy butter into John's mouth.

Shocked and astonished, Jane swished the shower curtain closed again and whispered, "I'll tell you when it is safe to come out."

After what seemed like yet another eternity Jane returned, opening the curtain once again.

"What the fuck guys?" She asked.

Alan answered with another question, "Is everyone gone? Can we get out of this?"

"Yes, yes everyone has left," she answered.

John slid his leg out of the shower stall and that loosened both of them enough for Alan's softening dick to slip out of John's mouth. John then tumbled out onto the floor.

Alan sat in the stall exhausted form his overwhelming orgasm. John was busy trying to wipe Alan's cum from his chin. Trying to wipe away some of the humiliation he felt after what had just happened.

Jane said, "I've got to know what and why what just happened, happened! But not this very moment. You guys need to get out of here pronto."

John spoke up, "You've got to know now that what you saw was a complete and total accident and that no one enjoyed any part of it!"

Jane said, "Who are you trying to convince, me or yourself?" As she looked down at John's bobbing rock hard penis splattered with Alan's cum on it and oozing pools of pre cum.

Looking down at his rigid erection, John couldn't believe what he was seeing. He's mind was racing to try and understand why he was hard. He didn't feel sexual at all. He thought, what the fuck was going on?

Jane, turning to leave, said, "You two had better get out of here before another class arrives." Her words drifted as she rounded the corner and exited the locker room.

"She's right," Alan said. "Let's get dress and get the fuck out of here!"

Alan trotted over to the shower stall he'd left his clothes piled in. "Fuck, they're not here," he shouted. He desperately searched every shower stall for their clothes.

"They're not here!" He shouted. Then he remembered one of the girls saying she'd found two piles of men's clothes, including underwear. The cunt must have taken them with her, he surmised.

John gave him a look of desperation and asked, " What are we going to do now?"

"How the fuck am I supposed to know?" Alan grumbled back at him.

Alan tiptoed around the corner, into the locker room, looking for any piece of clothing they could grab to cover themselves with. John followed closely behind crouching like he was hiding from someone. Alan looked back spotting John's still raging erection. "Keep that thing away from me, it looks hard enough to break anything it came in contact with," Alan snickered.

John failed to see the humor in Alan's quip. He was only thinking about getting out of this mess unscathed. They searched every inch of the locker room but couldn't find one scrap of anything to cover themselves with.

A bustling noise coming from the hallway halted the boy's search. A quick glance at each other denoted a rapid retreat back to the shower stalls.

Both boys headed for the same stall but John suddenly remembered what happened the last time they were both in one stall. He turned swiftly and ran into the stall next to the one Alan was entering. They both quickly pulled their shower curtains closed.

They heard the locker room doors open and an unidentifiable rumbling noise getting closer. Suddenly whoever it was! was now in the shower room. There wasn't any conversation happening so the boys determined whoever was there must be alone.

Out of nowhere John sneezed. It happened so suddenly it even surprised him.

John's shower curtain forcefully swung open. There he stood stark naked and still sporting an erection.

Starting directly at him was a school custodian. A female custodian.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing?" She exclaimed.

"It's.......it's.......all a mistake. We were just trying to play a prank on our friend and it went really, really wrong," John pleaded.

She looked at him as if he was an alien. Then realizing what he just muttered she asked, "Who's we?"

Without realizing it John automatically looked over to the stall Alan was in. He didn't have to say anything. She knew exactly what that meant. She took a step and flung open Alan's shower curtain. There stood another completely naked boy.

She laughed out loud and said, "In all my years I've never seen anything to beat this. Two naked boys in the girls locker room shower and one that seems extremely aroused to be here," as she looked at John's erection.

Both boys blushing at their nakedness, especially John being naked and still surprisingly rock hard.

John again tried to explain why they ended up like this. He went through the earlier events, one by one. Except the part where Alan's dick got lodged in his mouth and he ended up swallowing Alan's boy butter. That detail he planned to never divulge to anyone.

Marie, the custodian, smiled and shook her head in amusement. "You two are something else. You could be in a hell of a lot of trouble, ya know. You're probably gonna end up getting expelled."

"Please we can't get thrown out of school, please can't you help us?" John begged. "It was just supposed to be some good fun, a silly prank."


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