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The Preacher's Wife Pt. 12

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Brit and I take over the church.
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Part 12 of the 15 part series

Updated 04/07/2024
Created 12/13/2023
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Chapter 12

The parking lot at church had significantly more cars in it than usual that Sunday morning. I noticed several cars from Pennsylvania in general, and I noticed Danae's car in particular. She was seated behind the wheel and several cars had people waiting in them.

Brit and I were sitting in the back seat with my husband driving as if he were a chauffeur, and when he stopped the car he came around and opened my door allowing both Britt and me to slide out before he shut the door.

The sun was beating down on our skin, which was largely exposed due to too short lame dresses that we were both wearing, her's black and mine silver, which barely covered our asses but also were deliciously deep cut in both the front and back nearly revealing our butt crack and our navel simultaneously. Neither of us wore any undergarments of any kind and occasionally, if she moved just right, Britney's erect nipples would be visible as the dress moved away from her body or over to one side and my large breasts were free and bouncing providing a show as I began the walk into the church.

As we passed her car, Danae stepped out and joined in lock step with us. Danae was wearing something very similar to the first day I net her at Plato's; a long white, semi-transparent chiffon gown with a white lace push up bra presenting her ample breast for public consumption and a pair of white lace things and white heels, which made the already tall goddess tower over everyone.

The remaining car doors opened and their occupants exited. There were several people I recognized from my many trips to Plato's. In particular the two men who had fucked my husband the night before, who were both dressed in perfectly tailored suits and looked splendid

All in all, I guess there must have been ten of us approaching the front door en-masse. We must have presented the picture of a most beautiful, liberal, church with no rules. Britt and I led the way, followed by my terrified husband and then the rest of the group trailed him.

I took one door and Britt the other, holding them open for my husband to go through.

"Good Morning, Pastor" said Brian cordially before his eyes were drawn away by me and Britney and Danae coming in behind him. I stopped and put my arms across Brian's shoulder and gave him a deep kiss, wrapping my arms behind him and pulling him in tighter as I squeezed him and dwelled for several seconds.

"Hi Brian" I said.

Britney did exactly as I had done, only having to stand on her toes to reach his face. She allowed her hands to wander and grasp his hair to maneuver his head as she kissed him.

"Hi Brian" she said flirtatiously.

Danae, who towered over him, pulled Brian in, kissing him just as we had done and I was looking around to see if his bitch of a wife was seeing this. She was. She was seething.

The other two girls in our group followed suit while we all waited. We finished with Brian and made our way to the front of the church, greeting each and every man we ran into the same way. We gathered at the front row on the right and Danae and her guests sat there, on the front row, and I went around and sat behind them with Brit next to the aisle in the second row. My husband and Rob sat together on the opposite end of the second row.

Service began as usual, with Levi, our new Choir Director since Jim had left, took the lectern and bid everyone to stand, grab a hymnal and turn to page 155. "LOVE LIFTED ME"

We sang the opening hymn and the service was opened in prayer. As was usual for our church, after the mornings announcements were given, a call was given for anyone who had come prepared to sing. I stood, and strutted up to the platform, nearly stomping my feet doing a runway walk to shake my ass and make my boobs bounce more noticeably.

I have sung in Christian groups since I was a little girl and the members of our church have always enjoyed my singing but there were so many new members and it had been quite a while since I had sung in church. But, I took the platform with assurance and nodded to the sound guy, who had been given my accompaniment music as I came in.

The piano interlude to GREAT IS THE LORD by Michael W. Smith began and I began to sing.

Great is the Lord, He is Holy and just

By His power He proves, he is Love

Great is the Lord, He is faithful and true

By His mercy He proves, He is love.

People watched in rapt amazement at the apparent dichotomy; The slut in almost see through clothing, married to the Pastor and standing in front of the church singing about the greatness of God. Probably half the church knew that I had been fucking anything that moves for a while and a good number of the men had fucked me on the church altar while my husband practiced his sermon from the pulpit right behind us in panties and a bra.

I smiled as I looked them over. All of the old hard liners that I had not been able to control were gone. All of the newer people were much younger. I didn't know all of them, but I had suspicions about them.

As I reached the last note, a very high pitch of long duration, I extended my arm in a wide sweeping gesture and my right shoulder strap slid down my shoulder revealing most of my right breast. I jumped, ready to grab it but my gaze went immediately to Danae and Britney, who were staring at my exposed breast and I suddenly didn't care about anyone else.

I finished the song and as I did and lowered my arm, my breast dropped the rest of the way out, the strap hanging down to my elbow. I strutted back to my seat, my breasts bouncing as I strutted. I slid in beside Brit, who reached over and gave me a quick kiss on the lips.

The podium remained empty. The choir director remained seated behind the podium. My husband remained seated in his seat. Everybody looked like they had PTSD as they looked for the next shoe to drop.

I decided to take the bull by the horns. "Open your hymnals to page 73, I'LL FLY AWAY."

Some picked up their hymnals, some didn't, but the pianist started to play and people started to join in. By the end of the song maybe half the church was singing. Nobody had left, however. We sang three more songs and with each one, more people sang. It was a raucous song service by the time we were finished.

I took the microphone out of its holder at that point and walked around to the very front edge of the altar area. I looked over and nodded to dismiss the pianist. I looked over the congregation, making eye contact with each and every person.

"Ladies and gentleman, open your bibles" I said as I stepped down and nodded to my husband.

He dropped his head and did not move. I nodded to him and again he did not move.

"Please, sing some more," someone said. "Yes...please....Lead us..." came the voices from the congregation.

I looked around the room and saw them all. Men, women, all waiting for me to lead. I nodded back to the sound guy and said into the microphone "Goodness Of God".

Within seconds the opening strains of Goodness Of God by Cece Winans was filling the church waiting for my voice. I stood there simply, my short dress barely covering me, one strap hanging out with one ample breast completely exposed and all eyes were on me.

I sang simply, with my hands together in front of me holding the mic to my face.

I love You, Lord

For Your mercy never fails me

All my days, I've been held in Your hands

From the moment that I wake up

Until I lay my head

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

As I finished the first verse, I walked around the lectern and descended the steps of the altar.

'Cause all my life You have been faithful

And all my life You have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

As I sang I approached Britney, who smiled up at me as I approached her.

I love Your voice

You have led me through the fire

In darkest night You are close like no other

I've known You as a Father

I've known You as a Friend

And I have lived in the goodness of God, yeah

By this time the other shoulder strap had slipped off and I was singing with both breasts exposed and my dress hanging from my elbows, as if it were a shawl. I turned to face the church and began to sing with more power, building my emotions.

'Cause all my life You have been faithful, oh yes You have

And all my life You have been so, so good

With every breath that I am able

Oh, I will sing of the goodness of God

I stood there in the middle of the church and finished the song. When the music stopped, I stood there looking from face to face. They were all looking at me. No one spoke. No one looked away. Then suddenly, one person applauded. Soon one more. Then another. Then another.

As the entire church applauded, I turned and slowly walked back to the lectern and stood there, purposefully as all applauded, I let go of the last of my past. My dress dropped to the floor and I stood there as God intended.

I felt alive. I looked in Britney's face and she was smiling. I looked at Danae and she looked like a proud mother who's girl had finally grown up.

"Our church is growing." I said. "If you come back tonight, you will see more significant changes."

With that I went to the door to the sanctuary and dismissed the church in prayer. I stayed there and kissed every single person as they left, including Angie.

It was time for the evening church crowd to start filtering in. I had told my husband to call for a Deacon's meeting and after what happened at church this morning, all the Deacons showed up on time. I didn't realize how easy this was going to be.

Sure, we would lose some members, I was sure, but anybody that came back tonight after this morning was at least open to change.

The Deacons, Brit, Danae and I were gathered in the Pastors Office. Danae had been instrumental in getting this plan off the ground today. As a matter of fact, it had been something she had seen coming.

From the television screen in the Pastor's Office, we could see people filing in. The crowd was going to be huge for a Sunday night. Normally, Sunday had about 50 percent of Sunday morning, but that night, if anything, looked like it was to be a larger crowd.

At precisely 6 o'clock, the prescribed time for service to start, I left the office and strutted out to the lectern. I was wearing a full length robe with a large round purple collar and wide flared sleeves that hung past my wrists concealing my hands.

"Let's open in prayer." I began.

"Our father God, please look down upon us tonight and bless this service and our church going forward." I continued the prayer and exhausted my list of requests to God.

I opened my eyes and looked around the room. The crowd was definitely larger than in the morning, but there were other changes as well. Many of our ladies were dressed more provocatively. They looked more proud, more in control and more confident. The men seemed deferrent to them in a way they had not been prior to the morning.

We had lost a few families, but there was one face in the crowd that I was shocked to see.

Angie sat there, in her usual seat, a completely changed woman. She was easily the oldest woman left in the church and gone was the mid-forties nasty bitch and in her place was a more youthful energetic looking woman. She had a semi 70-s inspired shag haircut with a chocolate silk shirt with high pointy collars open well down past her ample cleavage, revealing large globes of firm breast and a pair of bell-bottom black spandex pants with nice heels.

We made eye contact briefly and she smiled at me.

Danae and her friends were seated again in the front row to the left.

"Ladies" I said, purposefully not addressing the men at all, "Tonight, we begin anew. And first, we start with honesty. In the beginning, Godcreated the Heaven and the Earth" I began. "And the Earth was without form, and void." I read the entire account of creation from Genesis chapter 1.

When I was finished discussing the creation of the perfect Earth, I then dwelled on God's creation of man. "And after God created man, He saw that it was not meet for him to be alone. God realized that the man that he had made was incapable of running his creation alone. So, God could have destroyed man and started over. But He chose not to do that. What did God, in his infinite wisdom, choose to do? He rectified his mistakes by creating someone to help guide man. He made someone capable of making the decisions that man was incapable of making. He made someone capable of ruling this world. And, in order to provide a balance, God did give women disadvantages. He made women physically weaker. Women didn't need to be as strong physically because God made men to do the physical work Women were made to rule." I continued.

"This church is going to celebrate the perfection of God's creation. That perfection is women. Men were left here for our amusement. So, therefore, men will no longer have positions of authority in this church. Because they are physically stronger, men have always ruled based on intimidation. No longer. The men in this church who have titles and duties of service, will be constantly reminded of their role of service. This is our board of Deacons." I said as I gave my right arm a flourish toward the Pastor's office.

A gasp went up from the crowd as the Board of Deacons filed out from the office. Led by my husband in his frilly pink panty and bra set and followed by Rob and Brian and Adam and Jonathan and the rest of the Deacons, each in a panty and bra set. They took their positions behind me, forming a semi-circle along the back edge of the platform.

I stretched out my hands to the side and my husband and Rob stepped forward and opened the top button of my gown and pulled it open, revealing my bare body. They supported the gown as I stepped forward, releasing myself from the clothing. They stepped back and began to fold it, lying it across the Pastor's chair.

I thought there could have been no greater reaction than services that morning, but this was better. Jaws were agape. Some with disapproval, but I had an ace in the hole. I now knew where our newer members had come from. They were all people that had been hand picked by Danae to send our way. She had seen my potential early on and had begun to populate our church with like minded people.

"Our church will no longer be governed by a group of men who can rape with impunity because they are men. We will govern with our minds. We will have a business meeting WEdnesday night where we will elect a new board of Deaconesses. We will rewrite our constitution. We will grow." I continued.

"I would like you to all meet my Associate Pastor." I said as I extended my arm again toward the office and Brit gave out in a robe matching the one I had been wearing. I approached her and stood directly in front of her. I reached for her top button and deftly opened in, taking her robe and holding it out. Rob obediently approached and took her robe back to my husband and they folded it placing it on top of mine.

I put my hands to the sides of her face and pulled her close gently and our lips met. My eyes were closed and as we were lost in a public kiss, I suddenly heard applause. I knew where it was coming from, but it began to spread. Danae had been waiting for this and was very pleased but apparently there were others who suspected the budding feelings between Brit and me.

"Ladies, you may join us. You don't have to but this is a place of freedom for women." I said and before I finished my words, several women were dropping the dresses and standing there nude in unity.

"Have a seat. We will have a christening ceremony now."

I turned and Britney followed me as I went to the spot where my husband stood. I took his hand and led him to the altar. I pushed on his shoulders, feeling only token resistance as he bent at the waist lying across the offering table.

"This is our first sacrifice" I said as Brit led Rob to a position directly behind my husband.

"Take off your panties." she said to her husband. He obediently revealed his cock on a chastity device. I walked to her, handing her the key to her husband's cage and she removed it. Our husbands had been conditioned so well that as soon as his cock was free, it began to get hard.

"Now go to my husband and remove his panties," I said.

Rob moved in behind my husband and grabbed his panties and forcefully ripped them down to his knees. My husband flinched and audibly whimpered but did not move.

"Danae" I said, looking at the tall naked Goddess in the first row. She stood and came to me, depositing a bottle of lube into my hand and I passed it on to Rob as Danae took her seat.

Rob squirted a line of lube on my husbands back right above his ass and watched as it trickled down to his awaiting, and well used asshole. Then he handed me back to lube and grabbed his erect cock with his right hand, and using his left as a guide, he thrust his erect cock into my husbands ass.

Applause erupted from the congregation and I looked around to see a frenzy of women, tired of the male dominated world and ready to take control. I saw Angie, stripping her clothes off and now joyous as she watched my husband's ass pounded hard and fast by Britney's husband.

My husband knew at that point he was over and the tears flowed down his cheek like a fountain. Huge sobs mixed with occasional grunts of pain as Rob fucked his ass deep and hard.

"And now, the final part of our consecration ceremony." I said as I extended my hand to Danae, who stood with the two men from last night and led them to me and turned to return to her seat.

Brit and I undressed both of them sensually, taking the time to kiss each other and touch each other. I loved her nipples and she apparently loved my large breasts and we both took time while undressing the men to fondle each other.

Then, we had their magnificent cocks out and we took them in our hands. I put my mouth to the tip and the massive cock and plunged it as deep as I could, which was still only about a third of the way. Britney was deepthroating the cock in her mouth and with such a large cock disappearing down the throat of such a tiny girl, it seemed impossibly erotic.

The sobs of my husband got even louder as he watched mere feet from his face and that made me enjoy it even more. Britney was on the floor, with the man on top of her, thrusting his cock in and out of her tiny pussy as she touched her clitoris to make it feel even better.

I took my guy, and pushed him down to the ground on his back and climbed on him, lowering my wet pussy onto his hard, massive dick and slowly slid it in. I felt it touching every part of me as it slid in. When I felt his body against mine, I began to grind my pussy into him, massing the inside of my pussy with his massive member.

I looked out at the congregation, and a few had joined me in my nudity. It was all women. But ALL the women were standing to watch. The men were almost unanimously sitting. I felt the man inside me start to swell. I rode him more slowly and concentrated the use of my muscles down there to stroke him. I felt his back arch and I felt him spasm as he shot a load into me. I lowered myself and held his waning cock until it was soft.

Then, I had a moment of inspiration.

Leaning into his ears, "Stay right here. I have a job for you." I said as I got up and left him lying there. I went back and reached out my hand to Angie. She hesitated, and Brian grabbed her other hand and told her no. That settled it, she pulled free from him and came with me to the front of the church.

I positioned her over him and slowly began to remove the rest of her clothing. I kissed her nipples and I removed her top. When she was completely naked, I guided her down onto his hardening shaft. It must have been the largest she had seen because she seemed to be in awe of it, and moaned loudly as he entered her.


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