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All Comments on 'The Predators Ch. 07'

by gaggedKitty23

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JBEdwardsJBEdwardsalmost 6 years ago
Wow, that was brutal

And I didn't even know that little detail about firing blanks at close range. Perhaps I should have known better but I was taken in completely by Fay's and Kacie's "deaths" and began to mourn them but courageously read on. By the way, whatever happened to Kacie's boyfriend? I look forward to the exciting conclusion! -- JB Edwards

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago

No matter how many crooked cops you got, you got more good ones hunting what they think is a cop killer, the surest way to get caught.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Faye wouldn’t just be hungry,

She would be starving. The human body requires 10x it’s weight in calories to *maintain* its weight. The fewer calories taken in, then the body starts to use its fat stores, including breast fat. Semen, on average, contains 5 calories per serving. A 105lb woman would require at least 1050 calories, or 200 loads of cum. Add in the calories are empty, meaning devoid of nutrition, it becomes problematic regarding their health. Scurvy, iron deficiency, osteoporosis, dental disease, tiredness to name only a few and you simply gloss over it all like it’s no big deal when it’s the opposite.

The sad thing is that it’s a well written story but you need to pay attention to The unintended consequences.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Amazing story!

I really hope the last chapter will be an extra lpng one. This is one of the hottest stpries here. Personally I would like to see Fay tied to the bench with electrodes the other girl was tied tp in earlier chapter and completely give to her captors with both the boyfriend and parter watching

Love your work!

gaggedKitty23gaggedKitty23almost 6 years agoAuthor
Response to "Dumb" and "Hungry."

Hey guys, I appreciate the feedback. First off, "Dumb", I don't necessarily disagree with you on this one. Something to keep in mind is that criminals aren't always smart...in fact sometimes they're downright arrogant to the point of making stupid mistakes. Look for that to play out in the next and final chapter. "Hungry," point well taken but you need to take into account 1) constant table scraps here and there add up to a lot of calories - I know this from experience when I had a few little ones around the house and kept eating table scrap leftovers. 2) an occasional bowl of fruit could easily be a few hundred calories depending on size. The point is that she's hungry as opposed to starving. I think suspending disbelief here is more reasonable than getting too caught up in the minutiae of calories... after all, this is a fictional story :) I hope that helps, and thank you for the feedback.

StormKing33StormKing33almost 6 years ago
5* Great Story

I think Fay has finally found her true calling in life as a sex slave. I would like to see Fay and Kacie end up as some rich man's toys. Heck, maybe even breed them.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 6 years ago
Really hope for more

Awesome storyline! Really hope that the next chapter won't be the final one. Fay can take a bit for humiliation or pleasure.

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Born in Chicago...but now I'm a southern girl. My three favorite things: sex, travel, and cute animals. Oh, and I like reading too ;)
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