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The Prenup

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A unique twist to the BTB situation.
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Not that you give a shit but my name is Jason Meadows. I'm about 6', 175 lbs, pretty average build, athletic ability and looks. I do however have substantially above average abilities in the mathematics area. I grew up in a really crappy blue collar area of Chicago and did my best in school not to stand out because in my crowd you never wanted to be the center of attention good or bad.

I fucked up in High School however and did so well on a standardized math test that I got called into the Guidance Office because they suspected me of cheating. Well fuck them, I took it again, aced the son of a bitch by doing even better and left the Head of the Math department slack jawed. Like it or not I now acquired a mentor, Mrs. Alice Preston. Mrs. P sat me down that day and we had one of those "what the fuck do you want to do with your life?" conversations. She was easy to talk to, smart as a whip and even though she was the head of the math department she was definitely a MILF.

To make a ton of conversations, meetings and planning simple, Mrs. P got me to change my attitude about school. She changed the courses I was taking and my expectations about the future which now included college. No one in my family had gone on to higher education. They were all in the trades, or Police, Fire and Public Works. I guess they expected me to follow in their footsteps. When they balked at my plans, Mrs P. talked her way into a meeting with my Mom and Dad. After 15 minutes she had them eating out of her hand.

By Junior year I had worked my way through all the significant Math courses offered by my school and so "P" got me into a shitload of advanced placement courses (AP) at a local extension and so by the time I as ready to start college I already had 20 credits.

On the social side, the bunch of guys I was worried about spotting me out were actually sort of proud of me especially when I helped them and their girlfriends in subjects they were having issues with. Tutoring also helped me out with the girlfriends of their girlfriends. That network made sure I had dates to all the important events and was kept happy by girls that were now passing Algebra.

Back on the academic side, thanks to Mrs P who was an alumni and my grades, I got into the University of Michigan on a full ride scholarship. From there I did a Masters and PhD at the University of Chicago and began a career teaching and working there and at Argonne National Lab In Lemont and Fermi in Batavia. Most of my work is in classified areas but generally would be classified as nuclear physics.

Enough about me. It's time to move on to the sex and the real reason for this story. Early in my days at Michigan I met a cute, sexy and a little ditzy girl by the name of Ceil Powers. Ceil needed tutoring to get though her basic math requirement Freshman Year. I not only got her off academic probation but I got her off other ways as well. She was still a virgin in those days and I let her make the decision as to when that status would end. Until that event we spent a great deal of time exploring each others bodies. She knew her way around a hand and blow job but was inexperienced and very appreciative when I reciprocated. I believe that I was the first fellow that had taken the time to make sure that she was having a good time. Frankly, Ceil couldn't get enough of good old Jason and so it was no surprise to me when one night that Spring, she pulled me up by the ears from between her thighs and said

"Jason honey, I'm ready. I've been on the pill for six weeks and I want you to fuck me NOW!"

Not wanting to argue with the lady I let little Jason probe around a bit and then smoothly slid in until I felt a little resistance. With some gently prodding I slid past that and I was fully planted in her snug little pussy. My tongue and fingers had preceded me so I knew just how and where to hit her g-spot and so for the next 30 minutes gave her the first, second and third vaginal orgasms of her life. Finally I let fly and she cried out joyously as I shot my load into her.

Ceil was sore after our first bout and so we just lay together and cuddled. I was so peaceful just laying there toying with her breasts and whispering sweet nothings to each other. She was the one.

The Powers lived in Shaker Heights, an affluent suburb of Cleveland. From what I could piece together from Ceil, her Grandfather had been quite wealthy and had passed substantial shares down to his five children. Some had prospered and built larger fortunes and some had not. Ceil's father was in the "had not" category. She was from her Dad's second marriage and he was currently separated from her Mother and living with one of her mother's former friends. The motto "Divorce is a Luxury few men can afford" certainly applied to him. Luckily Ceil's Grandfather had set up generous education accounts for she and her cousins so those finances were not a problem but she knew that after graduation, there was no pot of gold.

Summer break that first year and for the following two was tough on our sex lives. I stayed in Ann Arbor each summer working for the Physics Department and they kept me quite busy but I had most weekends off and drove my junker car to Shaker Heights to see Ceil. Her mother was understanding about young love and since she had the marital house, accommodations were no problem. Since Mom was dating, Ceil and her sister could and did have overnight visitors. It was a different story with her Father when she was staying with him. Dad made it clear that he didn't approve of me. He couldn't do anything to stop Ceil from dating me at school because Gramps Trust controlled the education money but he could and did make our life miserable when Ceil was staying with him. It got so bad that I only made the trip down when I could stay at Mom's house. That, or Ceil borrowed a car and drove up to Ann Arbor to see me. Despite the obstacles, we managed to stay together and by senior year we were talking marriage. It was a good thing because we were now living together off campus. Ceil's mother didn't care because she was fucking Juan the poolboy and other lowlifes. Her Dad could just pound salt. He had no say, was cash strapped and was now paying very hefty alimony to two ex wives.

We both had very busy schedules taking full class loads and working part time. There were however ample opportunities to get together a minimum of twice a day. We always had sex before going to sleep and then in the morning shower. Three days a week we had a nooner and all day Sunday we never dressed.

Life was good. I had been accepted at the University of Chicago Graduate program and Ceil was getting a Marketing Degree and wasn't planning on having any difficulty in getting a job in the greater Chicago area. Our wedding was set for June following graduation. Her Mom wanted a big wedding, I didn't give a shit. In a strange instance of cooperation her parents each kicked in 15k and the only obstacle arrived in the mail one morning. It seems that good old asshole dad conditioned his payment on me signing the enclosed prenup. Stated reason was the disparity in our community positions.

I refused to sign for two reasons. The first was the insult to my salt of the earth blue collar parents and the other was that the document only protected Ceil and not me. She could terminate the marriage at any time for any reason and would keep all of her assets at the outset of the marriage and 85% of the marital. Since supposedly I was never going anywhere so I could keep my retirement and she hers. Fuck that. I told Ceil that I loved her, wanted to marry her but could not allow her to have the right to in essence, cheat with impunity and walk away with most or our possessions. Being a fair person, she agreed.

We were in the process of planning for a much cheaper beer and pretzels style Chicago wedding when a law student friend of mine had a suggestion. How about signing the original and sending a xerox to Dad and then privately executing an addendum and filing it with the Circuit Court in Cuyahoga County where the wedding was going to take place.

It worked. The addendum now covered both of us. If either cheated and it led to the dissolution of the marriage, the person at fault would be on the short end of a 15/85 split. There also was a nice paragraph about my family. Ceil was happy to sign. Between us it meant a lot that my family wasn't insulted and of course we were desperately in love so why the fuck would either of us cheat. This was just a stupid formality we had to put up with as part of our getting married. Sort of like a blood test.

So, good old Dad never knew about the addendum. Paid his share of the wedding and walked his daughter down the aisle. The reception was at a county club which didn't bother my family when they showed up in two large yellow busses. Really a good idea because they came and went wasted and slept all the way back to Chicago. Got to love em.

The honeymoon was spectacular. We went to a clothing optional all inclusive and chose to be nude for two weeks. By the end of the trip we were nut brown all over and we had made love in the plane, in and out of the water, in and out of the shade, in and out of the shower, in and out of the hot tub and occasionally in the bed. We were happy as clams to be together, happy with each other and eager to get started on our life in Chicago.

The next fifteen years flew by. Ceil worked for about ten of those and then retired to do charity work and decorate our large home in Hoffman Estates. I did the PhD thing I mentioned earlier and mostly worked on projects that I couldn't talk about at home without violating a couple dozen Federal Laws.

Depending on whatever project I may be working on I had what could be described as a crazy schedule. I was well paid for what I did as was attested to by the three payrolls I was on, U of Chicago, Fermi Labs and the DOD. To say I was doing well would be an understatement. Ceil didn't have a clue about my earnings. She had a generous household budget and didn't need to ask for or need more. During her ten years of working she had established her own retirement accounts, savings and credit cards. She did however use a joint card for personal and household items.

You may notice that I haven't discussed children in our marriage. Ceil was on the pill all through college and then once I was out of the graduate program and working she went off and we started trying to have a kid. We tried for a year and then when we didn't have any positive results we went in for testing. It turned out that I was shooting blanks probably due to the case of the mumps I had as a teenager. We were both depressed for a period, Ceil a lot longer than I. We discussed adoption, sperm donors and all the high tech procedures but neither of us could get up enough enthusiasm to give them a try. It was just easier to indulge ourselves with nice vacations and expensive toys than to deal with children.

I thought we were happy but then the husband always seems to be the last to have an inkling if there is a problem. In retrospect, trouble started the day Ceil met Nita Smith. Nita had a couple of other surnames but had gone back to her maiden name when she divorced the second time. She was a decent looking woman and was well dressed and made up whenever I saw her at social events. I knew that she was a regular shopping and lunch buddy of Ceil's because her name came up regularly. Once the house was decorated and the local charities organized, Ceil branched out into aerobics, tennis and golf and basically kept herself quite well toned.

Our sex life of course took a hit when we entered the wonderful world of work. Like most marriages at the 15 year mark the intensity and frequency of our sex slowed down a fair amount but from what I could determine, not as bad as most. Usually our schedules matched up for two or three nights of intimacy during the week and we always tried to set aside a block of time on the weekend to ring each others chimes. In addition, we took two at least 10 day romantic vacations every year. It was still relatively easy to get worked up over Ceil because at 36 she had kept her college figure and was only five pounds heavier. That five was all muscle as she now worked out with weights and was as toned as she could be. The long brown hair of her youth was now replaced by a stylish blonde short cut that beautifully matched her all over tan. The other physical enhancement that she made was a totally hairless pussy. I have no idea how she and her beauty handlers did it but there was absolutely no stubble to interfere with the dining experience.

Earlier I mentioned that one of my employers is the DOD and specifically the US Navy. Because of my access to ultra classified research projects, my contacts with the world are by mutual consent, strictly monitored. The monitoring is done as unobtrusively as is humanly possible. Over the years I have acquired the ability to pick up on some of the tells but certainly not on all of them. I have also learned to live with the invasion of privacy because the secrets I carry around in my head are sort of scary. The level of security that surrounds me decreases as the level of contact with me radiates out. So for instance my relatives in Wisconsin get ignored unless I visit with them physically whereas my wife gets unseen but intensive observation. She has never been told about this surveillance and I believe she is unaware of it to this day.

I'm explaining this because every week I have a short face to face with the head of surveillance and get an oral and if necessary, a written report of threats. I am told that some foreign governments would like to interrogate me or kidnap my wife to force me to cooperate so the surveillance is required. As part of this program I have a weekly meeting with the Security team. We discuss my social plans for the coming week, business plans and my wife's known schedule. They then tell me if there are any National Security threats. All told, the average briefing takes 15 minutes and is conducted by one NSA agent. Then one day two agents and the head of my detail appeared. I captured the actual conversation on my cell

"Good afternoon Dr. Meadows. There is no way to candy coat what we have to report today so here it is. Your wife is apparently having an affair."

I had the typical reaction.

"You must be mistaken. She'd never cheat on me I can't think of a single problem that we have."

"I'm sorry but here is no question Doctor. On October 3rd she met a Rolf Anderson at The Rusty Nail for lunch. At 1:07 they left the restaurant and walked across the parking lot to the Motel 6 and entered a previously registered room. They were in the room for two hours and 17 minutes whereupon they exited, kissed, walked to their separate cars and left. Your wife returned home and Mr. Anderson drove to his place of business, Acme Industries. Through our phone and email monitoring of your wife we of course knew about the lunch meeting. It was supposed to be about sponsorship of the Charity Ball which is upcoming in January. Contact tracing indicates that the two of them worked together at Kramer and Foster five years ago which as you know is just before we began the full coverage of you and your wife. You should know that there is a distinct probability that this liaison was not the first time for your wife and Mr. Anderson.

Intensive coverage of Anderson commenced immediately and we discovered that he had reserved a room at the Marriott on 6th Street for the fifth of October. We arranged to have him placed in a monitored room and on said date we made audio and visual recordings of the next liaison between your wife and Anderson. These are available for your viewing although I caution that we have found that watching and listening to adulterous acts is vastly different from just reading or hearing about them. The call is yours Doctor."

"Thank you Wilson. As you might imagine this comes as quite a shock and I would like to think about this overnight before I make drastic decisions. Please give me your documentation and I will return it to you tomorrow. I will also take your suggestion on viewing under consideration."

My demeanor was calm and collected but internally I was in turmoil. I excused myself from my afternoon meetings and went to a local park. For three hours sitting on a bench I analyzed my feelings, my life with Ceil and how I had missed the fact that she had been having sex outside of our marriage. On the feelings side I was mainly hurt, terribly disappointed in myself for having missed something so important and in her for her betrayal of our marriage. I was also seething with anger. I was suddenly so mad that I cried out "FUCK!" at the top of my lungs. Luckily the only other person in sight was a jogger wearing headphones.

What baffled me was that Ceil and I have not only frequent, but quite enjoyable sex. Upon reflection though I would have to say that the warmth and loving content of our relations had gradually diminished especially in the last five or so years. So, the sex was as great as ever but the driving inspiration behind it had subtlety changed.

That night I acted the usually adoring husband and then spent the evening locked in my study working on a "classified" project. Ceil knew not to interrupt and so she went to bed early as I watched the video of her sucking and fucking this asshole. My 36" monitor showed the event in overly precise detail. It was immediately obvious that this was by no means a first time fuck. You could tell by the way they gave each other a casual kiss and then carefully disrobed and used hangers to make sure nothing wrinkled. Only when everything was carefully hung up did they embrace again. To me it seemed like there was hardly any passion between them. Anyway, without messing her hair they moved to the bed and she got on all fours so that he could plug his very average sized cock into her puss. When he went to grab her swinging tits she slapped his hands with the admonishment

"No bruises Rolf. I don't want to have to explain to my husband when he fucks me in the shower tomorrow morning."

The episode went on for over two hours and despite the seeming lack of energy and passion, he was good for three orgasms and probably gave her three for every one of his. I guess that partly explains why this particular guy. It sure wasn't the size of his dick.

So, what the fuck do I do? If I kill or maim either of them the Feds will immediately know and will have it on tape so that's out. I could use the film footage to divorce her and with prenup come out smelling like a rose. Or, and here is the cynical shit in me coming out, just let the affair(s) go on. Acknowledge that she is a terrific piece of ass, use her and keep her around for the fucking. Oh yes, meddle with both of them with pranks and problems that would be easy to execute because of the surveillance. Maybe even get the Feds on the team involved in the pranks. That is cold but then what the fuck has she been? Two can play the game.

The next day I was frank with Security. Let her keep it up. Let me see the tapes and let's have fun causing them grief. I think they were surprised that I had made this decision but then they were guys too and they got a kick out of my prank suggestions.

Once each rendezvous pattern was established simple things like fire alarms, room service visits, double bookings, parking lot accidents, drunks pounding on the door etc. happened whenever they got together. More nasty was the substitution of her secret birth control pills with placebos. After an aborted pregnancy all future lovers were forced to wear condoms. I was nasty and wanted sex while she was secretly recuperating from her procedures and so she had to make up plausible excuses and deep throat me twice a day for a week.


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