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The Present Situation Ch. 03

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Two men get to know her better.
8.7k words

Part 3 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 05/10/2015
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I took off work a bit early Friday so we could get an early start. I was excited like a kid in a candy store. Walking into the bedroom I saw the suitcase laying open and several articles of clothing laying there. I had made my choices before leaving for work so my clothes were already placed in the suitcase. Dawn was standing in front of the closet rifling through clothes trying to make a decision.

She knew I was there but kept her attention on the clothes before her. I came up behind her and hugged her close pressing into her back. Dawn sighed and leaned back against me, molding her little body into mine. She would reach into the closet and pull out a dress or top asking my thoughts. Each time I would say no, not sexy enough, or no not revealing enough. Resignedly she would place the article back on the rack. I did give my assent to one dress and a blouse. Tossing them on the bed I told her to also bring the black mini we purchased on our last outing. Dawn fished the mini from the closet and compliantly put it in the suitcase.

The black dress I had chosen was a favorite of mine but Dawn rarely wore it out afraid of what others would think if they saw her in it. It hugged her hips and waist nicely showing off her figure. It also had a kind of scooped neck with gathered material. It was very respectable until she leaned forward. It seemed the further Dawn would lean forward the more the dress would pull away from her. Once before going out she had leaned forward with that dress on and I could see clear through to the top of her frilly panties. I don't think she had ever caught on how much it could potentially show of her. Her main concern had always been the hem length. This dress ended only a few inches above her knees when she stood but sitting it seemed to display most of her shapely thighs.

If we had been going out for a night on the local town I would have expected her to protest. Instead Dawn quietly folded the dress and placed it in the suitcase. The blouse was the same thin black and gray striped blouse my wife had worn on our last trip. Again, without any protest she placed it also in the suitcase. I glanced in the suitcase and pulled out two bras tucked into a corner. I asked her what she thought those were for. Dawn replied she thought she should wear them during the daytime. I relented and told her she could bring one bra only and I was going to choose which it would be.

I opened her lingerie drawer and rummaged through it until I found the one I was looking for. Because Dawn's little nipples are always sticking out hard she always wears thick padded bras. But she has one thin silky white bra I had bought her from Victoria's Secret. The bottom third of each cup is smooth and silky, slightly reinforced to thrust the breasts up. The upper 2/3 of the cup is semi transparent with a white floral pattern. Without the floral pattern breaking up the material expanse there would be a perfectly clear exposure of each breast. As it was, in the right light, any lucky admirer would clearly see most of my wife's tits.

The only times I ever saw her wearing it was around the house while all her other bras were in the wash. I reasoned if Dawn was wearing a thin top her little nips would stand up poking through it as if she wasn't wearing any bra. And of course if a guy got to see down her top, all the better!

I turned to face my little wife and held the filmy bra up telling her this was the only bra she would wear this weekend. Dawn's face furrowed in worry but she remained quiet. I then gave her a choice of what to wear on our trip out. She could either wear the gray top with the black stripes with or without the bra. Dawn hesitated before speaking and I was not surprised she chose the bra/top combination. Tossing the bra on the bed I said it was fine with me, zipped the suitcase closed and proceeded to take it to the car.

Returning to the bedroom I found the adjoining bathroom door closed. Figuring Dawn was in there I sat on the bed patiently waiting on her. A few minutes later Dawn opened the door. She immediately began protesting she could not wear the bra with the top. My eyes were already glued on her chest and I understood her concern.

Since the bra is white and the top is gray with black stripes it was easy to see the bra contrasting with the thin top's material. It made it look like my wife was trying to draw attention to her breasts, even more so than if she had been braless. I again reiterated my wife's choices of wear that bra or go braless.

Dawn sighed and pulled the top over her head dumping it on the bed. She reached behind her and unsnapping the bra shrugged out of it and threw it on the bed. She then grabbed the gray top and pulled it back in place on her tight little body. She turned to the dresser and combed her hair in place before turning back to face me. Dawn asked me what I thought?

I really enjoyed the sight before me. My petite wife's little firm breasts were proudly pushing against the thin dark material. My wife stood there as I slowly walked around her to see her body from all angles before standing in front of her. I turned her toward the mirror and told her to look closely at her breasts. Dawn's face reddened for it was plain her breasts were unfettered. They had a slight droop and though covered the always hard little nips were tenting the top. When she started to whine about her breasts being prominently displayed I assured her they were not. I reasoned she felt that way because she knew she was braless. Anyone making a casual glance would not notice, the dark stripes broke up the gray expanse and her tits are not overly large to draw extra attention. I turned her sideways to the mirror and told her to look at herself. A little "oh!" escaped my wife's lips. From a side view it was much easier to see one of her little nips tenting the blouse material. The breast was clearly outlined.

Dawn asked if there was any way she could wear a jacket or something to cover herself during daylight hours. My reply was she could bring her gray dress jacket but had to take it off any time I told her to. Relief flooded across her face as she reached into the closet for the jacket. I also told her it would cost her a blowjob in the car on the trip.

Dawn's face turned white as she heard the words. She protested she could never be seen doing anything like that. Sex acts had to be saved for the bedroom. I countered we would be on the interstate and no one would see. She asked what if someone saw us? I replied with "So what?" If we don't know the driver and will never see them again, who cares?" All that mattered was her and me pleasing each other. It was now time to go. Dawn put the jacket on, effectively blocking my view of her gorgeous upper body and we headed out the door.

It was a clear sunny summer afternoon as we headed east on the highway to the big city. We chatted a bit catching up with each others' lives. Going slightly over the speed limit kept our car out of the pack behind us. Setting the cruise I told Dawn it was time for her to remove the jacket. As she did so I powered my seat back to its furthest rearward position. Dawn noticed what I had done and knew what was expected of her. She glanced downward at my crotch and could see my semi-hard cock beginning to swell in anticipation.

"Go ahead and release it." I told her. She furtively looked around to see if any cars were close enough to see what was about to happened. But I had already checked and the closest car was at least 1/2 mile away and none closing in on us. Dawn reached her dainty little hand out and after several attempts was able to fish my cock out of my pants. Though not fully hard yet it was beginning to stand on its own, waiting for some oral delight.

Dawn began to slowly pump her left hand up and down on my prick gently squeezing it to bring it to full life. "That feels good." I said, "But what I really want is for you to suck it. Go ahead. No one is near and no one will see." Nervously Dawn brought her face toward my crotch. A sigh escaped my lips when she began placing little kisses on the smooth silky head of my cock. Oh, that felt good!

After a few seconds of cock kissing my little wife opened wide and drew my cockhead into her oral cavern. I tensed and groaned as the feelings hit me. I had never had a blowjob while driving and found it a bit hard to concentrate on driving. For the most part I kept my eyes on the road only stealing glances at my wife's dark brown haired head as she bobbed over my erect cock.

From the angle Dawn had to stretch across the center console i knew it was uncomfortable for her. I told her I was aware she wasn't comfortable and the quicker she brought me off the quicker she could sit back up. Dawn kept ministering to me with her mouth and gave a small, "Ummmhummm" as her acknowledgement.

On one particular time as her tongue twisted around my cock head I inadvertently hit the brake disengaging the cruise control. This caused the car to slow down and the pack behind us was almost upon us before I realized what had happened. I accelerated back up and placed a safe distance between us and them. However, looking in the rear view mirror I could see a semi leading the pack slowly drawing closer. But, I didn't care about him at this time. It was all I could do to keep our car between the lines as my lovely wife serviced my cock.

Steering with my left hand I snaked my right hand under her to cup one of her soft firm breasts. I felt Dawn's right breast gently swaying as she moved up and down on my cock. She let out a little moan when I began to squeeze her breast, slowly increasing the pressure. Within seconds we were both continuously moaning from the exquisite feelings we each felt.

Suddenly I heard the low growl of the semi approaching us from the outside lane. Still leaning over my crotch Dawn stiffened remaining motionless over me, the head of my prick held motionless in her mouth. The semi driver came up alongside us and instead of continuing with passing us ran alongside us for several long seconds. Clearly the driver was watching the hot action in our car. There was no doubt in his mind the driver was getting a blow job from the trim beauty with flawless legs. The mini had ridden up Dawn's thighs as she was servicing me to the point of barely covering her crotch. Almost all of her thighs had been on display for some strange semi driver.

It seemed minutes but was probably seconds before the semi driver gave a blast from his air horn and began to pull away from us. Dawn stiffened further upon hearing the loud horn so close to our car. Hearing the semi pull away Dawn raised her head to dash level and looked to see if he was far enough away. Seeing he was now ahead of us Dawn sat up and asked why I had not warned her he was approaching, she was so embarrassed.

I replied I didn't even know he was there until he was alongside us. She had been making me feel so good I had forgotten to keep a close eye out. Dawn said this should never have happened. I should have been more watchful.

I countered she had two ears and should have heard the semi approaching. Why didn't she sit up and act like nothing was happening? Dawn hesitated before she replied she too was lost in her feelings and didn't realize he was there until it was too late. She had been too embarrassed to sit up and face her observer. I reasoned in my mind she would rather be a faceless person performing a sex act than have to face him. Hummm...good to remember that. Might come in handy later.

A lock of Dawn's dark brown hair was stuck to her face and I gently pushed it back in place as I told her I needed release now, she needed to go back to her oral chore. Dawn protested it wasn't safe on the highway. Someone had already seen us and she was afraid it would happen again. She said, "It's bad enough a semi driver saw us. What if it had been a carload of kids? How could I ever live with that?"

I agreed it would be wrong if a bunch of kids had seen us but none had, none would and for her to get back to getting me off. Dawn stared at my cock several long seconds, her hand holding it upright firmly at the base. Finally her head began the slow move back to my crotch. Hovering over my cock Dawn extended her tongue and brushed it against my cockhead's slit. She raised most of the way back up to place her thumb and forefinger to her tongue and pull at a string of clear sticky liquid.

"What's this?" she asked.

"That my dear looks to be some of my precum.' I replied.

"Oh yuck!" Dawn cried out. "That's disgusting! If you can't stop that I can't do this."

I laughed and said, "Dawn, my dear, every time we get together for sex I give off some precum. All men do, so this is part of turning me on."

Well I've told you before I will not bring you off orally." Dawn replied.

I countered with, "Hon, you have had my cock in your mouth numerous times the last few months. I guarantee you have been swallowing my precum each time. You just didn't notice it. Now this liquid is not my cum. There is no sperm in it. It is only the liquid that would naturally lubricate to prepare me if we were going to have sex. You have tasted it before, now taste it again." With that I looped my right hand around the back of her neck and gently shoved her toward my crotch.

Dawn hesitated this time but fisted her little hand up my cock causing a small drop of clear liquid to form at the slit. "Go ahead, taste it." I encouraged. Dawn stared at the drop several seconds before she finally reopened her mouth and lashed her tongue against the cockhead. Her tongue captured the drop and reeled back into her mouth. "See that wasn't bad at all." I complimented her on being adventurous and asked her to resume pleasuring me.

Dawn asked if it couldn't wait until we got to the hotel room. Though my cock was still hard I did notice we were now approaching the outskirts of St. Louis and soon traffic would be picking up around us. Though tempted to again be observed I reckoned we better wait. So I tucked my cock into my trousers and Dawn sat up pulling her mini down to a respectable length. In seconds it looked like nothing had happened, just two adults out for a drive. Of course I was replaying all that had happened in my mind. Dawn was also quiet. I'm sure she was also reliving the recent event. Hope she enjoyed it as much as I did!

The rest of the trip was uneventful as we rode to the hotel. We checked in and headed to the room. As I dropped the bags in the room Dawn said she needed to take a shower before went out to eat. As the shower ran I unpacked the suitcases and laid out the dress and sheer light tan stay up stockings I wanted my wife to wear. When Dawn emerged from the bathroom she saw the little black dress laying across the bed and asked if that was what I wanted her to wear. I replied yes and she asked where the underwear was. My reply was she would be wearing the dress and stockings to dinner and that would be all.

Dawn's face took on a worried concerned look at these words. She protested she had to at least wear panties. She said she had accepted she was to go braless but please allow her to wear her panties. I considered my wife's plea and realizing she was going to be be stretched further than ever before decided to relent. I reached in our suitcase and pulled out her almost sheer black panties. Tossing them on the bed I said she could choose to either wear the panties or nothing.

Knowing it was futile to argue with me my wife said nothing and began combing her hair. Sensing I had won I headed to my shower. Finished I emerged into the bedroom to find my wife sitting, dressed on the bed. I went over to sit next to placing my arm around her and drew her close for a long passionate kiss. Dawn melted into my arms as we tightly embraced.

I finally broke the kiss off and told her I was looking forward to this night. It was going to be a sexual high for both of us. Dawn's face took on a quizzical look and she asked what I meant. I told her we were going to once again go to a bar and she was going to act like she was alone as I observed. When a guy would come up to her she would flirt with him and make him feel special.

Dawn asked what I meant by making him feel special? I said if the opportunity came up she was to make the guy feel like she was sexually attracted to him. She was to come on to him. When asked how I replied perhaps show a little flesh. Maybe let her dress hem ride high up her shapely legs letting him enjoy their beauty. Or, perhaps give him a bit of a down dress peek at her lovely firm breasts.

Dawn countered she could never do anything as bold as letting a man see her naked breasts. I laughed and said she had already let a waiter see them and the guy in the bar had gotten several good long looks at her breasts. Dawn's face reddened as she remembered and she protested those were accidents. She had never intended for them to see her breasts.

I said if it made her feel better to have some accidents tonight that was fine with me. But I wanted to see her sexually excite a guy tonight and the more the better. Dawn remained quiet as I said these words, lowering her head and accepting her commands.

We went downstairs and since we were early for our dinner reservation I steered Dawn toward the hotel's bar. Dawn knew what was expected of her and she stood waiting for my instructions. I went over them again telling her how she was to flirt and tease any guy who came on to her. I also said she was going to accidentally give opportunities for the lucky guy to see her breasts and legs. Dawn had been standing there quietly listening to her instructions. At the last moment I said I would count it special if she turned on the guy so much he became bold enough to touch her breasts or legs.

This was a new bold step and I waited for my little wife's reaction to this last command. She bit her lip and continued to stare at the floor. I asked her if she understood what I had just told her. Dawn said yes she did and asked why I wanted this. I said it would really turn me on if another guy found my wife so attractive he couldn't keep his hands off her. That it was only natural for a man to want to touch a lovely woman.

Dawn said she didn't think she could do it and I said if she loved me enough to do what I asked she could do this. Besides I told her, she would still be going home with me and not the other guy. She would not be marked or in any way show she had shared her charms with another man. She would still be my loving wife, my sexy, loving wife.

I held out my hand and asked for Dawn's rings. She slowly twisted them from her ring finger and handed them to me. I kissed her fully on the lips and told her how I loved her so and what she was about to do pleased me very much and that it showed her love for me. Dawn gave a small smile looking at me with her adoring eyes. I turned her toward the bar and gave her a small light shove, telling her she looked real sexy. I truly believed it as I watched my little sexy wife enter the bar alone.

I sat in a chair outside the bar entrance several minutes waiting and watching to see if any men entered the bar. A couple wandered in, but no young virile looking men. I decided if no good looking men entered soon I was going to give up on my plan and take Dawn out for dinner. Maybe the prospects would be better later in the evening.

Just as I got up I saw two men, probably mid 30's, in suit and tie heading toward the bar. They were talking in jovial tones and appeared to be having a good time. One guy was taller with dark hair and carried himself as if he were the one in charge. The other guy, blond, slightly shorter and a few pounds heavier held the door open as they entered. I decided to sit back down and give a little time to allow things to unfold.

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