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The Pretty Kindergarten Teacher

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Predators and their prey.
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The Pretty Kindergarten Teacher

Predators are no more common in education than in other professions. That said, prey is plentiful for male marauders in a profession dominated by women, and with girls making up half the student body. In this FANTASY about a workplace, a beautiful woman knowingly taunts and tempts two such predators without understanding the danger, and pays the cost. All characters engaged in sexual activities are over eighteen.


Alan, the last of her students, hopped into his Dad's pickup. Dad called her over to his door, thanked her profusely, and assured her that he would be there on the Monday after spring break to talk about the new rug she needed in the classroom. With a happy grin, his muscled arm lying along the open window, he promised his construction company would provide a rug that met her specifications, and he would haul off that nasty old rug that was in her room!

She touched his arm, gave him her winning smile, and told him she appreciated his thoughtfulness. She promised that the new rug would be put to good use, and invited him to come back for story time someday so he could see her and the kids sitting on it in their reading circle.

Dad's eyes widened at the thought of the sexy teacher sitting on the rug wearing one of her short little dresses, and he said he definitely would!

Kendall stepped back, smiled prettily again, and assured the hunky dad that keeping Alan had been her pleasure. She told father and son goodbye and waved; they smiled and waved at her as the truck pulled away.

Kendall stood alongside the parent pickup area and watched them drive off, happy that Alan's dad was going to get her a new rug, happy that he was going to install it, and happy that he was flirting with her.

When she turned to go back inside, she noticed that all but three cars were gone. Today was an early dismissal day, so students left after lunch and teachers were free to go at 1pm. It was already 2pm, an hour after dismissal, but Alan's dad had called the office to explain that he had a workplace accident to deal with. He promised he would be there within an hour, and he kept his promise. Given that he was giving her a rug, serving as a babysitter for an hour after everyone left seemed to be a win-win solution.

Having early dismissal on Friday before spring break seemed strange to Kendall , but the district did it because this was the weekend they hosted a huge two-day track and field meet, with over thirty teams from around the state, in their beautiful new facility. Since her husband was the head track coach, she should be pleased at the emphasis the district gave to this event, but all she could think of was she wouldn't see him more than few minutes until Sunday.

She turned and walked toward the entrance to the south wing, checking to see if anyone else was around. They were; she saw her principal and the PE coach watching her intently from the entrance to the north wing. She casually waved, smiling inside at their obvious lechery, and proceeded to the south wing entrance. They took a couple of steps out onto the parking lot so they could continue to watch her.

She knew she looked good today, and she put just a little extra swing in her hips as she sashayed toward the door.

They were older -- both pushing forty if not over that mark -- but her greatest guilty pleasure was taunting males, so they were fair game. Sometimes her targets were the fathers of her kinder students, who often found reasons to have brief 'parent-teacher' conferences -- or maybe give her a rug - when she wore a short dress and lightly flirted. Sometimes it was the various high school athletes acting as PE aides who came to get her kids for PE, and again for recess, and who lingered to chat and rather brazenly eyeball her. There were four of them, and they were all so fit and muscular they made her panties damp.

Kendall dressed to tempt when they went to parties, telling her hubby she wanted him to be proud of her. He loved showing off his sexy wife, so she could push the limits a little bit. He had a jealous streak and a bad temper, however, so there were firm limits. Of course, their limits didn't impede the appreciation and seduce efforts of their male friends at parties, or the teachers, principals, and coaches from high school and junior high, who never failed to ogle her at combined faculty meetings, at high school football games, or at track meets.

She was an equal opportunity temptress; age, size, marital status, and personality mattered little, as long as you showed appreciation!

Due to proximity, Johnny, the PE Coach, and Travis, her principal bore the brunt of her lure. The other elementary schools where she had worked were generally devoid of the aggressive and assertive males she was drawn to, but here she had two to deal with. Travis stopped by in the morning before class began to compliment her dress of the day and subtly flirt. Johnny stopped by during her lunch period to less subtly flirt and compliment her more blatantly; and either or both of her admirers frequently stopped by after school while she was reorganizing and preparing her room for the next day.

During those preparations Kendall did a lot of knelling down, bending over, stretching up to reach objects, and, sometimes, even climbing up on her small classroom ladder to change posters above the white board. All of these efforts allowed her to blithely show off her assets without it appearing deliberate. She loved that they had yet to leave her room without having to rearrange hardons a time or two, and that they chose to pursue her rather than the younger aides and teachers on the faculty.

When her husband learned that they were spending time with her, he sat her down at the kitchen table and warned her to keep away from them. "Kendall, those two are unrepentant seducers of women of any age, shape, or size. By their own words, they have had sexual relationships with high school girls, teachers and aides, mothers of students, GRANDMOTHERS of students, and myriad wives around the community.

The Board let Travis Collins' contract expire, and the superintendent told him it was because of his bad reputation. He warned that if he fought the non-renewal he'd conduct an investigation, invoke the morals clause, and there would be such a fuss he'd likely lose his certification.

The AD non-renewed Johnny Barnes as a coach, and the superintendent overruled Collins and recommended non-renewal of his teaching contract, which the Board quickly approved. The sup told him basically the same thing; fight it, you lose your certification!

Personally, I wish they had fired them for cause at mid-term; they have enough proof, but they decided to let their contracts end so they can move on. That pisses me off because it means they will do the same thing at their next jobs, just as they have been doing from one school to the next!"

He was trying to scare her, but telling her what bad boys they were was more like lighting a candle in front of a moth.

Not that she had done anything; she hadn't, if you don't count flirting and taunting them.


Kendall dressed well every day. Although she sometimes wore tailored slacks and blouses, fashionable but comfortable dresses with hose or tights were her trademark. The red and black sheath dress she wore today was an example, although it was especially flattering, and she had worn it because they had a short day and she knew her admirers would find it enticing.

The empire waistline made her B-cup boobs look bigger, and it displayed her best features perfectly: small waist, curvy hips with a round butt, and shapely legs covered with sheer black thigh-high stockings. The black pumps with two-inch heels were appropriate for school, while drawing attention to her well-formed calves and graceful gait.

Kendall was a happily married woman with two kids, but turning 29 had made her acutely aware of her advancing age. She enjoyed the effect her beauty had on men now and didn't want that to change.

She hadn't always had the looks and body that made men malleable, so she knew first hand that being gawked at and hit on was far more fun than being ignored. As the man once said, she had been poor and she had been rich, and rich is better!

Growing up a scrawny, wiry little girl in a neighborhood full of boys around her age, Kendall ruled the neighborhood with her strong personality and self-confidence. More tomboy than princess, she rode bikes and played games with the boys for so many years they considered her one of them, even in junior high, when they suddenly became aware of girls.

She had matured slowly, remaining a slender, compact package through elementary and junior high. While other girls were growing boobs and sprouting curves, she remained flat as a board up top, and shaped more like a stick figure with a round butt than the swimsuit model the boys wanted. "Delayed puberty" the doctor called it; he blamed it on a combination of her having low body fat and both her parents being "late bloomers".

It didn't really bother Kendall ; she was happy with her life and her boy friends from the neighborhood. When the pituitary gland finally kicked in during the summer after her freshman year and told her body to start producing estrogen, she finally graduated from the girls section to the junior petite section at the clothing store.

Still, the curves didn't begin to develop until she turned sixteen. By spring of her sophomore year she was 5'2" tall, weighed 105, and wore size 2 petite clothing. Boys -- and men -- began to show appreciation for the 32-19-33 configuration of her lithe little body, but she was far from a sex symbol.

Now, with her dreaded thirtieth birthday on the horizon, and with two young children underfoot, she had "ballooned" all the way to size six petite, with measurements of 35-23-35. She was pleased that her small boobs had retained their larger size after nursing her son and daughter, yet remained high and firm on her chest. The rest of her was now swimsuit-model worthy: her legs were lightly muscled and shapely, her ass high, tight, and round, and her waist cinched above flaring hips.

She admitted that she had what her husband called a 'little peter belly' just above her mons, but, in the eyes of men, it seemingly detracted not at all from her appearance. In fact, from, the way her husband and other men openly ogled her when she pranced around in a little bikini, she felt assured that she was as sexy as she had ever been, and certainly sexier than during high school.

She was pleased when she stood in front of a mirror, and took pride in her slender but curvy appearance. She loved it that she was now targeted by males rather than ignored, and acted embarrassed when men told her how gorgeous and sexy she is, even in front of her husband and/or their wives, but she was gloating internally.

Her fellow kindergarten teachers said they had overheard the high school boys who helped with PE call her a MILF; she blushed and acted angry at them when it was explained what that meant. In reality, that the same kind of boys who had ignored her when she was in high school now described her as a 'mother I'd love to fuck' was ridiculously pleasing.

The Zumba, yoga, and Pilates classes she participated in, and often led, were working as planned, and she vowed to keep going. She knew age would affect her shape and looks at some point, but she wanted that to be many years down the road.


Kendall and Theo had been married for six years; they had a son age 4 and a daughter age 2. They moved to their new school district, located forty miles from Austin, at the beginning of the school year. Both had earned master's degrees and had received very high evaluations in their previous jobs.

Even though he was only 29 years old with six years coaching experience, no one who knew high school football was surprised when the fast-growing 5A school joined the list of those recruiting Theo. His success at the 3A Division 1 level and the offensive show his team put on at Jerry World in the state finals was the talk of coaches across Texas.

Unable to stop their opponent's D-I signee at running back, the underdog Lions had won a 62-59 shootout on a last-minute fifty-yard touchdown. The winning touchdown came on a well-designed and executed misdirection play that featured the quarterback riding the running back into the line, sprinting right on an apparent keeper, and pitching the ball just before he got hit to a wide receiver running a reverse. The wide receiver, who was actually the backup quarterback, sprinted hard to the left before suddenly pulling up and throwing a dart to a wide-open tight end that had maneuvered across the field against the flow and was standing alone in the end zone.

That play made it into the playbooks of schools across the state, including colleges, and Theo became a hot commodity.

When MISD came courting, they wisely courted Kendall equally hard, citing her achievements as an early childhood educator, and hinting at opportunities in early childhood curriculum and instruction administration that were developing as the district grew. The district raved about the accelerated education program they offered for advanced, gifted and talented students, knowing the parents would think their children fell into that category. The also proudly showed their Blue Ribbon award from the USDE and talked about how kids in the district scored at the top on the state exams. That strategy paid large dividends when the choice among competing offers was made.

The money was certainly right, there were very nice but affordable homes available, good schools for their kids, and opportunities for professional growth for both of them. The district offered Kendall her desired position as a kindergarten teacher in a newly constructed school that was just opening, and, very unusual for new teachers, a two-year contract.

They also gave Theo exactly what he asked for, so they signed on.

Theo signed a two-year contract as assistant head coach and offensive coordinator for the football team, strength and conditioning coordinator for boys and girls athletics, and head track coach. In this combined position he would have no classroom assignments, but would instead oversee conditioning during four 'athletics periods'; one for girls basketball and one for the other girls sports; one for football and one for the other boys sports.

To top it off, the head football coach was quick to say he was nearing retirement, and he hinted strongly in his announcement of Theo's hiring that he was confident that he had hired his replacement.

Theo was a busy man now that track season was underway, but he hurried home to the wife and family he dearly loved each night. He spent every free hour with them, or working around the beautiful home they had purchased.

Their home stood on five acres shaded with old and young oak trees, and the spring-fed creek that ran across the back quarter had banks shaded by Texas Rosebuds and Sycamores. The fenced yard was less than an acre of the five they owned, but Theo kept the area around the yard and a path down to the creek cleared to discourage snakes.

There was a covered patio with a rock path leading to the hot tub that drained into the swimming pool, which kept the pool usable most of the year. The pool had a slide in the middle and a small diving board on the deep end, and their kids loved it so much they erected a chain link fence around it to keep them safe until they were older.

Kendall enjoyed landscaping their new place, and Theo worked diligently to improve the turf so the kids could run and play in soft grass. Neither job was easy in the shallow soil, which was underlain with limestone, but they were turning it into a showplace.

Their lives were focused on God, family, and home - after that came jobs and, although they had many, their friends. That deadly serpents could invade their busy, happy world and wreak havoc seemed improbable if not impossible.


The impression when the honey-blonde 5'5", 124 pound Kendall entered a room of strangers was "Look at that! What a stunning, sexy woman!" The impression when the dark-blonde 6', 210 pound Theo entered that room was, "Wow! That dude is BUILT!" Together they were the golden couple: good looking, very well built, with beautiful children, and skyrocketing careers.

They intimidated some people, made some jealous, and intrigued most. Johnny and Frank were different; they took breaking up the happy couple as a challenge.

Johnny was about 5'11" and had a 40" waist; Travis was 6'5" and had a 32" waist. They had little in common physically, but they had three other things in common: each had seduced dozens of married women over the years; each was a polished and unrepentant liar; and each was without conscience. They had one more matter in common; each had come to this district with a good recommendation, contingent upon their leaving their previous district immediately.

Having already been employed here for three years, they weren't surprised that they would soon be forced to move along; too many irate husbands and rejected women lay in their wake. Their greatest fear, however, was a woman of conscience who understood sexual harassment laws.

They each hoped this wouldn't be the stop where they lost their credentials because someone refused to "send the garbage downstream" and actually enforced policy and law when they were caught, but it didn't keep their cocks in their pants. They knew they had been found out, but it seemed the Board and administration was willing to send them on downstream too.

Regardless of consequence, they would play until burned, although they agreed that discretion was necessary with Kendall because Theo had a reputation as a straight shooter you didn't want to mess with. There were stories of busted knees, broken fingers, rearranged faces, and worse attributed to her husband, and EVERYONE knew how much he treasured his wife. Taking her was taking a big chance, but a chance they considered worthwhile.


After taking Alan to his dad, Kendall walked down the south hallway toward her classroom at the end of the building. She heard the echo of footsteps behind her and knew Johnny and Travis were watching and following. She added a little extra wiggle to her walk, just to tease, and sashayed to her room. She had completed her preparations while she let Alan play with blocks, so all she had to do was grab her purse, turn out the lights, and lock the door.

She got the first two done, but the door swung open and Johnny and Travis came inside just before she got to the door. Johnny walked right up to her while Travis closed and locked the door. "We were discussing how well that dress fits you as we walked over here, and Travis was wondering where he could get one for his wife."

"That isn't exactly what I said, Kendall . I was wondering if I could get a wife that could wear that dress and look like you do! You could make a mummy get hard, Darlin'" That statement was more blatantly sexual than he had been before, and Kendall got a funny feeling about the situation developing.

Johnny was definitely in her space, and Travis had moved around behind her. She was more than a bit nervous about whether she could control them, but she was also just a bit excited by the controlling way they surrounded her. She trusted that nothing much would happen in her classroom, for God's sake, but their intentions were clearly sexual. She trembled at their smells and closeness.

Kendall felt her principal's hands on her hips and his lips on her neck; he pressed himself against her and rubbed his rather substantial and very hard cock against her ass. She started to twist away, but Johnny put his hands along her jawline, leaned in, and kissed her. She held her mouth closed and resisted, trying to turn her body and head to get away, but the hands of the two big men held her firmly in place.


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