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The Price of Lust Ch. 02

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There's no denying Julie.
5.1k words

Part 2 of the 5 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 01/17/2007
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"Jesus Julie, don't -- don't make me..."

"What daddy? Touch me? You want to, I know you do! What's so hard -- just come over here and wash my back."

'Blackmailed! My daughter is blackmailing me.' The thought flashed through my mind, as I desperately tried to think of way not to go through with what she wanted. My hesitation didn't go unnoticed either. My delaying started to work against me, as somehow Julie knew something I didn't. She seemed to know what the effect of staring at her nude body would be. I wanted to touch her. She was right. God help me she was so right.

"Daddy I'm waiting." She purred out, turning her head to look at me.

Swallowing hard, I took a tentative step towards the open shower door and for the first time realized I was rock hard. I couldn't believe it! My pants bulged with the tell tale sign of an erection -- a third erection! Julie watched my slow approach and held out a bar of soap, smiling.

"Wash cloth? Where's the wash cloth." I mumbled, looking down, trying to avoid the nudity before me, as I reached to take the soap from her.

"Wash cloth? I never use one silly -- bad for the skin. Just use your hands." She replied and turned to place her outstretched hands against the side wall of the shower. I trembled watching Julie arch her back slightly, jutting her tight, young, ass in my direction. "I'm ready - you can start now."

I raised my shaking hands and placed the soap bar against her skin, high between her shoulder blades and began to make small circular motions. Julie moaned softly. My entire body started to shake, almost uncontrollably, as I lathered her skin. I was staring, mesmerized, by the soapy bubble trail sliding slowly down her back. Without realizing it, my hands had enlarged the circles I started to make. Her shoulders were covered in a shimmering layer of soap, when my hands dropped slightly soaping her armpits.

"Umm daddy, that feels wonderful, I should have asked you to do this a long time ago."

Her voice was soft, lusty in its tone, and she ended her comment with a heavy sigh of contentment. I closed my eyes, afraid of looking at my daughter's nudity but, continued washing her. It was the wrong thing to do. What I couldn't see, my hands and fingers explained to me in an incredibly sensitive and sensual way. Rotating one last time, my fingers slid through her delicate armpits and made contact with the side of her firm breasts and she gasped out. Clamping my eyes closed, tighter, I stopped my hands, trembling with fear she would start screaming.

"Oh don't stop, please daddy - it feels good!" her soft words coming to me as she turned slightly, moving her left breast into my hand.

There was no friction, just the easy sliding of her firm, full, breast across my soapy palm. When her hardened nipple rested against my palm she slowly rotated it and then withdrew the breast, to turn in the opposite direction. Julie finished her right nipple massage and centered herself, waiting.

Emboldened by her actions, I began washing again. My hands slid up and cupped her 34C sized tits and gently squeezed them, before I continued on. I washed her breasts, slowly and sensually, exploring her hard nipples with my fingers and palms. My trembling eased, as the sweet sound of her soft moaning expressed just how much she enjoyed my touch.

I pressed my soapy fingers tightly against her skin and moved my hands back around and down her sides. My kept my eyes closed, reveling over the feeling of her soapy flesh, dropping my fingers to her hips. With wide spread hands, I pressed in slightly harder, dragging my thumbs up and through her ass crack and kneaded her butt muscles as I went higher.

"Daddy! I think you're starting to like this!" Julie teased and quickly straightened up, breaking our skin contact. My eyes popped open immediately.

Julie giggled softly, as she turned and leaned against the shower wall, exposing her feminine attributes. I must have looked positively ridiculous, standing in front of her with an erection and out stretched hands massaging thin air. Dropping my hands, I tried to swallow and found my throat dry. Julie grinned and placed one finger in her mouth, sucking on it. Her movements were slow and provocative, making sure I understood her exact meaning.

She ended her little game with a rapid flurry of in and out movements with her finger, between her lips, and a wink. My look had to have communicated nothing, if not, pure lust. But, Julie was done with me -- for now.

"Daddy, you were very good tonight. But, I think Doreen will be home soon. Wouldn't want her to get jealous, now would we? Oh and don't forget the car daddy. Red -- remember?"

Julie's comment shattered the moment and my fear abruptly returned. The mere thought of what Julie had suggested turned my blood cold and I turned away, quickly, to leave. As my hand grabbed the bathroom door knob, Julie called out to me. "Daddy there is just one last, little, thing."

I cringed, afraid of what she'd ask for now and turned to look at her. The tension in my face muscles told me my look must be one of complete adult terror. Julie started to laugh softly at me, enjoying the look she saw.

"Oh daddy please -- do I frighten you that bad?" Julie watched as I shook my head no, although I was sure she knew I felt just the opposite.

"Well anyway, I just wanted to tell you that Becky is coming over tomorrow...Oh, and she said your penis was beautiful! I can't wait to touch it. You'd liked that wouldn't you?"

I felt my face twitch, just before my jaw dropped and I stopped breathing. Without comment, I backed through the door and closed it, before finally taking a deep shuddering breath.

Moments later, I slammed down the first hi-ball of Jim Beam, in the kitchen. With shaking hands, I managed to light a cigarette before making a second drink. I was setting at the table, nervously awaiting Doreen's arrival.

"Matt -- you're still up? Wow, I didn't expect that, how nice. Hey - make me a drink would you, I'm exhausted."

"Hi, rough one huh?" I replied and quickly got up, avoiding any immediate eye contact.

My back was turned and Doreen went on talking as she sat down to remove her shoes. "God yes, it was rough. I'm not as young as I used to be. Hey, did Julie get the laundry done?"

"What? The laundry? Yeah - yeah she did. It's all done."

"Good. Is there anything wrong Matt? You seem out of it or something." Doreen asked, not really paying any attention to me.

"No, nothing at all." I replied as I walked up, setting her drink on the table. Apparently I didn't sound all that convincing.

"God Matt you aren't stewing over Julie still - are you? I mean, we talked about it earlier. Please tell me you didn't get into it with her!"

"Ah Christ Doreen, no I didn't. She left with Becky and they were gone all day. In fact, Julie didn't get back from Becky's until early evening. So no, I didn't get into it with her. Okay?" My response was a bit heavy but, I wanted to lay this thing to rest once and for all. There was that other thing bugging me, however.

Doreen went on to discuss her, long, day and announced that she may have to work another double. Chances were slim but, she wasn't sure. I sat listening nodding my head, here and there, as visions of Becky's nude body lying on the kitchen table came to mind.

Doreen's words faded, as my thoughts turned deeper. Even my eyes glazed over, for a brief period. Doreen brought me back quickly and I jumped in my seat.

"Matt? Matt are you even listening to me? Jesus Matt..." Her tone was sarcastic and voiced loudly, snapping my dream state.

"Yeah, of course...You might have to work a double. I heard you okay. I've got things to do anyway. Want anything special for supper tomorrow? I mean if you don't work the double shift." I replied, recuperating quickly. I added a little grin, trying to ease the tension.

"I can't think right now, I'm going to bed...You coming?" Doreen's response was curt and capped off by her downing the hi-ball I had fixed for her.

"Already did, I mean, yeah I'm ready...I'm pooped, let's go." The slip didn't go entirely unnoticed but, Doreen got up and walked off anyway, shaking her head.

"If I didn't know you better Matt I'd think you were on drugs." Her comment faded as she walked off and was I thankful she wasn't still looking at me.

Small beads of sweat had broken out at my temples. The remainder of my drink went down hard, as I sat staring at dried cum on the kitchen table. I had missed a spot and, for me at least, it was a glaring neon sign pointing to the site of my elicit tryst with Becky. Before retiring, I wiped the table again and again -- determined to take the finish off if I had to. It was a rough night.

Mercifully the morning came, ending a fitful nights rest. I felt like shit but, instinctively knew that after coffee, breakfast and a little time I'd snap out of the funk I was in. Doreen had, apparently, forgotten our brief conversation the night before. With a cheery "Good Morning", she went about getting herself ready for another shift.

"Yeah, morning. You seem chipper today." I mumbled, stumbling my way towards the coffee pot. Grabbing a cigarette, I poured my first cup, listening to Doreen ramble on.

"I didn't tell you last night. I made over $200 in tips! The double was rough but, with so many out sick or on vacation, I made a killing. God, I hope today goes the same way! I'm top waitress now, any shift I want is mine and the owner just loves me for helping out so much."

It was tough wrapping my thinking around Doreen's obvious jubilance over waiting tables. I mean I was happy for her and all but, it was just too early to celebrate tips! I acknowledged her accomplishment and even managed a wane smile, as I force fed my self the coffee. Doreen smiled back, commenting,

"You look pretty rough this morning. Didn't sleep too well, I take it?" as she walked off, ignoring anything I might have had to say.

"You want breakfast?" I yelled out after her.

"No, gotta hit the mall before I start my shift!"

I lit another cigarette and poured a second cup of coffee. 'Fuck it. Toast will work for now.' I thought to myself and exhaled a small cloud of smoke. When I turned for the table Julie was standing in the doorway. Her hair was rumpled and she yawned mightily, as she stood scratching her backside.

"Morning daddy -- sleep well?"

"Oh yeah, like a log." I commented sarcastically, which went entirely over Julie's head.

"Umm me too. Anything for breakfast?"

"Nope, your mother's leaving and I've got work to do. Guess you're on your own kiddo." I replied, noticing the, all too, little girl look of my daughter and shuddered.

My fingers maintained the memory of her soft, supple skin from the night before. I averted my eyes from her, looking down into my coffee cup and saw the small, circular, waves start up -- my hands were shaking.

With a reply, masked by another yawn, Julie informed me it was okay. She wasn't really all that hungry. Keeping my eyes fixed on the cup and taking another drag from my cigarette, I heard her light footsteps carrying her away.

'Jesus what am I going to do? Maybe I should tell Doreen about Becky. Just tell her I got sucked in and -- and what?' My mind raced with thought after thought. Each one ended in a similar result. My thinking was clouded and skewed that morning but, not so much as to believe any confession wouldn't end up in a divorce.

My coffee cup went into the sink and I went to dress. Working outside seemed the safest and sanest thing at that point. Thankfully Julie and Doreen were busy and I found myself outside in the garden, minutes later, renewing my efforts from the day before. I heard their calls, each in turn telling me they were leaving.

I gave Doreen a raised hand wave, without turning around from my work. Julie's voice made me turn. I was curious and happily found her dressed conservatively, at least for her anyway. With a wave and a small smile I watched her turn to leave. I was sweating again and not all that sure the day had grown sufficiently hot enough for the amount that cascaded down my temples.

Once again, as the noon day hour approached I found myself wanting a beer. By the time I made the kitchen it was a definite need. Done with my work and only time on my hands, I leaned against the counter, downing the first beer in seconds. A large belch followed and a deep sigh. I felt better and the house was quiet -- thank God! A return to the refrigerator found one remaining beer and I knew that today that wouldn't do.

Thirty minutes later, after a quick shower, I was motoring down the street headed for Arnie's Beer & Spirits, feeling comfortable and at ease. Had I known, Oh God had I known, I'd have kept driving and never returned. I chatted with Arnie for a while, feeling no immediate need to return to the house. Before we'd finished, he talked me into an excellent bottle of Chianti. I was set for the afternoon and for the up-coming evening with Doreen. With a light spirit, I returned home completely forgetting what Julie had told me the night before.

My first indication of trouble hit me between the eyes, as I walked into the kitchen. My body tensed and the facial twitch returned, as I caught Becky's graceful stride out the patio doors. Her young body glistened with suntan oil but, that's not what made me stutter step, nearly tripping over my own two feet. She was nude, except for a skimpy thong strap running up between her firm ass cheeks and around her waist.

Music played on the patio and Becky didn't hear my arrival. She continued walking, making a slight right hand turn and laughing at whatever was said. Her generous breasts swayed and rolled making my eyes feel like marbles coming to rest in a bowel, as I watched their movements. 'Sweet mother of God.' I managed to sigh out, before my breath was gone.

My feet turned to lead, as I tried to retreat from the kitchen and catch my breath. I still held the bags from the liquor store and set them down, heavily, on a wall table, knocking over picture frames. I started to turn giddy, looking at the destroyed picture frames, lying on the floor. The lamps from the night before came to mind and then curiously I thought about Doreen's walking in and not noticing any of the damage. My breathing finally returned, an incredibly deep intake, sounding loud and out of place, as I dropped onto the couch.

"Daddy? What's going..."

"Julie! Oh God perfect. Julie, nothing I just dropped the bags!" I replied in an insane sort of tone, not knowing whether to laugh or cry after hearing her voice.

Like Becky, Julie stood in the doorway wearing only the bottom half of a thong swimming suit. I had nothing left to say. But, my mind was talking! Oh yeah, my mind was in over time as I stared at her hard nipples covered in oil. My face contorted, giving Julie a stupid kind of grin, as I dropped my eyes.

My daughter's young slit was barely covered! Even closing my eyes couldn't erase the image burned into them. A pattern of crisscrossing small strings ran across her lower abdomen. They're design created an open pocket, directly, over her bulging mound and met at a small triangular patch. The patch fit tightly against her labia creating two short, rounded, bulge lines before disappearing between her legs.

I started shaking again, swinging my head side to side, as I silently cried out in my mind, 'No! No...For God sakes NO!' The final no had just registered in my head when I heard Becky's voice.

"Mr. Benson - you're here! Julie and I were just talking about you!"

I snapped my eyes open just as Becky walked up behind Julie, sliding one very well oiled breast along Julie's back, making it pop out and wiggle. I slapped my hand to my mouth, afraid of what might come out and sat there staring, wide eyed.

"You're funny Mr. Benson! Don't just sit there come on out, we're sun bathing! You can join us." Becky replied and laughed softly.

"Yeah daddy, come on. We'll have a little party...Ooo look at this Beck, he's got beer and wine!" Julie chimed in, as she caught sight of the tipped over bags.

I still hadn't seen the front of Becky's "suit" and didn't want to. The sensory overload would have sent me off the edge. I was speechless, unable to protest as Julie walked up and grabbed the bags, leaving Becky in full view. Becky's slightly fuller hips carried her thong strings high, leaving them to plunge towards her crotch. The vision from the night before came to mind, as I stared at the thong material crunched into her delicate pussy lips. I clamped my eyes tightly closed and groaned.

Hearing their laughter fade away, I finally opened my eyes knowing they had left the room. My cock hurt, being fully erect and I swore to myself, getting up. I caught yet another mess to clean up and adjusted my penis, easing the bent pressure I felt. Slowly, deliberately I cleaned up the shattered glass, hoping my "condition" would diminish. It didn't.

My actions were mechanical, no need to think which was good, as my mind replayed the visions of the girls. By the time I gingerly stepped through the patio doors, Becky and Julie were already sipping on wine. The bottle of Chianti sat on the table, with a third glass next to it. I swallowed hard and forced myself to walk towards them.

A fly passed my face and immediately I viewed the girls as spiders, waiting for me. Their cute smiles did nothing for the thoughts racing through my mind. My cock rested high and hard, looking like I had a double sized Baby Ruth in my shorts pocket.

"Wow, about time! Hey Julie look, he brought a friend with him!" Becky purred out and pointed.

"A friend?" Julie asked and then giggled when she caught sight of what Becky had pointed at.

I pulled back my shoulders and, for the first time, thought it was time to take control -- be an adult and put end to this craziness. I slipped my hands into my shorts pockets in an effort to hide what was already known and felt my resolve fading with every step. As for the girls...their eyes never left the bulge, hand or no hand, and somehow they managed to pour a glass of wine.

Stopping just shy of the table, I cleared my throat and was about to speak when the phone rang. I nearly dropped the offered glass of wine and snapped my head to stare the phone lying on the table. Wine slopped everywhere and I cursed under my breath, removing the hand hiding my erection to grab the phone. The girls laughed. "Hello, Benson residence."

It was Doreen. Trembling, barely able to hold the phone, I listened as Doreen explained yet another double shift. She ended with a promise it would be the last one and I didn't have to wait up for her.

"God honey, I'm sorry. Are you sure you want to do that? I mean, I thought we could..."

Doreen cut me off, telling me she loved me and hung up. It was a good thing, as I had paid no attention to the girls as I talked. Julie reached out and pressed a single finger against my cock bulge and slid it down my full length, making me cry out in surprise.

"Damn - what the hell are you..." and dropped the phone onto the table, jumping back. I raised my hands ready to fend off my daughter and pleaded in a half hearted manner that this had to stop.

"We're just having a little fun daddy, don't get up-set...She's not coming home again huh? Hey Beck what were you saying about his cock?" Julie commented, rising to stand directly in front of me. She made no effort at touching me. Her hands were behind her back, as she gently turned side to side and stared at my bulging shorts. Ignoring my plea, Becky answered Julie, as she gave me a coy little wink.

"Oh yeah -- that. Well Julie I started to tell you how much I liked it and I really think you should see how nice it is!"

Julie stopped her little girl movements and, with a lusty look, closed the gap between us, freezing me where I stood. Like a statue, I watched Julie's small hands undo my shorts. She gasped softly, when they dropped to the patio crumpling at my feet. I felt the skin tighten even more across my cock head, as it wiggled slightly from the new found freedom.


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