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The Price to be Paid

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Wishes carry an intense price for a mom, son and daughter.
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It all started one bright spring morning. Not than any of them knew it then. But start it did, and once these things get going, they've a habit of keeping on going until the price is paid. In full. Account balanced. You see, it doesn't always do to dabble in things you don't understand. But they did. And that was why the price would have to be paid.

Years ago, arcane knowledge was the remit of wise old men and women, who'd dole it out, mindful of the consequences. But over time, wisdom got shared, broken up, untied from consequence, and set free on the internet. That's where the Johnsons found it. And that's where they started writing checks that one day they'd have to cash.

Mary Johnson was a fine specimen of forty. She worked out. She worked hard. She loved her family. David, her son, was 20. Sara, 22. They lived a respectable life, and anything they did that wasn't respectable, they did far from prying eyes.

Mary was in need of money. Some bills had mounted up and her generous salary didn't seem so generous these day, nor stretch as far as it once had. She briefly toyed with the idea of an Onlyfans account. But nixed it, thinking no one would pay to see her body.

Instead, she trawled TikTok, searching for the secret. Any secret. She tried every kooky idea she could find to attract money. Nothing worked. Then she found The Price. It was a nondescript account with only a couple of posts that popped up on her feed. It promised any reward to the brave who'd be prepared to pay the price. At this stage, she'd be prepared to do anything to get what she needed. So, she said a few words in a language she didn't understand. She found and lit a black candle. She pricked her finger and bled a single drop onto the flame. The flame spluttered but didn't go out. Then, when nothing happened, she blew out the candle, opened a window, and forgot all about it.

The following day, the mailman brought a single white envelope. It was unmarked and unremarkable. Inside, Mary found a check for fifty thousand dollars. More than enough to sort out her problems. A slip of paper accompanying the check read: Last Will and Testament of Grace Jenkins settled in full less taxes. Grace had been a grandaunt Mary had fallen out with thirty years before, and they hadn't talked since. She couldn't believe she'd left her anything. Couldn't believe she'd passed. Soon, the check was in her bank, and The Price was long forgotten.

Sara stumbled out of bed the same morning her mother had found The Price on TikTok. Sitting at the breakfast table, she scrolled through her various social media platforms on her phone. Hitting TikTok, she was annoyed to see every second video seemed to be an ad for something called The Price. Frustrated, after the first view, she flicked past it each subsequent time it came up. A new text message stopped her in her tracks. Mary, a friend in college told their group that she'd heard about a pop quiz in school that day that would account for 30% of final marks. She was falling behind in that particular course and couldn't afford to flunk out. Next time she saw the ad for The Price, she paid more attention. She remembered seeing the black candle in the front room that morning. She followed the instructions, and nothing happened. She contemplated playing sick. Taking the test another day.

Shortly after, a new text arrived from a friend in the group with the questions and answers most likely to come up in the quiz. She memorized them and set out for school. All thoughts of The Price were forgotten.

That same day, David had watched his sister Sara shower as he did every morning and beat himself off. He'd found a knot in the wall of his bedroom that could be removed, giving him a clear view into her bathroom. It didn't make him feel good that he was perving on his sister, but the orgasms were damn fine. All he wanted in life was to lose his virginity. All his friends had lost their ages ago, if you were to believe their talk. He seemed to find it impossible to talk to women.

His TikTok informed him that his mother and sister had both watched a video called The Price. He selected it and thought 'why not?'. Soon, he too was following the ritual, and as soon as it ended, feeling like an idiot, cleared everything away.

The next day, when Mary returned from depositing the check and sending emails to let her creditors know she was good for the debts, she sat relieved in the kitchen and watched the world move about her. Sara had grown into a fine young woman. She was very attractive, although short like Mary. She had the same long dark hair, but her breasts were bigger and hips smaller. Mary was self-conscious about her own wide hips and big butt. She was thrilled it wasn't something Sara would have to worry about. David, meanwhile, was a good-looking boy. Over six foot tall, he was athletic, easy going to a fault, but remorselessly shy. He had lots of friends, but Mary worried that he just didn't have the x-factor that made it easy for guys to pull girls. Not that she wanted him rushing into anything he wasn't ready for.

She informed each child that they were going to have a special dinner that evening to celebrate their newfound good fortune and to toast Great Aunt Grace. They agreed, reluctantly, to be there for six. The rest of the day panned out much like any other for all three of them. If anything, they all seemed to be blessed with unusually good luck. Mary spent the afternoon cooking dinner, and close to six, headed to the shower to freshen up. She heard the door opening downstairs and the sounds of both of her children making for their respective rooms. Soon, the house was full of the sound of showers running.

When Mary arrived downstairs again, she set the table and waited for her children. David was first to arrive.

"What the hell do you think you're playing at, young man?" His mother shrieked when he walked into the kitchen.

"Where are your clothes?" David was naked as the day that he was born. Mary couldn't help but notice his toned physique and rather long schlong. She shook the unwelcome thought from her head. David laughed uneasily.

"Um, looks like you forgot something too, mom." He said slyly, ogling her in a rather leery fashion. Mary looked down confused and realized she was completely naked too. David took in her cheerleader top half with nice pert boobs, that tapered out into a large pear-shaped bottom atop sturdy thighs. Seeing her boobs and neat pubic hair on display made his cock twitch.

"Oh, my god." She said, immediately covering her breast and pussy with her hands.

"How the hell..?"

"Wow, mom!" Sara said from the door. Then she spotted her brother.

"David, you too? Is there something going on here I should be worried about?"

Mary turned to her and gasped. Sara was completely naked too.

The situation was so surreal, she wanted to laugh. Instead, their collective nakedness seemed to just slip her mind.

"Dinner's ready." She said pleasantly, as if their sate of undress was suddenly the most natural thing in the world. The two children took their places, seemingly both unaware of their nakedness too.

"We expecting company?" David asked.

Mary spotted she'd set an extra place without realizing it.

"That's odd." She said, just as the doorbell rang.

Sara hopped up from the table and went to the door, completely unabashed at the skin she was showing.

A few moments later, she reappeared into the kitchen with an elderly lady. The woman must have been in her late sixties, maybe older. She was dressed in a black turtleneck that accentuated her breasts and black trousers that showed of an incongruously pert backside. Her short blonde hair was up-styled and framed her made up face that gave her an Egyptian glamor.

"Hello?" Mary said. Then, as if forgetting she had never seen this woman before, added, "Please have a seat."

The woman sat with them at the table, and they enjoyed a lovey meal, chatting amongst themselves like that hadn't in years. The woman didn't join in the conversation, and they pretty much ignored her, except occasionally being taken by her stunning blue eyes that gazed from one to another of them.

When dinner was over, Sara and David cleaned away without being asked. Mary followed the woman into their tv room and sat on the couch. The woman sat in a chair opposite her gazing at her with otherworldly eyes. Mary felt completely at ease in the old woman's company and was oblivious to her own state of undress. Soon, Sara and David joined them and sat beside their mother on the couch. They seemed equally unfazed.

None of them spoke for a while, each seemed to be happy in their own little trance world. Then the old lady spoke.

"David." He snapped his head towards her.

"You have yet to have your wish fulfilled."

David nodded as if this was the most normal thing in the world to say.

"Sara." She added. "If you wouldn't mind." Sara nodded, breaking out of her trance. She bent over sideways and reaching out with her hand, lifted her brother's limp penis. She gave it a couple of tugs and then smothered it with her mouth. David became instantly hard in her mouth.

Mary sat watching absentmindedly as her daughter's head bobbed up and down expertly above her brother's lap. She could see Sara's lips descending and raising along her son's magnificent shaft with some detachment, although she was slightly aware of a wetness growing between her own legs. David was far from impassive. The sensation of his sisters soft, warm, wet lips sliding up and down his penis was electrifying. He couldn't quite figure out how they had gotten into this position, but he sure as hell wasn't going to complain.

"Mary." The woman spoke quietly, Mary looked up. The old hag was still sitting in the chair opposite her; however, she was now completely naked herself. Her breasts we're big, but hung down pendulously over a bumpy, pasty stomach and abdomen that plunges towards the hairiest pussy Mary had ever seen. Unlike the hair on her head, the old woman's pubes were jet black and spread in all directions. Mary wasn't horrified or surprised. Instead, she dropped to her knees and crawled the few feet to the chair as the woman's legs parted before her. She sank her face into the woman's crotch and lapped greedily at her hairy slit.

Meanwhile, David had begun arching his back as his sister's bobbing pace quickened. She'd added her hand to the mix and was sliding it up and down her brother's slick shaft while her lips and tongue swirled about the head of his penis. David had his two hands on Sara's head, holding her in place with all his might. With a loud moan, he spurted cream into his sister's waiting mouth. Unabashed, she licked and sucked and swallowed every last drop, then continues to lick and suck and clean her brother's penis. Her own pussy was on fire now and she felt like she had to do something quickly to relieve the growing itch.

Breaking away from slobbering his knob, she stood and turned, reversing her ass towards her brother's waiting cock. She plumped into his lap, delighted to find his penis still as hard, if not harder than ever. It slid easily and directly into her sodden pussy and soon her buttocks were resting on David's thighs. David's hands had snaked up her front and were now playing with her breasts. His thumbs and fingers pulled at her erect nipples, sending tendrils of pleasure through her abdomen. She sighed, contentedly.

The old lady was now lying back in the chair, pushing her crotch forward and upward into Mary's waiting mouth. Mary, for her part, had latched onto the woman's clitoris and was licking, sucking, teasing, and flicking it with her tongue. The old lady too had a contented smile on her face as she gazed about the room at mother and children fucking. Mary, meanwhile, had her own hand between her own legs, and was furiously frigging her clit, each stroke driving intense lightning bolts of pleasure through her.

She was at once aware and unaware of what she was doing. She had never been with another woman. The idea hadn't even crossed her mind since she been in her twenties. Even then, it had been a passing fancy and she'd always been drawn to cocks. Normally, what she was doing now with her mouth and tongue would have horrified her, but instead it filled her with desire and purpose. She was doing the right thing. She was doing what must be done.

Sara's hand, too, was furiously stroking her own clit as she pounded up and down on her brother's pole. She had never considered her brother as anything other than an annoying twat. Now, however, she had but one desire: to share with him the pleasures of her flesh, as he shared his with her. Her ass bounced and jiggled in his lap as her brother's massive cock rammed in and out of her pussy, driving her wild. David sat transfixed watching his sister's neat little ass wiggling as it pounded his meat. Each time she leaned forward, her neat little asshole winked at him, invitingly.

Mary, felt her clitoris swell under her ministrations. It seemed impossibly engorged already, bigger than it had ever been. The more she played with it, the more she tongued the old woman's labia, the bigger it seemd to get, elongating and thrilling her with impossible sensations. Her entire body seemed to be channeling pleasure towards that one spot, and she couldn't rub hard enough. The old woman was smiling broadly now and pushed her ass even more forward in the chair. Getting the idea, Mary stood, and pointed her now massive clit towards the old woman's pussy. With a thrust of her hips, she impaled the ancient slit with her clitoris as if it was a penis. She grunted in pleasure, then began to thrust inside the woman.

David began to moan again, tightening his grip on Sara's nipples as his second orgasm approached. Sara too, felt her own impending climax, doubly so with the intense pain pleasure coming from her brother's fingers on her breasts. David's semen seemed to splash out and fill her insides up when he erupted with an ecstatic cry of joy. She imagined she could almost taste it in her mouth. Sara was unaware of her brother's heightened state, as she too was shrieking from her own orgasm that racked through her body and rolled over and over and over her, on and on in waves of sheer electric joy. She was bouncing furiously on David's pole now, unable to stop, had she even wanted to. She gave no thought to the seed that had filled her, and even now, seeped back out over his still hard cock plunged deep in her pussy.

Mary's hips rocked back and forth as she penetrated the old woman over and over with growing speed. Every nerve in her body sang and channeled unbelievable levels of pleasure into her massive clit buried in this woman's pussy. The woman's eyes shone brightly as she seemed to enjoy her own rolling orgasm from the pounding in her pussy.

Sara and David now broke and separated. They each made their way over to their mother and the old woman. Sara began to suckle on one of the woman's nipples, whist her bother took the other in his mouth. Their mother continues to pound away inside the old lady's baggy hairy snatch, even as her hands reached out, one to grasp her son's cock and the other to bury itself in her daughter's pussy. She began to gently stroke David's member, as she caressed her daughter's soaking pussy. All the while, she was building to a crescendo of ecstasy herself.

When Mary finally came, it was with a long howl of pure joy. She felt something shooting out of her and into the woman's cavity as if she had magicked an ejaculation of semen. On and on it flooded out of her, replaced with a billion bursts of sexual excitement that set her entire body alight with unbridled pleasure. Fluid poured back out of the woman's pussy, and Mary withdrew, allowing her children to drop to their knees to suck and lick at it and her hirsute mound.

Mary staggered back to the sofa, legs shaking, her hand stroking her now shrinking clitoris. Each touch brought with it almost impossible sensations of pleasure that seemed beyond her ability to take. But she couldn't stop. On and on she frigged herself, building and building beyond orgasm, beyond climax. Her pussy was on fire and needed something to take it over the impossible peak to which it climbed. So, when she became aware of her son's long hard cock entering her channel, she groaned in guttural, animalistic pleasure.


She felt, more than saw, her daughter climb up on the sofa and straddle her face. The sensation, smell and taste of Sara's virile young pussy, dripping familial cum into her mouth was too much for her. She began to devour it voraciously. Sara writhed in her mouth as her mother's tongue sought out ever pleasure center, licked ever inch, buried itself as deeply inside her young snatch as it could. Sara bucked wildly and filled her mother's mouth with an impossible load of her brother's semen and her own fluids as she began to wail. Her mother's cries soon joined hers as her son's ramrod cock pistoned inside her. When David came for the third time, it signaled both Mary's and Sara's most intense orgasms yet. Fluid and sweat and semen flowed between them all. They howled in delight and thrashed on each other in ecstasy. On and on their climaxes extended, unimaginable pleasure coursed through their every nerves. They each rode the incredible feelings out beyond what they thought humanly possible.

And, finally, they collapsed beside each other on the couch. The old woman smiled, stood and walked towards them. She knelt, and her impossibly long tongue snaked out and over their bodies, collecting David's semen and the two women's fluids. She licked them clean, swallowing every last drop with relish.

The three family members half sat, half lay naked on the couch, wrapped in each other impassively as she finished licking them with her animalistic tongue. Then, the old lady stood, and with a warm smile said.

"The price is paid."

Later, when the three of them awoke on the couch, the woman was gone. Groggily, they became aware of their surroundings, their nakedness, and the sensations of sexual activity they each felt in their organs. Mary became fully awake first, as the other two laid still to let their heads clear. Mary was completely aware of everything that had just happened. Far from filling her with fear or disgust, she felt warm, comfortable and at ease in her nakedness with her children. Without thought, she resumed gently pumping her son's cock back to hardness and stroking her daughter's pussy to wetness as they too returned to full awareness.

She turned first to David and leaned over to lay her lips on his. He hungrily took them, parting his and sliding his tongue into her mouth. She accepted it willingly and slid her own into his mouth. She felt his hand on her pussy, searching out the inner recesses. Next, she turned to Sara and kissed her passionately, feeling her daughter responding in kind. Sara, for her part, began to fondle her mother's nipples and massage her breasts. Soon, the three were swapping kisses and pleasuring each other with increased intensity. All sense of trance was gone, they had full memory of earlier events, and were hungry for more.

Eventually, Sara lay back on the couch with her legs spread and raised. Her mother's lips descended on her clitoris, ass raising in the air. David half-knelt, half-stood on the couch and pressed his knob against his mother's tight, puckered asshole. Gently teasing it with the head of his cock, allied with a little forward pressure, saw him breech her inner sanctum. She moaned pleasure vibration into her daughter's pussy as her son's shaft slowly buried itself in her ass. His gentle thrusts pushed her face over and over into her daughter's clit, gathering momentum. David's hands, one on her clit and one squeezing her nipple, worked wonders and soon all three were squealing in delight once more. Their orgasms were more down to earth now, but none the less enjoyable. They had tasted the delights of familial love and basked in sharing and sharing their bodies with each other.


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