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The Product Ch. 02

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Parson's wife Jane unwittingly recruited as porn actress.
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Part 2 of the 39 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 10/02/2020
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NOTE: This is part of a multi-chapter story of which there are forty chapters plus an epilogue. An uncompleted version of this story appeared here at Literotica a few years ago in case it looks familiar to you. The story has been revised and completed. Chapters 37 - 40 and the epilogue are all new material.

Jane was all wound up and had a hard time sleeping that night. She worried about her husband. She worried about herself and her children. What would become of them?

When Jane finally started to drift off, she was jarred awake again as her thoughts wandered to the giant appendage that had literally sent shock waves through her body earlier that evening. She had never known that a man's thing could be that big. Martin's was nowhere near as large and she had only seen his or felt it on the infrequent occasions when she found herself in the missionary position, tending dutifully to her husband's conjugal needs.

Both she and Martin were extremely shy about their bodies and never allowed one another to see each other naked. Jane could not get her mind off what she had felt pressed against her. What did it look like, she wondered? She tried to put the wicked thoughts out of her mind, but they kept intruding on her consciousness as she lay there alone in bed.

After a few hours of fitful sleep Jane awoke much later than normal, about 10 a.m. Jane felt out of sorts since she never slept in that late. The day was half gone, she thought. After a quick breakfast Jane busied herself making lists. She made one list of the possessions they could sell to raise some money, another list of the things they would need to keep wherever they may have to move and a third list of the things they might have to put into storage.

The lists kept Jane busy for a couple of hours. She was hoping she might get a call back from Richard and that he would have talked the church out of evicting them, and if not that, perhaps at least some word on a job. Getting out of the house would be good for her, she rationalized. She was going stir crazy cooped up in the house all alone with no one to talk to and nothing but her worries to think about.

As the afternoon wore on, Jane's hope that she would hear from Richard began to fade. Finally, she worked up the courage to call him at his office, but the receptionist told her that he was out of the office. The girl said he was tied up in an important meeting with one of his major clients and would not be available until the following day.

Hopes dashed, Jane decided to fix some dinner and turn in early. She was exhausted after the previous fitful night and her anxiety filled day.


The sound of the phone jarred Jane from her sleep. She knocked the receiver to the floor as she fumbled for it in the darkness. Once she pulled the receiver up by the cord and placed it to her ear, she heard Richard's voice on the other end. He sounded excited. "Jane, are you there?"

"Yes, hello" Jane said sleepily. "I...I was asleep."

"Sorry to wake you, but I wanted to call you right away, said Richard excitedly. "I think I have some good news for you."

"Has the church changed its mind?" Jane asked hopefully.

"No, unfortunately. They were adamant in their position. As a matter of fact, they have retained other counsel and have decided to sue you and Martin for the missing funds, said Richard, his voice devoid of his previous excitement. "I have had to recuse myself as their attorney for now, but that isn't why I called."

"You said you had some good news," Jane asked hopefully. She had enough bad news already and some good news would be nice for a change.

"Yes, I just got done meeting with one of my major clients and they are about to roll out a new product. I told them about your situation, and they seemed to think they might have a position for you," said Richard, his sounding excited again. "Given your background, they think you would be a perfect fit for them. They said you have the wholesome appearance they are looking for and that you seemed to be very well spoken."

"How do they know that?" Jane asked suspiciously as she started to become fully awake.

"They saw you on the local TV news a couple of weeks ago when you were talking to the reporters outside your house," said Richard.

"Oh? And all the negative publicity doesn't scare them away?" asked Jane skeptically.

"No," said Richard, "They don't see it as a problem. What is more, this is not a low paying entry level receptionist job. They think you have some unique qualities that make you perfect for their project."

"This sounds too good to be true," gushed Jane, abandoning her characteristic reserve.

"They are willing to offer you a generous starting salary, plus bonuses if you meet certain performance goals," continued Richard, enthusiastically. "Even better, they are willing to provide you with housing while you go through training and a signing bonus that should take care of the boys' tuition and expenses for the next few months...but only if you are willing to move forward quickly."

"I...I don't know what to say," Jane said stunned, as she tried to assimilate the positive news, her brain racing as she repeated herself. "It sounds too good to be true."

"Well it is true, but what's most important is that you need to move quickly on this offer before they find someone else...or have second thoughts," cautioned Richard. "They want to meet with you tomorrow morning. So, I'll pick you up at your home at 7 a.m."

"Yes, I guess, I...I'm sorry this is going so fast. What should I wear? What do I need to bring along? Do I need a resume or anything?" asked Jane as her mind continued to race. "Shouldn't I drive in myself? I wouldn't want to impose on you."

"Don't be silly!" said Richard. "Besides, it's going to be an all-day affair. I can give you a ride home. You will not need a resume and just wear one of the outfits you wear to church on Sundays, that should be fine. Make sure you bring your driver's license and social security card. If you have a passport, bring that too, just to be safe. You'll have to fill out an application and they are probably going to put you through their normal battery of tests."

"Tests?" asked Jane quizzically.

"Yes, they are a big company and they put every potential hire through a battery of psychological tests as well as a physical. They have a doctor and nurse on staff. Don't worry about it, that's standard procedure. Besides, I'll be there to help you with any questions," Richard reassured.

"Well, OK then. I guess I'll see you in the morning," said Jane, sounding relieved. "Thank you so much. I can't tell you how appreciative I am."

"We can talk about that later," he laughed, "I'll see you in the morning."


"Well, she bought the whole thing, hook, line and sinker. You'll need to make sure you are ready in the morning. I'll have her here at 9 a.m.," Richard said to the woman sitting across from him as he hung up the phone.

"I think we need to proceed as quickly as possible," said the woman, her voice serious. "I want to be crossing the finishing line in a few weeks. The faster we move, the less chance she have the time to get cold feet."

Both he and the woman got up and walked out the door as Richard clicked the light off, closing the behind him.


On the way into LA, Richard filled Jane in on what was in store for the day. There would be an initial interview with the senior members of the team she would be working with. If that went well, she would fill out an application, go through a battery of psychological tests that might take a couple of hours and then, finally, take a physical.

Once all this preliminary stuff was out of the way, then they would get down to the contract and other agreements, he told her. According to Richard there would be an employment contract, as well as what he called the usual non-disclosure agreement. It seemed like a lot, but Jane had never had a real job, so she guessed this was the normal process.

It was just 9 a.m. as they drove through the gates of the walled complex in the San Fernando Valley. It was an impressive structure with a tall fence surrounding it. It was within a larger commercial complex that contained the similar campuses of many large companies, whose names she recognized.

As they drove in, there was no sign on the gate or on the front of the building like those of the other companies. It was a very modern looking three-story building with trees and lawn surrounding it in a parklike setting with the parking in an underground structure.

The guard recognized Richard and opened the gate as they pulled in. Richard quickly drove into the underground parking structure and parked his Mercedes in the space with his name on it.

"You have your own space?" Jane asked, impressed.

"Yes. I forgot to mention, I am on their board of directors as well as their corporate counsel," said Richard nonchalantly.

The elevator was just steps from Richard's parking space, and they took it directly to the third floor. As they exited the elevator, they were greeted by the receptionist who ushered them into the conference room at the end of the hall. Sitting in the conference room were two men and a woman who rose to greet Jane and Richard as they entered the room.

The men looked to be in their early 40s and were dressed casually in brightly colored flowered camp shirts. The woman looked to be in her late 20s or early 30s. She was movie star gorgeous with dark hair wrapped in a bun. Her red outfit was very stylish and professional, although Jane thought the skirt was excessively short. The tight-fitting outfit accentuated her impressive body.

All three greeted Jane warmly. The men shook her hand and the woman nodded to her from the end of the conference table, smiling at her warmly, but taking Jane in with what Jane thought were catlike eyes. The woman was the first to speak.

"My name is Deirdre and this is Tom and Kieran. I am the president of Edge Enterprises," said Deirdre confidently and professionally. "Tom and Kieran are my operations manager and your potential team leader, respectively. We are here today to assess whether you are the right person to be the face for a new product we are preparing to market soon."

Deirdre looked directly at Jane, making sure she had her full attention. Her eyes demanding it, as a matter of fact.

"As I think Richard told you, we became aware of you from the many times you appeared on the local news. When Richard asked if we might have a position for you at our meeting yesterday, we decided to extend you an interview," continued Deirdre. "Based upon what we saw on TV, you look like you could be the perfect candidate for our new product. What you need to understand is that the position we envision for you is potentially extremely high profile."

Deirdre paused for a moment to let what she had said sink in.

"Consequently, we have to be completely sure that you are the right person for the position before we proceed any further." Emphasized Deirdre. "Do you understand what I have said thus far?"

"Yes, I think so," replied Jane hesitantly.

"Let me be blunt. What attracted us to you is the wholesome image you conveyed on TV," continued Deirdre. "You appeared to be just the type of person we are looking for to help us market our new product. Are you that type of wholesome individual, Jane?"

"Well yes, I think so. I have always tried to be good," said Jane.

"Good then," replied Deirdre. "We are going to ask you a battery of very personal questions. Just so you know in advance, we assume that you will find many of them offensive and highly intrusive. There are no right answers or wrong answers, only your answers. It is particularly important to us that you are really as you appear. Many media companies have morals clauses in their contracts, as do we. Do you understand?"

"OK," replied Jane softly. She was not quite sure what this was all about, but she really needed a job and, if Richard was correct, this one paid too well to pass up.

"Then let us proceed! Kieran will be conducting the initial interview since he will be your team leader. While Kieran is conducting the interview, I will be meeting with Richard to discuss the potential terms of your contract," said Deirdre as she rose to leave the conference room. Tom and Richard followed her out the door.

Kieran turned and looked directly at Jane saying, "OK Jane, this is going to take a while, so let's move over to the couch in the corner of the room where it is a little more comfortable. Would you like a bottle of water or anything?"

"No thank you," said Jane as she moved to the couch. Kieran sat down next to her at an angle, so he was facing her. She sank back into the plush cushions as Kieran sat on the edge, hovering over her, somewhat intimidatingly.

"OK, let's get started," said Kieran. "Have you ever had intercourse with anyone other than your husband?

Blushing, Jane replied "No."

"Have you ever engaged in any type of sexual activity with another man?"

"No," Jane quickly replied.

"Have you ever engaged in any type of sexual activity with a woman?"

Wide eyed, Jane replied, "NO."

It was a long list of very personal questions, mostly having to do with sex to which Jane replied no. The long and the short of it was that Jane had never engaged in any sexual activities other than plain vanilla sex and only with her husband. For some of the questions Kieran had to provide an explanation of what he was talking about, with each explanation making Jane blush that much more.

When they were done, Jane sat quietly with her eyes downcast, completely humiliated by the questions. Strangely, Jane thought, part of her embarrassment was that all her answers were no. "Is anyone else really as goody, goody as me?" she thought to herself almost in shame.

"Thank you for your frank responses Jane" said Kieran after a pause as he jotted down his final notes. "I know this was difficult, but you handled yourself really well. For what it is worth, I think you are a shoe in for this position. I look forward to working with you."

Kieran shook Jane's hand again and then leaned forward and gave Jane a peck on the cheek, squeezing her thigh before getting up to leave. It happened so quick she did not have a chance to react other than to note that the tingling sensation was back.

As Kieran left, he indicated that she should remain in the conference room and someone would come get her in a few minutes.

Jane sat in the conference room waiting for someone to get her and wondering if she had answered the questions incorrectly. Had she blown the opportunity that Richard had given her? After about thirty minutes of second guessing herself, Tom appeared at the door smiling.

"Well Jane, you passed the first part of the interview with flying colors and now it is time for you to complete a formal application. Please fill this out and when you are done, drop it off with the receptionist," said Tom. "Please leave your driver's license, social security card and passport, with the receptionist to be copied. I'll see you a bit later."

Jane completed the application and dropped it off with the receptionist along with her documents. The receptionist thanked her and escorted her down to the second floor to another small office which was sparsely furnished but contained a desktop computer on the table in the corner. The receptionist moved the mouse and the screen lit up. She navigated to a website and entered Jane's name along with a password from a post-it attached to Jane's application.

"This is a short battery of psychological tests to assess your personality type and to determine your suitability for the position you are applying for," drones the receptionist, obviously tired of talking off the same script. "As they probably already told you, there are no right answers or wrong answers, only your answers. Don't try to guess the right answer, if you do, you will fail."

Jane spent the next hour answering the questions. She was thankful that they were not as intrusive as those asked previously. They seemed innocuous by comparison. When she was finished, she picked up the phone and called the receptionist as instructed.

A few minutes later a woman opened the door. She appeared to be a nurse judging from her white uniform.

"Jane?" she asked as Jane looked up. "Please come with me. We are going to move on to your physical. Mr. Saunders is still working out the details of your contract with the president, so we thought we could get this out of the way."

The nurse talked as they walked down to the end of the corridor and entered what appeared to be an examination room.

"Please disrobe completely and put on this gown. While you are waiting, please fill out this medical history for our records," instructed the nurse. "And provide your family physician's name and information if you have it. The doctor will be with you shortly."

Jane disrobed and put on the flimsy gown which was open at the back. After 10 minutes or so the doctor arrived along with the nurse. He was a tall stockily built man with large hands and thick fingers. Jane's hand disappeared in his when he shook hers.

"It is nice to meet you Jane. I'm doctor Contreras and I will be conducting your physical," said the doctor. "The position you are being considered for may involve foreign travel. I noticed that you do not have a passport. Is that correct?"

"Yes, I've never been out of the country," replied Jane.

"That is OK. However, your new job may require foreign travel, so we may as well take care of the immunizations you will need while you are here," said the doctor. "You'll need them when you apply for a passport."

As the doctor spoke, the nurse produced a tray of syringes from the drawer and began to prepare them.

"You may feel a little groggy and out of sorts for a while following the immunizations, but don't be alarmed," continued the doctor. "You may even feel a little warm, that's natural. Now sit on the edge of the table and we can get started."

The doctor went through the normal pokes and prods, examining Jane's ears, mouth, eyes, etc. As the doctor did so the nurse proceeded with the vaccinations.

Finally, he asked the nurse to assist Jane in lying down on the table and getting her feet into the stirrups. Jane was alarmed that they would be doing a pelvic exam and asked if it was entirely necessary. She emphasized that her regular physician was a woman and that she was uncomfortable having a man perform the procedure. The doctor frowned deeply and leaned close to Jane.

"This really isn't a time to be squeamish," said the doctor in a quiet, yet stern voice. "This company is looking at making a major investment in you in time and money and I have been told that if you do not cooperate fully, I should ask you to leave. Do we understand each other?"

It was obvious from the doctor's expression and tone of voice that he was dead serious. Jane meekly replied yes and lay back placing her heels in the stirrups but thought it odd that the nurse was buckling the leather straps that were attached around her ankles.

Jane looked away and tried to avoid making eye contact with the doctor as he peered at and prodded her most private parts. Not even her own husband had ever seen her most intimate parts this closely. Jane was fully flushed with embarrassment at having her legs in the air with a strange man moving his fingers around her special place.

Because she was looking away, she did not notice that the doctor was not wearing surgical gloves. The doctor smiled at her embarrassment and found her blushing almost quaint. As he continued to probe around the entrance to Jane's vagina. he noticed that his fingers were moving freely.

Jane was wet and beads of her moisture were dripping down the inside of her thighs. He also noticed that Jane's backside was involuntarily lifting from the table and following the movement of his fingers. The doctor looked up at the nurse who was standing behind Jane smiling.


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