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The Psychiatrist Ch. 04: Proposition

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Should Rob and Holly allow Jim to hypnotize her again?
11.1k words

Part 4 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 07/10/2019
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Over the next few weeks one thing made itself perfectly clear; our personal love life was out of this world!

For instance, before that fateful night at Lou's Tavern, Holly would rarely give me a blow job. She just didn't like doing it and for sure she most certainly would never dream of swallowing. But now she gives them to me all the time and she can't seem to get enough of having my cock down her throat.

And speaking of throat, she can deep throat me with ease and loves doing it! She of course knew it had to do with something that had taken place during her hypnosis. That being the case, I cautiously told her about Vic and how she made it a point of personal pride to be able to swallow his monster cock all the way to his pubes. I told her that he had made love to literally hundreds of women in his lifetime and none of them had ever come even close to doing what she was able to do.

I told her about she and Vic while we were lying in bed after a particularly hot love making session that included lots of oral sex on both of our parts. When I told her how big Vic's cock was her eyes opened wide and she made me repeat it three times because she just couldn't believe it. I reminded her that her throat had been sore and raw the morning after and I could see her mind putting two and two together as she figured out that I was telling her the absolute truth.

Each night I would tell her something new about that night at Lou's Tavern as we were lying in bed. Each new thing I told her got her juices flowing resulting in some really hot sex for both of us. I thought I was going to have some definite trouble making love to Holly without these graphic images popping into my head while we were doing it. I knew without a doubt that up until that night I had been her only lover but now in one short evening there were six others. Some of them, I could put to shame with my love making skills, but those two younger guys along with Vic's monster cock had me concerned that my wife might now be hooked on having someone bigger and or better than me.

I think Holly knew that I might struggle with those very issues so she was careful over the days and weeks that followed to assure me that I was the only man for her and whatever happened at the Tavern wasn't what she wanted as a steady diet. I was her man and she was my woman. In addition to her being hyper sensitive to my feelings, she was carrying a lot of guilt for her actions; even if she was under hypnosis at the time.

Because of her guilt, she was extra sensuous towards me and she was often the aggressor just to make sure I knew that I was the one she wanted more than any other. The troubling thing for me was that images did often pop into my head, and instead of being angry or jealous, I got turned on, each and every time. I'm not sure if Holly knew what was going on in my head, but if she did, she kept it to herself.

If you recall, before that eventful night we had included the idea of other men fucking Holly as part of our fantasy roll playing and foreplay. I had always been serious about wanting to see her with another guy but up until this very day she assumed that I was just playing mind games and didn't really want it to happen. Now that it did happen, I realized just how ultra-sexy my beautiful wife is. And even though it didn't happen anywhere close to the ways we had imagined in our roll playing, I was still turned on by the idea of watching and thinking of her with other guys.

It's just that if and when anything like that ever happens again, I want it to be on my terms. My terms don't include me being tied up and forced to watch, I want to be an active and willing participant. She is my wife and I want to be able to protect her in case some guy starts acting like a jerk. I will never be the sissy cuckold and I do not ever want her going off on a date without me. I know that some folks are into that, which is fine for them, but if my wife is with another guy, I want to be there.

Not only was our sex life dramatically improved, but the six-thousand dollars truly did get us out of a small financial bind. I hadn't realized just how tight the ol' budget was until we had that extra cash to do whatever we wanted with. Now we were able to breathe more freely and even after our Disneyland weekend we were able to put seven hundred bucks into savings.

Now we're even starting to think about that pool we had always dreamed about putting in. Holly had an uncle who was a very high end landscape contractor. At one time, he said he could get us into a pool at his cost which would be somewhere between nine to ten thousand bucks. I can't say life was getting back to normal because it appears that our sex life has been permanently altered for the good. But I can definitely say that we were happy and excited about our future as a couple and as a family.

I was at my office one afternoon when one of the station secretaries buzzed me to say that a Dr. Matthews was holding for me on line one. The name didn't ring a bell so I wondered if he was one of our emergency care providers. When I picked it up I used my normal tag line; "Hello, this is Rob Walters, how can I help you?"

From the other end of the line I heard, "Hi Rob, this is James Matthews." I paused, still not recognizing the voice and then he said, "You know, Jim, Chuck's psychiatrist friend."

Instantly I stiffened, (my backbone, not my penis) and I replied, "Oh Jim, yes, I guess I never heard your last name before. I didn't think I would ever be hearing from you again." (of course, I felt like saying I was hoping I would never hear from him again.)

Jim asked, "How's Holly? I've been wondering how she is handling this whole traumatic experience and knew you wouldn't appreciate me calling her to ask so I thought I should call you instead."

I responded somewhat coldly, "I appreciate that Jim, and you're correct, I would have been pretty upset if I heard that you had called her direct without my permission. Quite honestly, I'm still pretty pissed at you for what you guys did to my wife."

"I completely understand and you certainly are under no obligation to even speak with me but I was wondering if you could break away for coffee this afternoon?" He went on to say, "I'm in your part of town and was hoping we could meet."

It was pretty slow at the station, all my projects were up to date and I was kind of looking for things to keep me busy so without giving it much thought I simply said, "Sure, let's meet at The Java Hut on Fairfax in 20 minutes. Do you know where it is?"

Jim assured me he knew where it was and agreed to meet with me at three. He said; "I have something I want to discuss with you."

What in the world would the psychiatrist have to discuss with me. We had already spent their 'atonement money'. I thought this whole ordeal was behind us. At any rate, I finished up some stuff I was working on and told the station secretary that I would be out for about an hour meeting with one of our medical providers.

When I arrived at The Java Hut, Jim was already there sitting at a small bistro table for two with a hot cup of coffee in front of him. He stood to shake my hand when he spotted me coming in the door and for some crazy reason I was thinking, this is certainly a different way to greet me from the last time he saw me walking through a door. Last time, he was naked and standing next to my wife while she was bouncing up and down on Lou's cock while in a hypnotic state. There it was, one of those graphic images popping into my head again.

I ordered a simple cup of Americano with cream and joined Jim at the table. Jim got right to the point in almost a clinical way. He really was concerned whether Holly was emotionally doing OK. He said he knew because of our history we would not want to meet with him for counseling but if we needed it, he knew three or four very reputable counselors he could recommend and he would be glad to pick up the fee for as long as it was needed until we both felt that counseling was no longer necessary.

I was having a hard time reading this guy. I still didn't like him but his offer was generous and he didn't need to make it. I thanked him for the offer but told him that we were both adjusting well despite what had happened. At that point, Jim asked; "Has she had flashbacks or memories of what took place while she was in the hypnotic state?"

I told him that she did have some vague memories yet no specifics. I told him that over the past three weeks I had pretty much told her everything that happened that night. I explained that I felt it was better for her to know everything rather than have thoughts or memories come to her over the next few years and then feel guilty all over again. This way the air was clear and she knew without a doubt that I still loved her unconditionally and that I held none of what happened against her.

Then I added; "On the other hand Jim, I do hold you responsible for what happened and I'm still incredibly angry with you and I hardly think the thousand bucks you chipped in absolves you of your guilt."

"I can understand that and I do accept responsibility. I'm sorry Rob and I want you to let Holly know that I'm sorry for taking advantage of her while she was under hypnosis."

"Thank you for manning up and accepting responsibility. I appreciate that more than you can know. But we're doing fine and to be honest with you, our love life has never been better. I'm not just being macho when I say we don't need any counseling but thanks again for the offer."

At that point, Jim changed the subject somewhat and asked; "So Rob, you mentioned that in your fantasy play together you sometimes imagined Holly being with another man. Do you still do that?"

I wasn't sure how to answer but since he seemed to be pretty straight up about it all I decided to tell him the truth; "Yes. We do still use that fantasy during our intimate roll playing times and what we do now is simply bring up something that happened in Lou's office that night. It gets Holly excited and I can picture the things in my own mind as real as if they were happening all over again. I even imagine that I am watching her do the things that Chuck told me about but I hadn't actually witnessed with my own eyes. Tell me Jim, from a professional point of view, am I some kind of pervert for getting turned on by thoughts like this?"

He was quick to respond by saying, "I don't know if you realize this or not Rob, but the number one fantasy married men have is to see their wife making love or at least having sex with another man."

I looked at him somewhat dumbfounded and said; "You're not kidding me just to make me feel better, are you?"

"No Rob, that's a fact and the percentage of men that have such a fantasy is quite large."

"Whoa, that's interesting. I was thinking there was something wrong with me. At first, even Holly thought I was crazy for thinking such things. Now that it's happened, we both use it to fuel the fires of our sex life."

Then Jim dropped the bombshell on me. "Rob," he said "I have something to ask you that I want you to think about and please keep in mind that we are in a very public place so I don't want you flying out of your chair and smashing me in the mouth or something. Can I ask my question in relative safety?"

I actually chuckled and said; "Jim, if I was going to smash your mouth or beat you to a pulp, I would have done it at Lou's Tavern. Go ahead, ask your question and even if I'm upset I still won't do anything stupid but just know you're picking up the tab for these coffee's."

"Fair enough", Jim laughed and then went on with his question. "Rob, I have three other colleagues who were in my class in medical school who now live and have their practices in other states. I told them what I had done with a married woman while she was under hypnosis and they were fascinated. They were also quite skeptical of the things I told them. Now please know that I didn't use anyone's name or any other identifiers with these colleagues of mine. They have no idea who I was telling them about or even what town all this happened in."

"Here's the deal. All three of them and myself included are going to be at a conference at the very posh Lakeside Resort a little over a hundred miles from here. The conference takes place the middle of next month and they would really like to see me demonstrate what could be done under hypnosis."

"Now here's the part where you need to control your emotions. Rob: We are willing to pay $2,500 each if you and Holly will agree to meet with the four of us for a repeat of what happened at Lou's Tavern. Just for clarification, that would be ten thousand dollars' cash. What do you think?"

I was stupefied and immediately said; "Jim, you have a lot of nerve to ask me something like that! You know that my wife is not a whore that can be bought and we're just now getting over what happened last time. The answer is NO!"

Jim took a long sip of coffee and waited for me to calm down before speaking again and then said; "Rob, I knew the chances were slim that either of you would agree to this proposal but the guys wanted me to ask so I did. Would you agree to just at least talk it over with Holly and then get back to me next week? We can meet right here at The Java Hut, same time, next Thursday. What do you say?"

"Fair enough, I'll talk to Holly about it but don't count on her giving any kind of positive response to your request."

"That's all I can ask Rob, and thanks for not taking my head off." I stood up, shook his hand and walked out as he headed to the cashier to pay the tab.

That night, being a school night, we got Jenny in bed by 8:30 and then Holly and I, as is our normal habit, headed to the living room to snuggle and watch some TV. I had the remote in my hand but before I turned the TV on I said; "I had an interesting meeting with someone this afternoon." I knew she would be curious and as expected, she took the bait.

"Who was that?" She asked.

"I got a call from Jim Matthews, our psychiatrist friend and he wanted to meet for coffee so I met with him."

"Oh Really?" She said with raised eyebrows, "And just what did the 'good' doctor want to talk about?" She had a cynical tone in her voice when she called him the 'good' doctor. So, I told her about the meeting and how, first of all, he wanted to say he was sorry to both of us for taking advantage of you while you were under hypnosis.

I also told her that Jim offered to pay for counseling for as long as needed to help us get through the trauma of what had happened at Lou's Tavern last month. She was impressed with his offer knowing that the bill could run into the thousands of dollars if we dragged the counseling out for a year or more. She even jokingly asked if we should take him up on his offer just to make him pay a huge bill. We both laughed and agreed that we didn't want or need any kind of counseling.

We both knew deep down that the whole experience had actually improved our love life, and our commitment to one another is now stronger than ever. She said; "Well, I guess that was nice of Jim to even check in on us but I'm still pretty upset with him for what he did. He could have ruined our marriage!"

"Yeah, I essentially told him the very same thing. Holly, he did have one other thing he wanted us to talk over and I'm supposed to meet with him next week to give him our answer. He even made me promise not to beat the shit out of him for asking."

To that Holly raised her eyebrows in that cute way she sometimes does and asked; "What in the world did he want; a repeat performance or something?" I was shocked at how close she was to putting her finger on his very request.

I went on to explain to her that Jim had been bragging to three other psychiatrists from out of state who had gone to medical school with him about how he was able to turn a conservative married housewife into as sex crazed woman using hypnosis. I assured her that Jim said nothing that in any way shape or form could identify who he was talking about. At any rate, his three colleagues are very skeptical if such a thing were even possible and to cut to the chase, Jim said that he and the three friends would each pony up $2,500 for a total of $10,000 if you and I would agree to allow Jim to demonstrate what could happen under hypnosis.

Holly was shocked and shouted; "You told him 'NO' didn't you?" Fortunately, I could assure her that is exactly what I said.

"Absolutely babe! I told him there was no way I was going to allow you to be his little show and tell project. I also let him know that even asking such a thing was pretty offensive and that he had a lot of nerve to even ask!" Then I told her that Jim completely understood but his colleagues had put him up to approaching us with this idea. He did ask if we would at least talk it over and I'm supposed to meet with him again next Thursday afternoon to give our answer to him.

I finished our talk by saying; "So, for tonight, let's just know that the question is out there and after we sleep on it, we can talk it over when we have both calmed down a bit. Maybe sometime this weekend we will talk it over. Is that OK with you?"

"Sure, but don't hold your breath."

I laughed and informed her that I had used nearly the same words when I left Jim at the coffee shop this afternoon. With that we watched a short TV sitcom that we had recorded earlier and then got ready for bed. There was a little fondling that went on in bed that night but neither of us felt like full blown sex because of Jim's proposal that was looming in each of our minds. We cuddled a bit to assure each other of our love and then drifted off to sleep.

I was surprised Saturday afternoon while Holly and I were enjoying our lunch outdoors on the back deck. Jenny had gone to the Saturday afternoon movies with one of her girlfriends. I was going to pick them up at 4:00pm and give her little friend a ride home. It was a beautiful afternoon with lots of sunshine and the promise of a glorious summer just a couple months away.

Holly started the conversation; "I've been thinking about Jim's proposal and you know Rob, ten-thousand dollars is an awful lot of money!"

I wondered where she was going with this and asked, "That is a lot of money babe, are you starting to think about actually going through with Jim's request?"

She looked uncomfortable and said; "Well, I sure wouldn't do it if you weren't in favor of it and I wouldn't even think of it if you weren't there with me all the way."

"Geez Holly! "I can't believe that you are even thinking of putting yourself through all this trauma again."

She replied by telling me that she wouldn't dream of doing it at all if it weren't for the money. Then she added: "A swimming pool sure would look nice here in our backyard."

"So, let me get this straight; you are willing to have four psychiatrists have their way with you sexually if they will pay us ten-thousand bucks? Is that what you're saying?"

She replied; "Only if you want me to. It's entirely up to you, but seeing that I don't even know what I'm doing while I'm hypnotized, there is certainly no possibility that I will become romantically involved with any of these guys. For one thing, three of them don't even live in our state and there is no way in hell I would ever fall in love with Jim after what he has done to us, so it would just be sex with no emotional involvement."

"Woah babe, you've thrown me for a loop here. I never in a million years thought that you would even consider doing this. Let's keep thinking it over and we can talk Sunday night after Jenny is in bed."

Holly thought that was a good idea and before closing the conversation she asked; "You're not mad at me for thinking about this, are you?"

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