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The Puppetmaster of Weensville

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Barry adjusts to his power over his town.
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This is Part 2 of the Puppetmaster of Weensville saga. A better description of the facts surrounding Barry's control over the people of Weensville can be found in Part 1, titled Project Puppetmaster. Any suggestions as to where Barry's future adventures in his home town should lead him will be greatly appreciated, as will any comments and criticisms. And, as always, thanks for reading!


It took Barry a couple of days to come to grips with his newfound position as the Puppetmaster of Weensville. Finding out that your hometown was the subject of a vast mind-control experiment on the same day that you witness your mother and sister in a wet and wild lesbian encounter (see: Operation Puppetmaster) really had a way of wiping you out. Barry coped with this by sleeping for two days straight, drifting in and out of nightmares and wet dreams (sometimes simultaneously), rarely getting out of bed or leaving his room. He woke up on the third day refreshed and invigorated, having subconsciously tackled his demons and allayed his fears. He was now ready to start his grand rescue plan.

But where to start? He didn't know what the current population of Weensville was, but even for a small town, a safe guess would place it in the tens of thousands, if not hundreds of thousands. He didn't need to trigger the Puppetmaster programming in every single resident, mind you. Just enough so that any attempt at outside forces trying to do the same would result in failure. But even approaching half of the town one person at a time was going to be a tremendous task, and he wasn't sure how to begin.

Going from house to house, apartment to apartment, was certainly an option, but it had several flaws. His major concern was that people would see him doing the rounds, and he'd be investigated as a burglar or a confidence person, and that was a hassle he didn't want. Also, he'd have to visit each house several times to ensure that he got all of the family members. Public places seemed like a good idea, areas where there were large crowds of people. He could cover more ground in a smaller time frame, and the

randomness of the encounters would ensure that his Puppets spread throughout the town to increase the effect of his strategic block. However, that left the problem of people witnessing the programming, and that would definitely raise questions, so he'd public places with limited numbers and places where one could talk privately. Also, he'd have to pick places that didn't draw out-of-towners that weren't subject to the programming, to avoid the embarrassment of trying to trigger the uninitiated. So the public areas would have to have a local appeal, mundane places of trade or business.

Either choice left Barry in the dark. This was alien territory to Barry, a self-confessed loner who didn't really get out much, and actually avoided leaving the house whenever possible. Now he was looking at what could be months of social interaction, seeking out people, complete strangers, and attempting to connect with them. To Barry, this was almost as scary as the concept of mind-control. But it had to be done, so he'd just have to suck it up and do his best. So, where should he begin?

Sitting around thinking about it didn't seem to help any, so Barry decided to drive around town a bit and see what came to mind. Maybe seeing actual locations would help him decide what to do next. In a way, of course, Barry realized that this was only a stalling tactic. Despite what he told himself, he knew he was still a little shaken by his first mind-control experience, and was therefore trying to delay the inevitable. Regardless, a pleasant afternoon drive sounded like a good idea.

Barry spent most of the morning driving around the business areas, looking into stores and offices, trying to get an idea of the pedestrian traffic he'd have to deal with. Weensville was definitely a lot busier than he had expected it to be, and most of the places seemed much too crowded for him to try anything. Momentarily discouraged, Barry grabbed a quick lunch in a crowded deli, then set out again, this time to explore the residential areas.

The suburbs seemed like a much more likely area to begin, especially during the day when most of the residents were at work or school. Of course, this meant that the houses he slowly drove by were almost all deserted, but at least it would be somewhere to start. Barry was lost in thought about how to approach the houses when a police siren suddenly blared behind him.

He kicked himself for being so stupid. His slow cruising through the suburban side streets as he inspected the homes and driveways must have looked suspiciously like a burglar casing the neighborhood. Barry began to panic. He couldn't very well tell the cop what he was doing, yet he was at a complete loss for a logical explanation that would keep him out of the back of a police cruiser. On top of that, he had neglected to bring his wallet with him, only grabbing a fistful of dollars from his nightstand that morning. Casing houses in an upper class neighborhood without any identification. It just kept getting worse.

He watched in the rear view mirror as the cop got out of the police car and walked towards him. It turned out to be a policewoman, and Barry couldn't help but admire her as she made her way to his window. It wasn't the uniform that got his attention. On the contrary, he still harbored a strong hatred of law enforcement, which he developed in his youth from the constant harassment that cops liked to afford juveniles. But trapped beneath that uniform was a full-figured woman desperately trying to look butch and unappealing. The blue and black dress blues were pulled tight against her hips and bosoms, in an attempt to conceal their feminine charms, but all they managed to do was accentuate them. specially what had to be at least 36DD breasts, straining against the fabric of her uniform as if under extreme pressure. Barry's conflicting feelings of lust and dislike were both overcome by fear as she approached his car window and leaned in menacingly.

"You live in this area?" She asked coldly. All business, no courtesy. Barry had

always hated that about cops.

"Um, no." He replied nervously, aware of how shaky he looked. "I live over on the West End."

"Then I guess that's why you're wandering the streets here looking into other people's houses then. Right?"

"But I wasn't..."

"Just get out of the vehicle and place your hands on the hood." She cut him off briskly, placing a hand on her holstered sidearm. She was obviously eager to pull him from the car and pistol whipping him, and was just looking for an excuse.

He was just about to try and explain that he didn't have his wallet when he remembered that he was now the Puppetmaster. He still wasn't used to the idea of taking over strangers yet, but this seemed like an ideal situation to give it a shot. He choked back his fear and cleared his throat before talking.

"Can you spell Chimera, Officer?"

"I beg your pardon, Billy?" was her programmed response.

"Orchid Ice Cream", he responded.

There was a moment of silence as he waited for her to respond, but she merely stood there staring at him expectantly, no visible change of expression or demeanor having taken place. Barry knew from his first experience with his mother and sister that this was normal, and even though she didn't seem to be hypnotized or in a trance, she was now totally under his control. That didn't make him any less nervous, however, and he sat there staring back at her. She finally broke the silence by opening his door and pulling him out of the car by his shirt collar, practically throwing him onto the hood.

Still unsure of himself to give commands to her directly, Barry found himself mimicking one of his favorite movies to help him get the nerve up.

"What the Hell are you doing?" He cried. You'd think he'd pulled a gun on her or something the way she was acting.

"Shut up and spread 'em!" She growled at him, pushing his head down onto the hood, where it made a loud thud. It was at this point that he realized he should probably tell her to stop.

"Stop! That's an order! Stand down!" He'd heard the latter part in an army movie, so he thought it might work. He stayed in his current position, legs spread wide with his head cradled in the new dent in the hood of his car, before daring to get up and see how she was reacting.

When he finally righted himself, he couldn't help but walk around her slowly, marveling at the response. She was standing erect and staring straight ahead, like he was her drill sergeant. Able to get a closer look, he found he was even more impressed with her. Now that she wasn't hiding behind a sneer or scowl, he could see how attractive she was. Her chestnut brown hair was tied up under her hat, displaying the feminine features that were more delicate than they deserved to be. Light hazel eyes set deep in a face that belied either a Mediterranean or European background, possibly even both. She was

shorter than he was, around 5' 3", but in addition to her full figure she was also visibly

muscular, and he had no doubt that she could easily beat the snot out of him blindfolded if she wanted to. Somebody would have to be out of their minds to mess with her. That gave him the idea.

"For the next few hours, you will do everything I say. Understood?"

"Understood, sir." The 'sir' threw Barry off for a moment. Maybe her subconscious was telling her that he was a superior, or maybe it was just a conditioned reaction, the way she was used to responding to people ordering her around. Very interesting. He'd have to check into that later.

"You will not question any order I give, and anything I tell you to do will not seem odd or unusual in the least. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."

"You are going to escort me to every house in the neighborhood, one house at a time. At every house, you will ring the doorbell and ask whoever answers to bring any residents currently at home to the front door to answer some questions about a recent burglary. If asked who I am, you will tell them that I am a witness assisting with the investigation. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."

"Once all residents have assembled, you will stand by as I talk to them. Then, once I've told you that I am done, we will move on to the next house. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."

"Also, if you get any calls from the station, or if another cruiser approaches, you will tell them that you are investigating a suspicious person lurking around this area. If asked who I am by a fellow officer, you will tell them that I am a witness assisting with the investigation. Understood?"

"Understood, sir."

He was glad that this policewoman had been his first 'Puppet', so to speak. Her 'yes sir' responses had quickly conditioned him to giving orders to people, and he no longer felt nervous about telling strangers what to do. Also, the sudden transfer of power from an authority figure he disliked to him also helped him come to terms with being in control, an idea he was now starting to warm up to. Ready now for the first step in his plan, he ordered the officer to proceed, tagging along as she walked up to the first house.

The next couple of hours went by smoothly, and Barry was proud with his resourcefulness. Not only had he gotten out of a tight situation, but had used it in his favor. Also, it had inadvertently gotten him to stop procrastinating about how and where to start, and simply doing it. It was going to take some time to get used to the amount of freedom his new role was affording him.

Only one out of every three houses had anybody in them this early in the afternoon, but this didn't bother him as much anymore. Now that he had a small portion of the area under control, he could always come back later and do the same thing he'd done with the policewoman to one of the new Puppets. Maybe have them take him door to door in the evening and introduce him to the neighbors. Maybe this would be easier than he


The thrill of approaching strangers in their homes began to wear off quickly, however, and he found himself needing to talk with the cop. Perhaps it was his instinct as a hacker. Whenever he hacked into a new database, despite his goals, he'd always nose around and see what information he could find, voyeuristic as well as curious. That's how he'd found out about Project Puppetmaster. So now that he had technically 'hacked' the mind of this gorgeous little brunette with a gun and a badge, he felt the need to take a peek and see what information was within.

"What's your name?"

"Becky, sir." Her answers were in the same tone, as if she was answering questions from a superior officer.

"How old are you, Becky?"

"Twenty-nine, sir."

"And how long have you been an officer of the law?"

"Six years this August, sir."

"You like being a cop?"

"Yes, sir."

Barry had figured out that puppets couldn't lie when questioned, so he knew she wasn't just responding with the appropriate answer for an authority figure.

"What do you like about it?" He was naturally curious.

"Mostly the power, the control I have over other people. Being able to boss people around."

Normally her response would have made him resent her more, but he was beginning to taste that power himself, and couldn't deny its attraction.

"But did you need to join the police force to be dominant? I'm sure with a body like yours you could boss horny men around all you want."

She frowned at his remark about her body, visibly disgusted. "I don't like my body. It actually turns men off."

Further questioning revealed the twisted world that was Becky's subconscious. It seemed she had spent the first twenty years of her life painfully aware of how drop-dead sexy she was, and been a first class bitch about it, using her beauty to manipulate some people, while polarizing the rest with her cold and self-centered attitude. This combination led to a series of relationships that always ended in the guy dumping her because of her mean and selfish personality. Unable to come to terms with her inner-ugliness, she instead convinced herself that it was her body that kept driving her lovers away. Believing the lie, she became even more cold and unpleasant, the bitter hatred welling inside her, which she then took out on everybody else. She perceived her body as unattractive and men as shallow pigs, and did everything she could to make everybody as miserable as she was.

It took Barry the better part of an hour to piece it all together, and by the time they reached the last house, he was mentally and emotionally exhausted. This sexy little cop was a danger to herself and others, just as much a victim of her own rage as he had almost become. He felt the overwhelming need to both punish her and help her, and the mixed emotions were giving him a headache.

He thought about what to do with her while he triggered the housewife and two children in the final house, wondering what this spiteful control-freak had coming to her. After they were triggered, he sent them upstairs to wait for ten minutes before going back their daily lives.

"Becky, I want you to remove your shirt."

Still staring straight ahead, she took it off, revealing a rather uncomfortable looking bra, practically a corset by design.

"Now take off your bra."

He was almost surprised at how large her breasts were when she finally released them from their padded prison. The brassiere had been so constricting, they almost seemed twice the size now that they were free. They were much perkier then he would have expected for their size, probably because they never got out much. They were round and firm, light rose-colored nipples staring straight at him as she stood at attention. With her arms and abdomen fully revealed, he was able to confirm his suspicions about her strength as well. She did look fully capable of taking down men twice her size, and yet it was all toned, no bulging weight lifter muscles marring her smooth, tanned skin. She had

mentioned her expertise in several forms of martial arts and hand-to-hand combat, as well as gymnastic training, and he now fully believed every word of it. She looked rather awkward standing there topless with her bulky utility belt hanging heavily against her hips, so he threw the bra in the kitchen trash and had her put her shirt back on, leaving enough buttons undone so her cleavage was clearly visible. The shirt actually seemed a bit too tight without the bra to strap down her enormous tits, and they strained against the fabric, the swells of her cleavage bulging up and out. They also jiggled as she walked now, bouncing against the tight fabric as they walked to the next house. She was so much sexier now. As an added touch he had her let her hair down, the brunette locks cascading down to just below her shoulders, a slight wave in them completing the effect. Why she'd want to cover such a hot body up to push the locals around was beyond him. Maybe she was really uptight about herself. Well, he'd have to put an end to that.

"Do you like dressing like this?" He asked. She shook her head in response.

"Don't you realize how hot you are?" She shook her head again.

After they finished with the last house, Barry had them both return to her patrol car, and he sat in the back seat while she made her usual rounds. He gave the puzzle of Becky some more thought as she patrolled the neighborhood, trying to decide if he should keep controlling her like he was. He was pondering this when she suddenly swerved into the parking lot of the old elementary school, closed down two years before due to safety violations. She flashed her lights once as she pulled up in front of three skateboarding teenagers, all decked out in the typical boarder's baggy street clothes. All three kids looked to be High School seniors, if they hadn't dropped out already, and they could have easily been on the football team if they hadn't been slackers. They all stopped skating around and grouped together, not approaching the cop car, but not running either. They were playing it cool.

"Why'd you stop here?" He asked Becky.

"These punks are always fucking around where they don't belong, causing trouble, disturbing the public."

Barry looked around at the abandoned building. There was nobody around for blocks in any direction. The skateboarders couldn't have been more removed from the public if the were inside the closed school.

"These same three kids?"

"Maybe not the same kids, but the same type."

"What are you going to do, arrest them?"

"Nah, too much paperwork, and they'd just get probation, anyway. Every time I catch these losers hanging out together, I always back over a couple of their skateboards to get the message across that they're not wanted. Stupid bastards keep coming back for more, though." She smiled as she said this, happy that she could deliver her message one more time.

This was the reason Barry hated cops. He had no great love for skateboarders, and he'd be lying if he said he understood the obsession. But he was all too familiar with the police harassing juveniles for fun, and the skateboarding breaking nonsense was just outright vandalism and abuse of power. He had just begun to feel sorry for Becky, but now he was angry with her as well.

"Its not just because they're disturbing the peace, is it?" He asked her forcefully.

She was silent for a moment as she stared at the three athletic youth, patiently waiting to be accosted by the law. "Just look at those bastards. Just like the boys in High School that rejected me because of my body. Fuckers."

Barry fought the urge to simply program her subconscious with the truth. He wanted to teach her the hard way.

"Listen, Becky. I want you to get out of the car and call those three kids over to you. Leave your gun and nightstick under the seat. When they get here, you are going to be uncontrollably attracted to them. You will lust after their hard young bodies with every ounce of your being, and feel compelled to flirt with them. Despite any hatred you feel for them, you will find yourself thrilled and excited by them, and unable to resist any advances they might make on you. Do you understand?"


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