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The Red Lounge

Story Info
Jace discovers a new club.
3.4k words

Part 1 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/09/2023
Created 03/18/2020
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Jace wrapped his towel around his waist stepping out of the shower. He quickly dried his legs; body then dried his hair. He ran the towel through his curly black hair. He walked to the mirror to then follow with his skin care routine. At the age of nineteen and a budding model looks were very important to Jace. He recently moved to a new city to help grow his new career. He was raised at a farm but never found interest in it. Shortly after his eighteenth birthday he started posting online photos and grew a large fanbase. From there he caught the eye of a few small agencies but nothing fruitful. He hoped a new setting and a larger environment would help his chances.

Tonight though wasn't for networking, tonight was for fun. Being a gay male in a small town never provided with much excitement. He grew up with the same small set of people none of which ever showed interest. When he was eighteen he received his first blowjob but nothing else. He was looking to expand his sex life as much as he was looking to expand his career. The pond he was used to was small but in a city nearing two million people he should have no issue finding a suitor. Much like his appearance Jace's style was also considered well above average. He put on his outfit for the evening, straight leg black pants, a tight burgundy V-neck and fitted peacoat. Once his outfit was on, he went to go style his hair. He studied the mirror meeting his own reflection. A youthful face with high prominent cheekbones, strong jawline bright green eyes and full lips stared back. He grabbed his mousse and rubbed it in his hair keeping the waves tame. Jace looked down to his silver watch, it was 10:00, the clubs would be getting busy soon. With a sense of adventure Jace grabbed his wallet, phone, keys and left his apartment.

The cool night air welcomed Jace as he took to the streets. Unlike his hometown the light of the moon was drowned out by the streetlamps the lined the roads. Groups of people walked happily down the streets as music from the clubs boomed taunting drunken goers. Jace looked to his phone, three clubs had caught his attention; Goods, DTF and the Red Lounge. Most of his fans had recommended Goods while a few had messaged the red lounge. Jace had found one message particularly intriguing, it stated "Goods and DTF is fun if you like rainbow and fluff. Want a real fun time head to the lounge. People there actually party. Be warned though." His mind was made up. Being raised in a rural town boredom was very common, without much to see or do the youth often had to make their own fun and the older you got the deeper you wanted to go. Hopefully the lounge was a place where he'd meet similar minds, worst it could be is some weird leather bar. If that was the case, he'd just leave for Goods. With his plans made, Jace waved down a nearby cab.

"Where to?" The cabby asked in a friendly booming voice.

"The Red lounge?"

"The Red lounge? You sure you want to go there?"

"Yeah, a friend told me about it." Jace snapped, "I'm nineteen I can drink."

The cabby smiled, "alright, my apologies. Less than ten minutes away."

Jace relaxed back in his seat taking in the view of the city. It contained a mixture of old buildings and new ones. The aged brick and stone juxtaposed by the new concrete high rises. He couldn't help but be in awe at the bustling life. Finally, a setting that suited his needs and interests.

"This city never sleeps," the cabby laughed, "Tuesday night the clubs still open."

"Different from what I'm used to, grew up in a small farm town. There was a bar that everyone drank at and the closest city was a thirty-minute drive. Well wasn't much of a city compared to this."

The cabby pulled up to a two-story stone building. He pointed to a small red door tucked away in the side of the building. All the windows were stained so you could not peer into the building. Unlike the other clubs this one was not lined with people. There was one person situated outside of the door smoking a cigarette.

"Here's the Red Lounge, you need a ride call me. I'll drop what I'm doing and pick you up." The cabby handed Jace a card with a number and cab company he worked for. "Don't hesitate to call if you need."

Jace took the card and nodded to the cabby who drove off. He looked back to the club door with a bit of hesitation. The cabby was being weird but what cab isn't? Jace ignored his unease and walked towards the door. As he approached the person smoking the cigarette became clearer. It was an older man that looked to be in his late thirties. He was bald with a large shaggy beard wearing leather pants and a tight black top showing off his muscles.


"Oh, I'm new here. A friend told me about this club. I have my I.D."

The bouncer smirked and looked Jace up and down. Jace felt a little uncomfortable with the way he was being stared at. He held his I.D out hoping that it be enough. The bouncer pulled out a small slip of paper and signed it.

"Here, you're lucky I'm in a good mood. It'll be a thirty-dollar entry fee." He handed the paper to Jace, "this will let you in tonight. You like what you see go online contact one of the owners and ask to fill out the membership forms."

Jace paid the man and took the paper. The bouncer took a step to the side smiling. "Enjoy." He said softly. Jace ignored the man's leers and walked into the club. He smiled to himself once he saw what was inside. He had never been to a sex club before but had always wanted to. There was a bar to his right and several play stations situated at the sides and center of the room. Jace could hear a heavy base and noticed a staircase. There must have been several floors. He walked to the bar to order himself a drink.

"Hey sweetie," the man behind the bar was dressed in the most impressive drag Jace had ever seen in person. "Never seen your face before. New here?"

"Yeah, I am. I just moved into town. Your outfit is amazing by the way."

"Thanks, hun you're too sweet. So, it's your first time at the lounge! What brings you to this corner of debauchery?"

"I had a fan recommend it. Though I could try it out."

"A fan, are you famous?"

"Ha, not yet. I'm a model and I moved into town for better jobs. I used to live on a farm."

The drag queen waived her hands in excess. "A handsome face like you living near cow shit. No sir, un un hunny. You've certainly made an upgrade. Well welcome..."


"Welcome Jace, cute name. I'm Fantasia, the favorite bartender in town. Is there anything I can get you to drink?"

"What do you recommend?"

"Our house drink is the orgasm. It's fruity but I mean come on babe, who flippin' cares at this point."

Jace smiled, "definitely, I'll have a orgasm." He couldn't help but giggle at the drink. He watched as Fantasia made the cocktail.

"Since it's your first time we'll add another shot of vodka with that." Jace watched as his drink was created with a generous portion of liquor. "Here hun, hope you enjoy."

Jace took a sip of his drink. "wow, strong." Fantasia just smiled. "I think I'm going to head to the dancefloor."

"Oh baby it is packed up there! Someone cute like you, you could be leaving with a second orgasm." Jace laughed and tipped Fantasia. He took his drink and went to go discover the dancefloor.

Fantasia was right, it was packed. Bodies crammed closely together; grinding, moaning, sweating and some even looked like they were fucking. Jace smiled to himself, quickly downed his drink set the glass to the side and went to join the mass of beautiful people. He swayed his body to the beat of the music, letting the heavy beat guide his body's movement. The smell of sweat and the sight of people grind against each other was intoxicating. Jace could feel his cock harden as he danced against someone else. He eyed the crowd looking for a partner for the evening. Everyone already seemed paired off with someone else so Jace ventured further into the crowd. He saw a few older men eyeing him but decided to ignore their advances. He wasn't too interested in someone more than ten years older than him. He winked at a few potentials who winked back but nothing further.

The dancefloor was truly ginormous. Jace was sucked into a mass and dropped in a different dimension. One where horny people rutted together, some clothed others nude all giving in to their hedonistic desires. Hands were sliding down pants as the smell of sex hung in the air. Jace felt drunk off the atmosphere, the longer he went without a partner the more he longed for one. His prayers were answered as a hand secured his waist and pulled him close. The grip was strong holding him in place, keeping his ass open to the grinding that awaited it. Jace went to look at who this mysterious partner was but a hand kept his head in place.

"No, keep your eyes forward like a good boy." The voice was deep but soft like silk. It gave Jace goosebumps.

Jace felt his cock twitch in excitement as this stranger danced against him. He groaned and pushed his ass back against the mysterious stranger holding him.

"I've never seen you here. Enjoying it?"

"Yes," Jace moaned.

"Good, me to."

The man pulled Jace towards a corner, keeping Jace's head facing forward. The man had himself situated in the corner and Jace facing the mass of bodies. The two men ground against each other in a fury of lust.

"Bit overdressed for the lounge."

Jace looked around the room, the stranger was right. Many people were shirtless, others wore jockstraps, thongs, themed briefs or other fetish friendly wear. He looked down to his outfit, his black pants and V-neck felt grossly out of place. He extended his hand back to see what his partner was wearing. He could feel tight jeans followed by a muscular, shirtless body. He felt the man turn his head when he tried to look over his shoulder.

"I said don't look. Here, I'll help you fit in."

Jace gasped to himself once he felt the man pull at his pants. Jace's cock twitched at the sheer dominance the man was portraying. He looked around the room, no one had seemed to notice that he was just removed of his pants.

"Much better."

Jace shuddered as the man whispered in his ear. He could feel his hot breath on his neck and soon a pair of lips. The man began to suck and bite at Jace's neck, leaving small red marks along the model's neck.

"No hickeys," Jace mumbled, "I can't have marks."

"Then why did you come here." The stranger laughed. His masculine voice cooing into Jace's ear. He held Jace tighter giving harder bites. He would suck on the flesh and deliver a soft kiss.

Jace grunted and groaned. Fuck this was hot, but he had to stop it now. He tried to pull away only to be met with a stronger grip.

"Just relax boy."

Jace closed his eyes, he couldn't think straight. The alcohol, the testosterone, the hardon pressing against him. He was no match for his animalistic urges. He pushed his ass back against the stranger who spanked it in return. Every time the man moved against him, he could feel his stomach flutter. A hand then slid his underwear down. Despite the fear now flowing throughout him his cock was harder than ever.

"What are doing?" Jace asked, his naked ass now exposed.

"Just let me take a peek."

Jace continued to grind against the man, he couldn't stop his body's feeling towards this stranger. Every time the man moved against him Jace's shivered in ecstasy. He could feel the man fiddling with his pants and before he knew it Jace felt a hard cock press up against him. Jace looked down to see the monster poking against him. He stared in awe at the massive member rubbing against him. The base of the cock seemed to be as thick as his wrist with a fat purple mushroom head leaking precum. The entire member was decorated with thick veins and throbbed with excitement. It truly was a magnificent cock.

Both fear and arousal flowed through Jace. He looked around the room in a panic to see if anyone else was noticing. Everyone was transported into their own world, dancing and grinding to the beat. To his shock Jace found he was also moving to the music. His large bubble butt teasing the cock behind it, sandwiching it in its cheeks getting slick with pre.

"You like this huh? Want his fat cock in your ass."

Jace didn't respond, he just danced with his bare ass teasing the monster dick. What are you doing? Get out now! His mine screamed at him. The panic only started to set in once he felt the stranger start to poke around his hole. He jumped in shock when the man found his target.

"What?" Jace said dumbly, shocked by the strangers poking.

"Let me welcome you to the lounge."

Jace let out a gasp as the fat head started to part his entrance. He drew a deep breath before letting a sharp exhale of pain. He could feel his sphincter stretch around the fat head. With one more push the purple head popped inside him.

"Ooh, tight. Just relax. The more you kick the more it hurts."

Jace braced himself. He couldn't believe he was on the dancefloor about to get fucked. He looked down to see the fat cock start to disappear inside of him. Just as he was about to scream a large hand secured over his mouth. He cried into the hand as he felt the dick inch into him. He felt his sphincter struggle to stretch enough to accommodate the rest of the cock. Through the pain and fear Jace's member was harder than ever. He could feel it twitch and start leak.

"Oh yeah just relax," the man whispered into Jace's ear. "Just ease into it."

Jace forced himself to take a deep breath but it was impossible not to focus on the foreign member inside of him. He swallowed his scream and tried to focus on the pleasure. He felt his ass open up and swallowed more of the thick member. It was now impossible not to squeal as the stranger bottomed out on Jace. His large balls hung over Jace's, his body dominating the young man's in every physical way. Jace winced in discomfort gritting his teeth. Consumed by this new pain he was feeling.

"Fuck, this is so much tighter than I thought. Fuck, it almost hurts my dick." The man grunted and groaned. He placed his mouth right behind Jace's ear. "Okay get ready. We're going to dance."

Jace's clenched his fist hard as he felt the stranger start to move inside of him. He screamed into the man's strong hands. His cries being muffled and overpowered by the music. His fight instinct kicked in and he started to buck back against the stranger. He felt the man moan into his ear as he struggled against him. The stranger was right, the more he struggled the more pain he received. As he clenched and fought against the onslaught the more the dick seemed to tear into him. The stranger slammed into him at a brutal pace. Sending waves of pain throughout the young man. Jace yelled into the hand firmly gripping his mouth. Tears filled his eyes as the man violated him. He stared around the room in a panic, to his surprise he wasn't the only person getting fucked. Everyone was consumed by their own bliss. Jace cried and pulled against the man using him, trying to escape the pain.

"I told you, the more you fight the more it'll hurt. Ready to be a good boy and take it?" Jace nodded his head his vision blurred by tears. "Good. Here I bet you'll like this."

The stranger changed his pace, no longer using fast brutal thrusts. He delivered slow deep thrusts. Penetrating the boy in rhythm with the music. He looked down at the young man he was fucking, with each thrust he could see the young man's cock throb. Precum dribbled from the head and soft moans escaped his lips. He delivered another thrust and the boy's entire body shook. He did it again and the young man's eyes rolled in the back of his head.

"You like that huh? That spot feel good?

Jace's screams of pain quickly became moans of pleasure. His eyes rolled in the back of his head as the stranger sodomized him. This was so wrong, being stripped and forcibly fucked... but it felt so good. Even his struggles turned into thrusts of joy. At this point he had stopped keeping track of the songs. He had been fucked for at least twenty minutes and knew he was going to blow soon. He started to moan, shaking against the man pounding him. He tried to look back to the man but again was forced to keep his head forward.

"You going to cum sweet boy?"

Jace nodded. He heard the man laugh into his ear. The man delivered one more powerful thrust and Jace felt himself erupt. His knees felt weak as he shot his load all over the dance floor. He whimpered into the stranger's hand as his dick twitched in ecstasy. He would have collapsed if it was not for the stranger holding him up. In a swift motion the stranger spun Jace around so he was facing the corner. Jace propped his hands against the wall to brace himself. He winced as the stranger continued to plow him. He could hear the man grunt and groan in his ear. A pair of teeth clamped down and the stranger bit onto Jace's shoulder. Jace moaned in combination of pleasure and pain.

"Feel good?" the stranger panted. "My turn. I'll give you a second round of the house special and I'll make sure you drink up this one too."

Jace's eyes widened. The stranger had decided to not use a condom. His fight response came back and he tried to pull away from the man fucking him. It was no use. The man pushed Jace into the corner flattening him against the wall. Jace cried out as he felt the man's balls press up against him. He started to cry as the man's dick convulsed inside him.

"Ungh, yeah."

Jace grimaced in repulsion as he felt a load of thick creamy juice fill him up. Panting and moaning filled his ear while sweat dripped on him. Jace bit his lip as the stranger pulled his hair. The man twitched rotating his hips and twitching as his orgasm completed. He took a deep breath planting his head on the Jace's shoulder.

"Goddamn, that was one hell of a fuck."

Jace finally took a breath when the man pulled out. He stayed still as the man pulled up his pants and underwear. Jace could hear the man zip his own pants up. There was some shuffling and he felt something being pushed into his pocket.

"It's my number babe. Text me when you want some more."

Jace felt the man shake his shoulder in affirmation, give him a light shove and walk off. Jace crumpled to his knees when he was no longer embraced by another being. He took a deep breath and looked around the club. No one had seemed to notice anything. He could feel the man's come smear his underwear. Collecting his strength, he pushed himself to his feet. He searched the crowd, anyone of these men could have been his assailant. He reached into his pocket and pulled out the number. The name on it was Dante. Jace felt his cock twitch again. His body was craving more.

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AnonymousAnonymous2 months ago

Fuck so hot would love to be taken that way!

Bianca_Bitch69Bianca_Bitch69about 3 years ago

I would love to be fucked like that

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

great i almost came reading it.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 5 years ago
use me

I wish I was used like this

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