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The Redhead in the Killer Kollar


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The next message was the longest one I have ever received from them, "Vadim Volkov crazy Russian genius. Invented 'Perfect Slave Collar'. No way to get to control panel with head in place. Vadim went totally nuts. Put collar on own neck. Dead. But he posted full design drawings on dark web. Will look further."

I replied "Thx" and went downstairs to check on my Orgasmatron Ultra prototype. The Orgasmatron looks basically like a giant version of one of those old-fashioned kid's bouncy horses held in place on a frame by four strong springs. Besides being larger, this horse has a built-in megavibrator and mounts for two dildos in the saddle area. There are also electrodes built into the saddle, the sides of the horse, and the handgrips which go through the head. A grommeted hole just behind the saddle allows electrode wires to run down through the body of the horse where they can connect to the cable which leads to the main control panel.

I had once told someone that I could give a dead body an orgasm with this device. Considering who would be demonstrating it Saturday night, I now regretted my choice of words.

Shortly after exiting my email program, my security monitors popped a warning that someone was trying to hack the computer system connected to the Partyguest wifi. I wasn't surprised. Loraine's Master probably knew that it would be useless, but one never knows for sure unless one tries. The router that is used for Partyguest is totally separate from my main system and router. They don't even share common power lines. The Master of the collar might as well be connected to the McDonald's down the road. I sent a tracer spike back in his direction- also probably a useless gesture, but I have a reputation to maintain.

I put the actions on Partyguest out of my mind. I did, however, start to wonder more seriously about the possibility that I might be the primary target of all of this. I had considered that possibility in the first place, but had set it aside as being driven by my personal paranoia. But as I often tell people, "Just because you are paranoid, that doesn't mean that there aren't people out there trying to get you." One thing I was sure of, someone was going to a hell of a lot of trouble just to get me involved in this.

I ran the rocking horse through its paces just to reassure myself that all the systems were working properly. Then I walked back upstairs to sit out on the back deck and think. I had promised Loraine that I would do my best, but right now it was looking more and more like my best might not keep her from being killed in front of five of my clients on Saturday night. I just couldn't understand by whom or why.


All day Friday I found myself having trouble looking Loraine in the eyes... Hell, I had trouble even looking directly at her. I was failing her, and I think she knew it. Friday evening I sat out on my back deck with my fourth double bourbon on the rocks in my hand. Drinking does not clear the mind, but it can numb the conscience.

Around eleven my drone alarm sounded. A drone of some sort was headed straight for my house. I checked the video on the monitor. It didn't look large enough to be carrying much payload, but with modern explosive compositions, it didn't take much. If it got any closer, I would fire the nets at it.

I have several automatic air cannons which can fire a fine wire net at an approaching drone. The net deploys in the air and snares the small craft without doing major damage... or more importantly, without setting off any ordinance it is carrying. The legality of downing a drone is somewhat unclear, but I would rather pay a fine than find out too late that the drone was armed or carrying explosives.

As it approached, I noticed that it did have red and green visibility lights and that they seemed to be blinking in a constant pattern. My Morse code is a little rusty, but I recognized the dash, dash, dash of an O and then remembered that an R was dot, dash, dot. The damned drone was blinking "Boris."

I let it continue on its course. It flew directly over the patio and I heard a distinctive "Thunk!" as something hard hit the deck next to me. The drone then went straight up into the air and went dark..

My first thought was "Grenade!" but then the screen on the cellphone lit up and the device chirped lightly.

I picked it up and a voice I had never heard before said, "Listen carefully, we have only a short time before Big Brother trains his ears on this phone." Boris then explained that there might be a way to defeat the collar. "All you need is your Orgasmatron and a supply of the anti-Parkinsons drug, rasagiline." He then outlined the complete plan for me. It wasn't the craziest plan I had ever heard, but it was definitely in the top two or three of those to which I had agreed.

After he had explained everything he asked if I had any questions. When I said no, he said, "In that case, you might want to throw the phone as far as you can into your backyard."

I knew what was coming next and launched the phone into a high arc out into the grass. It exploded into a ball of fire just before it hit. I looked out at the phone now burning in the middle of my yard and said aloud, "I now know for sure that there are some people in this world who are more paranoid than I am."


Saturday began uneventfully. The caterers arrived around two and set up two tents in the back yard. One was for our meal and a bit of socializing. The other, which remained empty until they left to go get the food, would hold the Orgasmatron Ultra. I also set up some special lighting that would be used for dramatic effect.

The caterers returned around five with four vans. After they emptied the first two vans, they parked them on the grass a little ways up from the house. Then two chefs- a male and a female- got busy setting up a very large grill. An additional van, with the same logos as the caterers, parked in the grass near the end of the road. The four men and two women who got out of that van were dressed in the same uniforms as the caterers, but they carried themselves totally differently. Two more individuals- I couldn't see if they were male or female- parked the fourth van on the grass directly across from the driveway and stayed in place in the van. I had hired this security team before and knew that I could trust them to keep my guests safe from whatever might come from the outside, and if necessary, keep them safe from each other.

The meal- as expected- was spectacular. Steak and potatoes may sound mundane, but when the steak is at the exact degree of perfection and melts in your mouth, and the potatoes are air fried in a blend of spices and herbs that explodes with flavor in your mouth, and the asparagus- yes asparagus- has flavor you never thought you would taste... and enjoy, then the meal is anything but mundane. There was, of course, a recommended wine, but everyone- including me- was free to choose a diner drink suited to their own tastes. I chose a dark, creamy ale, which brought a huff of disgust from the chef, but smiles from those who knew me.

After supper, we adjourned to the demonstration tent while the caterers cleaned up the tables. We would return for a light dessert- and hopefully an order or two- after the demonstration. Two of the security men walked with us the few paces over to the second tent and then stood outside.

When we got into the demonstration tent, Loraine was already strapped in place on the Orgasmatron Ultra. Her hands were held on the handles at the horse's head by wide strips of soft brown leather which coordinated with the dark tan color of the horse itself. Similar strips held her feet firmly in the stiff metal stirrups which were concealed with leather and made to appear as if they descended from the leather saddle.

She had somewhat of a leopard look from the multitude of small, light brown, circular electrode patches which covered her exposed skin. And since she was naked, there was a lot of exposed skin to be covered.

The horse was vibrating softly as we entered the tent. "Unlike many megavibrators," I said once the six of us were in the tent, "the Orgasmatron is relatively quiet." I held a small display in my hand and slid one of the indicators to maximum. Loraine gasped and groaned in response, but the noise level did not increase appreciably. I waited until she shuddered in orgasm and then returned the control to minimum. Loraine slumped slightly in the saddle and took several very deep breaths.

I smiled at the assembled clients and said, "I will let the automatic features of the Orgasmatron Ultra continue the demonstration for a moment," and set the control panel down on a table. "You will notice," I pointed out, "that there is also a wired control panel for those of you who like the feel of old-fashioned knobs and slide bars."

There was a short buzz of conversation as the two Masters and three Mistresses discussed that feature. Then we stood and watched my masterpiece in action.

The horse began rocking. "The springs are special electro-conductive carbon steel fibers that can be made stronger or weaker depending on the voltage applied. By properly changing the voltage, the rocking effect can be created or varied."

The horse began rocking harder and harder and Loraine squealed slightly as the twin vibrating dildos rocked slightly in and out of her cunt and ass.

"This alone," I said "could bring most women... or men... to orgasm." Loraine confirmed my comments with a guttural gasp. "But if that is all this unit could do," I continued, "it wouldn't be an Orgasmatron Ultra." As if in response, Loraine let out a loud groan and convulsed in what was obviously her second orgasm."

The computer-controlled voltage to the springs began varying the degree of rocking so that the horse was also starting to pitch from side to side. For a while, Loraine was tossed randomly around, then the horse got into proper sync and she began swinging around in the saddle almost as if she were a spinning top. Her head and upper body were making wide circles while her waist twisted against the saddle. The effect was to move the dildos within her cunt and ass in wobbling circles, massaging every inch of the inside of her vagina and rectum. No matter where her G-spot was hiding, the throbbing dildo was going to find it... and it did.

Another deep groan announced her third orgasm.

"The computer hasn't even activated any of the special controls on the dildos," I said softly to the gathered clients. Loraine panted heavily. Her eyes were staring straight ahead, but she seemed to have lost the ability to focus her vision.

"Notice what happens when I trigger the motors which control the dildos," I said as I pressed a button on my control. "Each dildo can independently thrust, wobble, and spin or do any combination of the three at whatever intensity you desire," I said firmly. Loraine once again began grunting and moaning to affirm what I had just said. Shortly thereafter, she shuddered and gasped as a fourth orgasm tore through her body.

"Now you would think that after four orgasms," I said brightly, "most women would be nearing their limits, but..." I smiled broadly and pressed another button. "... both dildos are also equipped with autolubrication. A warm pH neutral fluid can be pumped through either dildo to allow continued thrusting or other stimulation without excessive irritation. Or,.. a sudden burst of warm liquid can simulate an ejaculation and trigger the appropriate response."

Once again on cue, Loraine tilted back her head and gasped loudly as a fifth orgasm overwhelmed her.

"You have perhaps noticed," I said, trying to keep a straight face, "that this young woman has a network of electrodes pasted throughout her body."

I waited for the desired reaction from the five and then continued, "By correctly sequencing the pulses and appropriately varying their frequency and intensity, it is possible to erotically stimulate almost any female."

The horse came to a total stop. The subdued humming of the internal vibrators stopped and the soft thrum of the dildos activating all faded away. Loraine sat staring forward, not knowing what would happen next. Then she sucked in her breath and began a soft "aaaahhh" as she swayed back and forth on the horse. Her swaying became faster and more frantic while at the same time her "aaaahhh" became more and more shrill. After approximately four minutes, she threw her head back and screamed loudly, obviously experiencing her sixth orgasm.

"Now," I said firmly, "what happens when we combine all of these features at the same time. How many orgasms do you think we could wring out of one woman?"

"Nine," said one of the Masters. "Ten," said another. One of the Mistresses chuckled and said, "I'd go for an even dozen."

"Why don't we see," I said as I again moved sliders on my control. The internal vibrator went to maximum and the horse once again began rocking and swaying; a soft rhythmic sound hinted that the dildos were both fully thrusting; and Loraine's keening "aaaahhh" indicated that the sequenced electrical stimulation was coursing through the electrodes.

"Oh no... no... no," she called out. "I can't stand any more." Then she grunted and screamed as orgasm seven shuddered her body. "No... no... no..." she called out again and then screamed as orgasm eight surged through her.

It was now time for my special lighting to kick in. Flashing strobe lights caused everything to appear as if we were watching a series of photographic images. Smoke and laser lights added to the surreal image of Lorraine's body twisting and writhing on the horse as it wildly gyrated and bounced. It was a bit over the top, but over the top often means the difference between an interested client and a sale. For the same reason, a large display in front of the horse kept track as orgasm after orgasm overwhelmed her. The count slowly crept upward to ten, then twelve, then fourteen. It took a little longer before fifteen showed on the counter. Then, just as the counter flashed sixteen, all lights went out. Everything quit. The only light in the tent was the counter which continued to flash sixteen. When the lights came back on, the horse was empty.

"Let's go back to our dessert," I said as the lights came back up. "I would like to hear your reactions to what you just saw."

A few minutes later, the caterers were serving Creme Brulee and a thick, very sweet, blackberry liqueur.

One of the Mistresses, Mistress Ramona, said, "Interesting."

Considering how close to the vest most Masters and Mistresses play their hands, that was an outstanding endorsement.

Master Thomas nodded his head and said, "Very interesting."

I knew that now I had at least one sale. I didn't expect anyone to bring up the topic of price. My devices aren't quite "If you have to ask, you can't afford it," but all of my clients know that my prices are fair and reasonable and the same for everyone, so there is no reason to ask. Besides, they knew that I was aware of what they were willing to spend or I wouldn't have invited them to this party.

We sat silently sipping the blackberry liqueur. Questions about delivery, etc. could be handled by their staff.

The silence was broken by Mistress Melinda. She wasn't one of my favorites, but I couldn't say why. There was just something about her that caused the hair on the back of my neck to bristle slightly whenever she was around.

"What about Slave Loraine?" she said sweetly. "Is it possible to see her and get her perspective on your fabulous invention?"

The hair on the back of my head wasn't bristling, it was waving. I hadn't mentioned Loraine's name.

"I will have her step in," I said calmly... or at least as calmly as I could now that I knew who the Master of the Collar most likely was. I motioned to one of the caterers and asked him to have her come into the tent.

A few minutes later, Loraine stepped into the tent. A gentle round of applause met her as she walked up to the table. She was dressed in a light blue summer-style dress which helped highlight her hair. Except for a dark red lipstick, she wore no makeup... and no jewelry... NO jewelry.

I closely watched for Mistress Melinda's reaction to the fact that there was no longer a collar around Loraine's neck.

"I thought Loraine was a slave," Mistress Melinda said cooly. "Wasn't she wearing a collar earlier?"

"We removed that," I said calmly, "as soon as she got off my Orgasmatron."

"That's all I needed to know," Mistress Melinda, said curtly, pulling a nickle-plated revolver from her purse and pointing it at me. "You have discovered the secret to opening a Volkov Kollar."

"Do you really think I will turn that information over to you?" I said firmly.

"Oh," she replied, "that would be preferred. But you don't really have to." She held up her purse and said brightly, "The little electronic sniffers in here have picked up all signals for the past two hours, including the signal needed to open the collar."

She gave me a very forced smile and said very smugly, "And besides, your security people are loyal to the highest bidder and tonight that happens to be me."

A quick burst of six or eight bullets tore up the grass in front of her feet. "Sorry to disappoint you," the chef said with a grimace, "but my people are loyal to me. They reported your generous offers almost as soon as you had made them." He paused to look over at me and said even more firmly,"And I am loyal to W... regardless of the price."

He was holding two Glock 18 fully-automatic pistols that had been concealed in special holsters beneath his expansive black apron. Either of these 9mm monsters could empty a standard 12- round clip in a half a second. The magazines on the two he was holding were specially designed. When inserted, it looked like a smaller version of the round canister from a 1920's era Tommy Gun had been attached to the bottom of the pistol grip. Those spiral clips held 140 rounds, which extended your burst capability on full automatic to a grand total of seven seconds.

Mistress Melinda's shoulders slumped. "I'm dead anyway," she said flatly as she turned to aim at the chef.

I screamed "NO!" and dove to tackle her.

It wasn't until I was on top of her on the ground that I could see the bright silver Volkov Kollar around her throat. "Clear," I said loudly, as I pushed her weapon over onto the grass. And then even more loudly, I yelled to the other Masters and Mistresses, "Help me get her into the display tent! Now!"

Without knowing why I wanted it, they hurried to help me drag her toward the second tent. She was basically limp in our arms, quivering slightly as she waited for the knife wire to trigger. As we lay her on the grass that was the floor of the tent, I noted that- despite my instructions- one of the other Masters was armed and had pulled a small automatic from a concealed holster above his waist. I wasn't angry. I couldn't blame him. It's what I would have done in his place.

I shook Mistress Melinda hard and said forcefully. "There is no electronic signal that can open the collar."

She squirmed beneath me as if trying to escape and brought her hands up to her neck trying to tear the collar from her throat.

"This tent," I said firmly, "is flooded with rf at the control frequency of your collar. It thinks it is still attached to whoever is controlling it, but their signals are swamped out. You are safe inside this tent."

"But there has to be a key," she said tearfully. "You got the collar off of Loraine." She smiled at me with a strange mixture of fear and hope on her face and added, "... like I knew you would."

"I couldn't," I replied. "But I knew someone who could."

"So where is the key?" she asked.

"You're lying in front of it," I said. "Boris and Natasha went through all the code that controls the collar and found that there was no command that would open it or shut it down. That can only be done from the control panel on the neck side of the collar. There was a place in the memory for a True or False variable that would open the collar, but there was no way to access that part of memory. Volkov intended it to be the perfect slave collar. It was permanent and the only way to escape it was death."

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