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The Rescue Pt. 01


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"All I did was spot the muzzle flash and put the laser on the building, the flyboys did the rest. When'd you dig this out of the rubble?"

"Couple of days later there was a patrol, they found it for me." He explains then chuckles.

"What?" I ask.

"That's all you did huh," He states. "I suppose it wasn't you that drew the snipers fire while aiming that laser."

"Like I said any favors you owe, they're clear for this."

"Just take the sniper one off your tally for now and we'll discuss all the others I owe you when you get back," He says.

"All right, I can do that. Which ones do you have the bells and whistles for?" I ask him pointing to the wall.

"Scopes for the SCAR, M4 and the MP-5's. Silencers and lasers for the hand guns, and I may have a suppressor for that M4 too. I'd have to look."

I take the M4 off the wall since it's the one I'm most familiar with and check the action of the bolts.

"Cleaned every other day and fired at least once a week so it's in working order. It does pull to the left just a hair though," Alex tells me. "It's the civilian model so no full auto and the clip sizes are not what you're accustomed to."

"I'll make it work," I tell him. "You mentioned scopes?"

"Night vision and infrared. Haven't got the combo job yet, but the night vision has a pretty decent range on it."

"Night vision it is then. It'll be less weight to carry around too. About six clips, Standard load out and three empties that I can hand load if need be along with a box of ammo." I continue Alex pulling out the items as we go along.

"Ah, here's that suppressor I was talking about. Take that with you, anything else?"

"Honestly, I could take everything I see here and still wonder if it'll be enough with what I could be walking into," I tell him.

"If I tell you that you don't have to do this are you gonna punch me out?" He asks.

"I might. Want to take a chance?"

"Are you kidding me, I was always the lover not the fighter. Time hasn't changed that any," He hands a duffle bag and I begin filling it with the gear. "You know any of the guys would go with you if you asked them too right?"

"I know that they would be but I'm not asking them to. In case something goes wrong, I'll need you guys to come and save my butt. Besides, it feels like I'm racing against a clock as it is and by the time I call them and fly up to New York for T. J. and Ramon or down to Miami for Scott... I dunno, I feel like I'll be too late to help her."

"You know something you aren't telling me? I thought she was supposed to already be... ya know."

"I've got this feeling and I can't shake it. Like there's this giant clock that's ticking down and I'm already behind."

"That gut of yours has saved my ass more times than not so I believe you. Let me make a few calls, see who's working the Embassy's in Morocco and Dakar, see if I can get you some diplomatic passes or something just in case customs tries to give you a hard time."

"Thanks," I tell him. We shake hands, I pick up the gear bag, and head back out of his office. Erin is there holding several rolled up papers.

"Maps," She says handing them over. "I took a look and marked what looks like an Aid Station on there. There's a little inlet nearby that will take you right up to the door almost."

"Thanks Erin, I'll have a look once I'm airborne," I tell her as I drop the maps into the duffle bag.

"Ken, don't go get yourself killed chasing a ghost," Alex states.

"We're all gonna die chasing after something mine might as well be something worth while," I tell him.

"Yeah well don't expect me to come find your sorry ass if you botch this thing and get killed."

I shake my head. "If I do botch this then, I'm going to leave it you to find her for me, all right?"

He nods. "Can't refuse a last request can I? Just be safe, find her and for Christ's sake tell her how you feel about her this time around."

"I'll do what I can."

Joe pulls up to the private entrance of the Myrtle Beach International Airport and we're buzzed right through. "Looks like they're ready to go wheels up boss," Joe notes nodding towards the Voss Gulfstream sitting at the hangers. He pulls up to the limo that's waiting beside it and stops. He turns to me. "You can still back out, ya know?"

"Yeah," I answer taking hold of the door handle and pulling it open. "I know."

As I slide the side door open to retrieve my bags Mr. Voss, Addison and a man I don't know get out of the limo and approach me. "Must be Justin," I think sourly as I size the guy up. He's couple of inches taller than me and little broader as well like he could have played football or wrestled when he was in college.

"Son, you know that you aren't expected to do this don't you?" Mr. Voss asks drawing my attention back to him.

"Yes sir I know but I also know that I couldn't live with myself if I didn't try."

"Okay son but if you need anything at all, now's the time to ask."

"The plane is more than enough sir," I tell him. He reaches into his pocket and hands me about four hundred dollars. "Sir, I can't..."

"Take it Ken, it's not much but it's all the cash I have on me and if it helps to get Michelle home then please take it."

I nod and pocket the money. "I'll get her home."

"If you're still sure that you want to go, the plane is ready," Addison says.

"I'm going Addison," I tell her as I look over the guy that's standing with her.

"Ken, this is Justin," Addison introduces us.

"I figured as much. What can you tell me about the last place you saw Michelle?" I ask him swearing that if says the bedroom I'll punch the crap out of him.

"We were just outside the Aid Station. You could hear the gunfire and explosions as they came up the old jeep trail," He starts. I reach into my duffel and pull out the maps.

"Is that here?" I ask him after laying them across the limo's hood.

He nods and points to a barely visible trail hidden by the tree canopy. "This is trail and that's the compound there. Aid Station, living quarters and the entertainment room as we called it here."

"Do you know if the militia moved on or did they set up camp here?"

He shakes his head. "I don't know what happened after I got out of there."

"I can't believe you just left her," I say aloud.

"Hey, she didn't give me much of a choice. I told her to come on but she just kept pushing patients onto the truck. It's not my fault that she chose them over her own safety," He argues.

"Wait a second, she was pushing patients onto the truck while you what, sat there? And your going to blame her?" I ask.

"Uh no... no I'm not saying that... I'm just saying she had the same opportunity that I had to get away but she didn't take it."

"And you did huh?" I ask and grab him by his collar. "You selfish son of a bitch! You knew what those guys are capable of, you were briefed before you volunteered to go in. You had to have treated their victims and yet you left her there!"

"Get the fuck off me, man!" He says cocking his fist back to hit me. I find that I want him to just haul off and pop me one, it'll give me an excuse to kick his teeth down his throat. Unfortunately, Mr. Voss grabs me and pulls me back away from Justin.

"There isn't time for this Ken," He says.

Addison tries to step between us but she's a step late as Justin takes a step forward and let's fly with a punch. I try to turn with his fist but it hits me pretty good causing blood to fill my mouth.

"Hey!" Mr. Voss says letting me go which I assume is my green light to take this guy out but Addison is now between us stopping me.

"This isn't helping Michelle, damn it!" She cries out. I stop and spit out blood onto the tarmac while Justin just glares at me.

"No. It isn't. I'm sorry Addison," I tell her and turn to Mr. Voss. "Sir, I don't know how long this could take so I'll send the jet back home and call you once I've found something."

Addison steps over and places her hand on my shoulder. "Be safe okay?"

"I can't promise you that Addison. All I can promise is that I'll do whatever it takes to get Michelle home," I tell her as I gather up the map and ascend into the plane.

The flight attendant closes the door behind me. "Are you all right sir?" She asks.

I nod. "Nothing like a punch in the face at the start of a eleven hour flight," I joke.

She giggles. "Well my names Tina and I'll be your flight attendant for this trip so anything you need just let me know," The bubbly redhead tells me.

"Thanks Tina and you can call me Ken if you'd like. Kenneth if you want to be as formal as Addison," I tell her as I stow my bags in the seat next to me. "When are we wheels up?" I ask taking my seat. I look out the window and see Mr. Voss with his daughter and Joe while Justin is leaning against the limo, waiting to leave.

"We're fourth in line to go so in about fifteen minutes give or take. The pilot stated that per your suggestion we are going to land in Morocco and that should take us about eleven hours as you said. Can I get you anything before we depart? Water, ice pack for your jaw maybe?"

"Thanks Tina an ice pack would be great now that you mention it," I tell her settling into the plush leather seat and strapping in.

"Be right back," She says. As we're taxiing towards the runway she returns with a cold compress but stops before she hands it to me.


"There's some blood in your mouth still. You might want to hit the bathroom before we taxi out," She suggests.

"Thanks. I wouldn't want to leave a mess," I tell her getting to my feet and heading to the bathroom.

After a couple minutes I return to my seat and ask Tina, "How's that?"

"Much better," She says then takes her seat and straps in. "And for the record, I think you could have taken that guy back there."

"Thanks Tina, I could have but now wasn't the time," I tell her as we begin taxing to the runway.

"I assume you can call a cab to take you somewhere," Mr. Voss states to Justin as he walks back to the limousine while Addison is over at Joe's van seeing him off.

"What are you talking about? I rode here with you."

"Yes but you aren't riding home with us and if I ever see you around my home..."

"Daddy, please. Everyone's on edge about Michelle I'm sure Justin didn't mean anything by what happened," Addison says stopping him having hurried over once she heard the rising voices.

"I was defending myself," Justin argues. "You saw how he grabbed me."

"Yes and I also saw you sucker punch a defenseless man who is risking his life to find someone you're supposed to care about," Mr. Voss argues.

"Dad, just stop; we're all under a lot of stress right now," Addison says soothingly. "Justin, of course we can give you a ride back to our place. It's no trouble, right dad?"

"No trouble," He echoes through gritted teeth.

"Sure, whatever," Justin says hoping into the back of the limo. Mr. Voss shuts the door and goes around to the other side of it but pauses at the door.

"You're going to have to tell me what Michelle sees in this... this... person," He says to his daughter. "Ken, I can understand but this guy... no way."

Addison shakes her head and follows her father into the limo. The ride home is a tense one with no one saying more than two words to each other. Mr. Voss heads straight in almost before the limo has stopped moving leaving Addison to say goodnight to Justin.

"Hell of night huh?" She says trying to make a joke.

"That guy... Grayson or whatever the hell his name is, he's an asshole." Justin says.

"He's risking his life to go into to a war zone to try and find the person that you were dating or seeing or whatever in the hell that two of you were doing. I think that you could show just a little bit of gratitude." she says.

"You guys are paying him to go, why should I show him gratitude?"

"We're not paying him. We just supplied the jet. Ken is doing this because of Michelle. They were friends."

"Oh so that's why he was so pissed then. She'd moved up the world and left him behind huh?"

Addison shakes her head. "What in the hell did you do to my friend to make her like you? You're the asshole."

"What is this everyone pile on Justin night? Fuck that. Just because she was dumb enough to stay behind doesn't mean everyone gets to take it out on me," He argues.

"My friend is not dumb, she is the smartest and the kindest person I know, and if you don't know that then she's better off without you. Now get out of here!" Addison says.

He begins to say something but she cuts him off. "When Ken finds her alive and brings her home you just stay the hell away from her do you hear me? Just go back to whatever slimy hole you oozed out from under and never come back out."

"You stuck up little rich bitch. I ought to..." He says advancing on her.

"You're going to get into your car and leave like the lady asked you to tough guy," Alex says as he appears from the side of the house. He limps his way to Addison's side and glares at Justin.

"Fuck you Gimpy, you aren't going to do shit," He says. His hand reaches out as if to grab Addison but Alex intercepts him. He blocks the hand and strikes out with his palm catching Justin in his nose. They hear a satisfying crunch and Justin drops to his knees with a yelp.

"You broke ma nobse..." He says holding his hands to his face as blood pours from his broken nose. Alex pulls his gun and points it at him.

"My friend is the one that got on that plane so I am just about out of patience tonight. So get in your fucking car and leave like the lady asked or I swear I will pull this trigger, spread your brain matter all over this driveway, and not lose a wink of sleep over it." He warns him. The sight of the gun pointed at him is all Justin needs to see. He scrambles to his feet and hurries to his parked car. Without a word he starts it and peels out down the driveway leaving Alex and Addison there together in the darkness. "Addison, I'm sorry about all that. Are you all right?" Alex ask holstering his weapon.

Addison nods. "I could use a drink but otherwise I'm fine. Thank you for showing up when you did."

"I was trying to catch you guys before you left for the airport. Guess I just missed you, huh?"

"I guess. Want to come in for a little while?"

"While you get that drink? Sure." He follows her inside and they're met at the door by Mr. Voss who begins to say. "Look, I may have given you a ride home... oh Alex. Sorry I didn't know it was you."

"It's all right sir. I saw some garbage littering your driveway and got rid of it for you, hope that was all right," Alex says.

"Good, thank you for that. Still watching out for us I see."

"Yes sir. Who was that asshole anyway?"

"We're fine daddy, go back to doing... whatever it was you were doing," Addison says taking Alex by the arm.

"I'm contacting some of the companies we work with in Africa and see if they render any assistance to Ken once he arrives," He states.

"Thank you sir, I'm sure Ken will appreciate all the help he can get," Alex says.

"Dad, I owe you a big hug once I come upstairs," Addison says.

Mr. Voss smiles as he watches the two of them disappear into kitchen then goes to office to continue to work his connections in the area. Alex goes to the bar as Addison takes a seat at the kitchen table.

"What's your pleasure?" He asks.

"Just make it strong whatever it is. It's been a hell of a night," She tells him. He nods and goes about making them a couple of martinis.

"So is anybody going to tell me whose nose I broke?" He asks.

"His name's Justin and he was the guy that got Michelle into all of this in the first place."

"Wow and you gave her shit about just being friends with Kenny," He jokes.

"I was idiot then, I know that now. Jesus, I never thought she'd go for someone so slimy though."

"He probably hid that from her. Most assholes realize what they are early on so they work on being able to disguise it pretty well."

Addison nods to concede his point. Alex steps over, hands her a glass and takes a seat. He notices her hands are shaking as she takes a sip. "This is strong. Thank you."

"No problem. Are you sure that you're all right? I can see you shaking."

She shrugs. "What if she is dead Alex? What if she's dead and all he finds is her body, what then?"

An image flashes into Alex's mind with Grayson standing around a bunch of dead bodies but he shakes it from his thoughts. "Addison, you can't think like that, it'll eat you up inside. I know it's hard but we have to try and stay positive about all this."

"I've tried that but I'm running out of faith. If she's gone, I mean really gone then..." She says and begins to cry softly. Alex goes to her and lays a comforting arm on her shoulder.

"I know waiting is the hardest part but if anyone can find her, it's Kenny. I've known him longer than anyone so trust me when I say that he won't give up until she's home."

She hugs him but lingers in his embrace while she says a prayer for her friend.

A few hours later, I'm seated across from Tina playing cards as we wing our way over the Atlantic. "Gin!" She says with a laugh. "That's three games in a row."

"Told you I suck at this game," I admit getting up to stretch my legs a little. "Can I get you something?"

"Isn't that supposed to be my line?" She asks with a giggle.

"To the winner go the spoils and all that."

Again she smiles and says. "Rum and Coke, extra ice. Please?"

"You got it." I mix her drink and return to my seat. "How long have we been up now?"

She looks at her watch. "About five hours give or take. Want me to dim the lights so you can get a little shut eye?"

"If you wouldn't mind."

"No trouble Ken, thanks for the drink and for the card games," she says getting up and hitting a switch near the cabin door. She takes her seat and reclines it back while I do the same and drift off to restless slumber.

Tina wakes me in what feels to me like only ten minutes later but a glance at my watch tells me that it's been almost two hours since I closed my eyes. "Rise and Shine, Ken. Doug says we're just about to land," she says cheerily.

I mumble thanks, return my seat to an upright position, and buckle in. A glance out the window shows me we're still over the Atlantic but the African coastline can be seen in the distance.

"So, how'd you sleep?" Tina asks buckling in next to me.

"Not so good," I answer. "Too much going on in my head I guess."

"You should have said something to me. We've got all manner of sleeping pills and the like locked up here that I could have gotten for you," She states.

"It's all right. I need a clear head with where I'm going," I tell her. "Remind me again on the return flight though."

She nods. "That I can do. Any idea on when that will be?"

"If things go as planned, four days maybe but I doubt things go as planned," I tell her. "It would probably be best for all involved if you guys refueled and headed back to the States. I'll call you when I'm ready for pick up or catch a flight out, either way."

She nods as we begin our descent into Morocco.

Alex's call to the embassy was apparently successful because there's an embassy car waiting on the tarmac as we pull to a stop. I disembark and a man steps from the car decked out in a dark suit with just a hint of a bulletproof vest under his designer dress shirt. He stares up at me from behind his dark sunglasses and I can tell already that he's C.I.A.

"Mr. Grayson. I'm Agent Trent, C.I.A," He states not offering to shake my hand.

"A driver would have sufficed Agent Trent."

"The Agency just wanted to extend to you every courtesy Mr. Grayson. You having done such fine work for us in the past and all that," He answers. "Any stops you want to make before we go to the Embassy?"

"Nope," I answer tossing my bag in the trunk. I had considered taking my pistol out and tucking it into my waistband but considering my friend here is already packing and wearing a bulletproof vest for a simple pick up at the airport so I decide not to press my luck.

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