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The Reverend Mother

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Two souls in danger save each other.
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I'm Simon, a software developer in my mid-fifties and divorced. I'm six foot three tall, I could do with losing a few pounds, but I'm not fat.

I was driving home across the Pennines after a long business trip. It was about 3am, February and freezing. I just wanted to get home.

It was a clear, moonlit night. I couldn't drive fast due to the treacherous conditions. The main roads had been gritted but many of the side roads had not.

I guess I should have stayed on the main roads. Ordinarily the side road I had taken was the shortest way home. About a mile ahead I could see the red tail lights of another driver, before they rounded the next bend. I wasn't alone in taking the riskier route.

I soon caught up with them as I was doing 30-40mph, and they were doing 25-30. Overtaking wasn't a safe option as there were some virtually sheer drops of a hundred feet or so to the left. There were also streams that sometimes flowed across the road, and they could be frozen.

I dropped well back to take any pressure off them and matched their speed. Better to get home a little later than not at all. Having them in front would also warn me if there were any icy patches.

There was no other traffic, nothing behind me, and we had met nothing coming the other way. Suddenly the back end of the other car stepped out! The driver didn't brake and steered into it. I eased off.

At first, I thought they'd managed to recover, but then they spun the other way in a complete three-sixty. Their headlights momentarily dazzling me as they faced me. Then they were gone!

"Fuuuuck, they've gone over the edge!" I gasped.

I'd lost most of my speed and gingerly turned the wheel to ease round the bend, but I went straight on! Fortunately I stopped when my sideways-facing wheels touched the verge.

I switched on my hazards and got out. It was a fucking ice rink. I stood at the hole they'd made in the dry stone wall; it was a bracken covered, forty-five degree slope, and then the ground disappeared. It looked bad, they could be seriously injured, or worse.

I got out my phone. "Shit, shit, shit..." no signal. I had to force myself to think and not panic. I went back to my car and got the warning triangle I thought I'd never need. Slipping and sliding, I made my way back the way we'd come. Trying to unfold the fucking thing as I went. I left it four hundred yards up the road to warn other drivers. Then got back to my car as fast as I could.

I put on my coat, emptied my rucksack of laptop and papers and stuffed in a travel rug, first-aid kit, travel sweets and a half-full bottle of water. Grabbing my torch I locked the car, and set off after them.

I sat down and shuffled my way through the flattened bracken. After thirty yards the ground dropped away, a sheer rock face. A tall pine forest grew right up to the base of the thirty to forty foot cliff.

The car, a Volvo estate, was nose-down on the forest floor, lights still on. I called out, my voice echoing back from another rock face. I heard no reply. (estate=station-wagon)

A lot of freshly broken pine tree tops and branches were lying around. Hopefully they had softened the fall as the car broke them off, but either way a Volvo was a good car to be in, I thought.

To my left was a diagonal ledge, just wide enough for a firm foothold. I made my way down, jumping off the last few feet.

The engine wasn't running, I couldn't smell fuel and felt so relieved at that. All I could see through the windows were deflated air-bags. I went round to the driver's door.

The car was nose-down at about forty-five degrees. I could just reach the door handle but couldn't operate it. I banged on the door.

"Hello? Can you hear me? Are you OK?"

"Oh, thank goodness. Yes, yes... I think so." a faint female voice replied.

"Can you open the door?"

I heard her scrabbling at the lever. The door popped open then gravity slammed it forwards, almost taking my head off.

It was a bizarre sight, fabric everywhere. White airbags, black robes and a nun with a wonky nun headdress slumped over the wheel. (I was later told it's not a headdress, the black is the veil and the white is a coif.)

"Is there anyone else? Are they OK?"

"It's just me and I think I'm OK, just bloody uncomfortable. Can you help me get out?"

I was a bit taken aback at hearing her swear but put it down to shock or something.

"It's freezing out here and no telling how long before help arrives. Can you open the passenger door, and I'll try to climb in that side."

"I'll try."

Leaning over she revealed a fair bit of plump leg. I estimated she'd be in her late sixties. She was wearing plain, black, flat shoes and her legs were encased in black nylons. Whether they were tights, stockings, or hold-ups, I couldn't tell.

The passenger door flew open. "Great job!" I exclaimed, "I'm going to try to close this one, keep your fingers out of the way."

After a couple of failed attempts, I managed to slam it shut. I went round to the other side. I struggled to climb in. (Those extra pounds.) I chucked my rucksack in. Then I managed to work the passenger seat belt as far as it would go. Using it as a rope I hauled myself up. Then, using the loop of the seatbelt as a makeshift stirrup, I stood, grabbed the seat and pulled myself inside.

I shut the door. Then I reclined the passenger seat, so I wasn't slumped forward.

"Right, let's see what we can do. I'm Simon by the way." I held out my hand.

"Hello Simon Bytheway, I'm Sister. Thank you so much for helping me." she said with a smile playing on her lips.

"So, a cursing nun with a sense of humour. Sister what? Ascension? Oops, no, quite the opposite in fact." I joked, tracing the dive-bombing trajectory of her car through the air with my hand, "Come on, is it Mary? Margaret? Sister seems too formal."

"Formal? I was letting you off with Sister. Anyone, no matter what their age, or rank, should address a nun as Sister. You should really address me as Reverend Mother. I'm the superior in our convent."

"Sorry." I said, feeling reprimanded.

"Seeing as you're being so polite and gallant, it's Miriam."

"Thank you for telling me, that's a lovely name. But Sister it will be, unless you prefer Reverend Mother."

She laughed, "No, given our circumstances that would be ridiculous. Sister is fine. No calling me Sis, mind you. Now help me out here, please."

"Can you wind the back of the seat down like I have?"

"Already tried, it's stuck."

I then looked in the back of the car. Apart from a holdall it was empty.

"Hang on." I said, clambering into the back.

I chucked the holdall into the passenger footwell to join my rucksack. Then, after a fair bit of struggling, I managed to fold down the rear seats. This created the huge, flat loading space for which old Volvo estates were famous. We could lie on that.

"Can you undo your seatbelt?"

She tried, but she was struggling.

"Here, let me try."

I released the belt then helped her to get it retracted out of the way. But slouched forward as she was, her breasts were trapping it. Freeing it meant putting my hands under her breasts to release it. They were huge, heavy, and soft.

"Sorry." I said.

"Needs must." she replied, a bit breathlessly.

From behind her, I tried to recline her seat.

"I can't budge it either." I said, panting with the effort. "You'll have to come out sideways if you can. If you can't, you'll have to get out of the driver's side door and climb in the passenger side door.

It is a big risk though. If I can't get you back in you'll freeze to death out there."

I looked out of the window, and then I froze.

"Nope, we're not doing that, look! It's started snowing heavily, and the wind is getting up."

I could tell she was a large lady. Not obese, just plump. The skin on her face was smooth, the plumpness smoothing out any wrinkles. But she wouldn't be easy to haul back in.

She had silver hair and brown eyes. Her mouth was slightly down-turned at the corners, giving her a somewhat playful expression, rather than a stern one.

Because of her size, it was going to be tricky, and very undignified getting her out of the front seat. I felt my cock stir at that thought.

"Before we start, let's get your seat as far back as it will go. Can you reach the bar to release it?"

"I think so..."

She released it. But neither she, nor I took into account the angle of the car. Her legs weren't braced ready to take both her weight, and the weight of the seat.

"Oomph!" the air was pushed out of her lungs as she was pressed forwards.

"Release the bar and push with your legs!" I urged.

"I can't reach the bar now!"

"Hang on..."

I tried to reach under her breast and between her legs, but her habit was stopping me.

"Pull it up." Sister said.

I pulled the habit up to her knees and then under her breast. The feel of her hefty tit resting on my arm and the sight of her legs exposed to mid-thigh was turning me on.

I reached for the bar and operated it, "Now. Push!"

She grunted and pushed. I could feel the muscles in her legs tensing, as a result my cock tensed also.

The seat moved, then went back to the fullest extent. With the back seats folded down it wouldn't go back as far it normally would, but it was far enough.

Her legs were now straight, she had a white slip on under her habit. The habit and the slip had ridden to the top of her meaty thighs. She wore sheer, black hold-ups. Her white cotton knickers were just visible. Her mound looked nice and plump. I averted my eyes just before she opened hers.

"Goodness, look at me!" she said rearranging her modesty.

"I'd love to look." I said without thinking, wishing I could pull the words out of the air; before they landed in her ears.

She burst out laughing. A sexy, voluptuous laugh. Quite unbecoming for a nun.

"I can see I'm going to have to watch you young man."

"I'm not that young!"

"Young enough to be my son, just about. If I hadn't taken up the veil."

She was silent for a moment. A far away wistful expression on her face. I thought she was thinking back to what might have been, or what had been, but was left behind.

I coughed.

"OK Sister these are the options. Forget the car's tilting forward like this. Imagine you're in a car park on level ground and your door won't open. You've got to get into the passenger seat to go out of that door. Would you go feet first, or body first?"

"Erm... Body first, I'd never be able to get my feet out of this footwell and over the gear lever."

"OK, I'm here to help. It won't be ladylike for you, and I'll be as gentlemanly as I can. The important thing is you don't get hurt, or end up stuck in a worse position."

"I know, I'm ready. But first let's get rid of this. It will just get in the way, or torn, and then there'd be talk back at The Convent.

She untied the cord around her waist and pulled the habit over her head. Her headdress came off and landed in the footwell.

I passed it to her, "Your headdress came off."

She smiled and that's when she told me their proper names, veil, and coif.

"They might as well stay off too, until I'm out of here."

Her silver hair was in a bun at the back of her head. It looked like it would be long, if it were let down. The slip did not have a low neckline, but I could see the start of her cleavage. Her breasts swayed when she moved.

"Your hair looks like it would be very long if it wasn't tied up."

She looked at me quizzically before replying, "Yes, it is. Down to my waist."

"I'd love to see that. You're quite beautiful you know. Oh shit, I'm sorry! Not for saying shit, ahh! I said shit again, sorry, sorry, sorry. No, for what I just said, about you. It wasn't right... I mean it was right... because you are beauti... Nooo! Said it again. I'm going to stop talking now. I'm just digging a bigger hole."

I was beetroot red. She was blushing, then she smiled, then corrected herself and looked at me sternly.

I was flustered, "I mean, I don't normally blurt out what I'm thinking. It must be you. Some nun superpower or something."

"Well we're not blessed with superpowers I'm afraid. I wish we were. Come on let's get this done."

Huffing and puffing she managed to get her body sideways in the seat. Ready to raise her bottom over the transmission housing and gear lever. What would be straightforward on level ground was much more difficult at a steep angle.

I thought she'd just about made it when she slipped, "Oh! Ow! Help me! The bloody gear lever's pressing on my fanny!"

I tried to get behind her and put my hands under her arms to lift her up, but I was too tall to get in that position. Then I tried lifting her buttocks up from the side, but I couldn't get enough leverage.

In the end I clambered into the seat that she had just vacated to assess the problem. If it wasn't for the gusset of her knickers the knob of the gearstick might have entered her. It looked like the car was in fourth gear, it was a five speed box.

"I'm sorry about this Sister, I think this is the only way."

"Just do what you have to Simon." she panted.

My fingers curled around the gear knob, between the knob and her pussy. I could feel her heat and I could see her salt and pepper pubic hair. Pushing the clutch down with my foot I moved the gear stick forwards into neutral, rubbing her pussy in the process (causing her to gasp) and then towards me, away from her. I was by then rock hard.

"Oh that's so much better, thank you."

"Let's see if we can get you all the way onto that seat."

Swivelling in my seat to face her, I put my forearms under her thighs and lifted her bum over into the other seat. I thought we'd made it, but somehow her upper body ended up in the passenger footwell with her bum still on the seat.

So, I clambered round to the other side and what a sight greeted me! Because of the tilt of the car, her legs were up in the air and gravity was pulling them wide apart. When I'd moved the gear lever forwards, that must have pulled her gusset to one side. I could now plainly see her full bush, slit, clitoris and her vaginal opening. She looked quite moist.

I wanted to taste her, to give her exquisite pleasure, to make her cum in my face. Fortunately her nun superpowers failed her that time and I didn't speak it out loud.

I shuffled towards her, my knees apart. If I had been naked, and about to slide my cock into the Reverend Mother's vagina; that was the position I was actually in when I leant forward to grab her wrists to pull her up. She held onto my wrists and I pulled her up. She held on to me for dear life, her arms around my back, her heavy breasts pressed into my chest. Her legs around me, mine around her. For all the world we looked like two lovers in a tantric sex position. I wished we were. I wondered if she felt the same way?

"Much as I would love to stay like this forever Sister, we need to get your clothes back on."

She lifted her head off my shoulder and looked at me. I mean looked into me. Our eyes connected, no words were said, her eyes were soft and gentle but peering into my soul.

After about a minute, which isn't long, but it felt like much more than that, she said, "Yes, we do." It came out more as a sigh than a spoken word.

While she put her things back on I pulled my rucksack and her holdall out of the footwell. I raised the back of the passenger seat again, so feet could be braced against it, given the crazy angle of the car. I pulled out the travel rug, sweets, and water.

"Do you have any food, drink or warm layers in yours?" I asked.

"Yes, there's some milk, bread, and bacon. But I'm not eating raw bacon."

"We will if we have to, but I don't think it'll come to that. Layers?"

"Just towels and dirty underwear really."

I could at least put something on my head, I thought. Fortunately her superpowers failed her again, and I kept that to myself. But perhaps they didn't as she gave me a funny look, as if to say, "What?"

I gave her the travel rug to cover herself and I took her towels to cover me. It was bitterly cold. Now that we didn't have the distraction of how to get her out of the cramped position, it started to bite.

"I'm really cold Simon."

"Me too."

"Do you think the engine will start? Then we could put the heater on."

"It might, but we can't risk it. The crash could have damaged a fuel line upstream of the pump and while I can't smell any fuel, once fuel is under pressure it might spray out."

"Oh, yes, quite... But I'm really cold."

"Will you be OK if I get under the same covers with you, and we share body heat?" I asked.

A pause.

"Yes. It would be silly not to."

I spread the travel rug, so I had space to get under as well and the towels I laid on top of the rug. Then I climbed in with her. She put her arm around me, and we lay on our sides, face to face. She put one leg between my legs and the other over my outer leg. I put my other leg on top of the stack of legs.

It was warmer than before, but the cold was still creeping in.

"I'm still cold Simon."

"Me too, I know what will work, but I don't think you could do it."


"Skin to skin. It's what soldiers would do to survive."

"But how, what?"

"How much room is there in your habit, if you undo the cord? It looks a bit tent-like?"

"Ooh, I don't know, I don't know if I could though. What would people say?" she said with a shaky voice.

"Needs must. Isn't that what you said Miriam?"

"Well, yes it does make sense."

"I think so too."

"But the order might take the view that it's better to die of hypothermia than, than..."

"Than what?"

"Than lie naked with a man."

"Perhaps, but you'd be saving my life as well as yours."

"That's true, that's very true."

Long silence.

"Go on then." she said, "I'll undo the cord. You take off your clothes."

Sister Miriam, Reverend Mother, untied the cord around her waist. I removed my clothes, all the time trying to stay under the rug and towels so as not to let heat escape.

"Lie on your side. I'll put my clothes under your back for insulation and what little heat is left in them."

She did so.

"OK roll back over them."

She did. I moved down and crawled under her habit. I couldn't see a thing, more's the pity. But I could feel her warmth emanating from her and could I smell... arousal? In any case we needed to be skin to skin. I peeled down her hold-ups, trying not to ladder them. Then I reached for the waistband of her knickers.

I started to pull them down, she lifted her bum to assist me. I took them down her legs and completely off. She couldn't see me, so I put them to my nose. Her musk hit me like a sledgehammer, she was most definitely aroused. I moved my hands up the length of her body taking her thin, white slip up with them. It was a tight fit, two of us under the habit. My cursing as I kept trying to work the habit down behind me gave her the giggles.

"Why don't I just take my clothes off and use my habit and my slip as extra layers?"

"Might be best." I admitted. In reality, I was overjoyed. The torchlight might let me see more of her.

She took off her habit and slip but left her bra on.

I reached around and unfastened it.

"We need as much skin on skin as possible."

She tossed her bra to one side. She then went to remove her veil and coif.

"No, leave them on. We lose a lot of heat through our heads. I should really put all your knickers on my head, but it wouldn't do to fall asleep and be found by rescuers looking like that."

She laughed. She looked fantastic naked. My cock was a rod of iron. She looked at it and looked at me.

"I can't help it, I'm only human, ignore it, it might go away."

"I'm only human too." she said with that wistful look.

I lay on top of her, and we covered ourselves as best we could. My scrotum was resting on her upper thigh. The underside of my shaft lay across her mons, the head of my cock on her belly, over her womb.


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