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The Rock Chick Ch. 03

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Simon's adventures in Rae's salon continue...
3.8k words

Part 2 of the 3 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 02/23/2021
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The Rock Chick

Chapter 3

The warm water cascaded over me as I slid the door closed. Secure within the shower cubicle, I reached instinctively for my cock, watching entranced as my fingers wrapped around its rapidly stiffening shaft. My nails glistened as the water flowed over them, pink and delicate and feminine.

I ran my fingers gently up and down, lightly scratching the soft skin with the neat, shapely tips of the nails, revelling in Rae's transformation of my hand, remembering the sensations of the salon -- the smell of her hair, the feel of her hand massaging mine, the frown of concentration in her dark, heavily mascaraed eyes.

The thrill as she carefully smoothed the polish down the length of first one nail, then another, then another.

The shower pounded against my shoulders. I stroked my cock faster and faster, never taking my eyes off my nails. My pretty hands. Rae's pretty hands. Rae, with her perfect, exaggerated makeup and her artfully coloured hair. And her tattoos. And piercings. Her nipple piercing. The swell of her perfect pierced breasts as she leaned over me, applying lipstick to my own perfect lips...

My shoulders heaved as I came. I raised my head and the water sluiced over me, washing me clean.


As I dried off and quickly prepared for work, I found myself fighting a growing feeling of anxiety. Not about my job, for once -- that was actually going pretty well... but about Rae. It was Friday, and our next appointment was scheduled for the following Monday. For the first time, I was thinking about it with something other than giddy excitement.

Yes -- I had enjoyed her giving me haircut and a manicure, and there was no doubt I really enjoyed being the centre of her attention. I mean, who wouldn't? But was I really ready to spend a year -- a whole year -- letting her try out treatments on me? What if she wanted to do something I didn't like, or which people would notice?

What if one of the treatments made me look weird? Or stupid?

What if I ended up looking like a girl?

These thoughts were still echoing round my head at lunch time. The more I thought about it, the more I decided that this was a bad idea; I should call Rae and cancel. I had to!

I didn't want any of my co-workers to overhear this particular conversation, especially Tim, so I took my lunch out to a bench in a quiet square. There was no one else around, so I pressed Rae's number and waited.

"Razor's Edge, Rae speaking." At the sound of her voice, my mind was suddenly swimming with those familiar thoughts again. Her hair. Her perfume. Her piercings. Her touch. I looked down at my nails, the polish still shining in the sun. What was I doing?

"Hello?" She sounded impatient.

"Oh, er, hi! It's Simon."

"Hi Simon! What's up? Looking forward to our appointment on Monday." I wasn't sure if that was a statement or a question.

"Uh... yeah. Me too!" No! Why did I say that??

"Cool. Actually, I'm glad you called, I wanted to talk to you."

She wanted to talk to me! She'd been thinking about me too! Suddenly my cock was rock hard again.

"Oh? Sure, what's up?" I could hear the excitement in my voice, and hoped Rae wouldn't pick up on it.

"Well, I've finally started taking on some new staff, which is awesome. I know you already signed off on it in the contract, but I just wanted to give you a heads up that my new junior stylist will be sitting in on your next treatment. Maybe helping out a little too if necessary. Nothing major. Is that cool?

Nooooo! I was calling because I was already anxious about the appointment when I thought just Rae was there! Now someone else would be there too? And where in the contract had it said anything about someone else being there?

"Oh, sure, I guess. No problem." The words just fell out. I felt sick.

"Great!" Rae sounded relieved. "You don't know how much it means to me that you're doing this, and it'll be a lot quicker with two of us. Anyway, sorry -- what was it you were calling about?"

Yeah, what was it again?

"Right, uh, I was just checking... what time I should be there." Seriously. What's wrong with me?

"Two, if that's OK. Oh, and wear something light that you take off easily."

"Sure. Great -- I'll see you then."

She rang off. I sat there on the bench for another half hour. There were so many excuses I could have given, so many ways I could have got out of that damned appointment. But for some reason I just hadn't, and now things were going to get even more embarrassing!


The weekend slipped past unnoticed in a haze of fear and excitement. I genuinely can't remember one thing about it.

Tim had given me Monday afternoon off, as I feared he would, and before I knew it I was once again walking down the high street to Rae's salon. As requested, I'd changed out of my work suit and into a baggy Ramones t-shirt and baggy trousers.

My heart was beating way faster than it should, and my cock was twitching visibly in my trousers. I paused outside the salon door, took a deep breath, tried to discreetly loosen the crotch of my trousers, and pushed through the door.

The salon was packed. Four of the salon's styling chairs were already occupied and, as I approached the reception desk, a fifth client emerged from the treatment area with a towel wrapped around her head. A tall, willowy stylist with black hair and lipstick guided her to the fifth station. Like all the stylists, she sported several visible tattoos, as well as a silver ring through one nostril. All had edgily styled and coloured hair and carefully distressed clothes.

The salon smelled richly of shampoo and hairspray and bleach, and echoed with the sound of classic rock and loud conversations.

Suddenly I caught sight of Rae. Her back was to me, but I recognised her signature white hair and confident stance. She was holding a strip of foil and painting a thick, purple paste onto a strand of her client's hair, pausing only to laugh at the woman's joke. Then she neatly folded the foil over once, twice, three times so it matched the dozens already in place. For a second -- just a second -- I wished that was me in her chair.

"Hello -- can I help you?" A woman had appeared behind the reception desk and was looking at me enquiringly.

I blinked. The woman was startling in her absolute ordinariness. Everything about her was ordinary, from her soft accent and subtle makeup to her knee-length cardigan and naturally straight brown hair which was tucked casually behind one ear.

"Hi -- I have an appointment with Rae. Simon... is me." I finished lamely.

To my relief she smiled and jotted something in the ledger in front of her.

"Hello Simon -- I'm Jess. Rae's told me all about you. She's running a little behind with her one o'clock, so she's asked me to take you through and get you prepped. OK?"

I nodded and smiled, not trusting myself to say anything more. My heart was pounding harder than ever -- now I was going to get prepped? What for? What was I DOING?

Jess returned my smile innocently, and led the way between the mirrors to the treatment area. There she opened a door I hadn't noticed before and led me down a long corridor broken by several numbered doors. How big was this place?

She stopped at the door marked "Seven" and opened it, stepping back to allow me to enter first.

The room was small and brightly lit, and smelled heavily of incense. There was a long table on one side holding three odd-looking white devices and a clutter of sticks and pieces of paper. The rock music which dominated the rest of the salon was still playing, but was softer, less intrusive.

In the middle of the room was a long, low bed covered with a paper sheet.

Jess handed me a rolled-up white towel. "Right," she said briskly. "Please take off your clothes. Then just lie down on your back with the towel over you, and I'll be back shortly with Rae. Alright? Good."

With that, she breezed out of the room, closing the door behind her. I stood there, holding the towel and not for the first time wondering what on earth I had got myself into. Was I getting a massage? That would be OK!

The thought of Rae's hands running over my body made my cock twitch once again.

Nervously I shed my clothes and piled them on a chair in the corner. Naked, I was just about to sit down on the bed when I noticed the full-length mirror discreetly tucked in one corner of the room. Glancing at the door, I quickly walked over to it and looked at reflection. I wasn't in bad shape -- a few years earlier I had spent a lot of time at the gym in an effort to get in shape, and my legs and arms still showed the tone which had resulted from that. But several weeks of comfort eating had swollen my previously flat stomach and taut arse. My chest too was softer and rounder than I would have liked, under the matted thatch of hair.

Suddenly I heard voices approaching in the corridor. Remembering with a start that I was completely naked, I leapt onto the table and unrolled the towel. It was tiny -- barely a foot long! At best it would only just cover my crotch, and even then I wasn't sure it would disguise very much! I draped it over myself as best I could and lay back, already feeling it slipping off to one side. I grabbed one corner and dragged it back into place, holding it there with a vice-like grip.

The door opened and Jess entered, followed closely by Rae. Rae looked as stunning as always. Today she had toned down her smoky eyes, just a little, and had gone to town on her lips -- they looked full and perfectly shaped and very, very red. With her tousled white hair, artfully slashed jeans and low-cut, vaguely military top, she was an absolute contrast to Jess's prim and conservative style.

"Hey Simon! Awesome to see you!"

I raised my head and smiled awkwardly, acutely aware of just how much of me she could see.

"Thanks for agreeing to have Jess here. She's going to be my number two on all your treatments so you guys will be seeing lots of each other over the next few weeks."

Rae turned to Jess, suddenly all business.

"OK -- so you've already met Simon, so let's get started right away. I assume you've filled and started the heater?

Heater? What were they heating? The room didn't feel any warmer than the rest of the salon!

Jess stepped over to the machine on the side table. It was about the size and shape of a slow cooker, with a screen on the front and a large lid on the top. She examined the screen and then nodded to Rae.

"Great! So the next step is to examine the client and then usually consult with them about what they want done. Though obviously in this case Simon has given me the right to make all the treatment decisions for him."

This was sounding less and less like a massage. And when had I given Rae the right to decide what sort of treatment I wanted? I didn't have time to object, however, as Rae was gesturing at my body.

"As you can see, Simon is moderately hairy on his chest," she ran her fingers lightly over my chest hair, "Arms, armpits, abdomen and legs. And let's just have a look under here..."

Without asking, Rae lifted the towel off my crotch and placed it to one side. "As you can see, he has a lot of pubic hair around his pelvis, penis and testicles." Jess actually leaned over to have a closer look, nodding. I could feel my cheeks burning as the two women examined my private parts. Had I really signed up for this?

"Now Simon, if you could roll over onto all fours... thank you. You can see he doesn't have a hairy back or particularly hairy buttocks, which will make things easier, but..." I suddenly felt a pair of hands spreading my buttocks. "As you can see, he does have quite a lot on his perianal region. Thank you Simon, you can lie down on your back again."

I obeyed her once again; what else could I do?

"So obviously the goal of the treatment is to ensure the client is completely hairless from the neck down. That will be a huge step towards achieving the aesthetic we want for him, as well as allowing us to have a much clearer look at the rest of the canvas we've got to work with. Shall we get started?"

Jess nodded, and lifted the lid on the slow cooker. A new odour joined the scent of incense, reminding me of Sundays in church as a child, surrounded by slowly dripping candles.

So... wax. Didn't that really, really hurt? My exes had all complained that waxing was an extremely painful experience, and they'd been waxed many times before!

While my mind was whirling with that thought, Rae had started sprinkling powder up over my legs.

"We'll start with the feet and legs," she continued, again talking just to Jess. "Front first, then the back. Then we'll move on to the arms and torso, before finishing with the pubic area.

"I'm spreading talc on the area to be waxed to absorb any excess moisture or oils which could make the wax less effective."

She ran her hands softly up and down my legs, sending tingles shooting up to my crotch. Rae's hands were on my legs. My soon to be hairless legs! She saw me watching her, and winked one of those beautiful eyes at me. My cock twitched and my cheeks flushed once again.

Jess lifted a wooden stick out of the pot, twirling the end to prevent the blob of hot wax on the end of it attached. She passed it to Rae, then leaned over me to watch as the beautiful blonde carefully began spreading the wax across my shin, explaining every step as she went.

The sensation was electrifying. The wax was hot, but not painfully so; nevertheless, all the nerves in my legs came to full alert as she slid the spatula across a long narrow section of my lower leg. Satisfied that she had applied a good thick coating, Rae handed the stick back to Jess and took a piece of cloth or paper, about eight inches long, and pressed it firmly over the wax. She held the skin of my leg taut with one hand, took a firm hold on one end of the strip... and swept it off.

Did it hurt? Oh, it hurt! I gritted my teeth and did my best not to show it, but it really, REALLY hurt.

Then she did it again. And again. And again. My hair was being literally ripped out of my skin, and all I could think of was the pain. Why was I letting them do this? Why? WHY?

And then, with my feet and lower legs hairless, a different sensation began to creep in alongside the pain. Enjoyment.

I know how that sounds. I've never been attracted to the idea of pain. Maybe it was the sensation of Rae's hands on my skin, creeping ever higher up my legs towards my thighs. Or the psychological effect of being literally stripped bare over and over again. Or the sensation of the hot wax suddenly cooling and hardening on my skin. Or maybe it was the feeling of being utterly powerless to stop Rae from carrying out the treatment that I neither asked for nor wanted. I don't know.

All I do know is that I liked it. And with that came another problem.

My cock, which had retreated to a safe distance as soon as the pain started, suddenly woke up and tried to make itself know. Lying on my back, staring at the ceiling, I could feel it stiffening, little by little as Rae spread her wax on me. I tried taking deep breaths, thinking about politics and sports, anything to make it go down; nothing worked. By the time she had reached my inside thigh it was hard and throbbing, and I could feel a growing dampness on my thigh which could only mean it had started to leak pre-cum.

The only saving grace was that neither Rae nor Jess mentioned it; nevertheless, there it was, the elephant in the room.

Finally, Rae finished my legs and moved round to work on my chest. My legs felt weird -- I could feel every tiny movement of air around them; it was utterly captivating. So captivating, in fact, that I barely noticed as she began to tear the hair from my chest. Strip by strip, section by section, the hair came away to reveal the pink, vulnerable skin beneath. Soon I could feel both Rae and Jess's breath on my chest, caressing the hairless skin, sending miniature shockwaves through my body.

Soon my arms and armpits were similarly hairless, and the moment I had been dreading had arrived.

"Great -- we're nearly there. Just the pubic area to go," said Rae. Was it just my imagination, or did she sound just a little more excited about this than she should have?

"This is always a little more tricky with male clients, so I'll need your help, Jess."

She began spreading the talc over my crotch, and suddenly her hands were on my cock and balls, gliding over them with practiced skill. I very nearly came right then.

"Now, there's always a lot of soft and stretchy skin down here, so the important thing is to keep everything as tight as we can. So I'll need you to stretch his penis out like this..."

She took hold of my cock and demonstrated by stretching it upwards to reveal the underside. She let go, and suddenly Jess's hands were on my cock instead. I breathed deeply.

Then I was hit with the sudden warmth of the wax being spread up the underside of my cock and across my balls. I felt it start to set, and then the exquisite pain as it was ripped away again. My cock was leaking freely now -- I could feel the precum dripping down my leg, but there was nothing I could do about it.

The two women continued with the hair removal, pulling my cock in first one direction, then another. At several points I very nearly came, but each time I managed to supress it.

Finally, Rae asked me to kneel up on the table once more and, with Jess holding my ass cheek apart, began spreading wax around my butthole. That was possibly the most painful and humiliating part yet, but by that point I was beyond caring. My body was flooded with endorphins, and I knew I would do anything Rae told me to.

Finally it was over. Rae told me to sit on the table to "recover" which she and Jess tidied up. That done, she asked Jess to go and greet her 4 o' clock client. Jess smiled at me, and I thanked her dreamily for all her hard work and said I hoped to see her again soon.

Once she'd left, closing the door behind her, Rae finally turned to me.

"So... what do you think?" she asked.

I nodded slowly, my mind still muddled by the endorphins. "It was painful... but not as bad as I'd always imagined."

She smiled, flashing her beautiful red lips. Then she led me by the hand to the mirror in the corner and stood behind me.

"Look at yourself. What do you see?"

I looked. The transformation was extraordinary. My chest... my legs... my crotch. I looked softer, more vulnerable... more feminine. My cock, still semi-hard stood out starkly above my hairless balls.

"I... I look good," I replied. And I did.

"Touch yourself." A couple of hours earlier this would have felt extraordinary -- a violation. But now... it just seemed like a normal thing for Rae to say. Obediently, I raised my fingers to my hairless chest, noticing the delicate nails against my skin. I slid them down to my hips, revelling in the smoothness of the skin.

Down towards my crotch...

Rae got there first. Kneeling before me, her lips brushed the end of my cock, bringing it fully erect once more. They parted, and my cock sank slowly into her mouth, her ruby lips forming a perfect O around it. I let out a little moan.

I felt Rae's tongue glide up and down the underside as she took more and more of me into her mouth. I watched, entranced, as she swallowed me whole, the head of my cock resting briefly in the back of her throat. Her fingers stroked the backs of my thighs, slid over my buttocks, but I was entranced by her eyes, hypnotised by her beautiful thickly mascaraed lashes and dark eyeliner and smoky eye shadow.

Her fingers explored higher, gently parting my cheeks once more as her lips moved softly back and forth over my cock, her eyes never leaving mine. Suddenly I felt a soft pressure on my ass, and realised with a rush that her finger was already sliding slowly into my tight hole. It was as if every sensation from that day suddenly aligned; Rae, my humiliation, my smooth hairless body, the pain, the unexpected sensation in my ass... The sensation of fulfilment grew and grew as Rae's lips and tongue moved faster and faster over my cock, taking me deeper and deeper inside her, deeper and deeper inside me... oh god...


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