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The Room Ch. 02

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Can she resist his next move?
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Part 2 of the 2 part series

Updated 06/07/2023
Created 03/24/2014
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Note - This story follows on from The Room Ch. 01. My apologies for the delay in releasing this. Hope you enjoy it.


He'd struggled to keep his control all weekend, filling his time with hours of surfing, weights at the gym and catching up with friends to avoid the temptation of reaching out to her. He was relentless in the pursuit of anything that would keep him mindlessly occupied.

Any break in these activities meant the memory of her would flood his mind with a torrent of images, sounds and the memory of her scent. He could feel her against him. He needed distraction to keep his control.

He'd formulated his next step and needed to keep restrained until Thursday night. There was an industry event that he was sure she'd be at and he just had to occupy himself until then.

He knew that this girl was what he wanted. Not just for another night-much longer, but it had to be on his terms, his way. She had been on his mind for a long time after they first met. Lingering in his thoughts as he juggled the always available women he played with. He loved her cuteness, her intelligence. But it was the Madonna/whore factor that really drew him to her. There was the good girl she so obviously is, wrestling with desires she didn't quite fathom. It was almost comical to watch her inner turmoil when they talked. He loved seeing her reaction every time he pushed her buttons, loved knowing she had no idea how open she was to him. It was so delicious an experience, the buildup every bit as thrilling as the eventual climax.

And then there was that body, that skin! He'd never felt skin so soft on a woman. Soft from her legs up to her long neck that demanded biting. He loved her little nipples that just begged to be sucked and pinched and played with. Even now as he rested on his board in the water with the twilight approaching, he was hard thinking about how she moved, how she resisted and then capitulated. The wetness and taste of her pussy was divine. The way he'd made her beg for his cock.


Thursday night arrived and he saw her as soon as she entered the room. She looked gorgeous and sweet and he saw the glances she received from a number of men. He kept out of sight standing amongst a group of colleagues and was gratified to see her glance around the room a number of times. Looking. As her eyes scanned the room for the third time, he stepped to the side from the cluster of men and she saw him. He stood there watching her watching him. Her eyes widened and he could see she was frozen for a second or two before pointedly turning away.

He timed his approach an hour later when she moved to the bar and perched on a stool to order a drink. He came up behind her.

"You've been avoiding me all evening," He said

"Do I know you?" She arched her eyebrow.

He grinned. "Very well if I recall."

She scowled and turned back to the bar as the bartender approached and ordered a glass of wine. The bartender (blonde, pretty) turned to him with a smile for his order.

"Nothing for him, he's leaving," she stated before he could open his mouth. The bartender smiled and turned away to prepare her drink.

"Is that what you're hoping? That I'll leave?"

"Very much. You can start now." She replied, a slight smile on her face and turned back to the bar again, pulling out money for her drink.

He grinned widely. This was going to be so much fun.

"I don't think you want me to go. I think you feel you have to say that."

"No I genuinely want you to go. Did you ever think about that?"

He paused, looking at her quietly-intently. "I think you're saying that because you feel vulnerable and feel some need to preserve your dignity."

She turned to him suddenly, her face flushed with anger. "What do you want?"

He was taken aback by the ferocity in her voice.

"Really, tell me! What?"

"I want you." He replied, slightly surprised by his honesty. "I want to meet you. Tomorrow night in a hotel bar. I want to see you walk in and watch every man wish you were there for him. I want to watch you walk over to me slowly and sit down and have a civilized drink with me, while I try very hard not to think about what I will do to you when I take you upstairs to the room I've booked."

Her mouth, slightly parted got widened with every word I spoke, until she was gaping at me. "You really have some nerve! Not in this lifetime." She slipped off the barstool preparing to leave. He stood and grabbed her arm firmly so they were pressed together for a few seconds as he spoke.

"You're angry I left you there. Angry I didn't call, but I had my reasons. What I did doesn't change what happened in that room. Doesn't change the pleasure you felt. You can be angry with me forever or think about what it would be like to meet me tomorrow," With that said he gently let go of her arm, his thumb sliding slowly off her forearm.

She took a few steps back, her eyes wide and then turned on her heel and walked out of the bar.

He smiled. Mission accomplished.


He waited until late morning the next day to text her -

- "7.30 tonight. Same hotel. The bar" -


He was at the bar at 7.20 dressed in his favorite suit and a crisp new shirt, feeling the room key in his pocket. He sat at a table with a good view of the entrance and ordered 2 whiskeys, neat.

7.30 came and went. 7.35 ...7.40. Still no sign of her. At 7.45 he noticed heads turning toward the door and there she was, talking with the maitre' d, slowly slipping her trench coat off her shoulders.

Every head in the room was now focused on her as she made her entrance toward the bar in long slow steps. Her hair was down except for some pulled back at the crown of her head, her little black lace dress skimmed her body in an elegant, sexy manner and showed her breasts off to perfection. She looked like a sweet, sexy goddess and he felt himself grow hard as she moved toward him, her eyes never leaving his face as she approached.

She sat delicately in the chair opposite him. He was so entranced he had forgotten to stand. He quickly tried to regain his composure and asked her if she wanted ice in her drink.

"No thank you." She said demurely.

"You look incredible,"

She smiled and sipped her drink. "I can't stay long. I just wanted to know something and then I'm off to another engagement." She stated.


His heart was beating faster than he expected and he smiled inwardly. She was trying to turn the tables on him. Was she really going to leave?

"You said you had your reasons. Reasons for leaving me alone in that room. Reasons for not calling me. What are they?"

As she spoke she leaned back in her chair and leisurely recrossed her legs. For a split second he saw a glimpse of her beautiful tanned thighs and the shadow of her panties and he knew there was no way he was going to let her walk out of there.

He stared at her for a few seconds. He had an opportunity to make this happen and suspected he would have to change tack slightly. Some openness was required. More than he'd planned.

"The truth is I am what I am." He started slowly, watching her carefully. "I love the pleasure of women, but only on my terms,"

"Your terms?"

"I need control. I need to be in control of myself. I need to control who I'm with. I walked out of that room because I wanted to stay. I didn't call you because I wanted to."

Her expression changed slightly.

"So this is the way you are with women."

"No. I usually leave because I want to leave. I don't call because I don't care to."

She stared at him for awhile. The fire in the bar flickered behind her creating a glow around her hair. She shifted slightly in her chair and took a long sip of her drink. He sensed the atmosphere changing, his honesty was catnip.

He knew what he said next would make or break the evening.

"I don't claim to be perfect, not even close, but I want you more than I've ever wanted a woman. I want you naked, in my hands and I want to see the pleasure in your face as I touch you every way I want,"

He watched her carefully as her breathing changed. Slight short breaths just at her chest, making her breasts move lightly, rapidly. She drank deeply from her glass.

He stood up slowly, adjusting his jacket, looking down at her. "I want you to stand up, take my hand and walk out of the bar with me,"

She looked at him for long, slow seconds and then placed her glass on the table as she stood facing him. The inch of space between them was electric. He took her hand gently and led her out of the bar.


He opened the door to the room and ushered her in. When he stepped in behind her he closed it and moved her quickly, firmly against the door, her back against it, his body against hers.

Her breath, already coming in short gasps during the elevator ride was practically non existent as he looked down at her and brought his hand up to the side of her neck.

He dipped his head and brushed his lips lightly against hers slowly, his thumb tracing down the side of her neck. His lips pressed more firmly against hers and his tongue parted her mouth and touched hers over and over. Her eyes were closed as he ran his lips down her jaw and continued to her neck. Hot, slow kisses as his hand reached her hair clip, letting her soft hair tumble around her face. A moan escaped her lips as his tongue trailed back up her neck to her jaw.

Without warning his other hand yanked the skirt of her dress up to her waist. Her eyes flew open and he grinned down at her as his body pinned her harder against the door.

"Tell me the truth. Did you really have somewhere else you were planning to go tonight?" He asked.

His left hand was on her neck and his right was tracing a path up the front of her naked thigh. Her brain was in a complete fog.

"Well?" He drawled.

"Ah...yes and no." She stammered.

"I'm not sure I understand." He grinned, teasing her with his right hand which had lazily made its way to the front of her lacy black panties.

"I... I had somewhere to go if I wanted to."

"Oh I see!" His fingers made slow circles on her mound as he brought his left hand down to tug the strap of her dress of her shoulder. "You were waiting to hear what I had to say."

"I... um..." Thoughts were becoming impossible as he'd pulled her dress down one side and had dipped his head to take her breast into his mouth.

"I missed that. What was it you said?" He asked as he sucked harder on her breast and slipped one finger inside her panties.

"I... um... What was the question?"

He laughed. "God I don't think I've ever known a girl who gets as wet as you so quickly!"

With that he dropped to his knees and pulled her underwear down to her thighs and plunged his face hard into her pussy, his tongue penetrating her lips. Her knees buckled and he reached up with his hands and grabbed her ass and held her up against the door as his tongue lapped at her over and over, slowly, languidly.

Her hands flung out to the side to grab at anything that would keep here there. "Please." She whispered. "Please I can't stand. Please!!" She squealed.

He threw her over his shoulder in a fireman's lift and walked the few steps to the bed and threw her down. He yanked the panties from her and forced her legs open, sinking his tongue back inside her with a ferocity she'd never encountered and in seconds it became too much. He held her thighs down hard as she wiggled and her body tried to leap off the bed as her orgasm overtook her. He shoved two fingers inside her and her pussy spasmed around them, her gasps filled the room.

He stood back from the bed and surveyed his work, his cock straining in his pants as he took in the sight of her writhing on the bed half dressed.

He slowly undid his shirt, placing it on the chair, the rest of his clothes following quickly.

She raised her head as he made his way to the bed and slid her clothes over her head.

He straddled her beautiful body and took her breasts in both hands as his tongue made long slow strokes from bottom to top.

She felt him hard against her as he took each nipple in his mouth, sucking and nipping as he ran his hands over her, groaning as he savored the taste of her skin.

She lifted her head to look at him and quickly rose up, flipping him onto his back with her on top.

He looked up in surprise as she drunk in the sight of this man beneath her, her hands running up his arms to those shoulders, those incredible shoulders. What was it about those shoulders?

His hands reached up to touch her and she grabbed his wrists and placed them back on the bed. "I want to touch you." She said as she trailed her hands slowly over his chest.

He leaned his head back and closed his eyes as her fingers explored his torso, reveling in the feel of his hard muscles under his skin. She ran her hands down his abdomen and moved down his body until, on her knees she was staring at his hard cock.

She had never wanted a cock in her mouth as much as she did at that moment. It was hard, with a perfect length and thickness and just thinking about how it had felt inside her the other night made her even wetter.

She grabbed the base of him and circled her tongue around the tip as he arched up slightly. She continued this delicate work until he was wet from her mouth and then plunged down to take as much of him as she could, sucking hard as she pulled back. "Oh fuck." He moaned as she did it again and again, with little strokes of her hand.

She twirled the head of his cock with her tongue again lightly, until his hips were straining upward and she sank her mouth down hard again, just for one slow, hard suck. Again she resumed her gentle licking, holding her open mouth over his cock so he could feel her hot breath, but no other sensation except the occasional flick of her tongue.

She was driving him insane with this teasing. He grabbed her under her arms and rolled on top of her sinking his cock inside her in one stroke before she knew what had happened. "Oh god!" She cried as he fucked her hard for a dozen strokes.

"You want to tease me?" "You want me to beg for your mouth?" He growled into her ear.

He pulled out of her and rolled her onto her front and standing at the foot of the bed, yanked her hips back to him and shoved his cock into her hard from behind.

She let out a wild gasp as he plunged into her mercilessly from behind, forcing her hips back to meet his cock. He spanked her right ass cheek every second or third stroke as she cried out over and over again, arching her back like a cat.

He continued on until he had to stop. He didn't want this to end just yet and she needed some payback for the teasing-for the way she tried to take control.

Pulling out he smacked her ass hard and then gathered all her hair into one bunch and yanked her up so she was on her knees in front of him with her back arched against his torso and her neck exposed.

He held her like that silently for a dozen seconds, breathing near her ear as he calmed down.

He brought one hand to the top of her neck, under her jaw and slowly started to trail it downward.

"So. Let's see now,"

His hand made his way down her body as if slicing her in half. When he reached her pussy he very gently dipped his thumb in and then moved it, wet, to her ass.

He began to gently circle where she'd never been touched before. She tensed up. He paused, waiting for her to relax. He breathed in her ear, his breath hot, melting her resistance and his left hand gripped her hair. He increased the pressure slightly as she relaxed and she once again felt that edge of the precipice feeling, felt so out of her depth.

"You arrived late." he whispered as he kept circling. "What do you have to say about that?"

"I...I'm sorry," she said as he lightly bit her earlobe and pushed his finger in ever so slightly.

"And you pretended you were going to leave after one drink, didn't you?" he said as he wiggled just the tip of his thumb in her and was very pleased to feel her body start to relax. He flicked her clit hard with his middle finger and she jumped like she'd been hit with an electric current. As she relaxed he moved his thumb in up to the first knuckle and two fingers of the same hand slipped into her very wet pussy.

Her breath caught in her throat as he tightened the hold on her hair and his his fingers kept exploring.

"You walked into that bar knowing every man wanted you on their cock. You knew that I would see you and do almost anything to stop you walking out of that bar without me. You knew that and you liked it, didn't you?" He started to move his hand faster, deeper.

"Didn't you," It was no longer a question and his hand kept moving, his fingers probing deeper and he knew without looking at her that she was feeling a level of pleasure she'd never experienced, her fear heightening the physical sensation.

He pulled his fingers out, keeping his thumb in her ass, now in all the way and forced her forward to her hands. He wiggled his thumb as he pulled her hair hard and reveled in seeing her body writhe and her breath catch in her throat.

He reached forward, released her hair and grabbed her nipple, squeezing hard. "Did you think I'd let you get away with all that?" He growled as he pinched her and positioned his cock against her pussy.

Her breath was coming in ragged gasps and he knew she would do anything for his cock right now but still feared where he'd put it. He grabbed himself and ran it up against her wet, bare pussy as his thumb continued its work.

Without warning he pulled it out and she held her breath; scared, excited, nervous about what might come next. He laughed, slapped her ass very hard and drove his cock into her pussy and fucked her deeply with long strokes of his cock as his hands alternated between grabs of her thighs and hips. "I'm going to have your ass, but not this time." He taunted.

She collapsed under the weight of him but fought the delicious fight using her strength to move and twist and shift them both as he fucked her so hard, his hand at her throat. He'd never felt so animalistic and so male as he forced all his weight on top of her until she was unable to move.

He grabbed both wrists and held her arms underneath her as he thrust over and over, his teeth hard on her neck. The pleasure of having her beneath him, yielding to him, allowing him to control her so entirely was more than he could handle.

His breath was hot in her ear and every muscle in his body tensed as he rose up and with a roar came hard and endlessly, dimly aware of her body arching up to meet him and her cries filling the room. Their torsos remained poised above the bed for long seconds as pleasure coursed through both of them and their bodies twitched and bucked.

Finally, they fell together back to the bed and she was pinned down by the weight of his body, heavy and exhausted and stretched out over her so she could not move...ever...until he let her.

...To be continued.

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desjdesjabout 6 years ago

Sad that there is not more wish there was

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 8 years ago
So nice

Why dont you finish your story ? !

hungry4femdomhungry4femdomalmost 8 years ago
Two Sides of the Same Coin.

Two Sides of the Same Coin. You capture both sides so well.

AnonymousAnonymousabout 9 years ago

I enjoyed your playful dominance and “kind of non-consent” with realistic modern characters.

Write more! I just hope you don’t get into the pitfall of whining about how he’s emotionally closed and does not believe in relationships, but slowly and gradually opens up to her. Please, please invent another drama!

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The Room Ch. 01 Previous Part
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