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The Roommate Pt. 18

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Blake has a very frustrating night without Liam.
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XVIII: Mischievous Ideas

Blake and Liam


With a groan, Blake locked her phone, closing her ebook, and set her phone back on the nightstand. She rubbed at her eyes, then stared at the ceiling of her dark room. She was tired, eyes too tired to read anymore, but she wasn't sleepy. She'd already considered and dismissed the idea of doing another short show tonight. She had class tomorrow, and even if she hadn't, she still couldn't stay up too late or it would fuck up her whole routine.

Blake closed her eyes, trying to think of something that had made her fall asleep quickly in the past. All her ideas eventually led to the dull pulsing need between her legs. She bit her lip.

Fuck it.

Blake threw back all but the main sheet covering her and let her hands wander down her naked torso. She hissed, closing her eyes as her fingers brushed the slick, sensitive lips. They weren't oversensitive anymore, but she would still need to be careful, tease herself rather than going straight for an orgasm.

As her fingers danced between her legs, Blake's conjured an image of Liam. He knelt, head between her thighs, tongue and fingers caressing her in just the right way. Blake had to bite her lip to keep from crying out as her hips started moving of their own accord, back arching as she ground her hips against Liam's face, his attentions bringing her closer and closer to the satisfaction she was so close for.

Her thighs closing around her hands instead of Liam's head brought Blake out of the fantasy, heart pounding.

"Nooo..." she whimpered, the orgasm she'd been so close to fading away, "No, no, nooo..."

After taking a few deep breaths to relax, Blake tried again, but her mind kept wandering. Her fantasy of Liam drifted away a few times as what Marie and Sophie had said earlier tugged at her thoughts.

I wasn't really that bad, was I?

Yet here she was, thinking about Liam. It wasn't bad of her to fantasize about him--about my boyfriend--but the sneaking thought that she wouldn't be satisfied without him...

Liam's ego would probably explode if she told him that, but it probably wasn't healthy.

Or is it?

Blake had never loved someone like this before.

Is that just what happens when you love someone?

She could think of a number of things supporting and against that: if it were true, people who loved each other wouldn't bother cheating. At the same time, maybe those people just weren't truly in love.

Blake sighed. If was truly in love with Liam, she wanted to make sure that was it--not the...obsession she'd had when trying to get him out of her head. She'd done stupid, careless shit that she wasn't okay with trying to deal with those feelings, and she needed to make sure she was her own solution to that, not Liam.

Just because I have him now doesn't mean I'm less fucked up. It just makes me happy and not hurt as much anymore. If I don't fix it and something bad happens...

Blake shivered, dismissing that line of thought. It would be bad.

She didn't like thinking about the future. Not with things like that. Goals, she could handle, but stuff involving other people...that terrified her.

With a sigh, Blake scrubbed at her eyes again.

I could just...not think about him when I masturbate unless he's actually involved somehow.

That would be hard. Especially because if he was anywhere near her somewhere that they could take their clothes off, Blake wouldn't be masturbating except to tease him a bit before jumping him.

Blake tried again, ghosting her hands over her naked flesh as they traveled down her torso. She let one hand linger to play with her breasts, gasping as she rolled her nipple between her thumb and forefinger while her other hand slid between her legs. Her pussy twitched as she brushed its lips, still wet with a need she hadn't be able to satisfy all night, still sensitive enough that she had to be careful.

Eyes fluttering closed, Blake stroked her soaked, velvety petals before slipping a single finger between them. A moan escaped her as she slid that finger all the way down to her knuckles, then curled it, massaging her inner walls. Pleasure flowed out from her pussy like softly lapping waves, their peaks growing higher when she stroked the knot of nerves within her just the right way.

It wasn't exactly what she wanted, but it would work, if slowly. What she really wanted was something filling her up, hitting everywhere inside her at once and stretching her little pussy just a bit. Something warm, hard, and veiny. Throbbing.

Fuck, I miss Liam's cock.

Her fingers were no substitute for that, but she could at least imagine that the fingers teasing her were his. He could be holding her, gazing down at her while he brought her to orgasm. She could feel it far off on the horizon, but it was getting closer. Liam knew just what to do. He was so perfect. Every touch—

Blake's eyes shot open, fingers freezing.


Groaning, Blake closed her eyes and tried again. And again. And again.

Finally, Blake removed her messy fingers from her still-soaked pussy and growled as she rolled out of bed to get a wipe and clean her fingers. She unlocked her phone to check the time, then flopped back on the bed.

The digital clock at the top of her screen read: 11:46.

"Fuuuck," Blake groaned.

She would occasionally stay up this late Fridays and Saturdays if she went out or had a really good show going, but never when she had class the next morning.

That's the least of my fucking problems, right now.

She was still horny, and though tired, not sleepy.

Blake looked at her phone for a moment.

If I'm texting him and telling him that I'm getting off...

Blake sighed, closing her eyes. Liam was probably asleep by now, and she should probably talk with him about sexting and whether or not he was into it before just going for it.

If only there was some way he could actually do something to me from his room...

Blake sat upright in her bed, eyes wide. Then a grin spread across her face. She grabbed her phone and opened it up despite even the low brightness making her eyes want to bleed. Opening a browser, she went to the site that she ordered most of her toys from and searched for a few toys she thought might help her situation.

I just hope Liam's game for it.



"You good if I turn the lights off?" Liam asked, looking over toward Eli's bed as he stepped out of the bathroom, mouth still minty from his toothpaste.

"Go for it."

Liam flicked off the lights, waited a moment for his eyes to adjust, then climbed up into his lofted bed and made himself comfortable. Across from him, Eli's phone illuminated his shadowed face.

"I'm glad you had a good break, Liam," Eli said, "Sounds like you and Blake had a good time."

Liam grinned, taking out his own phone, "Thanks. It was really great. I'm gonna have to put in some family and friends overtime when I get back, but it was definitely worth it. How are you and Jess doing, by the way? I noticed you strategically avoided Kiki's questions."

"Ha! Most of that was just because it's so easy to get Matt embarrassed."

Liam snorted, "He's actually not as bad as he used to be. I think Sara's getting that out of him trial-by-fire style."

"That's the blonde from his classes?"



Eli yawned, "Things are going well so far with Jess, though. I like her and we have fun whenever we go out, but she definitely has some hang-ups sex-wise."

"Want me to ask Blake to talk to her?" Liam half-joked, "She said something to Marie after we first met, and Marie went from just kissing and sex to--"

A knock at the door cut him off.

"Hey, it's Kiki."

Liam exchanged a look with Eli, then climbed down the ladder and walked over to the door. He unlocked it, then opened it a crack, hiding most of his boxer-clad body behind the door.

Kiki stood in the hall holding a pillow under one arm, phone in hand, wearing a set of short-sleeved, striped pajamas that reminded him of a 50's diner uniform, though with shorter shorts.

"Hey, what's up?" he asked.

"I didn't wake you up, did I?" she asked, biting her lip.

Liam shook his head.

Kiki smiled, "Good. I know this is kinda weird, but...since Swar's gone, any chance I could spend the night over here? Anna and Ally aren't back yet, and it just felt too quiet and lonely over there, you know?"

"That alright with you, Eli?" Liam called.

"Fine by me."

Liam smiled at Kiki, opening up the door a bit more and nodding back toward the room's main area, "Come on in."

Kiki's eyes went wide looking him up and down, and Liam realized he was no longer hidden behind the door. Cheeks hot, he looked back to Kiki and found her grinning.

"Damn, dude," she said, "Where you been hiding all that?"

"Uh, thanks?" Liam said as she walked past him into the dark room. He closed and locked the door behind her.

"No problem," she giggled, "Though maybe invest in some baggier boxers?"

Liam sighed, face on fire, "Those only help most of the time."

Kiki laughed, climbing up the ladder to Swar's bed, "You guys are all way too easy to fuck with. Hey, Eli."

"Hey," Eli said, "And I'm pretty sure all the girls at both of our highschools would disagree with you."

Kiki snorted, getting settled in the bed, "Ha, ha. So, if I didn't wake you up, what were you two doing, reading?"

"Just talking about Eli and Jess," Liam said.

"Right," Kiki said, "You never told me how things were going with you two."

Eli sighed, "I just told Liam that things are good with Jess. I definitely like her, and she seems to feel the same, but she's got some hang-ups."

"In bed?"

"Yeah. Liam joked about getting Blake to talk to her, but she's actually pretty good at just talking about stuff and working through it. She's shy about it though--almost as bad as Matt sometimes."

Liam and Kiki both laughed at that.

"It's weird, though," Eli continued, "from what she's said, it doesn't sound like she and the guy she was fuck-buddies with last year were actually having good sex. Is that a thing?"

"Eh," Kiki said, "Depends on the girl. Maybe she just hadn't had better sex than that and thought that was as good as it gets. Even if it wasn't as good as it could have been, it was good enough for her to want to keep doing it."

"Huh," Eli said, "That actually makes sense."

"Duh," Kiki said, "And wait, why would Blake talking to Jess do anything? Do they know each other?"

"Nah," Eli said before Liam could say anything, "He was just joking because right when he met Blake, he and Marie were like, just barely having sex and that was it, and then after Blake said something to him, she started going down on him and had a few threesomes with him before he broke up with her."

Liam rolled his eyes, then yelped as a pillow hit him in the face.


"The fuck, Liam?" Kiki hissed, "How did I not know about this, Mr. 'I've only slept with one girl and I'd like to keep it that way'?"

"I don't think Blake had anything to do with the threesomes," Liam said, "and I didn't really tell anyone about that. I only told Eli and Swar because I couldn't entirely believe it had even happened."

"Damn..." Kiki breathed, "And you still broke up with her?"

Liam shrugged, "Wasn't really my thing. It just kinda covered up our issues for a bit and...I like Blake more."

"That's the understatement of the year," Kiki said.

Eli laughed.

Liam's cheeks grew hot, even though he knew neither of his friends could see him, "Okay, fine. Maybe more than just 'like.' I don't want to freak her out or anything, though."

"That's probably not the worst idea," Eli said, "You want to make sure you don't dive into things headfirst like you did with Marie or like I did with Kylie."

"I mean, I was friends with her for a while before I even considered that as an option," Liam said, "I know what her issues are and none of them are red flags."

He tried to keep it vague. Kiki didn't know what Blake did for a living and he wanted to let Blake decide to share that with his friends if she felt comfortable doing so.

"I know," Eli said, "I'm not saying it seems like things will end up her like they did with Marie or with Kylie, but I just want you to be careful since its ridiculously obvious how much you like her."

"I agree," Kiki said, "I don't know much about Blake other than what you've told me, and she sounds pretty awesome, but I don't want to see you get hurt. I would like to meet her at some point, though."

"Thanks," Liam said, smiling, "And she'll be over her a bit more, she's just a little shy."

"Awesome! Now give me back my pillow."

"Nah, you lost pillow privileges when you threw it at my head. I think I'll keep it for tonight--it's pretty soft."

"Don't fuck with my sleep, Liam. I can tell Blake high school stories. I was there."

Liam snorted, "Pretty sure she already knows how awkward I am."

"Ugh," Kiki groaned, "And if I jump into your bed and fight you for it? How would you explain that to Blake?"

"Pretty sure the bed would just collapse before it got to that point."


Liam tossed the pillow back to Kiki, "Fine."

"Thank you! Still telling her embarrassing stories, though."

Liam rolled his eyes, flipping her off in the darkness.

"Hey! I can still see that!"

A/N: Do you like how close Liam and his friends/roommates are? Also, you will get to see a bit more of what's going on with Eli at some point. I have plans ;) <3

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taylorstormstaylorstorms7 months agoAuthor

<3 I'm glad you enjoyed this little friend-bit :)

Hardrider56Hardrider567 months ago

Good friends like that are hard to find. Glad Liam has them as I know the two guys already like Blake and figure Kiki will too once she meets her. Be wild to see that Kiki watchs "Cherry's" show.

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