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The Senior Trip Ch. 03

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Female teacher and students in Washington, D.C.
4.6k words

Part 3 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/31/2022
Created 11/29/2013
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The following morning, Linda Kramer awoke with a feeling of well-being, filled with vitality. Just feeling good. She lay there half asleep, savoring the mood, not really thinking of anything, just feeling good. Then, breaking into her golden sphere of happiness came the sharp noise of a door shutting, and the real world poured back into her mind. "Oh, my god!" burst from her lips as she sat upright as the events of the previous evening surfaced and her golden glow was replaced by a dark cloud of doom. Her recollections were all too vivid, the pictures in her mind too stark. As the images cascaded through her mind, she was almost in a state of shock. She would have been hard pressed to determine which was more embarrassing and humiliating, being "made" (as she thought of it) by a boy several years younger than her youngest son or being brutally spanked by that same boy. Her face turned beet red as she recalled her abject surrender during the last spanking and her submissive acceptance of him afterwards. Thoughts flashed through her mind -- "My god, what am I going to do...he had me...what if someone found out....will he tell people....he said he won't but he might...ooh, he spanked me....gods, it hurt....how did I let him do it...how did I get into this position....how can I face him...what will I say....he saw me naked....I can't believe this...he screwed me....and I let him!" This last thought brought her up short. She admitted to herself that she had accepted, even wanted the screwing. She suddenly remembered the servile raising and spreading her legs so that everything was displayed, deliberately exposing the most intimate parts of her body to his gaze. "Ooh, what he must think! I really asked for it -- and I got it!"

Finally, she got herself together enough to get up, shower and make-up and prepare to dress. Laying out her clothes, a tailored suit skirt and sheer, lacy nylon blouse, she suddenly realized, with a start, that her bra was still on the floor in the sitting room. Nerving herself up, she put on her robe (realizing that it was hardly necessary after last night) and went out, dreading seeing Kenny. Despite her renewed self-condemnation and fears, she remembered the intimate and pleasant ending to the evening and how nice Kenny had been to her after the spanking, but, still, she wasn't ready to face him just yet. She was pleasantly surprised (and a little worried) to find him gone, realizing it was probably he that had awakened her by closing the outer door. Turning to the couch, she saw her skirt laid out with her blouse neatly folded upon it. Then, she flushed a deep red as she saw her bra and the remnants of her panties lying beside them. Hurriedly picking them up, almost afraid he would return, she scurried back to her own room. She hung the skirt and blouse, hid the panties in a drawer but, as she started to don the bra, she saw a one-line note attached to it. It read, peremptorily, "Don't wear any underwear today."

She was flabbergasted at his audacity, hardly believing what she was reading. "Who does he think he is? Damn it, I'll wear whatever I want, and I certainly am going to wear underwear!" She fumed about his note the entire time she was dressing, particularly as she defiantly put on her panties and fit her breasts into the bra cups. As she fastened her garter belt and pulled up her hose, she thought, "I'll bet he wouldn't want me to leave these off!" blushing again as she realized what she was thinking. Finally ready, she headed for the door to the suite, touched the knob -- and stopped. She stood there, her hand on the knob, not able to turn it. Suddenly, defeated, she hurried back into her room, reached up under her skirt and pulled off her panties, took off her blouse and removed her bra. She slumped back onto the bed for a moment, not believing what she was doing, wondering what on earth was making her obey an l8-year old boy like this. Resigned to the fact that she couldn't help herself, she put her blouse back on and looked in the mirror. She was shocked, her thin blouse showing her nipples almost as clearly as if she had been naked. Grabbing the jacket that went with the skirt, she concealed her breasts and, before she could lose her nerve, she hurried out of the suite, into the elevator and down to the lobby -- without underwear for the first time in her life. This bronco had been broken!

As she walked through the lobby, Linda felt sure that everyone was looking at her as she felt the unusual jiggling of her breasts under her jacket and the empty, airy feeling between her legs. She met the girls at the entrance to the dining room and, once again, was relieved and worried that Kenny wasn't present. However, Beth told her that he had gone out for a short time and would be back for breakfast. Relieved that everything seemed normal, (no "funny" looks), she led them through the buffet line. As time passed, however, and the time for their 10:00 tour approached, she became more concerned. Fortunately, Kenny arrived just in time to hurry through the line and settle down to eat before they had to leave. Despite their agreement of the previous night, she couldn't stop herself from making an acerbic remark about "glad you could make it!" Kenny gave her a long look, but made no comment, just sat down and ate.

The morning tour of Washington's sights was fascinating, and everyone was in a good mood. Nonetheless, several times Linda, despite the best of intentions, aimed sarcastic jibes at Kenny. She tried to stop doing it, but she was nervous, very conscious of her lack of underclothes, all this added to her inability to put the previous night's activities out of her mind -- no matter how fascinating the Jefferson Memorial was. It was all just too much for her, and there was, as might be expected, a continual undercurrent of tension between herself and Kenny.

The tour stopped at a small restaurant on the Potomac for lunch, and, after eating, the girls headed, en masse, to the restroom and Kenny quietly asked Mrs. Kramer (he still thought of her in those terms) to walk down and look at the river. They strolled down, and, as they did, Kenny asked her if she had done as he asked in his note. Embarrassed, she huffily replied, "That was no request, it was an order!" Kenny's reply was, "Whatever, but did you do it?" Blushing and very flustered, Linda finally was able to say "yes," turning away from him. Taking her by the arm, he pulled her to a spot in front of a boathouse, out of sight from the restaurant, and turned her toward him. Releasing her arm, he quickly began to unbutton her jacket. She stood there, stunned, as he pulled it open, revealing her thin blouse and her rock-hard nipples that seemed to be trying to get through the fabric. Her eyes were averted until he simply said, "Wow!" Looking up, she saw him staring with unalloyed fascination at her breasts. That undisguised appreciation suddenly released much of the tension that had plagued her all morning, and she stood straighter and pushed them out proudly.

Breaking out of his trance, Kenny said, "Show me the rest!" Buoyed by his reaction to her breasts and feeling a real surge of excitement flow through her, Linda did something she could not have conceived of twenty-four hours ago -- she reached down to the hem of her skirt and slowly pulled it up, revealing first her dark hose tops, then the white flesh of her thighs lined by her supporter straps, and, finally, the puff of fluffy hair that crowned her cunt. She continued until the skirt reached her waist, letting him see everything. Again he stood enraptured, never having seen a woman exposed like that in broad daylight, much less married teacher. Again, he said "Wow," an exclamation that suited Linda Kramer perfectly. Then, shocking her completely, he pulled a bag from his jacket pocket and said, "Here, put these on!"

She opened the bag and gasped with pleasure as she found a pair of silky sheer white lace panties. As she held them up, she saw that they were high-cut and very sexy, nothing like anything she had worn in twenty years -- actually never -- as she looked at them. Not hesitating, she stepped into them and pulled then up, finding that the fit was perfect. Unembarrassed, she held her skirt up to her waist, showing them, and herself, saying, "Oh, they're perfect, Kenny! Thank you so much!" With that, he pulled another bag from his other pocket and just handed it to her. Anticipating what it would be, she was not surprised to find a matching bra. "Oh, this is wonderful! I wish I could put this on too!"

Kenny looked around the corner at the restaurant, and said, "Go ahead. No one is in sight. You have time." Hesitating, she replied, "I'd better not. I'd have to take off both my jacket and blouse and I might not get finished in time." Then, unable to resist, "Well, watch the door and warn me if anyone comes out." With that, she hurriedly removed her already opened jacket, unbuttoned her blouse, with fumbling fingers, and took it off. She stood there, naked to the waist, directly in front of Kenny (and in view of anyone on the river). He looked with fascination at her large breasts, bare before him in broad daylight. Forsaking his guard post for a moment, he reached over with both hands to fondle and squeeze them, saying, "You have beautiful tits!" Permitting (and enjoying) this for a few seconds, she pulled away, quickly slipped her arms into the straps, bent over fitting the "tits" into the bra cups and reached around and fastened the clasp. Never having seen a woman performing that personal act, Kenny had a hard time keeping his eyes on the door. However, just as she was slipping her blouse on, he warned, "Hurry, I think they're coming now!" She rapidly fastened the buttons and reached for her jacket as Kenny left, moving down toward the river, whispering back, "Tell them I've gone exploring." Thus, when the girls arrived, Mrs. Kramer was alone, looking innocently at the river flowing past. When they asked about Kenny, she nonchalantly replied that he had gone exploring, "as you might expect, and he'd darn well better be back before the bus is ready."

Kenny was back in time, barely. Mrs. Kramer made the expected acerbic remarks, but her smile toward him removed the usual bite. As he explained later, he had left not only to avoid their seeming to be together (Kenny alone with the witch'? Very suspicious.), but he had an extremely prominent erection, caused by her exposure, which had to go down before the girls saw him!

The rest of the tour went well, the girls pleasantly surprised by Mrs. Kramer's light- hearted mood and cheerful comments. When sitting with Beth, Kenny confided to her that, last night, he and Mrs. Kramer had vigorously discussed their relationship and her view of supervising, and that they had made a compromise, she would "get off his back," and he would be less aggravating. He went on to say that she had apologized for the way she had picked on him and he had apologized for deliberately provoking her. He even said that after they had reached accommodation, that she turned out to be very nice and not at all as he had pictured her from classroom impressions. Beth, of course, passed on this information to the other girls, and, by the time they met for dinner, all had revised their opinion of their chaperon.

As for Mrs. Linda Kramer, she was almost floating, feeling like a school-girl after a date. The gift of such intimate items as a pair of lacey panties and a matching bra somehow changed their relationship in a way she didn't quite understand, but she liked it. Somehow, the fact that he had gone to the trouble to check her old panties and bra for size (this thought brought a brief blush to her face) and then hurry out to buy them for her, was important. He certainly hadn't needed to do that to get something from her -- he'd already had more than just "something"! The admiring way he had looked at her body as she exposed herself at the river, and his obvious arousal, was intensely flattering. His "wow" spoke volumes, probably the highest compliment given to her in many years, perhaps ever. Like most women her age, she had come to doubt her physical appeal, and this intense interest by a younger man (or boy) caused her self-confidence to soar. As said above, Mrs. Kramer was floating. She found herself sexually aroused and, rather than dreading being alone with him, she was looking forward to whatever might happen.

In addition to all of this, there was a practical reason for her more cheerful attitude: she was much more comfortable around the other students. Instead of an embarrassing jiggling freedom, her breasts were firmly encased in a perfectly fitting brassiere. Instead of the niggling fear that somehow her skirt would blow up, revealing her bare cunt, such a catastrophe would now expose a lovely, quite brief, pair of panties. She even thought, for the first time ever as far as she could remember, that she wouldn't really mind if her skirt did fly up! Later, she did take the relatively daring step of removing her jacket, letting the lacey bra show through her thin blouse. It wasn't too revealing, of course, but the girls did notice and told her how pretty it looked. That was the crowning touch for her, making the day complete.

After a long day touring the city, the students were quite happy have dinner in the hotel dining room and, then, to settle down in the sitting room to talk about the things they had seen and plan for the next day. The high school administration had arranged for them to join a White House tour on their second day, and Mrs. Kramer described the schedule. It was a pleasant, relaxing time, the girls reassessing their feelings and coming to the conclusion that she really was very nice. She had been cheerful all day, and even when teased about something by Kenny during the afternoon tour, she laughed along with the others. Oddly enough, the opening of her jacket to reveal her thin blouse and lacey bra had made her seem more of a real person, not a remote teacher. It made them recognize that she was a real person who could be free and informal with them. Suddenly, their fears about not enjoying their trip evaporated. So, after going back down for a snack before separating for the evening, their "goodnights" were very friendly, almost affectionate.

However, she was a married teacher, and it was an unbelievably weird feeling for her, standing alone in the elevator with a male student going to their suite, knowing that she almost certainly would have sex with him -- again! Two days before, sitting at home with her husband, such a thing would have seemed no more likely than going into her classroom completely naked! Absolutely impossible! Neither said a word in the elevator or walking down the hall, and it was likely that he was as unbelieving and apprehensive as she. As they entered the sitting room, they still didn't speak, only standing nervously, not knowing, again, how to break the ice. This time, of course, they would not be rescued by a falling skirt. Finally, after what was really only a few seconds (but seemed like minutes), Kenny made the first move, reaching out to the buttons on her blouse, saying, "Let's see how that bra looks when we're not hurried. I hope it fits." Feeling brave and daring, she had left the jacket off all evening, knowing that the lace of her brassiere showed through the blouse, receiving several appreciative glances in the restaurant -- and, more important, from Kenny! Now, a wave of excitement flashed through her as the buttons were undone and the blouse spread open, revealing what he had been able to see only dimly before.

Involuntarily, she straightened up and pushed her breasts out, welcoming his scrutiny. His reaction was all she could have hoped for, his rapt gaze taking in every detail, as his hand came up to cup them, to fondle and lightly squeeze them. Of course, he had done that before, but it was different this time, somehow more intimate. "It certainly does fit, Kenny, and I love it!" she said, encouraging his exploration. His unalloyed admiration and obvious excitement gave her the courage to take her next action. Without prompting or even a suggestion, she reached for the fastener on the side of her skirt and undid it. Then, without hesitation or ceremony, she just stepped out of the skirt, threw it onto the couch, saying, "The panties also fit perfectly, and I love them too!"

Kenny could hardly believe his eyes or his luck. The night before he had spanked Mrs. Kramer twice and fucked her three times, which was almost impossible to believe even knowing that he had done so. Waking up in the morning and seeing her bra and the remnants of her panties on the floor, he got the idea of replacing the panties and getting a matching bra. He left the note and slipped into a small mall connected to the hotel, and, after a somewhat embarrassing search in a lingerie department, found just what he was wanted. All morning, he kept looking at her trying to discern whether she had left her underwear off or, perhaps, had been angry at the idea. Several jibes at him during the tour had almost convinced him that she was understandably upset (furious?) at the previous night's activities. When he got her alone outside the restaurant and found that she was naked under her skirt and blouse, his relief was beyond measure. Seeing her nipples protruding against the blouse and then seeing her raise her skirt to show her cunt caused his cock to grow and harden. Watching her put on the panties he had given her was

unreal, but when she was bare-breasted in broad daylight and he felt her tits, he thought that the cock would rip through his pants. The rest of the day was a blur, waiting impatiently to get her alone. Now they were alone and she had undressed and wearing only the bra and panties (plus, of course, her white garter belt and hose), his cock was boring a hole in his pants again. Talk about a teenage boy's fantasy!

He put his arms around her and not another word was said as, in unison, they turned toward her bedroom. Within five minutes, both were naked, lying on the bed together, Kenny running his hands over her breasts and down between her legs. Neither was interested in prolonged foreplay, so, as he pulled away and raised up, she just naturally lifted and spread her legs in welcome. She expected to be mounted and entered immediately, of course, but she received a surprise. Kneeling below her raised legs, Kenny bent down and began to use his tongue on her cunt, flicking across her clit and running down the open lips. Her first reaction was shock at the unexpected sensation, but the shock was quickly replaced with a surge of pleasure and sexual arousal. She drew her legs even higher, her knees touching her breasts, raising her hips off the bed, reaching upward toward the licking tongue. Kenny had never done this before, but encouraged by her obvious excitement, he redoubled his efforts to please her. Placing his hands on each side of her crotch, he pulled her open, exposing everything between her legs, including both openings. Starting with her clit, he worked his way backwards, slipping his tongue in and around her cunt. She arched toward him as if she wanted it all the way inside her. Slowly, he went further back and teased her asshole with fluttering licks that seemed to send an electric shock through her. He worked his way back up and then back down, licking her most intimate areas in a way that was quickly working her toward orgasm. Sensing her growing agitation, he worked back downward one more time, and then concentrated on her clitoris. At the same time, be began stimulating her with his fingers, probing into her cunt and, with his finger well lubricated, pushing a short distance into her ass. This last, unexpected, insertion sent her over the edge and, pushing hard against his tongue and finger, she climaxed.


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