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The Service Station

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First time gay in filthy service station.
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How did I even end up here? What am I doing? Those were my thoughts that were running through my head.

It was about quarter to ten on a Thursday night. It was raining but not too heavily and it wasn't too cold either, but maybe that was because of my excitement. The nights were rapidly getting shorter so it was pitch black outside my car window as I approached the big bridge leading into the city, but I wasn't going to be going that far.

About two miles before the bridge there is a long sweeping exit. It leads to a dark, seedy looking car park that's only illuminated by a few orange street lamps.

It was a truck stop and services station but not the type that has a shop. Just toilet facilities and a shower. It wasn't designed to look seedy either but years of neglect made it that way. You can't see the lorries or toilet's from the road and I'd honestly never been before. Even though it was so close to my house, only about a 15 minute drive.

It had long been rumoured when I was in school years ago that it was a dogging site. And it probably is. I never seen any sign of it when I was there and truthfully, I was glad. I had other sordid activities planned.

Now, just to set the record straight. I'm not exactly gay. More bi if anything. I have a wife who was my fiancee at the time. We love each other and are generally pretty happy. However. I often found myself watching a lot of MMF porn.

I started occasionally watching chicks with dicks and it evolved rapidly. I used to imagine being the bull in these situations. Then, I became the bitch. Now, I'm in a habit of watching gay porn.

I'd never have done this normally but my missus was staying at her mother's house for the weekend to help her pack boxes for moving home. So if I was ever to do it, now was the time.

So, as I drove into that carpark. I knew what I wanted. I prayed it would happen. The excitement and anticipation was making my hands sweat and my cock twitch.

I was the only car parked up. I stopped the car on the opposite side of the lot from the toilet building and scoped out if it was open. I could see dim lights from the small frosted glass window above the door and assumed it must be.

There were a few lorry trailers parked and one truck, trailer still attached and the cab lights on. I couldn't make out who was in the drivers seat but my heart started beating rapidly in the hopes I'd find what I came for.

I waited a few moments working up my nerve before getting out into the rainy night, locking my door and walking towards the building. I walked slowly considering the weather. Keeping an ever watchful eye of the lorry cab.

I reached the door and tried for the handle and it opened with a loud creek.

The smell hit me instantly. It was like a mixture of damp and stale urine. The floor was wet around the urinals and there were three cubicles all along one wall. On the opposite wall there was one long sink with several taps and a big foggy mirror the full length of the basin.

I started to feel nervous but also very excited. I could feel the twitching in my boxer shorts increase and I involuntary clenched my ass as I walked down the line of cubicles. Inspecting each of them. They were all filthy. Stained white pans with black enamel seats. Surprisingly, two of them had toilet paper.

I was starting to become really aroused now. I felt dirty. As dirty as the restroom I was in. I looked around a little more, gently tugging on my semi hard penis through my trouser pocket. At the very least, I knew I was going to strip off naked in a cubicle and shamelessly masturbate. I wanted to lie naked on the piss stained floor. I wanted to turn into a slave of my degrading lust. Fuck. I was so turned on.

I walked over and looked into the urinals and slowly pulled my now hard penis out of my fly and slowly stroked a little bit before putting it back in. Just as I zipped up again, allowing my now rock hard member to face downward to feel the friction while walking rather than up into the elastic of my boxers, the door made an almighty creek and swung open. It startled me and the hair on my neck stood up and I got instant goosebumps on my arms.

I turned around and saw him. Only briefly glancing as I turned and walked towards the sinks. My heart was racing. I was about to bottle it and bolt out the door. But I quietly took a long deep breath of the rancid air to calm down.

The man was older than I. Much older. I was 25 and he must have been late fifties. He was a little taller than I was and had thick grey and black hair. He wore faded blue jeans and had a red lumberjack style shirt on. He was unshaven but it was a think grey stubble rather than a full beard and he had a gut. Large but not barrel like. More like a beer belly. We walked past each other as he stepped towards the urinal.

"Alight" we said to each other. The usual greeting between men who pass each other where I live.

I slowly washed my hands as he relieved himself and as I watched him from the foggy mirror. I was sure. I was definitely going to try my luck.

He stepped beside me and ran his hands under the tap as I dried mine with some green paper towels. Our eyes caught each others gaze in the mirror as this happened and he said "So, what brings you here?"

My stomach did summersaults and my mouth dried up. I thought I'd mess up my words.

"Oh you know, just, using the facilities" I replied.

Then I asked him the same.

He looked deep into my eyes in the mirror and then turned his head to face me. Looking me up and down before saying "Just driving through, thought I'd stop and see what this place had to offer."

The blood left my face and went straight to my now throbbing cock.

I handed him some sheets of paper towels and lent a hand against the sink while turning towards him in an almost flirting sort of way and said "See anything you might be able to make use of?"

He grinned broadly looking me up and down and I couldn't help but break into a smile too when he said "Well as a matter of fact..."

I didn't let him finish his sentence.

I took my hand from the sink and took a small handful of his shirt, gently tugging it as I stepped backwards. He stepped forwards with me and I lead him along the tiled floor to the end cubicle. We never said anything and we didn't look away from each others eyes.

I guided him in and he pushed the door closed behind him as I instantly dropped down on to the wet flood. I could feel the cold piss soaking the knees of my trousers.

I ran my hands up his top and across his hairy stomach before leaning in and kissing his snail trail as I undid his belt. I took my time. Long deep kisses. I ran my tongue gently over and in his bellybutton.

He leaned back against the door and placed a hand on my head as I unbuttoned his jeans. Pulling the elastic of his white y fronts down to expose his bushy pubes. He had an acidic smell of sweat from long drives and little washing and I kissed the hair deeply as I unzipped his fly.

I slowly slid his jeans and underwear down his thick hairy thighs to the top of his knees. Everything I done was slow and deliberate. I felt so seductive. So sexy.

With one hand I took his now hard penis while I rubbed and gently squeezed his thigh with the other.

He wasn't very long. About five and a bit inches but it had an amazing girth to it. I held it tightly as I ran it across my face. Smelling deeply and feeling the tacky residue of his long drive. I let it roll over my nose and lips. Pressed it against my cheek. My own cock now so hard I thought it would burst.

I kissed his shaft hard then pointed it skyward and licked the entire length of the underside. Upon reaching the tip, I cupped my mouth around it. I could taste the tangy leftovers from the piss he had just taken and I leaked a little precum from my penis.

Then I slowly let it run over wet lips before allowing it to push deeply into my mouth.

I felt it grow on my tongue as I pushed deep and when it tickled my throat, I sucked hard and pulled my head back.

He let out a deep moan and took a handful of my hard and proceeded to push my head back into him.

We quickly found a rhythm. I sucked his now wet cock hard as I went down his shaft. Pushing my face and nose against his sweaty pubes as I reached the base. Then I pushed my tongue against the bottom of his cock as I sucked my way back to the tip. After several plunges, I pulled my head back and sucked the head while stroking his shaft. Drinking any pre cum and tasting the sexual delights of my slutiness.

While I did this, I made sure my other hand wasn't idle. I rubbed his thighs and played with his beautifully wrinkled balls. The were so full and I lightly squeezed them and gently tugged on his scrotum. I ran my hand between his legs. Rubbing the landing strip between is balls and his sweaty ass. He seemed to really enjoy it. I could feel the warm dampness of his long day. I could feel his scent coat my fingers and my mind raced imagining the smell and taste.

As my other hand continued to stroke his penis and Jack him off while I sucked on his glistening purple head. I looked up at his face. He had his eyes closed and was facing the ceiling in complete ecstasy.

I came here for this. I wanted so desperately to give a random stranger a blow job. I'd never done it before and I longed to taste a nice hard cock. I felt filthy and sexy! How was I ever going to look my fiancee in the eyes again!

At this moment, I couldn't care less. I needed this!

Now I was doing it in the moment, it was turning me on more than I had ever imagined it would. I wanted more. I felt so empowered, which was weird because at the same time I felt so submissive! I was completely letting go of my inhibitions. I fucking loved it! I needed it! I needed more!

I pulled my mouth from his cock with a pop and he came back to earth and looked down at me. I slowly stood up and the hand that was between his legs I ran up his ball sack and grabbed on to his shaft. I kept stroking him as I looked away from his gaze and began kissing his neck. Long passionate kisses. I nibbled his earlobe and whispered into it. In fact, I pleaded in his ear.

"I need you inside me. I need it so bad. Please daddy, please fuck me."

It was like I had left my body. Who was I? I was so horny I had completely transformed into somebody else. I was unrecognisable from my usual self and I loved it.

He took both of his hands and grabbed my ass really hard and pushed my crotch against his. Then took one of his hands up my back and to the back of my head and held it tightly.

"You dirty faggot, you want daddies hard cock inside you?"

I literally came inside my boxers briefs. Only a little but enough to notice.

I took my hands up to his chest and kept kissing his neck and cheek and pleaded with him while groaning.

"Please daddy, please fuck me. I need it. I want it so bad. Please will you?"

I kept kissing and moved one hand to his face. He took my thumb in his mouth and sucked on it and I pushed gently so he was face to face with me. I pressed my face to his and rubbed our noses together before going in to kiss his.

He flirtingly pulled back and grinned before quickly pecking me on the lips.

Electric ran through my body and I dived in and kissed him. His lips were rough and I could feel his stubble against my face. I slipped my tongue into his mouth and we made out heavily and I sucked on his tongue and he bit my lip. We did this for what felt like an eternity all the while still stoking his dick.

I began to kiss his neck again and he held my head to him before taking me by the hair and pulling me off.

Instinctively turned around and he pushed me against the cistern of the toilet. I placed both of my hands on top of it and arched my back, pushing my ass out towards him.

I had nothing but pure faith I'd be able to take it. I had well been in the habit of using my fingers and wife's vibrator while she was at work.

In one fell swoop, he pulled my trousers and boxers down and my rock hard penis sprung as it was released.

He groaned in an animalistic way and rubbed both of my ass cheeks before spanking them really hard. I cried out in pleasure and he did it again.

Then he bent over and spat on me. I felt the wet bullet of his close range spit hit me on my ass crack and it run down and pool on my tight opening. Then I felt his wet, warm and roughly textured tongue run rings around my anus.

It was heaven.

He stood up and ran his hands up my waist and over my back. Pushing my jumper up as he did it. Then he pressed his groin against my exposed ass and crack and began to grind on me. I pushed back, working the rhythm and began to breath heavy, moaning gently.

He took his hard penis and began to rub it up and down me, letting it push against my tight opening. He groaned and squeezed my ass cheeks as he placed a finger on my hole.

He slowly inserted it and I pushed back hander. Feeling his knuckle breach my entrance.

It felt so good. My knees began to shake.

Then he pulled it out and I turned my head in enough time to see him suck on his finger before taking his cock and start to slowly push it into me. I felt it press against me as I relaxed my muscles allowing his head to dib inside me.

He moaned as it went in and I pushed back harder, taking his whole length.

He gripped my waist hard and pulled back before slamming into me again but much harder.

I cried out in pure painful pleasure. It was everything I had wished it would feel like and more. He began to methodically dive his love shaft deep into me. Slamming his balls and thighs against me.

He groaned like a bear as I moaned loudly. Before long, I could feel the pressure building. My legs began to shake and my body began dropping lower. I couldn't control it or stop it coming. I began to involuntary shoot long hot ribbons of cum as I experienced the most amazing and intense climax of my life. I seemed to go on forever!

He held one hand to my waist and took his other up my back and gripped my shoulder tightly. He turned into a demon! Pounding me relentlessly and calling me all sorts of profanities.

"You like that you dirty bitch, you want this cock! You're daddies filthy little slut aren't you." and so on.

I couldn't see straight! I began shouting back in agreement. "Yes daddy! I'm a dirty, dirty bitch. Fuck my tight ass, I'm your sissy bitch! Please daddy, cum deep inside me."

With that, he slammed deep and hard and I could feel his swollen cock cum deep inside me. He kept pumping, pushing more and more into me.

After a few moments he pulled his cock out of me and rubbed his cock head all over my hole. I immediately dropped to my knees and turned back. We were both sweating heavily and panting.

I took his member into my left hand as I started to suck him clean and I took my right hand and just in time managed to cup my ass. His hot cum began to leak out of me slowly and I pushed until I could feel the stream had slowed down.

I took the handful of his beautifully creamy man juice and began to rub it all over my penis as I began to get hard again. Then I started to violently masturbate with his cum as lube.

He began to go flaccid and was rubbing my head and running his fingers though my hair. I pushed my face against his sweaty groin and my body began to have convulsions as I came again.

After I had finished I was exhausted!

Panting and covered in sweat. Reality Bagan to set in as my mind replayed the events. What had I done. I couldn't believe how good it was. I actually began to laugh.

He smiled as he pulled up his trousers and asked if I was ok. I looked up at him from the cold, piss covered floor and smiled.

"Thank you daddy, I think I'm going to need a minute."

He laughed as he crouched down to face me and said, "that was amazing baby, thank you for the memorable evening."

With that, he leaned in and kissed me again. It was a long, wet kiss and out tongues danced in post climatic bliss. He pulled away and held my chin and winked at me.

Then he was gone. Leaving me like a used condom on the floor. Maybe we should have used one? It's bit late to think about that now, I thought.

After several minutes I took some toilet paper and wiped my ass clean. Stood up, redressed, and headed for the door.

As I walked to my car I noticed his cabs curtain was closed and the cool breeze was so refreshing.

I drove home replaying every moment and I could help but smile.

"Can't wait to try my luck again sometime" I thought to myself.

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AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago

I got a nice blow job in a rest area mensroom after the young millennial guy at the urinal next to me became enamored with my large thick daddy penis.

TerriCTerriCover 3 years ago

That was great, hot and filthy fucking. Awesome story

AnonymousAnonymousover 3 years ago
So hot!

Loved this story! Maybe next time he can actually be used as a toilet instead, or be forced to lick one of those urinals while getting fucked from behind. So many possibilities!

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