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The Servicemen's Club Ch. 03

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The picture was taken as cum ran down her thighs.
13.1k words

Part 3 of the 4 part series

Updated 09/22/2022
Created 12/08/2004
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It is suggested that the reader read chapters 1 & 2 to fully understand this story.

The rest of that week went by quickly and then it was the weekend. Those days had provided John with some of the best sex with his wife Alice he had ever had since they were married. But he was sure now from the visit to the bar they had visited that she was cheating on him. He knew that she was seeing some of the servicemen at her Club where she worked. But in particular, she was screwing a guy named Davie the most. While most of the sailors at the bar knew her they in young in their earlier 20s or maybe even younger, Davie was in his late 30s and much more knowledgeable.

And John had found out that Davie was great in bed and had a huge cock. He had heard the other guys saying that once Davie fucked them they stayed fucked and almost begged him to fuck them again. John had to catch her in the act with witnesses so he could give her what she deserved in the divorce, which was going to be nothing.

Then on the following Tuesday afternoon he met Jim, and Jim's nephew Bobby at lunch to finalize their plans to catch his beautiful cheating whore of a wife in the act of having sex with someone. Their plan was for Bobby, a sailor, to come to the Servicemen Club the night Alice was working. He would pretend he was very upset hoping to get Alice to ask him what was wrong. And then go from there.

They told Bobby that when he talked to Alice he would tell her how lonely and sad he was. That he needed companionship and to ask her if she could maybe have coffee with him when she got off from work. Then play it by ear to see what happens. If that didn't work he should still be friendly and ask her to sit with him at the Club so he could just talk to her. He should explain that he needed a woman's advise and was told by a few friends on board ship that he should ask for Alice. He should also mention Davie's name.

Then if there was music he should maybe ask her to dance with him a few times and again explain how sad and lonely he was since he hadn't seen his wife, yes his wife, in over 6 month. He should explain how she had wrote him a letter telling him she wasn't sure she loved him any more. They told him to really pour it on and to work on Alice's soft side. They wanted to see if she would take advantage of him and commit to anything sexual. If she did, he was to use his phone and page them. All he had to do was press the page button. He didn't need to speak to Jim or John. They would be sitting in Jim's truck across the street in the parking lot waiting.

So with the plan in hand so to speak, Bobby was dropped off a couple of blocks from the Club on Tuesday around 5PM. When he entered the Club he was told there was a fee of $30.00 which entitled him to the dance and a dance with any of the ladies there as long as they weren't already occupied with another man. The fee also included a meal and three mixed drinks or 4 beers. He could dance or sit and talk but nothing else. He was told all the rules and asked if he had any questions. He said, "NO, only I was wondering, is Alice was working tonight?"

He was told she was and that she would be at the dance around 7:30 PM. He was also told that Alice and a few of the other older ladies were always in demand because they were easier to talk with. So if Alice was busy he would have to wait or ask another lady to dance or chat.

So Bob went to the bar and ordered his first drink, it was weak. Then he had the dinner which was OK. Bobby was glad that John had given him $700 up front for spending money just in case he would need it. And from what Bobby saw so far he was going to need all of it before the night was over.

At 7 PM the band started and he saw a bunch of younger women all standing around waiting for a man to ask them to dance. Some were dancing with each other in the corner as the servicemen; mostly sailors came in and started asking them to dance. They had lady chaperones and men bouncers to monitor the behavior just incase some of the men got out of line with the ladies. Then he saw a couple of the older women walk in and they were immediately greeted by a group of men. They seem to dance with most of them and then they pick one. He wasn't sure why they picked the ones they did. But anyway these ladies would then walked out with the guy and go into another room. It was a place that looked like a bar or lounge with seats so you could sit and talked. Drinks were ordered and they started to chat with these men one on one. So much for what John was told by the manager. At first blush nothing looked out of the norm.

So Bobby went and ordered his second drink. As he turned around Alice was standing behind him. He took a step back and bumped into the bar. She said, "Frank told me you were asking for me sailor? Is there something I can do for you?"

Bobby was flushed and stuttered as he tried to say, "You...you must be Alice. I ...I have a good friend on board my ship who knows Davie."

He watched for her reaction, there was none. She said, "So, you have a friend who knows Dave. It's good to have friends isn't it. What's that to me?"

He said, "Well my friend told me that when you have a female problem you go talk with Alice. He said Davie told him that about a month ago."

She said, "And what's your friend's name sailor?"

He said, "Jack mam. Jack is my boss and Davie is his boss."

She said, "I don't know any Jack sailor, sorry."

She started to turn when Bobby said, "I really need your help mam! Please! Can we talk for a few minutes? I can pay you for your time!"

She stopped and looked at him. She said, "How old are you sailor?"

He said, "22, I was 22 last week. And last week I got this letter. It was the day after my birthday. It was like a Dear John letter well it was actually a Dear Bobby letter, my name is Bobby!. And it was from my wife! And I'm going crazy thinking about it!"

She said, "OK buy me a beer and I'll get a table for us. But I don't know what you expect me to do about it Bobby is it?"

He said, "Yes. It's Bobby mam and I was hoping you could give me some advise or at least give me some comfort like you did with my friend Jack, mam."

She went and got a table and Bobby came back with her drink and the third and last one he could get from the fee he paid when he came in.

She said, "Show me the letter."

He pulled it out and handed it to her. She read what Jim and John had written, or typed up. It basically told you his wife was very lonely and that she wasn't going to wait around another 6 months for him to come home. She was telling him in this letter that she was going to start going out with her girlfriends and she didn't know what would happen. Then he gave Alice another letter he received a few days after the first one. That letter said she had met a man and she was bow dating him. It ended by saying when he came home for Christmas they would have to talk. That was it."

Alice read the letter again and when she was finished she said, "And why are you telling me this Bobby? It's a shame but what can I do?"

He said, "I don't really know mam!"

She said, "Look, call me Alice I'm not your mother or mam."

He said, "OK Alice. I was wondering what I should do about it? And when I talked to my best friend Jack he told me what you did for him Alice."

She looked at him for a few minutes and said, "What did Jack tell you I did for him?"

He said, "Well first you helped him with his girl back home problem. Jack told me you were able to help him write a letter and help him forget the pain some. I..I was hoping you could do the same for me Alice."

Alice handed him the letters back and said, "I don't recall talking to any Jack, Bobby. I think you got the wrong lady. What did Jack said I did to make him forget?

Bobby acted like he was embarrassed. Then he looked up at her face and said, "No you're the right lady Alice. Jack told me you were beautiful and had large.... large tit.. no I mean large breasts!"

He looked down rather than in her eyes as he said it. Then he said, "And.. Alice, you sure do have large...breasts!" Bobby should have won an award for his performance with her tonight.

She said, "Well we won't go there Bobby. So what did Jack said I did for him?"

Bobby looked up and said, "Well besides the letter, I have to whisper this part to you. I can't tell you regular like there are to many people around."

She bent in and his eyes fell towards her breasts, which were now resting on the table. He could see right down her blouse and the deep cleavage made his cock jump. He came closer to her face and whispered, "He said you gave him great sex and when he left he was much more happy."

She sat up and said, " What! I think you had better leave Bobby. That's not allowed here."

Bobby sat there and said, "Well that's what Jack told me Alice. I don't know if he's telling the truth or not. But that's what he told me. I also talked to Davie and he told me you had special friends and that you might had a drink with me after you got of from work. It all depended on the man and the problem that man was having. Oh God Alice! Please don't make me leave. You are the first woman I have talked with in nearly 6 long months. And now my wife is dating another guy and I'm sure she is fucking him! Oh I'm sorry I didn't mean to say that!"

Alice sat back and looked at him She said, "Look get hold of yourself Bobby."

Then she bent in again and again he got a great shot of her breasts as they pushed out from under her blouse. She said, "Come closer Bob."

He bent in again and she said, "OK! Look what I'm about to tell you have to remain our secret or I could get fired. Yes, sometimes some of us ladies do have a one on one with a boy, man, to make him feel better and we do it away from the Club. But that's against the rule and it's not like you think. We don't take them out and as you said fuck them. It's more of being with them and letting them hold our hands even kiss us once in a while. It helps these guys, especially the younger ones, to get over heartache like you have now. We don't do it often and we are very picky when we do decide to go out with them after work."

Bobby didn't say anything he waited. Alice said, "I think in your case we should enjoy ourselves here at the dance tonight. Then we can talk more about maybe doing that other thing later. How's that sound would you like to dance with me?"

Bobby could feel his cock harden as he looked at this beautiful mature woman who was old enough to be his mother. He was thinking, "God this women is fantastic. I bet she fucks like a mink!"

Alice looked at him and said, "Bobby? Bobby? Are you OK? I asked you if you would you like to have a dance with me?"

He finally snapped out of it and told her, "Oh God yes Alice! That would be great. I would like to get to know you better."

She said, "Well how about I get to know you better first. Let's go dance and we can talk while we do."

Bobby got up and helped her out of the chair. He looked at her great body as he watched her wiggle her ass as she walked in front of him. Alice knew he was looking at her ass and she shook it just a little more than her normal walk.

When the music started a new song it was just their luck it was a slow number. She took Bobby's hand and he told her he didn't dance slow songs very well. She told him she would teach him. They held arms length so she could show him her feet and how to move his. As the song went on he was getting better. Then another slow song started and this time Bobby held her closer. Close enough that her breasts were pushing against his uniform a little and he liked the way they felt. He looked down at them and Alice took her hand and used a finger to lift his head saying, "Bobby my face is up here!"

He moved his eyes away from hers and she said, "That's OK Bobby. I know you young guys like my breasts! And I know how you act around them. And I know being away from a girl for a long time is difficult. But when we talk or dance please look me in the yes."

He said, "Sorry. It's that you're so big Alice!"

She said, "Oh and you don't like girls with big breasts Bobby?"

He said, "Gosh no! I love girls with big tits I mean breasts!"

She laughed and said, "That's OK Bobby you can call them tits if you want. I was just thinking if you didn't like large breasts, tits, Bobby, you would be the first man I have danced with that didn't like my tits."

He said, "Well I do like them Alice. Hell I love them!"

She just smiled and pulled him closer so she could push her tits harder against his chest. She had to admit, this kid was nice. He was good-looking and very nice and was shy. The shy was the part she liked best."

She said, "You're dancing much better Bob. Seems you have mastered slow dancing. I told you it wasn't hard."

Then she smiled and said, "But something sure is. Bobby!" She whispered in his ear, "Bobby, do you had a hardon?"

He said, "Oh My God I'm so embarrassed Alice. I'm so sorry. Yes, feeling your body against me is giving me a super hardon! I can't help it."

She said, "It OK babe! I'm flattered Bobby that a good-looking young guy like you would find me so attractive. It's OK. Relax. Here I want you to press your lower body hard against me. Yes that's it. Why Bobby you feel very large. Can I ask you something?"

He said, "Anything Alice, just keep dancing with me. Please."

She said, "If I tell you how big my tits are Bobby, will you tell me how big your cock is?"

He didn't say anything. Then he looked at her and said, "I'm not sure, it's not that long but it's thick. The guys tell me I'm the thickest they have ever seen. But I'm not sure how long it is Alice, maybe 7 inches."

She said, "It feels bigger Bobby. I don't think your wife is dating other guys because you have a small cock! Oh I'm 38DD just so you know. Do you like my tits Bobby?"

He said, "Oh God yes Alice. I love your tits. You're large too!"

She held him around the neck with both hands now and pressed her body against his from her thighs to her lips. She burned her lips against his neck and kissed him. He could have sworn she whimpered and sighed softly against his neck. Then she said, "You know what Bobby. I think I will help you out just like I helped out Jack."

He held her even tighter and she could feel the heat from his hard cock as he pushed against her now with much more feeling. She looked at him and kissed him quickly and softly. He smiled when she broke off the kiss and looked at him. She said, "Why don't we go get another drink and then I'll tell them I don't feel well and I'll meet you outside?"

He said, "Great! Let go."

She said, "Slow down mister! We can't leave at the same time. We'll get our drinks and talk a little more about your woman problem and then you leave. I'll come out the other entrance and meet you at that little dinner across the street. You know where it is?"

He said, "Yes, I saw it as I came in Alice. I.. I really want to thank you."

She said, "Thank me later. Oh how much money do you have Bobby? I don't have much at all with me."

He said, "That's Ok I have about $600 dollars left. Why?"

She said, "Well Bobby if we decide to stay together for a while, you'll have to pay for a place for us to talk. Now we can walk around but I don't recommend it, down around here. And then there's this hotel up the road. I could drive us there and we could talk in the hotel. You know get a room and sit and talk. Maybe turn on the radio and dance some more if you want. What do you think?"

He said, "The room sounds much better than just walking around. He said, "How about your car? Could we sit in your car and talk?"

She said, "Yes, but then we couldn't dance Bobby. I like dancing with you very much. I like to feel your body pressing against me. You know what I'm saying Bobby?"

She held his hand for a moment and bent forward placing her breasts on both of their hands. Bobby looked down and smiled as he felt her tit on his hand. It was full and her nipple was pressing into his palm. He said, "Yes Alice. I know exactly what you're telling me. A room it is."

He drank his $8.00 beer and left. As he walked out he called his Uncle Jimmy saying, Well I'm going with her to the hotel up the street. We're getting a room so we can talk about my wife. I'll page you when and if she goes into the bathroom to change or begins to make love to me. I'll give you the room number then too."

Jim said, "Great. We'll be waiting."

Bobby then had an idea. He said, "She might just want to see what I'm going to do the first time uncle and hear my story. If there's going to be sex I'll beep you. If she wants to talk and check me out this first time, you won't get a beep. Understood?"

Jim said, "Yep! We understand Bobby! Good luck!"

He waited on the corner and about 10 minutes later Alice pulled up in her car. They drove to the hotel and he checked them in for $550.00 for the night. "Man that's steep", he was thinking, but he just paid it figuring she called them and told them how much money he had on him. And the hotel was capitalizing on the hourly whore trade and he was sure the women would get a cut of that money too.

They went to room 345 and when they walked into the room, there was a bed two chairs and a TV and radio combination. She sat down and opened her coat showing Bobby her fully clothed body and the two beers she took from the club. She went to the bathroom and behind the door was a bottle opener. Bob figured she had been here before to know that there was an opener attached to the wall in the bathroom. She sat in one chair and crossed her legs slowly showing him about a foot of leg above her knees. Her tight blouse was actually separating near and around each of the small buttons holding it closed around her very large breasts. They were very large and she loved to tease the boys with them.

Bobby sat in the other chair and looked at her. He said, "I can't tell you how happy I am to have you here to talk with me and help me try to get over this girl problem Alice."

She smiled and said, "Well how should we begin Bobby? You got a picture of your wife?"

He showed it to her and then almost started crying. Yep, he would get a reward for his acting tonight too. She stood up and came over to him. She knelt in front of him and held him as he told her how sad and depressed he was. She stroked his hair and lifted his face up to hers and then she kissed him. This time the kiss was a much longer harder and deeper type of kiss. And before it ended she had her tongue in his mouth. Bobby had his hands on her shoulders and made a move towards her breasts when he felt her tongue enter his mouth! She let him cup each breast and squeeze them for a few seconds and then moved his hands off her breasts. She gave him just enough to make him want more. She said, "Bobby don't! Come on let's practice dancing."

She stood and turned on the radio. She found a station that played soft slow music most of the time and pulled him up out of the chair. She wrapped her arms around his neck again and said dance with me. Dance with me close Bobby! Hold me like you would hold your wife!"

He said to himself, 'Oh she's good! She's very good."

He pulled her to him and they didn't move much at all. It was sort of like they swayed from side to side pressing their bodies tightly together. Then she put her thigh between his legs and pressed it against him. She felt his cock hardening again. She said, "Boddy! I believe you're getting hard again! Do I effect you that much?"

He said, "Oh God yes Alice. When you put your tongue in my mouth I shot up right away. God yes you make me so hard. Your body....I mean.. your tits....your tits...I mean they are so big...and so nice! Oh God Alice....yes!! YES!! Yes you effect me like that!"

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