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The Silent Courtesan

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She screamed as loud as she could that I wasn’t her father.
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(This is a stand alone story, I'm almost sure I tied off all the loose ends. My thanks go to my friend who helped with the technical side and pointed out some mistakes in the time line. Bless you. I also thank my editor hale1 for taking on such a huge story all at once. Please enjoy your read, I know I had so much fun writing it.)


It was my father that first introduced me to the saying, 'when an unstoppable force meets an immovable object' oh he explained it very well the second time around. It was his first explanation that really confused the hell out of me but I was ten at the time so although I didn't understand it then, it was almost twenty years later that I thought my father to be the wisest of us all.

When I left school with an overinflated opinion of myself and very little in the way of qualifications I went into the army as a form of employment. Boy wasn't that a wake up call, watching the flag being handed to the parents of my best friend the day of his funeral taught me that life is precious and it was about time I stopped wasting mine. As a parting gift the army taught me about computers, not so much all the graphics and stuff you can make them do.

To me it was what was inside that little box, fixing them was the real fun. At the end of my time in the Army one of my instructors reached out and helped find me a job. Within a year I was offered a transfer to one of the companies satellite businesses, it was only when I asked where that it felt like I should take it.

Since I had left my home town to join the Army I couldn't see the point of ever going back once I left it, both my folks were now dead and I was an only child. My late friend always talked about his home town and how he couldn't wait for his time in the army to end so he could return. He didn't envision his return being in a box, it took me an hour to make up my mind and that's only because my boss wanted me to think about it first. So I took a coffee and sat in the canteen and did just that.

So a year after leaving the service it seemed I did take him up on the offer of living there, since my first time was only to bury my friend and return to my unit after the funeral I didn't get to see much of Winchester Springs that day, but it was everything he said it was and today marked my third year

My life could best be described as drifting in those three years, I had an ok apartment in an ok part of town and an ok job to pay for it. Part of me would also like to say I had an ok wife as well, I guess three and 0 was the score on that. A list of one night stands and a few even hung around for a few months to a year,


One of the gifts the army left me with was a very well honed instinct for something being out of place, and that's what kicked in when I was on my way back from a business meeting and still some miles from home. Thankfully glimpsing Wal-Mart from the road reminded me that I had nothing in the fridge and decided to do some shopping that afternoon. Now when I go shopping I'm not one of those who will try to get their car as close to the shop doors as possible, I've seen too many people get into each others faces when the car next to you swings their door open and places a real good dent in yours.

Of course the leaning your cart up against the car beside you while you unload your shopping into the trunk of your car and ignoring the scratches left by the cart has always been one of my favorites as well. So habit means I place my car at the furthest end of the car park and walk, the exercise does me good anyway.

So too use a well-worn phrase, 'there I was, minding my own business.'

The car a few spaces over from mine was as nondescript as you could get, no bumper stickers, not new but not more than a couple of years old either, the guy behind the wheel was mid forties, the muscles went from his shoulders to his head, missing out on a neck, this man trained with weights and my mind screamed thug. Yet it was the woman in the back that looked so out of place, she watched as I pulled up a few spaces away from the other car and got out.

I had seen situations like this before on my tour of Iraq, the way this woman sat so far back in her seat to place as much space between herself and him, she was clearly afraid of the muscle who was eating Chinese out of a carton and doing his best to ignore the woman in the back seat. That instinct kicked in and as I walked towards the shop I pulled my cell out of my pocket, it sure was difficult getting the police to understand that it was instinct that made me call.

My belief was that they would have preferred something with a bit more meat on the bone like an armed robbery or something. In the end she said they would send a car over to investigate. I was at the checkout when the commotion started, people gathered at the window and watched as the police officer forced the guy over the hood of the car and cuffed him. By the time I had paid and walked back to my car the woman was in a separate car talking to a female officer and a male officer was waiting for me.

Thankfully this guy wasn't a rookie so knew what instinct was all about, my statement was taken while we both leaned against my car, well what little I could add to the proceedings. When I did get a little curious about what went on the officer told me it was now an ongoing investigation. My mind read that as Police talk for mind your own business.

He took my name, address and number and mentioned that they would be in touch if they needed anything, since I doubted I could add anything to my statement I duly dismissed his comment and although we shook on it, my mind had all but chalked this down as someone else's problem now.


Friday was dinner date evening. When I came to bury my friend I met his sister, she was hot but married to a real ass. When Casey found out I was now living a couple of miles away she was furious that I had not contacted her. My defense, meager though it was that I didn't want to be around her husband was met with her adding the word 'ex' into the conversation.

As this was Friday I dropped my groceries at the house and headed out to Casey's for dinner, since her divorce she seemed to hate the weekends so we had established that Friday was dinner night until she was comfortable enough to get herself back out there. Her retort was sadly always the same, 'who would want to get saddled with a ready made family' the hot babe sat across from me and two little munchkins sat either side of me at the dinner table was the simple answer. My reply was always the same and I stuck to it like it was a life preserver.

"Dammit Casey, you need a man in your life and these two need a farther figure, not some weirdo who comes to dinner every Friday."

We always ended the evening with a hug and her giving me a promise that when she was ready she would get back on the merry-go round. The journey home was always the same, me wishing only the best for my friend's sister who I honestly cared about and hoping against hope that she didn't end up as lonely as me.

My thoughts came back to reality when the door to the underground car park opened and I pulled my car into its spot. When I got out that nagging feeling made the hairs on my neck stand, I spotted the reflection of someone behind me in the car window. My reflexes may have slowed down some due to lack of practice, but not that much.

I grabbed a wrist as I twisted, grabbed a hand full of hair on the way around and had the woman face first into the roof of my car before the realization that it was a woman came to me. The words 'oh fuck' followed quickly after that.


My senses screamed at me to let her go a second before my body caught up with the command.


Taking three paces back gave her some sort of comfort zone, the woman slowly turned and massaged her wrist with her other hand while she did. She eyed me up and down and that alone made me feel uncomfortable.

"You'll do."

Confused as I was I managed, "I'll do for what."

She once again looked me up and down like I was for sale and evaluating if I was worth the price tag.

"Yes, you'll do very nicely."

Recognition dawned slowly, followed by the obvious question a second later.

"How did you find out where I live?"

She smiled again, her eyes came alive and that smile of hers must have reached its thousand watt threshold.

"I was raised to be observant, I was taught to lip read when I was young even though my hearing is perfect. When you told that police officer your name and address I paid close attention."

Now she had me intrigued, "Why?"

This time she paused, her eyes scanned the car park and back to me.

"May we go inside, this conversation could entail you needing a drink."

For the first time in all this I took a real long hard look at this woman, she was about two inches shorter than my six foot, her hair was oddly short for a style I would have thought would suit her, stopping just below the collar of her blouse. She had a beauty about her that seemed natural, what make-up she had on was either minimal at best or none at all. It was her eyes I found the hardest part of her to read, they gave away no emotion and told me nothing about her at all.

Her mouth would smile and yet when you looked into her eyes, it was as though there was a wall behind them forcing you to accept her smile as warm and heartfelt even when you couldn't be totally sure. The business suit she wore looked tailor made and yet she wore no jewelry that I could see, not even studs or earrings. An oddity for any woman in this day and age

"Like what you see?"

Her question was simply that, no emotion at all. This time I gave as good as I got.

"I'm undecided."

Her smile faltered and for the first time her face gave away an emotion, worry. She licked her lips and drew breathe, paused for a moment and exhaled.

"Please, I promise to explain but not here."

My ears picked up her tone instantly and I had to wonder, eventually I shrugged and started to walk towards the elevator, she followed. As the doors opened a thought came to me.

"I don't even know your name."

Her arm went into mine and we both entered the elevator while the doors closed I waited for her to answer.

"I made a promise and I will stick to it, your apartment and I will answer your question."

That one statement should have been a forewarning of what was to come, a lesson learned as the days went on was to listen carefully to her words and never assume anything about her. So with my work bag in hand we headed for my apartment.

When I opened the door and stood back to allow her in she looked at me with a look that could only be described as confusion. In my haste my mind screamed feminist, more so when she took her own step back, her body language telling me I was going in first. With a shrug of resignation I turned the lights on and made my way to the kitchen, I looked around to find she was twisting the cord on the blinds to close them.

"Coffee or I have some tea if that works for you."

Her head moved slowly around the room pausing for a second on shaded corners that the main lights couldn't get to because an object was in the way.

"Water please, bottled if you have it."

I just shrugged and continued to make coffee for me grabbing a bottle out of the fridge and handing it to her. Once my drink was on the coffee table between us I sat back and waited, to me I had completed my part of the bargain it was her turn. It still took her a moment to decide where to sit and yet the real interesting part in all this was that although it was clear to me she was deep in thought her face gave away nothing.

"You're ex forces, army I suspect."

Other than nod my head I wasn't giving her anything else.

"My name is Kenzie. I have no name other than that and if I had it would be irrelevant, what you stumbled onto at the car park was a drop off."

Well that woke my interest to say the least. Putting my coffee back on the table and leaning on my legs I looked closer at the woman in front of me.

"Slave trade?"

Kenzie shook her head and refused to look away.

"Do you know what a Courtesan is?"

It still took me a moment to remember where I had heard that term before and then looked closer at the woman across from me.

"I spent a little time in Japan, over there they call them Geisha girls don't they?"

She seemed unfazed by my comment, taking a sip of her water when I took a sip of my coffee.

"We are a tree, our base is strong and steeped in many roots of history, but it's the branches that truly define us."

I was in trouble when she went all Confucius on me. Kenzie could clearly see I wasn't going to say anything else.

"When I was born, my path was mapped out for me. I'm a woman, we are Courtesan's the men have a separate path."

This time I held up my hand to stop her, she may have noticed the look of confusion on my face and that wasn't the half of it. I had clearly stepped into something I knew nothing about and I needed details, if trouble was coming my way I needed to see it coming. What came out of her mouth over the next thirty minutes told me just how deep I had trodden in it.


It seems Kenzie was to be handed onwards, the car park was the pre-arranged point, the man eating the Chinese was to make sure she was there on time and handed over. I must admit I was still struggling with her style of conversation, it had roots in Japan yet she was western. She explained everything from me parking my car up to the time the Police took both of them away, she fell silent then; so me being the curious type, I just had to ask.

"So then what happened?"

She shrugged and used the silence to take another sip from the water bottle.

"Lady, how about rather then thinking about it you answer the question."

This time she shrugged her shoulders, paused and then said, "Jonathan, the man who was my escort tripped at the Police station before he could make his phone call. The medical people said it was a heart attack."

Those hairs on the back of my neck went straight to screaming, 'danger Will Robinson danger' and just wouldn't let up.

"So they let you go?"

Kenzie looked directly at me, those eyes as expressionless as her features.


I decided to try something else, when my unit ended up in Japan I actually liked the way of life there. The older generation was more direct and to the point, most of those with me were real uncomfortable with it so they gravitated towards the younger population. With Kenzie I chose abrupt.

"So what do you want?"

For a second, and if I hadn't been watching closely I knew I would have missed it, her features actually softened.

"A place to stay, time to allow me the chance to decide what to do from now on. I cannot return to what was once home so I need to decide what to do next."

This was new territory to me, far from my comfort zone, or any prior experience. From what little of her life she shared with me it was clear she was alone now. Added to that was the fact that the only clothes she had were what were on her back, and rather than go it alone she turned to the only person who cared enough to call the police because something about the situation at the car park just didn't feel right.

A faint part of me thought it might be fun to have company for awhile and that was the part that was beating my cautious thoughts to death. So I showed her the spare room and the bathroom, we made her bed together and I pulled an old t-shirt out of my closet and found her a spare toothbrush before telling her to use that for tonight since we would be shopping for more clothes in the morning.

When I went to move to the door of her room so I could leave her in peace her voice followed me.

"Mr. McAndrews."

When I turned to look at her she stood ramrod straight and looked directly at me, she paused before bowing, Japanese style. That nagging feeling once again found it so odd that a western woman, that she clearly was, could have such roots in a country so far from here. Remembering my manners I bowed right back and as I stood straight once again she moved to stand straight and spoke as she did.

"I owe you a great debt, my life is your life until that debt is paid."

It felt like what I said next would be important to her and this western Japanese mix within her was challenging every answer that came to mind. In the end I was just grateful that my time in Japan wouldn't be wasted.

Even though I listened for her I have to say no noise at all came from her room right up until the point sleep took me. As an early riser coffee got made first before I had a shower. It was as I turned away from the coffee pot that something caught my eye and not only did I stop but also had to do a double take.

Kenzie was sitting on a bath towel on the floor over by the couch in one of those yoga positions with tightly crossed legged that only the young and very pliable seem to be able to manage. My first instinct was to wince then I wondered how people got out of sitting like that. The light from the kitchen caught something else about her, she was soaked in sweat. The t-shirt had absorbed a great deal as well and was now clinging to her body, highlighting her breasts.

When she opened her eyes I took a step back, two of the guys in my unit had that same look towards the end of my last tour of Iraq. We called it 'the thousand yard stare' something in this woman's life just wasn't right, she was way too young to be where she was right now.


Kenzie smiled, her eyes took a moment longer before they showed any real sign of life, her hands moved away from her legs, she untangled herself and picked up the towel before walking towards me and coming to a stop three paces in front of me, the lights from the kitchen catching almost every bead of sweat on her body.

"Go get a shower. I will toss another t-shirt on your bed, you can use that until we go shopping later."

Other than a nod of her head she said nothing, just walked on by me and headed into her room leaving the door open as she passed it. When I returned with another t-shirt she was naked and waiting, her eyes now having changed to a calm that her facial features made you accept as her demeanor. I'm sure many would believe her expression but to me that stare still seemed to be waiting in the wings.

So much of this woman was unknown to me, a part of me had to hide a smile that clawed at me trying to get out, I was beginning to wonder if she was the flame and I was the moth.


Something I did notice about her taste in clothes was that nothing was flashy, everything she chose or asked my opinion on was neutral in color and nothing was even in the ball park of risqué. Just casual, functional and comfortable, at one of her more flamboyant moments she showed off a rather nice blouse by placing her hands behind her head thus pushing her chest forward.

As a man my eyes should have been on her chest as it attempted to burst from her blouse, yet it was the tattoo on the inside of her right arm that held my attention and just wouldn't let go. Kenzie noticed my line of sight and quickly changed her posture to a twirl so she could show the blouse from the back as well as the front. Judging by her manner this wouldn't be the time or place to talk about that tattoo, the design was more Japanese than western and yet she had told me she had never left this country.

We finally called a halt after four hours of shopping at the Mall, since I was hungry I knew Kenzie would be as well so we dropped most of her new clothes into the trunk of the car, she liked some of them so much she wore then out of the shop.

Sushi was something I acquired a taste for in Japan, add to the fact that the Bar was across the mall from the last shop we had gone into and it now felt like a blessing. Two of the chefs were entertaining customers with the knife juggling thing that this particular Bar seemed to be renowned for.

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