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The Sins of the Fathers Ch. 09

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Jack plays the 'Kissing Monster' game under Nikki's covers!
10.3k words

Part 9 of the 30 part series

Updated 06/08/2023
Created 06/04/2016
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Another night, another late-night visit.

I fucking hate clocks. Seconds become minutes...57, 58, 59. Minutes become hours ... 9 ... 10 .. .11 pm. Hours become ... what? Midnights?

It was almost midnight already; and, Jack had been sitting at his computer for hours. He wasn't playing games. At least, he wasn't playing computer games. Head games, maybe? In his hand, he held an unfinished glass of bourbon, which just might be evaporating faster than he was drinking it. The liquor had been poured hours ago, right after Nikki stopped by his room to say goodnight.

Supper had been noticeably quiet. Smatterings of meaningless chitchat, followed by long periods of silence. It was so quiet they could hear each other chew. It was so quiet that the sound of the forks and spoons were loud.

I guess there's been a lot happening to think about. Nikki's probably mulling over MacKenzie's visit. She clearly enjoyed Mac's attentions.

Jack watched his daughter eat, but his mind was more focused on Nikki's breakfast conversation after their night on the sailboat. It'd been almost a week, and he hadn't been back to her room since. Unless, of course, he counted this morning. Sweet Jesus, seeing her with MacKenzie was so erotic!

Tonight, his brain just kept rehashing that restaurant conversation over-and-over again. Nikki's whispered remark: 'You used to come to my room every night'. Caught off-guard, he'd answered with a question: 'Would you like that?' She'd merely nodded ambivalently; and, Jack couldn't unravel its meaning. Sorta Yes... then sorta No... then what? Nothing! As dumb luck would have it, the waitress showed up with their bill. The moment was ruined. The memory of it was left unsettled. The message was unclear. Jack hated ambiguity with all his heart and soul. His mind craved exactness.

Since that day they'd never talked about it again, and it was gnawing at Jack. What the hell did you mean by that nod?

Well, what-ever-the-fuck she meant, I will not figure it out sitting here at the computer. Jack let out a prolonged sigh and reached out to turn off the desk light, plunging the den into darkness.

And, in that same darkness, a few minutes later, Jack found himself kneeling beside his daughter's bed with his hand already under her quilt. Whatever tiny speck of will power he still had left in his lawyer's rational mind begged him to stop. Don't! That's one piece of legal advice, I'm going to ignore.

His fingers edged carefully across her pronounced cleft, searching; she was hot, but still dry there. He rubbed her delicatelywith just the tip of a finger as she held her breath in her sleep. Then, as he gently lifted the finger from her, she breathed out in a sigh.

Dangerous stuff, a father listening to a daughter sigh in the dark like that. Jack went hard in a flash. He touched her again; but, this time he was the one holding his breath. He could feel her clit swell as he softly flicked it, pressing it gingerly.

Christ, Nikki, you've got a very nice little mons and a fucking great clit!

He slid his hand languidly down her cleft, trying to open her slowly. Stirring in her sleep, Nikki drew a shuddering breath and held it. He attempted using a finger to enter her, but she was still too dry and tight. The little hood covering her clit pulled back under his palm. She gasped. Surprised, he quickly snatched his hand away as his only child's body responded to his touch.

Cupping her immature sex again, he searched for her button. Even with her legs together, he found it protruding slightly through her vulvae.

God damn, it's huge! I've never touched another one like this; even, your mom's isn't this big. You must be stimulated every time you takes a about a sweet spot!

Turning his hand flat against her, he lightly put his thumb against it. That's incredible; I can feel your pulse. I wonder if you'll try to stop me? If you wake, will you pretend to still be asleep?

He brought his fingers out from under the covers to his lips. He inhaled deeply, Oh, child of my loins, you smell like peaches after your bath.

Moistening his finger, he reached out for her sex in the dark. He stopped just short of touching her.

Jack bowed his head. He might have been praying. He wasn't! He seemed to be asking for the strength to get up from there and leave. He wasn't! Jack was busy thinking, the law was clear: Penetration --no matter how slight. So, what can we do?

He crawled to the bottom of the bed on his knees, lifting the covers and draping them over his head.

One way or the other, I've gotta know what she meant by that nod ... time for the Kissing Monster to visit.

It was an age-old game many dads and their kids have played at some point in their relationship. Harmless and innocent, it's only a 'nighty-night' game for little kids.

Like all healthy children, Nikki had fought the battle of the bedtime: I'm not sleepy; I want a glass of water; Read me a story; and the ever popular, I can't sleep, 'cause there's a monster under my bed'. It'd become a nightly ritual in the Grant family. Jennifer would take Nikki upstairs to tuck her in, check under the bed, and then call back down to Jack, "Honey, maybe you should come up here, too."

With Jennifer watching, Jack would dutifully check under Nikki's bed. "Nope, I don't see any monsters lurking here." Yet, as soon as his head popped up from under the bed, he'd declare melodramatically, "But, just to make sure, I better check under the covers, too."

Wide-eyed and vigorously nodding her head, the tiny daddy's-girl would echo, "Yeah! Just to make sure, Daddy."

Crawling to the foot of her bed, Jack would stick his head under the covers. "Ah ha!...what is that? Oh ny God, there is something here! It's the Kissing Monster!"

Kicking and giggling, Nikki would squeal, "Noooooo, not the Kissing Monster. Don't let him get me, Daddy!"

Jack would grab her legs dragging her downward into the covers. Nikki would kick her small legs furiously, thinking for a split second that the monster had actually grabbed her, and her dad would yell, "Fight, Nikki fight! Don't let it pull you under the covers. I think I have it's legs. Now, if I can just pull it out from under the covers. Oh my God, it's strong!"

In the ensuing struggle of dad versus small girl's kicking legs, the covers would erupt in squeals as she tried to tell her dad that he had her legs, not the Kissing Monster's. But with all the confusion and yelling, he never seemed to hear her small voice.

Planting a quick fatherly kiss on Nikki's tummy, Jack always followed it up by widening his lips, pressing down gently, and blowing hard. From under the covers came the rudest, most raunchy farting sound in the world.

Her dad had patiently explained that the sound was caused by the Kissing Monster's sudden and absolute disappearance into another dimension. Evidently, this dimension held kissing monsters captive for almost exactly twenty-four hours before they broke free and found their way under her bed again.

Innocent games! Back then I was still married to Jennifer; the firm was new and still struggling.

It was a time of innocence, simple cases and innocent clients. It was a time before divorces. It was a time before video evidence. It was a time before Catholic Girls School. It was a time when Jack slept easily and his conscience seldom bothered him. I miss that simplicity. I miss the clarity!

It was a time when his feelings for his daughter were still clear, uncomplicated and untainted with confusing needs or wants.

But, that time is now long gone! And, there's a big difference in trying to get your young daughter to go to sleep, on the one hand, and trying not to wake her on the other.

A huge difference, he thought as the covers settled over his shoulders.

Carefully feeling around for her small sock-covered feet, he finally touched them. Jack smiled knowing that Nikki almost always wore the socks because her feet got cold on the hardwood floors. He'd grown to think they were an integral part of her cuteness. Cute had given way to sexy, but the socks remained a constant for him.

His hands inched agonizingly upwards, first past her ankles then over the calves of her legs. Placing a hand on each he slid further under the covers, creeping slowly onto her bed. He kissed her knees and felt goosebumps again. He kissed her thighs. Left then right. The kisses were like caresses. He kissed the slight crease between thigh and tummy, only to feel her warm sex against his cheeks.

And, he kissed again. Damn, missed it by that much!

Having kissed a little high, Jack only felt a small prominence against his chin. He moved his head lower in the darkness under the blanket. His tongue found her first.

Jack turned his head slightly, kissing one side of her vulva then the other. He sucked a thick lip into his mouth and mauled it softly. Feeling her heat rise he extended his tongue, searching a little deeper into her.

Time stopped for Jack. The very tip of his tongue tasted his own daughter. The taste wasn't on his fingers, wasn't on another girl's lips. This was 99.9% pure and untouched from the source. She was sweet. He stopped just long enough to wet his own lips and surround her with them. She was quite something. He could feel the pulse and he could feel her flood her little pussy when he kissed her there in the dark. There in a silence that deafened, in the heat that burned away souls, in his soul's event horizon, she moaned. He held her to his lips, sucking lightly as she moaned. His tongue swirled around it, teasing it.

Jack Grant drew his daughter from a sound sleep with just the tip of his tongue and a tender suction. He pulled her from the Land of Nod into her father's fantasy world. It was a place where, no matter the act, no harm was done. No matter the deed, innocence remained. Acts were without consequences and no law held sway. There was no right or wrong. There was only pleasure to be given and taken.

Nicole slowly came awake in the dark. Still half-asleep, she thought, This dream feels so real. She tossed her head from side to side in the lightless room. Oh my God, so real!

Jack unhurriedly moved her legs apart under the covers. Sliding one arm then the other under a leg, he lifted them onto his broad shoulders. His face was just above her sex, perfect for what he had in mind. He reached up under her back. Taking a small hand in each of his, he crossed them behind her back before he lowered his face into her pint-sized mons. Sucking her whole mound into his mouth, Jack slowly and deliberately wet it with his tongue before licking into her. Nikki went into a bow in that kiss of darkness. The darkness held her hands under her so all she could manage was to arch against his mouth. Dark need his tongue into her. Young girls squeal; young women moan. His daughter moaned.

She mumbled, "Oh My God, MacKenzie, what if my dad catches us?"

Nikki stirred in her dreams. She could feel it under the covers kissing, licking, and then trying to get to her tummy. The monster held her hands under her. She slowly came awake. The feeling is still there. It's night time. That's not MacKenzie!

She shivered, feeling her hands pinned under her. She was certain that lips were on her. She sensed herself open a little more with each lick. Opening her legs, Nikki tentatively pushed up under the bed covers against the kissing monster's lips.

Jack noted that his daughter moved against his lips as she widened her legs. At first, he thought she was doing it in her sleep, but then he realized that Nikki was testing his hold on her hands as her hips moved imperceptibly into 'the kiss'. Time stopped again when she groggily asked in a sleepy voice, "Daddy, is that you?"

There was no answer, but 'it' drew her hands downward forcing her open sex into its kiss. He sent his tongue where it had no business going. A single breathless, 'Oh my god!' was all he heard.

"OOOhhhh, it's the kissing monster, isn't it?" She struggled to fully wake up. This time, the monster is a kissing monster, again!

He grinned as her pert little butt came up off the bed and she chased his tongue, wiping her pint-sized sex across his mouth over and over. He smiled when she crossed her legs, then locked her ankles behind his head trapping his face in her hot, moist, smoothe sex.

Nikki squinted and, in what light there was, she could almost see the monster. She was pretty sure she could make out the shape of what had to be it's head under her covers.

She gazed around. How did you get into my room? Where's Barrington?

In the near darkness, a shape rose and fell under her covers. Maybe I can smother it. Without air, it'll probably collapse.

She tightened her legs around it like a wrestler, but here there were no rules. It licked her. No fair!

As it tasted her, she felt her entire being begin to center on her inexperienced little vagina. She felt the shape of the monster's lips surrounding her mound, felt the pulse of her small button, felt its tongue flicking across her. Then she sensed it extend something, pushing forward with its head. Warm, long and soft. A sizable but unidentifiable thing entered her. Definitely bigger and softer than a finger. She frowned trying to figure out what it was.

"I know who you are. You're not fooling anyone."

It's a tongue! This is nothing like how MacKenzie did it. This tongue isn't gentle; it's hungry. This is nasty hot!

She blushed, her skin flushing hot and sweaty; she blushed so hard she came. The monster sensed it. It recognized the goosebumps, felt her petite body arch, observed her attempt to free her hands. Mostly, he felt her go wet and tremble against his lips. Then, he tasted her sex. She was all clean, sweaty, salty and not peaches this time. Nikki went slippery then wet but not slippery, then clean-but-not-slippery-wet as she came all over his face. She pushed her sex into the monster's face.

"Eat me, you big bad monster!" she whimpered. Oh my God, is that you?

He did. By the time he stopped, she had cum three times. Her second cum lasted for almost twenty minutes as he teased her over the edge time and time again. She came so hard she cried. She came so hard that the muscles in her tummy hurt.

As she finished crying, he pulled the covers off her, secure that she could not really see him in the dark anyway. Flipping her over face-down, he grabbed the stuffed bear from the floor. Jack Grant smiled as he shoved the bear under her tummy. It hiked her ass up to almost the right position. He lifted her hips, his hands steadying her on top of the bear.

Nicole felt the bear slide under her tummy. She felt its furry paws on her hips. It's almost like Sir Barrister is helping the monster! He's holding me up so the monster can ...what?

Jack Grant came up on his elbows behind her, and brought his face to her now raised and open sex. He licked its length before shoving his face into her. It was a wet, lascivious kiss. The sloppiness matched his hunger and need almost perfectly. Nicole squealed as she forced herself against his jaw and face.

Jack smiled, but he wasn't done. This position was too perfect. He reached up under her and grabbed both breasts in his hands, pulling down tenderly on them. Her nipples were as big as they could get. She had the perfect nipples for what he wanted. He pulled down in a milking motion.

Jack's hands reached up again getting a better grip on her breasts. This time the nipples just extended from his clasped fingers. Just enough! He pulled down on them again.

Nicole Grant's eyes closed. She bit her lip not to scream in pleasure. Her hips pushed back. She went somewhere quiet. Sir Barrister held her so she couldn't fall. He also held her so she couldn't get away. Too much feeling. Too much stimulation.

Jack came up onto his knees behind her. Her dad released her breasts and reached up, grabbing her hips and dragging her ass tight against his abdomen. Jack Grant's cock was obscenely hard. He used his hands on her hips to bring her back over it. His cock slid between her legs, raking along her open vulvae and across her licked-to-wetness clit. As he pulled her back tight into him, she felt every ridge and vein as it slid roughly across her most sensitive part. He held his breath as he pulled her back and forth over him. Her legs were together, trapping his shaft as he fed it through her gap. The precum and kisses had made her a wet wrap for his hardened need. He was doggin' the space between her wet thighs.

Hot and sweaty, Jack Grant was in rut.

Nikki lay there under his hands; she let him move her. She didn't know if he'd put it in her or not. She felt her ass slap back against him with each pull of his hands. The slapping noise, and the squeaking of her bed, made this seem like more than a nighttime visit from the kissing monster.

Jack slowed, drawing his cock back out from between her legs. It was wet; Nikki was soaking wet. Her ass was so hot under his touch. He grabbed both cheeks, gently but firmly squeezing them. Then, unexpectedly, Jack Grant reached out with the palm of one hand and slapped an ass cheek. It jiggled. She gasped. His cock lurched. He started leaking more precum. It was almost dripping in a stream from the tip of his shaft.

The beat of his heart was making his cock throb and lurch wildly. It lifted to slap insistently against her mons. Twitching from side to side it flopped against her thighs, first one then the other. It lurched upward and landed between her ass-cheeks, sliding up and down before dropping back between her legs.

Jack took his cock in his hand and squeezed the head, bringing it against the open vulvae of her sex. Fuck! Shit! Christ, she's hot and wet!

Spreading the small lips with the uncovered head of his cock, he wet them with his need. Squeezing the shaft, he smacked it against her open sex several times.

Nikki could hear each smack in the quiet of her darkened room. Oh My God, he's spanking me with his cock!

He drew his hand away, feeling the head of his shaft still lodged wetly in her. Slowly, Jack leaned heavier onto Nikki's back. He covered her. His hands took hers inside his. He held her still. Moving forward over her small form, he covered her.

He pushed deliberately but shallowly. He held himself back. His back arched, driving his pelvis carefully forward. Just the head, no more!

He felt Nikki arch like a cat beneath his body. Her body curved into his, matching the angle he held her in. He reached between them and took the shaft in his hand, rubbing the head up and down across the opening to her sex. She was definitely open. Each time the head crossed her entrance, he felt it hesitate, sink slightly in, then pop out as he moved it across her. He painted her sex's lips with sticky need.

Her small back arched even higher under him, lifting her ass and dropping her back. Intentionally or not, she was offering him her sex. He closed his eyes. He felt the lips wrap around the head of his cock.

Is she awake? Does she feel what I'm doing? Will she move back onto my cock herself, even in her sleep?

He was panting from his need, sweat dripping from his nose and chin. His face was right next to hers; she could feel her father's hot breath on her neck. It made her nipples erect. She wanted to touch them, but she dare not. She wanted to push back against him, but she didn't. Feeling a thin stream of fluid slowly move from her open sex down one leg, her eyes snapped open. His need was already trickling from her pussy lips.

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