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The Small Town Doctor

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Medical fetish, Lesbian Masterbation, Light Scat.
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First a little history about myself. I started my own clinic about eighteen months ago in a small town not to far from where I grew up. I hired a receptionist and a well qualified RN both in there middle thirtys. The clinic was doing well and things were going good.

On this particular morning my first appointment was a elderly woman that had come in for a med check and to renew her prescriptions. This was seventy five percent of my day to day appointments. But my next appointment is where things became interesting.

The receptionist told me that my next appointment had arrived and they were waiting. I asked who it was and she told me it was a mother and her daughter, they were both here for physical exams. I figured it was a mother and her younger daughter, I wasn't completely wrong.

I told my receptionist, the nurse would be out to escort them back. My nurse went up front to get the patients and bring them back to the exam room. I could hear some surprise in her voice and then I could hear her telling the mother she would bring them back one at a time. This is when the mother spoke up and told my nurse no, that she was going to be present during her daughters physical and then her daughter would just stay back there while she received her's. Hearing this confused me a little bit as well as my nurse. My nurse not knowing what to do, and trying to avoid a argument agreed and told them to follow her.

My nurse brought them back to the bigger of two exam rooms and asked them both to have seat in the two chairs beside the desk. She took some basic information their ages and so forth. The daughter had just turned eighteen and the mother was forty one. Both very good looking women, The daughter was blonde and slender with small perky breasts and tight buttocks, The mother was also blonde she had large breasts and a medium sized buttocks.

My nurse asked why they were here? The mother told my nurse that neither of them had been to a doctor for a long time and she thought they were do for a check up. My nurse told them both that this was fine and a good idea to get checked out on a regular basis. She then asked who was going first? The mother spoke up and said her daughter would be the first one to get examined.

My nurse told the daughter to take a seat on the exam table and she would start by getting her blood pressure and then her temperature. The daughter was dressed in cut off blue jean shorts and a red halter top. And then when she was done getting her vitals the doctor would be in.

My nurse got the blood pressure cuff and her stethoscope and proceeded to take the patients blood pressure and pulse. When she was finished with this she asked the patient to stand on the floor and face the exam table. The patient hopped down and did as she was asked unaware of what was going to happen. She stood facing the exam table with her back to her mother. My nurse walked over to a cabinet and grabbed a thermometer and a small jar of Vaseline, Seeing this the patients mother knew what was going to happen but the daughter hadn't caught on just yet.

While my nurse was getting what she needed. I had knocked quietly and entered and took the empty seat at the desk, and began talking to the patients mother. I explained that my nurse was working on her licensed practical nurses degree and asked if it would be okay if she performed the physicals while I observed? The patient's mother quietly told me yes this would be fine.

By now my nurse was back and had set the jar of Vaseline on the exam table, the patient was still standing with her back to everyone, my nurse then asked the patient to lower her cut offs and lean over the exam table.

The eighteen year old daughter started to protest asking my nurse what she was going to do? My nurse calmly told her she was going to take her temperature and this is how she was going to do it. The daughter turned her head and was looking at her mother telling her mother to tell the nurse no. The mother told her daughter to do what the nurse was telling her to do. The daughter was pleading ther mother telling her but mom she is going to stick it up my butt!! The mother calmly told her daughter, yes I know what she is going to do now drop your shorts and bend over.

The patient reluctantly began lowering her shorts down to her knees and then bent over the exam table resting her chest on the table. My nurse already had a glove on and the Vaseline opened she stuck the forefinger of her right hand in the jar and brought out a glob of Vaseline as she spread the patients butt cheeks with her left hand exposing the daughters tightly clenched anus. My nurse told the patient that she was going to apply the petroleum jelly to her anus before she inserted the thermometer, my nurse took her lubed finger and slowly began rubbing the daughters anus, working the Vaseline around the puckered little hole. This caused the patient to moan and arch her back pushing herself back against my nurses finger. I watched as my nurse smiled when she felt this happening as she realized the patient was enjoying the feeling of having her anus lubricated.

My nurse soothingly told the daughter she was going to put her finger in her bottom to lubricate the inside of her before putting the thermometer in. The daughter with a weak shaky voice told my nurse okay. The patients mother sat and watched all of this happening with a knowing, content smile on her face. I watched as the daughter stiffened her body as she felt my nurses finger slowly penetrate her anus and push through her sphincter and on into her rectum. Next with no warning the thermometer was replacing my nurses finger. Feeling the cold glass rod slipping in her rectum caused the patient to flinch and gasp. Once the the patients temperature was taken she was asked to pull her shorts back up and hop back up on the table.

My nurse informed her that she was the one that was going to perform her physical and asked if she had any questions or concerns. The patient told my nurse no but she has never had this done to her before. My nurse and myself told her she would be fine and if she had any questions to just ask?

First my nurse told her she needed to ask her some more questions and then asked if she was sexually active? And if so does she practice safe sex? And she also needs to know before the pelvic exam if she still has her hymen? The patient looked horrified and at hearing these questions and was looking at her mother, her mother told her to answer them honestly and it was okay. She looked at my nurse and told her she was sexually active but not with guys and no she doesn't have her hymen. My nurse hearing this gave her a warm affectionate smile and patted her thigh.

My nurse then began the exam by checking her eyes and ears and then her nose and throat and also her scalp and neck as she worked her way lower.

She then took her stethoscope and checked her heart and lungs before asking her to remove her top and lay down on her back so she could check her breasts. The daughter's breasts were small and firm with light pink areolas and nipples. My nurse began palpating her breasts and pinching her nipples, first her left breast and then her right this was obviously starting to sexually arouse the patient her breathing had become heavy and her face was flushed, her mother sat and watched as though she was mesmerized. Her breathing had also gotten heavier, and I was wondering if she was becoming sexually aroused by watching this happening to her daughter. The patient's nipples were fully erect and her breathing had become very eradicate. My nurse was finishing up with the breast exam and telling the patient that she was doing fine, and now she was going to examine her abdomen and she had some questions about her bowel habits. She asked if the patient experienced any chronic diarrhea? the daughter told my nurse no and acted kind of shocked by the question, then my nurse asked her if she experienced a lot of constipation? this embarrassed the daughter but she did answer sometimes. And then explained that she sometimes can't poop and then when she does it comes out really hard and hurts. My nurse told her she would check it out during the rectal examination, hearing this the daughter asked how she was going to do that? My nurse explained by sticking her finger in her rectum and feeling around, but quickly changed the subject and told the patient for now let's check your abdomen, and then began palpating the patients abdomen working her way down towards the waist band of the patients shorts. With the abdominal exam done my nurse asked the patient to please remove her shorts and panties.

Once the daughter had her shorts and panties removed she was completely naked laying on the exam table. My nurse explained because of her age she wouldn't need to do a pap smear, but she would get her vagina examined by my nurse using her two fingers. I moved to the end of the exam table so I could observe what my nurse was doing. This provided me with a better view of the patient as well as my nurse.

My nurse asked the patient to spread her legs and place the soles of her feet together. When the daughter opened her legs I could see she was shaved bare, and she was very sexually aroused. She had arousal fluid leaking and running down her preinum and over her anus making a wet spot on the paper covering the exam table. My nurse seeing this began to smile. The patients mother sat quietly watching her daughter and knowing from her own experiences what was going to happen next.

My nurse walked around the table and to the cabinet and got a pair of gloves and a tube of K Y and then made her way back to the exam table and the patient.

She explained to the patient and her mother what she was going to do. She asked the patient if she was ready for this? And explained that she would be gentle, She then told the patient she was going to touch her thigh and then touch her vagina with her left hand and look. MY nurse gently touched the patients inner thigh with her left hand and using her right spread the patients labia examining the opening of her vagina, and her clitoral hood and her clitoris and also checking her urethra, before looking at her preinum and then she gently spread the patients cheeks as she looked at the patients anus which was still slimy from the Vaseline that was used for her rectal temperature, the anus was pink and hairless, it was also slightly dirty, the patient had it clenched tight as if she was trying to keep something out.

The patient feeling her bottom being pulled open began to visibly get nervous she had a worried look on her face, my nurse seeing this soothingly told the young patient to relax, nothing was going to happen to her bottom not yet, not to worry before she gets her bottom examined that she will be told what is going to happen. Hearing this the patient began to relax and calm down as she relaxed her anus loosened slightly allowing a very small hole to become visible.

By now my nurse had started to lubricate her first two fingers of her right hand, and was telling the daughter that she is going to feel her touch her with two fingers, and then she will feel two fingers penetrating her vagina, if this is painful she should tell my nurse to stop. The patient nodded her head yes, that she understood and then my nurse asked if she was ready? She approvingly nodded her head and my nurse slowly began working her fingers into the patients vagina, the patients mother was watching this very intensely sitting up on the edge of her chair to see.

The mother watched her daughters vagina slowly being forced open as my nurses fingers disappeared into her daughter. From where I was watching from. I could see the muscles in the daughters buttocks tighten as she squirmed her bottom back and forth on the exam table, as my nurse fingers slowly filled her vagina, I could also see her clitoris was becoming erect and visibly protruding from the clitoral hood, her face was grimaced and she had turned her head and was looking at her mother as though her mother could help her. Her mother looked back at her daughter and told her to try and relax it will be okay. Her daughter in shaky voice was telling her mother but mom, her fingers are in my pussy!! Her mother soothingly told her daughter yes I know baby it'll be alright.

As my nurse began working her fingers in and around the young patients vagina the patients breathing started to become eradicate and her chest began to heve, she was starting to pull her feet apart in an effort to spread her legs open even further, my nurse was well aware of what was starting to happen to the young patient as she purposely worked her fingers in and around the patients vagina more firmly and vigorously knowing that the patient was nearing a orgasm.

The patients mother was watching this happening to her daughter and the whole time telling her daughter to relax and just let it happen it will okay. The mother looked and acted as if she was becoming very sexually aroused by watching her daughter getting her vagina very thoroughly examined by my nurse.

The patient was telling my nurse that she needed to stop!! that if she didn't stop. She was going to cum, please don't make me cum in front of my mom. PLEASE DON'T DO THIS TO ME IN FRONT OF MY MOM!!! My nurse warmly smiled at the patient and in soothing voice coaxed the young patient and told her it was okay to cum in front of her mom, and to go ahead and let it happen. Her mom knows and wants her to cum. I watched quietly and observed everyone in the room. The patient was slowly loosing control and had reached the point of no return, her body had started to convulse, I watched as her legs spasmed and she told her mother she was sorry, but she couldn't help it, that she was cumming!! as arousal fluid leaked from her vagina ran down over her perineum and across her anus and pooled on the paper covering the exam table. My nurse was telling the young patient it was okay just let it happen, it was going to be alright, it happens sometimes. As the patients orgasm subsided. My nurse slowly started to withdraw her fingers from the patient. As the patients mother saw my nurse fingers covered with her daughters fluids, she squirmed her bottom around in a circle on the seat of her chair as she was trying to stimulate herself.

As soon as my nurses fingers were out of the patient, my nurse didn't give the patient anytime to think about what had just happened. My nurse was immediately telling the daughter to please rollover on her stomach and then to get on her hands and knees, and to lower her chest down on to the exam table.

It was time for the rectal examination the daughter was in position before she realized what was going to happen to her. She all of sudden realized she was on her knees with her butt stuck up in the air and what was next.

She started to plead with my nurse and then her mother telling them both NO! she wasn't going to let them do this to her!! She was almost in tears at this point both my nurse and her mother were telling her in very soothing and calming voices, it needs to be done and it won't hurt. The daughter was begging my nurse to please don't make me do this. PLEASE DON'T STICK ANYTHING UP MY ASS!!!! My nurse looked at her mother and her mother sympatheticly rose to her feet and slowly approached the exam table. She was soothing her daughter by telling her baby it will okay I promise it won't hurt, as she rubbed her back and brushed her daughters hair out of her face. The mother of the patient was telling her she was going to be okay, but this has to be done, it happens to everyone at some point in time, the mother quietly stepped around the table and placed both of her hands and her daughters butt cheeks and spread them apart exposing her daughters pink hairless anus to my nurse. The daughters anus was slimy with arousal fluid and Vaseline, it had small brown smears of feces on it from where the thermometer had touched her after her rectal temperature.

The daughter gasped and in a panicked voice asked her mother what she was doing? Her mother told her daughter she was helping the nurse, and that everything was going to be alright. The mother was making eye contact with my nurse as she watched the nurse change gloves and lubricate the forefinger of her right hand. Once my nurse had her finger lubricated, the young patients mother let her right arm gently drop down around her daughters right side as she slowly reached underneath and around her her daughter's waist, holding her daughter still in anticipation of what was about to happen to her. My nurse watched the mother and the mother watched my nurse while making eye contact with each other the whole time. The patient had began to stiffen and was slowly was trying to pull free from her mother's grasp, The mother tightened her grip on her daughter and knowingly nodded her head towards my nurse.

My nurse seeing this slowly and gently placed her lubricated finger against the young patients dirty anus and soothingly told her to push like she was trying to have a bowel movement. The daughter hesitated not sure as if she should do this. Her mother asked her to please try it will make it better, hearing her mother asking her to please try she reluctantly began bearing down pushing her anus out and open. The young patient told her mother that this is making her feel weird like she was going to fart. Her mother and my nurse both laughed at hearing this. My nurse seeing and feeling her anus pucker, nodded her head towards the patients mother. The patients mother immediately tightened her grip and held her daughter firmly as my nurse pushed her finger through the daughters anus and past her sphincter feeling her rectum starting to be invaded by nurse's finger. The daughter began struggling and squirming begging my nurse and her mother to stop! and not to do this to her asshole saying please MOM!!! please not my ASSHOLE!!! the patients mother tried calming her daughter by saying to her it will be over with very quickly please baby just let the nurse do what she needs to do. The young patient was grunting and grinding her hips back and forth trying to escape my nurses invading finger.

My nurse worked her finger deeper into the patients rectum as her mother helped hold her still. The patient was beginning both her mother, and my nurse to please stop it hurts. When this didn't work and her mother told her she would get used to it, and it would stop hurting she tried telling them it was making her feel like she needed to go to the bathroom. At one point she told my nurse if she doesn't stop she is going to shit she needs to shit right now!! My nurse calmly told her it's just the pressure from her finger making her feel like she needs to use the toilet.

By now my nurse was working her finger in and out of the patients rectum. The patients mother was watching my nurse work her daughters rectum over good with her finger. The mother at one point was looking at my nurse and smiling nodding her head yes as my nurse had her finger buried up her daughters butt. My nurse was plunging her finger in and out causing the patient to grunt and clench when my nurses finger was all the way up her rectum.

The patient had calmed down and was beginning to moan, she had arched her back forcing her butt back on my nurses finger. Both my nurse and the patients mother knew what was starting to happen all over again. My nurse grinned at the patients mother knowing her daughter was about to orgasm again, this time it was going to be from getting her bottom examined. The patients mother was looking at my nurse with a warm affectionate smile knowing what nurse was purposely doing to her daughter.

As the patient began to orgasm she thrust herself back against my nurses hand driving my nurses finger deeper into her rectum. My nurse was coaxing the young patient telling her to just let it go. The daughter responded by grunting and telling my nurse it was happening in her ass, she was cumming in her asshole. As she orgasmed her anus clenched and spasmed we could hear a PFFFFTT as she momentarily lost muscle control of her sphincter. My nurse and her mother grimaced their faces and wrinkled their noses as the daughters stink escaped her rectum. As the daughters orgasm was beginning to subsided my nurse slowed the movement of her finger, before she


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