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The Spinster and the Boy Ch. 01


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"Help me, oh help me," she sobbed desperately, holding her arms up. "I can't get up..."

Taking the arms, he gently lifted her up, and then they were in each other's arms, the old woman and the young boy, kissing again, his arms around her waist and hers around his neck.

The old woman fell back against the side of the car, her dress falling open, spreading her legs wide.

"Give it boyyyyy," she hissed.

Grasping the huge cock that was blindly trying to find its way inside her, she guided him home, pushing aside the gusset of her knickers and up into her sodden wet cunt.

They both groaned with pleasure as Harvey slid into Jocelyn's virgin pussy.

Neither had ever felt anything like it.

"Ohhhh M... Ms. Handcock," he exclaimed. "It f... feels sooooo goooood..."

"Mmm...Oh yes... dear boy... dear boy," she responded, the loving words sounding wrong from the crabby old woman's usual caustic mouth.

Harvey started moving inside her.

He couldn't know that her old body, never broken by childbirth, was as tight as any young girl. The strong muscles in her cunt gripped him marvelously. For Jocelyn the feeling of his gigantic cock moving inside her cunt was exquisite. She laughed with pleasure as the massive tool drove up and down, up and down, up and down like a well-lubricated piston in a sports car.

"AHH... ooooh... M... Ms. H... Hand... cock..."

Harvey could already feel his seed was on the verge of exploding out. He held her hips and concentrated on holding on...

Jocelyn couldn't hear him. Blood was pounding in her temples. The young man's cock felt indescribable... he was going to make her... he was going to make her...

Moaning and gasping and mumbling she fumbled between the huge elongated cones of her bra as the young man slid his cock in and out. Harvey stared cross-eyed at her cleavage as she clumsily pulled the six white press studs apart that held the cups together and let her massive tits fall out...

"Ooohh Ms. H... H... Hand... cock," he groaned.

Jocelyn lifted the lift one up and pushed it at his mouth.

"Suck 'em boy," she hissed. "Chew on 'em... I... I like it..."

As Harvey fucker her faster and faster, she mashed the nipple into his willing mouth. The old woman started to cry as he bit and nibbled on the huge turgid appendage. It hurt so good...

Sobbing with pleasure she offered him the other one. Harvey bit down hard and she started losing control.


She put both hands under and lifted both mammoth boobs up to his mouth, pushing both thick nipples into his mouth. The boy bit down hard.


Tears were rolling down her cheeks as he fucked her faster and faster, chomping on her huge sensitive nips...

He was making her cum... she was going to... going to...

They both orgasmed at the same time and then they were screaming out in pleasure...


It went on and on, their passionate cries echoing down the valley.


Harvey's cock squirted into her again and again. Even when he was empty he kept fucking her old cunt, his still hard cock pounding into her, his cum and her juices ran down her legs... over her brown stockings... dripping onto her sensible black pumps...

Jocelyn has never had an orgasm from a cock inside her, but she was very good at milking her orgasm. As he pumped his slowly softening cock into her she held his face to hers kissing her young lover desperately, wishing the feeling would never stop.

But eventually, it did and Harvey gradually withdrew his penis from her lovely old pussy and they stood back to look at each other.

A happy grin grew over Harvey's handsome young face.

"What are you grinning at stupid boy?" said the nasty old woman... though she was smiling as well, whipping the tears off her cheeks. "You'd best be careful or the wind will change direction and you'll be stuck like that!"

Having no idea what she meant he just kept grinning.

"Oh wow Ms. Handcock, that was just EXCELLENT," he cried happily, spinning around like he'd just won the lotto.

"Stupid boy," she muttered happily, watching him dance about, her black old heart momentarily full of love.

Realizing they were going to arrive late for church they devised a credible story of a flat tire. It explained Harvey's dirty pants and they even let the air out of the spare tire. If anyone checked that was the one that had been on the car.

That done they headed off and made it to the church only a few minutes into the sermon. Nobody noticed.

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Thanks for reading this slightly edited version of chapter one. I hope you enjoyed it. If you did please vote and comment.



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fran11233fran112334 days ago

Great story,love the description of the womann,s old body,made me very hard,like to read more of your stories

nylonloverUKnylonloverUK6 days ago

Love this story SO much .... my elderly widow neighbour Dorothy likes to wear old fully fashioned brown micromesh stockings and suspenders with sensible Granma shoes whilst I use her MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM

AnonymousAnonymousabout 2 months ago

you have completely nailed and generated this genre. This is your tableau. Continue to paint

RickeyrooRickeyroo2 months ago

Great story. I had similar experiences with neighbors growing up but the only sex I got was masturbating. I was quite a voyeur when I was a teen. I know some of the women saw me staring down their blouse or dress and the hardon it gave me.

AnonymousAnonymous8 months ago

Joycelyn is HOT!

Granlover67Granlover679 months ago

I always wished I would meet a 60 or 70 year old virgin. Excellent story.

AnonymousAnonymous10 months ago


NorthJerseyLearnerNorthJerseyLearnerabout 1 year ago

Loved it. Thank you. Please continue.

guru56guru56over 1 year ago

loved it wish i had someone like that living next door

PrincessNutNutPrincessNutNutover 1 year ago

Good story.

If they made it for the beginning of the sermon, they had still miss over half of the mass.

2Sisters2LoveAgain2Sisters2LoveAgainover 1 year ago

I absolutely loved it!! I only wish that I had had an experience like that.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 2 years ago

loved the story!!!!!! getting ready for part 2 i love old large uninhibited women

ilimitadoilimitadoalmost 2 years ago

Fun. Let's see where it goes!

AnonymousAnonymousover 2 years ago

Fantastic . Young Harvey gets it on with the Hot Elder babe ๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘. The scene with the mirror as he watched Jocelyn masturbate Voyeur Gold . They have to get it on again surely

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 3 years ago

Yay the lonely old lady got laid! Good for her. Amazing story.

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