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The Spinster and the Boy Ch. 02

Story Info
Mrs. Handcock gets to keep her boytoy.
6.7k words

Part 2 of the 10 part series

Updated 12/20/2023
Created 06/20/2019
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Thank you, loyal followers, and welcome new readers. If you like what you read please VOTE and COMMENT. I love to know the stories are appreciated. All characters are over 18 years of age. All players are consenting adults.

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They finally arrived at the church.

Everyone was seated and the service had begun as Jocelyn shuffled down the side aisle to take her seat in her regular spot between Doris Herbertson and Mildred Scattle. Harvey found an out-of-the-way spot, up the back near the door.

Father O'Connor interrupted his sermon and laughed benevolently as she took her seat.

"Now I'm sure I've seen it all," he proclaimed happily in his thick Irish brogue. "In all me twenty years, Jocelyn Handcock, you have never arrived late. Well, your excused young lady!"

The congregation turned to look and there was a groundswell of chortles and giggles at her expense. The old Jocelyn Handcock would have been grinding her teeth and plotting bloody revenge but... well... she didn't feel cranky.

Nobody was more surprised than her when she found herself smiling sweetly back at the handsome priest.

"Oh father," she said, flourishing a hand at him coyly.

Sitting in the front row with all the other old ladies she heard none of Father O'Connor's sermon. Something about immorality or chastity or something. All she could think about was what had happened that morning. Her pussy was still tingling and slippery with his cum.

As the priest droned on she relived Harvey's gigantic cock pumping away inside her like a machine... with sixty-plus years of enforced celibacy driving her, the lust-crazed old woman couldn't wait to get back in the car with the boy. I must have it in me again, she thought to herself. As she contemplated it her insatiable clitoris tingled.

Eventually, she could ignore it no longer and as Father O'Conner talked about the 'evil pleasures of the flesh' she knuckled her pussy through her dress, her hand hidden under her bible. She squirmed so much on the hard timber pew that Doris nudged her.

When the service finally finished, Jocelyn knew she had to attend her bible group or eyebrows would be raised. It was a Sunday institution that she never missed so she had to go and not appear eager to leave. The frustrated old spinster listened with what she hoped passed as interest to the cackling old biddies who, up until an hour or so ago, she'd considered her closest confidants. She responded when her opinion was expected and listened to their endless sermonizing as she always did. But inside she couldn't wait to see Harvey again.

The meeting finally broke up at around 10.30 but she dutifully stayed behind and cleaned up as she always did, washing teacups and stacking chairs. When she finally escaped she all but ran out the door.

To her horror the carpark was empty.

Her stomach fell. All the excitement of the morning evaporated and her insecurities and hatreds filled her like water into a cup.

He's left me here, she thought to herself. He's been disgusted with what we did... of course he would be... a handsome young man like that... why would he want me?... a nasty angry old woman... ugly... fat...

And then she saw the little blue sedan, over where they had had to park because they had arrived so late, and Harvey Besinger waiting patiently holding the passenger door open for her. The beautiful innocent smile that lit up his face as she approached brought tears to her eyes.

Overcome with emotion she didn't say anything as they started the journey home.

Her quietness naturally made Harvey assume he'd done something wrong but he had no idea what it could be.

"Are you okay Miss Handcock?" he ventured in a small voice. "I'm really very sorry if I've..."

"Don't be stupid," she said, looking out the window, "Stupid boy..."

Harvey shut up like he'd been slapped. Now it was his turn for insecurities. He felt the blush rising up his neck, warming his face. She's regretting what we did, he thought to himself. She thinks I'm some sort of pervert... a sicko... I probably hurt her... she'll tell my folks...

The silence grew, neither sure how to break it. They were a pair of innocents, completely at a loss with even the most basic of social graces. They cast quick pensive looks at each other as they drove along, trying to work out what to do next.

Jocelyn noticed the embarrassed red blush on his handsome young face...

...Harvey saw the muddy tear tracks on her lightly powdered cheeks...

All the while the turnoff to their special private grotto was approaching. Three more hairpin bends... two more...

As Harvey carefully directed to the car around the last turn he felt her hand on his lap.

So nothing needed to be said in the end - a life lesson learned for the two novices.

No other cars were coming as Harvey turned off the road and for a second time that day they drove the unkept goat track, through the bushes, and into the little natural park.

Harvey parked as before and helped Ms. Handcock out of "the stupid car seat not meant for normal people..." and in moments the young boy and the old woman were leaning against the side of the car, kissing in the warm sunshine. Long open-mouthed slobbery kisses, their tongues intertwined, tasting the inside of each other mouths.

Jocelyn felt down between his legs for the large firm outline of Harvey's huge cock. She squeezed it through his dress pants and moaned into his mouth...

"Mmmmm... oh yesss... that lovely big one..."

"I... I... have a b... b... blanket Miss Handcock," he gasped. "Here... in the trunk..."

"Well, get it boy... don't fuss..."

Harvey retrieved the red check travel blanket from the boot of his mother's car and spread it out on the soft green grass under a big old oak tree. Its long shady boughs dominated the clearing and cast dappled sunlight over them as they kissed like sweethearts, like Romeo and Juliette or Antony and Cleopatra or Beyoncé and Jay-Z.

And as they kissed they took off their clothes, feverish hands looking for clasps or buttons...

He helped her pull her dress up over her head, leaving her in her underwear like a Rubens model, her bizarre bullet bra, her wide hips and granny panties pulled up over her plump round belly, her old brown stockings and garters on her heavy varicose thighs...

...she undid his tie and unbuttoned his shirt, kicking off her black leather pumps...

...he kissed her neck as his shaking fingers unclasped the bra, catching the mountains of soft flesh as they spilled out. He suckled on her nipples, biting on the long thick rubbery knobs...

"Mmmm... ohhh yesss boy..." How she did love having her nipples bitten...

...he rolled on his back to pull his pants down and she groped his huge hard dick through his underwear, her hands creeping inside to grasp the tight buns of his ass that she loved so much...

Harvey stood up to take off his white wide-front underpants and then stood over the old woman naked, his huge hard cock towering up over her like a crane on a highrise building.

Jocelyn lay down on her back on the red and white checked blanket with her legs spread wide and looked up at her young lover with hooded eyes, her usually sharp cruel face softened at the thought of her beautiful young Adonis about to fuck her again.

The randy teen looked down at her hungrily. Her huge football-shaped breasts draped down on either side of her ribcage, were almost hidden behind the swell of her plump round belly. Her huge ass and thick thighs looked as wide and as welcoming as a big comfortable pillow.

With a supreme effort, the old woman planted her feet and levered her big bulky ass up off the blanket trying to get her knickers down.

"Are you going to help me boy or just stand and stare like a statue?"

Harvey hastily dropped to his knees and, with shaking fingers, helped the old lady get her baggy grey-white, granny panties down over her meaty thighs, her sexy brown stockinged legs, her slim ankles, and feet...

Kneeling between her legs, he leaned over Jocelyn's supine naked body, strong arms supporting himself over her. Lowering himself down low, his huge hard cock rested on her stomach as he kissed her neck, her shoulders, her chest...

His mouth worshiped her, tasting her skin like a connoisseur as he worked his way down her shivering body. His unsure, overly excited maneuvers, were making Jocelyn crazy.

Harvey mouthed each of her huge breasts in turn, suckling on the engorged nipples like a baby...

"Mmmmm ohh yessss... bite 'em boy..." she gasped.

The feeling was exquisite. Her fingers found her damp overheated pussy, and she rubbed herself as the uncertain boy bit harder and harder into the firm dark-red flesh...

"Mmmmmm....oh... oh... more... harder," she instructed. I'm going to cum, she thought. He's making me...

Gasping with pleasure she pushed his head down... over her belly... his tongue found her belly-button... she could feel the wet trail he was leaving, down towards her hairy pussy...

When the inexperienced boy's tongue began to explore her cunt, she groaned with pleasure. His naturally talented tongue was lapping between her pussy lips, making slurpy, grunty, gaspy sounds, caressing her most efficiently. His nose was nuzzling her clitoris.

Jocelyn felt she had died and gone to heaven.

"Oh my, oh my, oh my..."

She looked down her body at his head bobbing up and down between her legs. He was licking her like she was ice cream but he was stroking his cock at the same time. He'd wormed a hand between his legs and was milking his big erection like a cow's udder...

"Oh you naughty man... you filthy boy... you like Miss Handcock's tuppy don't you?" she scolded as she watched him jerk off. "Lick it good boy... mmm... lick it good you filthy bad boy..."

"Mmmm yefff miff," he responded with a mouth full of greyish brown pubic hair.

"P... play with dick as you lick me," she demanded unnecessarily. "Play with your lovely b... big hard r...rod..."

The more she watched him play with his cock the more she wanted to suck it. He was rubbing and squeezing the head. Clear pre-cum was dribbling out...

The urge to taste him became overwhelming.

With a few short clipped instructions, she rearranged her young fucktoy so they were lying head to toe. Jocelyn rolled on her side and found the huge bulbous head of his cock inches from her mouth.

As Harvey immersed himself back between her plump spread thighs, old Ms. Hancock grasped the boy's massive dong at the base and licked from his big balls up the long ten-inch shaft, up over the tennis ball head to plant her pursed lips over the hole, sucking the liquid seeping out of it like his cock was a straw.

God, it's so big, she thought to herself as she sucked up the sweet viscous liquid... Harvey didn't see her lick her lips but she did, salivating like some sort of crazed old nymphomaniac.

She desperately wanted to put it in her mouth but was absolutely sure it wouldn't fit...

It'd be like putting my fist in my mouth, she thought.

The only way she could do it was disgraceful ... so desperately embarrassing... I can't... I won't... But the boy's beautiful insistent tongue, teasing her to orgasm made her put her shame aside.

Hopelessly aroused and beyond caring Jocelyn took her dentures out!

To her surprise, she found her big loud mouth was good for something other than bitchy gossip and snide comments. She opened wide and took the huge head inside without much trouble at all.

I'm a natural, she thought happily to herself, staring cross-eyed at his cock.

She heard Harvey groaning loudly into her pussy as she gummed his huge dick and this prompted her to swallow more. Her toothless gums chafing against the boy's sensitive skin was sending the boy over the edge.

Fighting the strong gag reflex and finding she could breathe through her nose she began to slowly take more and more of his gigantic tool down her gullet. The old woman soon had almost half the monstrous thing lodged down her throat.

The midday sun cast a warm light down in that little clearing. Under the shade of the beautiful big shady oak tree, the two lovers squirmed happily, licking and sucking each other. Inarticulate groans and moans and slobbery wet slurping noises were the only sounds besides the breeze through the leaves and birds, chirping in the branches above them.

Their hips started moving as they got closer and closer to cumming, grinding their crotches into the other's face. Harvey's face was buried in Ms. Handcock's big hairy cunt and she was, slowly but surely, devouring his cock. Harvey knew he was gonna blow any second...

As Jocelyn's gigantic orgasm washed over her, she cried out in pleasure which allowed the boy to slide almost all of his colossal dick down her neck.

Unintelligible animal screams and slurping, sucking noises streamed from their writhing bodies as they orgasmed. Both were choking and gasping for breath, drowning in the other's fluids...

He squirted into her, injecting his cum directly into her stomach, his hips pumping down her throat, once, twice three times, four...

At the same time, with his arms coiled around her big beefy thighs, he grasped her massive ass cheeks and pulled her gushing cunt onto his wide-open mouth. He desperately tried to drink all the juices squirting out of her quaking pussy...

Little by little their convulsions subsided until they fell apart, lying on their backs, panting and spent, like someone had split them with an ax. White oozing cum drizzled out of Jocelyn's slack panting mouth and Harvey was saturated as if he'd dunked his head in a bucket of water.

Neither was inclined to move. Birds were singing happily... there was the sound of an occasional car in the distance, changing gear and laboring up the steep climb... the gentle breeze caressed their naked bodies and rustled the leaves of the big shady tree above them...

Harvey searched for and found the old woman's hand and she gripped it tightly.

"I love you, Miss Handcock," he said.

Jocelyn Handcock could not remember a time when she was so happy.

"I love you too Harvey."

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School on Monday was a pointless blur for young Harvey Besinger.

Since the previous day morning, when he'd lost his cherry inside Ms. Handcock's trembling tight cunt, he had jerked himself off precisely six times. Once straight after he got home from church, again an hour later, another after lunch, in his evening bath, before he went to sleep, and the moment he woke up on Monday morning - reliving the moment he had cum inside his old neighbor's lovely meaty pussy or when he'd cum in her mouth...

His cock had been like a perfectly designed machine...


...he'd bitten her lovely big hard nipples... he made her cum...


...he'd kissed her, tasted her, her mouth, her cunt...


Harvey snapped back to the English classroom where he found Miss Frank's irate face leaning on his desk, yelling his name. The whole class was laughing.

"I do not know where your head is today young man," said the frustrated teacher. "You're a thousand miles away."

"S... sorry Miss," he said.

The horny teen had been preoccupied all day. I've gotta pull myself together, he thought, but he couldn't stop thinking about Ms. Handcock. He snaked his hand under his desk to rub his massive erection through his school shorts...

Jocelyn, he said to himself. My beautiful lovely Jocelyn...

Thankfully English was the last class of the day. When the bell rang he packed up his books and walked out of the class like a zombie.

"I expect a very different Harvey tomorrow," yelled Miss Frank as he left, his classmates sniggering all around him.

His sexy daydreams continued on the bus home, reliving the feeling of Ms. Handcock's massive ass cheeks in his hands... her magnificent big soft tits... the texture of her big rubbery nipples on his tongue...

He almost missed his stop. If it hadn't been for the kindly bus driver yelling out his name he would have come to his senses back at the depot.

The sex-crazed boy ran the three blocks from the bus stop to his house at a dead sprint, running past Ms. Handcock's house and up the path to his front door. Gasping for breath he stumbled inside and dropped his bag under the hall table, then raced through the kitchen, past his mother, on the way out the back door...

"Where are you going in such a rush?" asked a bemused Angela Besinger as her son tore past her.

"Hi mom... can't stop... I've just got to... to... "

"Got to what?" she asked.

...but Harvey was already out the door.

"Dinner at six," she yelled after him and made a mental note to continue this conversation later.

Harvey darted around the side of their house, hurtled the fence into Ms. Handcock's yard, and in moments was standing at her back door, trembling with excitement, drawing air into his lungs in gasps.

"Are... you...there Miss... Handcock?" he called out breathlessly, and then quite unnecessarily... "It's Harvey... from next door..."

Jocelyn Handcock was barefooted and naked under her old grey housecoat when she heard the boy at the door. She was, as she always was at 4.30, looking forward to her afternoon 'play'.

It was too much to imagine that her boy would come knocking.

Like Harvey, the old woman had been happily reliving the previous twenty-four hours over and over in her head. That magnificent huge cock invading her body... the grinding spasm as she orgasmed on his thick throbbing tool... clamping her cunt onto it as her body exploded with feelings she'd never felt before... sucking the massive thing down her throat with his face up inside her...

Desperately horny, Jocelyn was fingering her hot wet pussy when she heard him tapping.

"Oh god yesss..." she hissed under her breath, shivering with anticipation.

She opened the door to see him standing there, looking at her with those big dreamy brown eyes of his. The gorgeous hunk of young manhood was in his school uniform, black shoes, grey shorts, a white cotton shirt, and the school tie that matched his knee-high socks - slanted red and green bands.

He stepped eagerly inside and she closed the door behind him like the wicked witch with Hansel and Gretel.

The boy smelt of healthy teen sweat that Jocelyn found intoxicating. She held his lithe, healthy young body tightly as she kissed him. Her arms went around his shoulders, his neck, and then she ran her fingers through his short spiky brown hair, short-back-and-sides that so suited his sharp handsome features.

"Mmm...how nice," she whispered in his ear. "My handsome man has come around to see me."

Her hands slid down his back and gripped his bum cheeks, squeezing them firmly and then grinding her crotch against his pelvis.

"Have you got something for old Miss Handcock?" she asked in a deep throaty voice.

"I... I..."

The sex-crazed old lady licked his face as he tried to find words, a wet trail from his hairless right cheek to the corner of his eye and then to his ear...

Harvey went to water. He was putty in the old woman's hands. He felt his legs giving way...

"I... I... was thinking about you all day M... Miss Handcock," he gasped. "I really want... I mean, if it's okay... to... to...

"What is it boy?" she demanded, nibbling on his earlobe, squeezing his body against her soft yielding flesh... "Spit it out... "

"...to taste you again... please ma'am... I really need to taste you again..."

"Mmmm... oh you dear boy," she said huskily. "Of course... of course..."

Grasping the randy teenager by his school tie, she led him into her parlor and plopped herself down in her big leather lounge chair.


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