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The Sweetest Fling Ch. 08

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Meg and Jack clear the air.
5.4k words

Part 8 of the 12 part series

Updated 10/12/2023
Created 09/23/2023
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Jack relaxed in his chair across the table from Meg the following night, his attention flicking between her animated face and hands as she regaled him with a bad-date story from her past.

They'd finished dinner about an hour ago, and the hotel restaurant was almost empty. Live music drifted through the open windows as a waitress busied herself setting tables for the breakfast shift in the morning. Only one other couple remained, huddled in a corner booth on the opposite side of the room.

The breeze stirred Meg's hair as she spoke, and he remembered it flipping up the bottom of her dress on the walk over here. She'd caught him hanging back to check out the visual then laughed and grabbed his hand, tugging until she brought him level with her again.

At first, Jack thought she was embarrassed, but then she leaned in and suggested he keep his hand on her ass just in case it happened again.

"I don't see the problem," he said, tuning into the conversation. "Sounds like he was a decent guy."

"The man asked me to marry him," she said, raising her eyebrows for emphasis, "on the fourth date."

Jack smiled, understanding how someone might get caught up in the whole Meg experience. "I guess I can't blame the guy. He obviously knew a good thing when he was onto it."

She circled the base of her wineglass with her fingertip, apparently lost in thought. When her eyes met his again, they were filled with pleasure. "Sorry to break it to you, but he never got onto it. I'm not that easy."

"Well, I hate to point out the obvious..."

Meg shot him a scowl, but she appeared to be holding back a smile. "You're different."

It shouldn't please him so much to hear that, but it made him grin. "So, that was five years ago." He rested his elbows on the table and leaned in closer. "Don't tell me that was the last time you had sex?" He'd never dream of asking another woman that question, but this was Meg, and he knew her limits--mostly because he liked to push them as often as possible.

She let out a breathy laugh and toyed with the strap on her dress. "I should probably be offended you went there, but for some reason, I like the fact you're direct. The last time I had sex was this afternoon. You were there, remember?"

Memories flooded him and the surge of heat took him by surprise. They'd spent a couple of lazy hours in the pool before heading back to her room to supposedly rest. As soon as he shut the door behind him, Jack discovered she had other ideas.

She started by dragging him into the shower where she soaped and massaged his body amid a cloud of heat and steam. He lost it and came apart in her hands embarrassingly fast, then again when she worked more of her magic on him in bed. The woman was insatiable. "I'm talking about before that," he said, "before we started this... thing we have going."

Her eyes widened. "You're calling amazing chemistry and mind-blowing sex a thing?"

His mouth tilted at one corner. She was so cute sometimes he could barely stand it. "Mind-blowing?"

She smiled and tipped her glass to finish off the rest of her wine. "Don't be coy. You know you're good."

The laugh he'd been trying to hold back burst free. "You're not so bad yourself. You're also evading the question."

Meg put her glass down and gave him a direct stare. "All right, you want to know the last time I 'slept' with someone?" She made air quotes with her fingers.

Jack wanted to pull her onto his lap and kiss the smirk from her lips. He captured her hand instead. "Now who's being coy?"

He lowered his voice and met her eyes, waiting until he had her full attention. Leaning in close enough that their mouths were almost touching, he said in a husky voice, "I'm talking about fucking, Meg. When was the last time you were well and truly fucked?"

The way her mouth dropped open and her breathing turned all ragged nearly snapped his self-control. Her amusement fled, and she stared down at their joined hands, working her bottom lip with her teeth.

Jack rubbed her silky skin with his thumb and watched a shiver pass over her. He should have felt guilty for encouraging the troubled expression on her face, but he was too turned on to think straight.

She took a slow breath then looked up at him and held his gaze. He should have known that she was about to poleax him. "This afternoon," she said. "No one else has ever made me feel the way you do."

He groaned before he could stop himself. It felt as if she'd just kicked his chair out from under him. Jack tightened his fingers around hers as the hunger inside him grew. "Meg, honey, you make me want to bend you over the table and take you right here."

She pressed her lips to his in a short, sweet kiss. "And you make me want to let you."

They'd barely touched, yet she still had his heart pounding and his erection throbbing in his shorts. He'd never known a woman to have such a physical effect on him with words. It should have triggered his usual need to back off and put some distance between the two of them, but he surprised himself by curving his hand around the back of her neck and drawing her closer.

His mouth met hers and relief travelled through him. The kiss began with slow, soft touches, taking the time to explore rather than arouse. Sighs sounded, tongues caressed--hers tentative at first, his demanding more--until finally she shuddered and surrendered to him, seemingly lost in the sensations.

His elbows rested on the table to keep himself steady, while his palms moved to cradle her face and hold her close. He stroked her cheeks with his thumbs and breathed her in, reveling in the softness of her.

She moaned deep in her throat and moved her hands to his shirt. Her fingers were about to curl into fists when he realized he couldn't keep this up much longer without doing something wholly inappropriate in public.

Jack reluctantly broke the connection, breathing hard as he pulled back to look at her. The fact that she was shaking and barely able to meet his eyes filled him with longing. He couldn't resist giving her another kiss just to fluster her some more. When he separated from her the final time her gaze swept over his features and her tongue darted out to taste her lower lip.

"I like it when you do that," she finally said, her voice still husky.

He gave her the faintest of smiles. "Do what?"

She glanced briefly at his mouth before meeting his eyes again. "Take over like that. It makes me feel like you can't get enough of me, and then I want to tear your clothes off and get you naked all over again."

He couldn't get enough of her. He hadn't been putting on a show to impress her.

It hit him then that it wouldn't be long before they were parting ways. The idea of waving her off at the airport and never seeing her again caused an ache in his chest, but telling her he wanted to keep seeing her back home didn't sit right either. Not this early in the game.

Jack forced a smile to cover his thoughts. If she picked up on even a hint of what was going through his mind, she'd be all over it. "If you ever want to rip off my clothes, anytime, anywhere, the answer's always going to be yes."

She let out a breathy laugh and grabbed a napkin, twisting it between her fingers. "That's what I like about you," she said. "Well, among other things." Her gaze dropped to his waist, her smile letting him know where her attention would have wandered if the table hadn't been in the way.

Jack's body responded to the invitation in her tone. "You like that I'm open to getting naked? Now there's some news."

She shook her head and looked like she wanted to roll her eyes. "I meant your sense of adventure, the way you take charge with me in the bedroom but don't try to control me anywhere else. I had a feeling you'd be like that, but I've never been with a man who knew how to get the balance just right. I like the way you push me." She paused to draw a breath. "I want you to do more of that."

Jack had to lean in to catch that last part. He wasn't sure he'd heard her correctly and didn't want to get his hopes up too soon, but the flush creeping up her neck looked promising. "Do more of what exactly?" he asked, removing the napkin from her hand so he could play with her fingers.

He wanted to tease away the seriousness that had settled over her but sensed now wasn't the right time to start being a comedian.

"I don't know. Just more of... everything." She nibbled her lower lip and stared at their joined hands. Seconds ticked by while neither of them said a word.

When her eyes lifted to search his again the blush had spread to her cheeks. "I want to do things with you that I haven't done before. Nothing too out there," she added hurriedly. "Just, you know, make some memories I can keep with me when I go back home."

Jack ignored the fact that she was talking like they were never going to see each other again. He reached out with his free hand and trailed his fingertip along the underside of her jaw. Unable to keep his reaction contained any longer, he smiled in admiration. "You have no idea what you're getting yourself into."

She made a little huffing sound that could have been indignation or amusement. "Why do you say that?"

He pressed a soft peck on her lips. "Because you're blushing just at the idea of doing new things."

She looked around the room as if only just noticing they weren't alone, then pulled her hand free and pressed her lips together. He got the distinct impression he'd just said the wrong thing, then she straightened her shoulders and gave him a determined look that told him his guess had been right.

"Forget it. Honestly, it was silly of me to ask. I'm sure I can find another man who'd be interested."

The hell she would. Jack bit back a smile at her obvious attempt to get a rise out of him. God, she made him laugh. "I didn't say no," he reminded her, trying hard to keep a straight face.

"I realize that."

Her attempt to sound all haughty made him want to toss her over his shoulder and take her back to his room. "I didn't say yes, either." He couldn't help himself where she was concerned. Something about her made him want to tease her until she lost it and made him pay. She refused to bite this time, though.

"You're going to do it, though, aren't you?"

He chuckled as he pushed back his chair and reached for her hand. "Yeah, I'm going to do it. With you, to you. All of it."

~ * ~

Meg lay face-down on her towel, propped up on her elbows as she let piles of sand sift through her fingers. She'd shoved her hair into a high bun and shaded her eyes with a pair of sunglasses that matched her black bikini.

After a long lunch with Jack where they'd lingered over fresh seafood and too many chardonnays, most of the day had already passed. The bulk of tourists and surfers had disappeared, with only a handful remaining farther down the shore.

Meg glanced across at Jack, taking in his peaceful form. He was lying on his back, his chest bare and knees bent, toes sinking into the soft sand. The salt-water from the swim they'd taken earlier still clung to his hair, leaving the strands tousled and damp.

He'd dozed off a couple of times already, and judging by the deep breaths coming from him now, his sunglasses were hiding closed eyes again. The sound of lapping water and the call of distant gulls relaxed her to the point that she wanted to join him.

Meg stared at her hands, trailing her fingers through the hot sand. Spending so much time with him had confirmed her suspicion that she didn't possess the ability to separate sex and emotion. No matter how hard she tried to tell herself she could do this, the two still intertwined.

The kiss he gave her after dinner last night had been proof enough of that. One moment they were indulging in some harmless flirting, then before she knew it, he had her clinging to him desperate to take whatever he offered her.

Every minute she spent with him had her wanting a minute more.

"Hmm... Come closer."

His voice created a welcome distraction from her thoughts. Jack lifted his arm from its resting place on his chest and flopped it against her towel, his fingers wiggling in encouragement.

She smiled and crawled over to him, moving in close enough to rest her head on his shoulder. "You look happy," she said. "What were you dreaming about?"

"You and me." He wrapped his arm around her and trailed his fingertips over her forehead. "You wouldn't believe the things you were doing. Even I'm embarrassed."

She snorted. "I didn't think it was possible to embarrass you."

"Normally you'd be right but if you had any idea..."

Meg huffed a laugh and flattened her palm against his chest, pushing herself up to a sitting position. She crossed her legs and looked him over, noting the smile hovering at his mouth. "Hmm, I can see how much it's bothering you."

He smiled and reached one hand behind his head where it rested it against his towel. She could see his eyes through his sunglasses, and they were moving over in a way that made her body tingle with awareness. It took her back to the conversation they'd had last night, and Meg wondered if he'd given any thought to her suggestion that he push her boundaries.

It didn't take long for her to get her answer.

"Every time I look at you," he said in a relaxed tone, "I can't help thinking you're wearing too many clothes."

She tucked a loose length of hair behind her ear. "Maybe it's escaped your attention, but I currently have a bikini on."

"No, it definitely hasn't, but I think you should take it off--top only," he clarified, smiling when she glared at him. "And keep it off while we're at the beach."

"Jack! I could get arrested." She had no idea what the laws were here on public nudity. Taking her top off in a foreign country had the potential to land her in a world of trouble, and she doubted Jack would want to spend his final days in Bali visiting her in prison.

Meg scanned her surroundings, the water and the shoreline, the road running alongside the beach. Several cars were driving by but the only people she could see were mere dots in the distance. They were well and truly alone, but still...

Jack rubbed the inside of her knee with his thumb and smiled, obviously finding something amusing in her expression. "Google says it's legal. I checked last night. Just take it off, sweetheart."

Her stomach flipped at the casual endearment. Although it meant nothing to him, she still felt a little tug on her heart. Meg kept her gaze averted to avoid giving anything away in her expression.

"You know what?" she said, feigning an interest in the waves until the strange feeling had gone. "You think you're being all clever and proving I don't have it in me, but I'm up for the challenge." Deciding it was safe to meet his eyes again, she glanced at him.

He kept his attention on her but didn't press any further. She sat for a moment too long building the courage to follow through on his dare, and he eventually raised his brows. "Need some help?"

She rolled her eyes and reached behind her to the tie on her bikini top. "I know you're an expert at removing women's clothes, but I think I've got this one covered."

Her accusatory tone took her by surprise. Meg had no idea why she'd felt the need to cut him down like that, and she mentally kicked herself. She would have apologized for the barb if she hadn't been clinging to the hope it had gone unnoticed.

Jack pushed himself to a sitting position and dangled his hands between his knees. "Where did that come from?"

Meg shook her head and tried to laugh but it came out more like a choking sound. "Just ignore me. The wine's clearly gone to my head." She forced a bright smile that probably made her look even more insane. "Ready to see some boobs?"

"Not yet." He clasped the back of her neck and urged her closer, then pressed his mouth to hers and kissed her in such a slow, sweet way she couldn't help letting go of her frustrations. When he eventually pulled away, he didn't go far. He rubbed his nose against the side of hers and asked quietly, "Are you alright?"

Meg swallowed and gave a shallow nod, realizing it was true. His touch had settled her and left her wondering what she'd been worried about in the first place. He kissed her again; this time a quick peck, then leaned back on his elbows. He must have been happy with whatever he saw in her expression because his concern evaporated.

"Okay, now I'm ready to see some boobs."

Meg let out a breathy laugh and gave her surroundings one final check before she reached again for the tie on her top. She tugged at the one beneath her shoulder blades first and the material slackened across her chest. Jack lay back on his towel and clasped his hands behind his head. Her stomach quivered with excitement as he watched her.

"One down," she said as the tie came free. Her fingers trembled but she couldn't decide if it was from fear or excitement.

"One to go."

Meg smiled and lifted her arms to tackle the tie at the back of her neck. "Not only are you pretty but you can count, too."

His low laugh travelled right through her. "Just so you know, I'm also counting your digs at me, and I'll be punishing you for them later."

She raised her brows, getting into the playful mood right along with him. "For future reference, punishment should consist of things that aren't enjoyable and don't make me leave those little marks on your back."

His jaw tightened and Meg suddenly wondered if she'd gone too far. Her attention dropped to his pale blue board shorts where the beginnings of an erection stirred against the material. Seeing the evidence of what she'd done to him with a few simple words sent a thrill streaking through her.

"Meg, honey, if we weren't in public, I'd have you on your back before you could say take me, big boy."

She didn't know whether to laugh or whimper. A shiver passed over, her but she refused to let on how much he affected her when his voice turned all deep and dark like that.

"Well, we are out in public, so you'll just have to suck it up, big boy."

She pulled the final tie free. The fabric slithered down her chest and puddled between her crossed legs. She held her breath as she caught sight of his gaze dropping to her bare breasts through his sunglasses. Her nipples hardened, and she let the breath out in a shaky sigh.

Jack pulled his hands from behind his head and scrubbed his face, the movement pushing his glasses onto his forehead. He groaned like he was in pain. "Meg, I swear... you get to me."

He'd always been so quick with his comebacks, it floored her to hear him admit defeat. Meg bit her lip and watched him. It shouldn't give her pleasure seeing him so aroused when neither of them could do anything about it, but knowing he'd take it out on her later somehow made it okay.

She leaned over him and rested her palms on either side of his body, waiting for him to take his hands from his face. When he did, she bent down and pressed a soft kiss on his lips. "You do the same thing to me."

His arms came around her and he pulled her down on top of him. Her bare breasts flattened against his chest, and he hugged her tightly, letting out a growl as he nuzzled her throat. "I'm seriously considering throwing a towel around you and doing it right here."

Her heartbeat quickened at the idea. "You wouldn't."

Jack grabbed her thigh and tugged her knee across his body until she was straddling his hips. One of his hands slid up her spine while the other clamped her hip and ground her against his erection. Her eyes nearly rolled back in her head.

"How about I open my fly, tug your bikini bottoms to the side and slide nice and deep."

He was messing with her, but the temptation to call his bluff grew stronger with every second. She kept her tone cool to tease him right back. "I'll think about it and get back to you."


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