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The Taking of Lena Ch. 10


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"Good. Because I will never forgive him for what he did to you," Renz said. She could hear a slight change in his voice, and Lena wondered if she should press the matter further. She wanted to have her questions answered...but she didn't want to see an angry Renz.

"Do you know of...Erich's involvement with Aleksandr?" Lena asked tentatively. Renz's frown deepened, and he brought his long fingers to the slight shadow of stubble on his jaw.

"I've spent the last few weeks in München. Taking care of many affairs, as you can probably imagine. But I was unable to find Erich again. I believe my brother offered Erich a great deal of money, in exchange for finding a young, beautiful...poor woman to put in the brothel," Renz said bitterly.

Lena suddenly began feeling very sick to her stomach, and she pushed her food away in growing nausea and disgust.

"Erich sold me," she said quietly.

Renz reached for her hand and held it in his warm, long fingers. He slightly turned her wrist, so that her palm was facing downward...causing the ring to sparkle.

"It's not my belief that Erich knew Aleksandr would take you," Renz said quietly. It seemed as if he was speaking with great difficulty, and Lena became desperately curious to know his thoughts.

"Why did you stay away so long?" Lena asked sadly. Renz's brow furrowed in what appeared to be great strain, and she felt his grip on her hand slightly tense.

"Your survival...your health was my priority Lena. And I thought that my presence would prevent that. I asked Karl to help me maintain distance, so that you could heal, without my interference," Renz answered gently.

Lena felt her chest begin to tighten with a strange, not quite unpleasant pressure, and she began slightly struggling to breathe.

"How could you think that staying away was best for my health?" she asked. Renz smiled an insincere smile, which Lena recognized as a symbol of his pain. The pressure in her chest began to swell with emotion, and Lena felt overcome with the urge to hold him.

"Because I'm nothing more than a rapist to you," Renz answered softly.

Hearing her own words echoed back to her caused the swelling in her chest to reach a painful climax. It wasn't just hearing the words...it was the fact that it appeared that Renz fully and wholeheartedly believed them.

"You're more to me than that. I don't know what, exactly...but I couldn't rid myself of you. And I tried very hard," Lena whispered, when she was finally able to find words again.

The pain in his eyes slightly faded, and Renz released a throaty chuckle.

"And now you liken me to a disease or parasite," Renz said humorously. Lena rapidly shook her head and leaned closer to him.

"Perhaps you're an infection I've learnt to welcome," Lena replied. Renz smiled broadly, fully dazzling her. His muscled body looked long and inviting, and Lena felt her arousal begin to rise.

Lena quickly looked down, eyes automatically going to the glittering ring on her finger.

"Why did you give this to me," Lena said quietly, gazing in faint wonderment at the diamond. Renz dropped his gaze to the ring, and Lena noticed a peculiarly fond smile begin to spread across his face.

"You have a hand meant for diamonds, Lena," he said seductively. Lena slightly blushed, not quite believing what he said. Her hands were calloused and cracked, nothing like the elegant smoothness of ladies of means.

But the look that Renz was giving her made her feel like that was irrelevant.

Lena trailed her eyes over his body, faintly wondering if there was some way she could convince him to fulfill her growing desires. She bit her lip when she dropped her eyes to his hips, wishing strongly to see and feel what was beneath his trousers.

"And...if you're willing...I have another request," Renz said.

His eyes slightly darkened, and Lena felt excitement and anticipation begin to boil within her body. His face had that focused expression, that look he gave when he wanted something...and was fully intent on acquiring it.

It was a look that made her skin begin to tingle and inner muscles begin to throb. Lena felt her body reawakening, and felt those first drops of wetness begin to pool between her thighs. Her breathing became labored, and she hoped that Renz intended on taking her. Every part of her body craved him.

Lena felt like she would burst when she finally heard his low voice.

"I'd like to visit Sterling Manor with you."


Lena was silent in the coach ride. She was still stunned from all of the events of the previous day. She tried to think about what returning to Sterling Manor meant, but it felt as if her thoughts were moving too fast for her to process.

Renz had assumed her silence meant compliance, and Lena was passive as she was taken back to her suite, bathed, and dressed by servants. She didn't even react when Renz was present during her dressing, calmly, yet authoritatively, instructing the servants to avoid use of all corsetry.

She thought about Master Sterling, and she was filled with anxiety. As much as she was eager to see the man that had been like a father to her, Lena worried that he would turn her away.

"Lena...you worry me when you do this," she heard Renz say.

Lena had a brief moment of recognition, realizing that Renz had uttered very similar words when they had left Sterling Manor. The circumstances had been very similar, but this time...his utterance filled her with fondness.

"I'm sorry, sir," Lena replied quietly.

She felt Renz's hand on her silk-covered back, stroking her spine fondly.

"If you would prefer not to go..." Renz said softly. Lena shook her head.

"No, I would like to. I just worry I'll be unwanted," Lena replied.

The coach came to a sudden halt, and Lena felt her heart jolt in fear. She realized then that she couldn't see Sterling or Marie. She couldn't handle being rejected by the only people she knew as family.

Lena felt her palms begin to sweat as her heart pounded, and she tightly gripped the cushion of the coach. She would not face them again. She would remain attached to the coach forever if she could.

She kept her head lowered as the coachman opened the door, and she was jolted yet again by the tender feeling of Renz's hand against the back of her neck.

"This is just a hotel, Lena. We have a lot further to go if you still want to see Sterling Manor," Renz said.

Lena glanced outside curiously, and was overwhelmed with relief when she saw that Sterling Manor was nowhere in sight.

But there was definitely something familiar about where she was.

"We've been here before," Lena said quietly. Renz extended his hand and helped her out of the coach, and Lena looked around, recognizing more and more features of the small, yet lovely city she was in.

"When we left Sterling Manor, yes. Although...you weren't very aware at that point," Renz said.

Lena secured her hold on his arm, not wanting to go back to that place of mental desolation.

They walked into the boutique-style hotel, and while smaller than the hotel in Berlin, Lena was still overwhelmed by the luxury. She was once again awed by the confident appearance of Renz as he conversed with the maître d'hôtel, and her heart slightly fluttered when he returned his gaze to hers. He handed her a long golden key with deep red tassels on its end, and the letter P written in swirling script.

"Keep it safe," Renz said, winking on end. He wrapped his arm around her waist and led her to the circular ballroom of the hotel, and Lena was immediately enraptured by its beauty.

The ballroom was small, but astoundingly intimate and elegant. There were only twenty or so round tables, and less than half were occupied, but they were elaborately decorated with fine cream-colored linens and highly polished silver.

Lena looked up, and realized that the ballroom was really the focal point of the entire hotel. The balconies of each of the room floors overlooked the ballroom, and Lena curiously wondered where they would be staying.

They finally reached their table, privately cushioned in a slightly raised corner of the ballroom, and Lena blushed as her chair was extended by a member of the hotel staff.

"I thought for certain you'd be used to servants by now," Renz teased. Lena's blushed deepened, and she shook her head in slight embarrassment.

"It's not how I was raised," Lena replied.

She felt Renz reach for her clenched fist beneath the table, and her body begin to tingle again at his touch.

"There is no need to be excessively humble, Lena," Renz muttered. He took a sip of his champagne, and Lena became oddly fascinated by the way the sweet bubbly liquid met his lips. She licked her lips as the lustful part of her wondered if he would let her taste.

Renz caught her staring, and raised one of his eyebrows playfully. Lena shook her head and breathed deeply, reaching for her own glass, but stopped herself. She didn't want to allow herself to become tipsy around Renz again.

Instead, Lena reached for her bubbling glass of imported Italian water.

"Well you are arrogant enough for the both of us," Lena replied. She heard his playful, deep laughter, and Lena felt her cheeks automatically swell with a smile in reaction.

Lena fully indulged in the wonderful courses that were served, particularly enjoying the fact that every dish was something she recognized as a formal favorite of parties at Sterling Manor. She knew that meant she was close to where she'd grown up, and the thought filled her with a bittersweet combination of joy and sadness.

She shook away the sad thoughts, and tried to focus on the joy of the moment, for Renz truly was a charming, and visually pleasing, dinner partner.

When dessert arrived, Lena stared curiously as several couples began to stand from their tables and walk towards the center of the ballroom. Lena glanced at Renz, and he had a knowing, impish smile on his face.

"What are they doing?" Lena asked. Renz slightly raised his eyebrows and pointed to the small orchestra that Lena hadn't even noticed. A lovely waltz began to play that Lena vaguely recognized, and she was filled with joy at the sound of music.

Renz stood up from their table and stared down at her with a seduction and focus that made her desire begin to ache. He wordlessly extended his hand, and Lena automatically accepted.

Lena had never been taught how to dance, but that didn't stop her from allowing Renz to lead her to the center of the ballroom. The other couples that were there seemed to even make way for him, and Lena wondered if Renz's power affected everyone around him.

His stare remained penetrating as he positioned her body against his, and Lena began struggling to breathe. The hand that held hers slightly extended and remained tender, but the hand on her back possessively trapped her body against his. His touch was far lower than necessary, and he held her far closer to his body than decent. But despite the obvious sexuality of his display, Lena could barely muster a sense of modesty. If anything, she wanted to be even closer to him.

Renz began to move, and Lena let herself follow his every whim. She felt like she was floating as Renz led their dance with effortless grace, and she became less aware of the world around her, completely captivated by Renz's power.

The music took on a slower and more sensual tone, and Renz pulled her body against his even tighter. Lena could feel Renz hardening even through the many layers of clothing between them, and she felt her body begin to violently react. Her heart raced and she began to pant as Renz slightly dipped his head, and left several soft, wet kisses directly on the exposed skin of her neck. The feeling of his lips on her sensitive skin sent a rush of pleasure directly between her thighs, and Lena couldn't help but cry out.

There were several gasps and hushed whispers in response, and Lena felt herself turn scarlet in embarrassment. She momentarily broke herself Renz's seductive spell, placing a little bit of distance between them.

She shyly looked up at Renz, and her pussy began to insistently throb when he curled his lips in that arrogant smile of his. He knew exactly what he was doing to her.

He reached for her again, but a member of the hotel staff suddenly appeared behind Renz. She became nervous that their indecent display would have them thrown out of the hotel, but Renz seemed completely calm.

The man spoke to him directly in his ear, and Lena watched as Renz nodded in recognition. Something the man said made him suddenly frown, and Renz muttered a few words of dismissal.

"Enjoy the rest of dessert, Lena. I need to leave you for a few moments," Renz said. She was speechless as he left her with a fond squeeze of her hand, and it took Lena several moments before she could return her breathing to normal.

She stood alone in the center of the ballroom, and she began feeling self conscious as several women began staring at her in disapproval. Lena lowered her head in embarrassment and quickly returned to the table, finishing off what remained of their shared crème brûlée.

An elderly woman approached Lena, clutching her multi-stranded pearls to her thin, lace-covered throat.

"Good evening," Lena said quietly. The woman frowned at her, and Lena slightly cowered beneath her harsh scowl.

"This is a very respectable establishment. I do not know where you are from...but we do not react kindly to displays of obscenity here," she said.

Lena would have been hurt by her words, but the utter gall of the woman almost made her laugh. Surely calling their display obscene was a bit of an exaggeration. Renz had done and said far more obscene things with her in public.

"It was only a kiss," Lena bashfully argued. The woman's eyes widened in anger, and she slightly struck her cane on the marble floor.

"I'm not talking about the kiss. I'm talking about that ring!" she whispered harshly. She angrily marched away before Lena could respond, and Lena was filled with nervous laughter.

She looked down at the ring on her hand, and she realized that it really did seem to attract a great deal of attention. Lena slightly smiled to herself, for the ring humorously reflected the man who'd given it to her. It was large, dominant, overly extravagant, and in some ways, quite shamelessly rude and obscene.

Lena remained at the table, content to listen to the music and watch the dance. Interest in her ring seemed to disappear as more time passed and more champagne was consumed, and Lena was free to watch the beautiful couples as they danced together to the waltzes the orchestra played.

But when an hour passed, and Renz still hadn't returned, Lena began growing anxious.

She left the ballroom and searched the main entrance for Renz, but he was nowhere to be found. Lena found the maître d'hôtel Renz had spoken to earlier, and his formal presence slightly intimidated her.

"Can I help you with something?" he asked. She noticed him glance down at the generous cleavage her dress displayed, and Lena felt hot with blush.

"The man I was here with earlier...have you seen him?" she asked. Lena was grateful his gaze returned to her face.

"I haven't, perhaps he is in your room. Have you a key?" he asked.

Lena remembered the golden key Renz had given her earlier that night, and she shakily produced it.

"Follow me," the man said.

He led her back to the ballroom, and up the central staircase that led to the individual hotel rooms. As expected, they did not stop moving until they reached the fourth floor, the highest, which held only one room protected by two large doors with golden handles.

"The penthouse," he said, opening the door for her. He returned the key, and Lena slightly bowed, out of habit. He observed her in confusion, but quietly departed as Lena entered the hotel room.

Lena could still hear the music from downstairs quite clearly, and the melodic sounds of the gentle waltz calmed her anxious nerves. She began to glance around the sitting room of the suite, somewhat puzzled by the presence of white candles in golden holders on each piece of furniture.

She slowly walked through the lounge, and noticed that the floor, and every furniture surface, was covered in white and red rose petals.

"I thought you'd be up sooner. Didn't you remember the key?" she heard Renz say.

He confidently strolled towards her, and Lena saw that he'd removed his jacket and slightly undid the buttons on his shirt. His handsomeness made her slightly lose her breath, and Lena had to grip the arm of a nearby chair to keep from falling over.

"What is all of this?" Lena asked shakily. Renz finally reached her and covered her hands with his, and his eyes were smoldering with seduction...and something else. His lips curled sensually, and Lena's chest began to quiver.

"It's what your first time should have been," Renz said quietly.

He brought his hand to her waist and pulled her close against his chest, and Lena's heart beat loudly and erratically in excitement. He was finally going to take her. She was finally going to feel him.

But instead of ravishing her, Renz began to gently sway their bodies to the movement of the music that echoed from downstairs. Lena felt somewhat overwhelmed by the romance of the moment, and by Renz, that she could think of nothing more than react to his movements. Lena found it puzzling that she bent to his will so strongly when he was being gentle, but she tried not to think of it, and instead, simply placed her head on his chest, and enjoyed the slow, sensual dance as an orchestral Chopin sweetly echoed throughout the suite.

Renz gave her a prolonged, slow spin, and when their eyes met again, he dipped his head, lips only a few whispers away from hers.

"May I kiss you, Lena?" Renz purred. Lena shakily nodded, body seemingly sweeping with excitement and arousal. She moaned as he finally brought his lips against hers, and she tried to press her body against his to experience more of the kiss. But Renz had a gentle, yet solid hold on her.

His kiss was not aggressive or ambushing, but Lena felt more claimed by him than ever. His lips and tongue moved with a slow deliberateness that did not require any force, and Lena was completely helpless to each gentle stroke of his tongue against hers. She felt drugged by his flavor, a mix of sweet champagne and his natural, aphrodisiac-like taste.

Renz removed his lips from hers, and Lena thought she would cry from disappointment.

His gray eyes bore into hers, and Lena felt her entire body begin to grow weak. He was certainly being gentle, but Renz was more powerful than ever. Lena knew she would have done anything he asked.

"May I undress you, Lena?" Renz asked. Lena rapidly nodded, her breathing coming out in short gasps.

"Y-yes," she whispered back.

He stepped in close again, and brought his lips to her neck. Lena threw her head back and moaned and Renz left slow, wet kisses on her neck and bare chest as he began toying with the buttons that secured her dress. Lena felt her entire body begin to grow feverish when she felt his tongue softly playing with her cleavage, and she hoped that Renz would remove her clothing quickly.

But Renz retained his prolonged pace, silently slipping off her many layers of clothing until she remained in nothing more than her stockings and heeled slippers. Lena felt her entire body begin to shake as Renz brought his kisses across her collarbone, and she felt her pussy moistening copiously.

"May I touch you, Lena?" Renz asked.

"Please," Lena replied, nearly a cry.

Renz brought his lips directly against hers and began to kiss her with that same, gentle force of earlier. And when she finally felt his large hands directly on her naked skin, Lena nearly imploded.

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