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The Tattle Tale Ch. 08

Story Info
Kelly falls in love with her Mistress; she reciprocates.
2.8k words

Part 8 of the 8 part series

Updated 06/14/2023
Created 03/03/2023
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The Tattle Tale

Chapter Eight

We cleaned up and headed to the bedroom. She was at the door, still moving toward the bedroom when I stopped dead in my tracks. I had been thinking of ways I could convince her not to try anal sex with me but as I was leaving the bathroom, I noticed my collar on the vanity. I couldn't take another step. I touched my neck in the spot that I recognized as the spot that always kept me aware that I was wearing it. Over time, it became a part of me. I had always cleaned it while showering. I never removed it since the day she put it on me. I felt strange and not myself. It took me a moment to gather my wits.

I retrieved the collar from the vanity and held it up.

It needs to be cleaned, I thought.

Just then, Mistress showed up. In all honesty, she looked so ridiculous I wanted to laugh but I wasn't feeling myself. I was naked, sure, but in the moment, it felt like a part of me was missing. I turned on the hot water and waited for it to warm up.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

"I need this," I told her, holding up my collar, "but I want to clean it real quick."

She came up behind me, wrapped her arms around my torso and under my arms. She took the collar from my hands and dipped it into the water. I put my hands on her arms and caressed her as she washed it for me.

"It's a part of you, isn't it?" she asked.

I nodded as I stared intently at it. I was like a dog watching my owner get my treats from the treat bin. She was taking longer than I would have and I wanted it back on me sooner than she was getting to it.

"I don't know what you're feeling right now, I can only guess. I see your mood has changed and I assume it's because you finally remembered you were without it. You reacted to that the way other women react to the diamond falling out of their wedding rings. It means a lot to me that you feel that way right now, Kitten."

"Yes, Mistress," I soft quietly, still waiting impatiently.

When she was done, she dried it off and went to put it back on me. I put my hand over hers and together, it found its place back home. I exhaled deeply in relief.

I looked into the mirror and met her eyes.

"I don't feel like me without it. That was the first time it's been off me."

I saw the expression on her face change.

"Turn around, Kitten."

I did and almost as soon as I was facing her, she guided the tip of her fake cock to my vagina and pushed it in. I exhaled into her mouth before tossing my head back in pleasure.

"Look at me," she told me as she began pumping it in and out of me extremely slow.

Our eyes met again, and we held it as she slowly fucked me against the vanity top. I would say I could have died just then and been happy, but I felt like I was already in heaven. She was intent on keeping it at a slow pace. My focus changed to what she wanted to do to me.

"I'm scared of what you want to do," I told her shyly.

"What are you scared of, Kitten. Tell me."

"I don't think I want it in my butt," I told her.

"I understand," she said, still fucking me, "what if I demonstrated it for you first?"

I'd never even seen it done on video, let along in front of me. I began to wonder if I never gave the act a fair shake. I was still very much scared to try it. I gave in a little.

"I would like to see you do it first, Mistress."

"Good girl."

She put her hands on my ass and pushed her cock deep inside me.


I nodded and kissed her nose before smiling at her.

She withdrew from me and took my hand as we walked to her bedroom. The bed was made up and her room was much cleaner than the last time I was in it. She took the strap off her and set it on the bed and retrieved a similar sized dildo and a bottle of clear liquid out of her closet. After she climbed up on the bed, she tapped the comforter, inviting me to sit next to her. I happily joined her and listened to her show me what she had.

"Anal sex is all about preparation," she told me. "Just shoving something up there is a painful experience and just shows the lack of care someone has for their lover. This," she said, holding up the bottle, "is lube. It's water based and does a great job keeping things slick. Saliva is not the lube you need for this."

That by itself didn't soothe my anxiety. She continued showing me how to prepare the toy for use, but I remained anxious about the pain it would introduce. She soon helped it by explaining that another liberal application of lube on the body is needed before penetration.

"Okay, I'm ready to show you. Watch what I do with the tip and how I manipulate the toy as I use it."

She positioned herself on her side and applied the lube to her ass hole and pushed a finger in.

"You can use your finger or a much smaller toy to prepare," she said, fingering herself slowly.

When she deemed herself ready, she took the toy and pressed it against the tight hole.

"You have to relax yourself, if you don't it won't go in easily. Actually," she said with a sarcastic grin, "if it does go in without you being relaxed, it won't feel good at all."

With that said, she worked the toy around her hole and eventually, the head popped inside her. I watched her face and was surprised at the expression on it. The only way I could describe it was a pleasurable pain. It may have hurt initially but she was getting used to it quickly. Soon she was pushing the toy deeper inside her.

"I have come to love masturbating anally, Kitten. It's such a different sensation," she told me as she pulled the toy out of her.

She pushed it back in and began a slow in and out motion with one hand while the other began to make circles around her clit. I watched her carefully. Soon after she got lost in herself, I moved to take control of the toy.

"You want it?" she asked.

"I want to use it on you," I told her.

I mimicked the slow movements she did and noticed the increased resistance I felt compared to pushing it in and out of a vagina. I asked questions along the way and she answered them until it seemed she was ready to focus on an orgasm that wasn't far from manifestation.

"Shhh, Kitten. I'm almost there."

I continued the slow movement of the toy. After a moment, I could see her abs tighten and knew the moment was upon her.

"Fuck," she moaned, "it feels so good in my ass!"

The way she moaned and writhed around on the bed made me increasingly curious. I committed myself to letting her try her toy on me. When she was done, she let her body push the toy out of her and held it in her hand.

"Ooh! What do you think of that show?"

I smiled and told her, "Well, I'm willing to give it a try, I guess."

"Good girl," she praised, "Let me go clean this one off and I'll come back. In the meantime, lay on your back and get yourself read. Practice relaxing your muscles, it will help better the experience."

"Yes, Mistress."

I did as she asked, and she was back in no time. She put the strap back on her and positioned me on my back at the edge of the bed.

"This position is good for this moment. I can see your face and you can help control how far I go. Let's get some lube on this and we'll be ready. How are you feeling?"

"Nervous, Mistress."

"That's okay. Are you ready?"

I took a deep breath and nodded.

"Remember, it's not going to just jump inside you. I'll toy around a little before pushing it in and once it's in, it will continue very slowly."

I nodded again and she raised my legs up, resting my calves on her shoulders. To gain access to the right hole, my legs were up higher than I was used to in that position and I felt especially vulnerable. That feeling was quickly pushed aside when I felt the head of her cock knocking at my door. She rubbed the tip all around, ensuring all vital parts were well lubricated and warned me as she was about to enter me.

"I'm going to slowly push the tip in," she said.

There was no delay. The pressure at my back door was a bit uncomfortable, but I relaxed as she showed me and felt the hole give way to the intruder.

"Oh, fuck," I grunted.

My jaw was shut tight as I waited for the uncomfortable sensation to pass. I knew the instant the tip of the cock was in my butt.

"Hold on," I said, taking deep breaths.

"I know, Kitten. Let me know when the feeling becomes more pleasure than pain or discomfort."

I nodded and told her that it was surprisingly a lot more discomfort than pain. Soon, I was ready for the cock to continue pushing into me. I told her I was ready, and she pushed it in another inch. She pulled it out and pushed it back in even slower.

"How do you feel," she asked, fucking my ass as slowly as I was doing hers.

"Such an oddly good feeling," I said, surprising myself.

"Yes! It's nearly indescribable. I'm going to push in a little more," she informed me.

I gave her a nod of approval and prepared myself. She pushed another inch inside me and I had never felt more full. Her strokes were longer, but just as slow as before.

"I think that's as deep as I want today, Mistress, but please keep doing that," I told her.

She winked at me and asked, "Is the speed okay?"

I thought it to be an odd question since she never altered the speed for herself, but I told her go ahead and speed up. When she did, I put a quick stop to it.

"Ow! No, don't do that," I told her, holding my arm out and placing my hand on her stomach.

"Okay, Kitten. I think I have it from here. Lay on your back and enjoy."

With that, she got into a slow and rhythmic pace as she fucked my ass. One of her hands caressed my leg before finding its way between them. She began toying with my clit and I nearly lost my mind. I was beginning to enjoy the new sensation but both of them combined drove me crazy and almost instantly over the edge.

"Oh, shit! I'm going to cum!" I announced quickly.

"I'm not going to stop, kitten. Let the beast out of its cage," she told me.

My body convulsed on the bed as she continued fucking my ass and toying with my clit. The orgasm, just like the entire experience felt new. The only way I could describe it was like a second type of orgasm that was not any more powerful, but felt more complete. That new and exhilarating feeling was soon over when the crest of my orgasm was over and the reality that I had a thick cock stretching my ass hit me.

I pulled myself away until the fake cock was no longer inside me.

"Oh!" she said, with a knowing smile on her face. "Don't like that in your butt during your post orgasmic bliss?"

"Not at all," I huffed.

"You'll get used to it, my love," she said as she walked away.

"Going to clean up?" I asked.

My fingers found their way between my legs and I masturbated as she walked out.

"Yep, I'll be right back," she said before turning to look at me. "Don't cum before I get back, Kitten."

"Yes, Mistress," I hissed in pleasure.

She was soon back, and I was well on my way to my second orgasm. I narrated my feelings about the experience to her and she joined me in mutual masturbation. Together, we achieved orgasm at the same time and fell limp together on the bed. I turned onto my side to face her.

"Thank you, Mistress for teaching me," I told her. "Trusting you has never let me down."

Her smile was heartwarming. She searched the bed next to her, grabbing hold of something before turning to face me.

"I love you," she said plainly, looking into my eyes.

"I love you, too, Mistress."

She reached out and without another word, she attached the small lock to my collar.

"Gotcha. Now you can't get away!" she said happily.

I gasped playfully and swatted her hand away. I touched the lock, pulled on it and confirmed it was indeed locked. I tried to play it off as insignificant, but I knew I couldn't. She knew I couldn't either.

"You're going to get emotional, aren't you?" she asked with feigned indifference.

I nodded in lieu of whining out high-pitched words trying not to cry. It didn't matter. I felt a tear fall down my face and I got up and went to look in the tall mirror she had in her room. Both hands touched the lock and collar together. Soon, she was behind me.

"You're so beautiful. You're standing naked in my room, wearing my collar and now, with the lock you decorated on your own, I've made you mine."

"I was always yours, Mistress," I corrected her. "Now, you're mine."

I said it so proudly and with every inch of love I could muster. I wanted to show Joey.

"Could you take a picture for me?" I asked.

"Why?" she responded, appearing confused as to the purpose of such a thing.

"I wanted to show Joey. I left him on the edge of his seat this afternoon and I would rather not wait until morning to show him how it turned out."

"Oh, I guess that was you inviting yourself to stay the night?" she asked.

"Yep, kind of like you inviting yourself over for dinner," I quickly responded in a sarcastic tone I knew she would recognize as her own.


She got her phone and went to take a full body portrait of me.

"No, please don't. Just here," I said, placing one arm below my breasts and the other just below my chin. "I don't trust technology when it comes to personal things so, no faces."

"Good idea," she confirmed and snapped a closer shot.

She sent the image to my phone and his then tossed her phone onto the bed without caring what his response was. She pulled me close to her naked body and hugged me tightly. I reciprocated the gesture and I felt as close to her in that moment as I ever did with my husband. We didn't say anything to each other for a long time. We just stood there holding each other tightly. It was warm, affectionate and most of all, one of the best moments of my life. Just when I thought she might be rationalizing similar feelings, she assured me I was wrong.

"You know, I have to hand it to myself. In about a year's time, I turned you into a polyamorous, submissive bisexual."

I shoved her away from me with a laugh and her smile lit up the room. I always new being emotional wasn't her thing and she would be hard pressed to show it but I also knew she couldn't hold out forever. She stood several feet away from me and looked me all over. I saw her fighting a powerful feeling that had clearly washed over her. She was struggling to keep her composure.

"Mistress," I whispered as I approached her. "I know."

She embraced me again, holding me closer and tighter than she did before.

"I'll love you my whole life, Kitten."

That night, we completed the formation of our relationship. She was no less my wife than Joey was my husband. She wasn't wrong in what I had become at her hands. She didn't turn me into anything that didn't already exist, though. I just needed her to show me the way.

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AnonymousAnonymousabout 1 year ago

very good story and would like to see where this could go from here???

Flrty_BstrdFlrty_Bstrdover 1 year ago

This has been a beautiful story. I don't usually read the BDSM themed stories because I find things that I don't agree with, due my my own experience in the lifestyle.

I am glad that I read this one. It was well written and a beautiful story. And the issues of a sub having multiple dominants was handled well.

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