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The Threadbinders Ch. 01


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"But dryads leave splinters, even with the best of care applied," Yasha said with a giggle. "I think your runes are done, dear husband, except for the ones upon you and I."

The dwarf nodded in agreement and stepped around the girl, moving to draw a single circle upon his wife's right bosom, drawing two parallel lines inside of it, then a smaller circle between the two lines, completing the rune. "There's you done. Now to get out of this armor."

With both elves looking on, he began to disrobe, a heavy adamantine breastplate the first piece removed after the blue tunic. He kept that single dense piece of armor always concealed, and in doing so had saved his life several times. Beneath that, he removed the undershirt, and Zestry got a look at just how hairy the dwarf truly was.

His skin was a deep golden brown, not far off the color of sun-baked mud, but there was a thick layer of fine red hair across most of his chest and arms, and all along his back. In removing the shirt, he had also removed his cap, exposing the bald dome in the center of his head, lined by a thick ring of dark red hair like cooling lava.

He kicked off his boots and then removed his trousers and his underpants, leaving him nude with the two nude elves, and he could hear a little gasp of surprise from Zestry, as she took in the sight of his cock for the first time.

His wife had been truthful, and for the most part, his cock was not particularly unusual for his species, although the thick girthy nature of dwarvish dick still seemed to astonish most elves the first time they beheld one.

"I am going to be one sore girl tomorrow, aren't I, m'lady?" Zestry said to his wife, who only giggled a little before replying.

"Oh buck up," she said. "It's a good sort of sore, and it will help distract you from the voyage."

Now that was fully nude, he could apply the two sigils he needed to upon his own body. The first was a symbol matching the one he'd placed upon his wife, which was transfer the vitae the girl had promised them into their bodies, prolonging their lives and keeping them youthful. The second was the three wavy lines, which he painted on his own belly, mirroring the markings he'd done on the girl's.

As he applied the sigils, Yasha noticed how the girl was appraising her husband, taking in the sight of a nude dwarf. Despite the fact that he was half as tall as either of them, he was much bulkier and significantly more muscular, his form powerful and more than a little intimidating in how strong it was clear the man was naturally.

Elvish men were agile, nimble, graceful, like dancers.

Dwarvish men were squat, chiseled, bulky and hefty, like brawlers.

The fact that Zestry licked her lips in anticipation might have gone unnoticed by the dwarf, but it did not escape the sight of the other elf.

"Your last decision to make for the night, dear heart," Yasha said to the younger girl. "Do you wish to take or be taken? Would you like to control the tempo, or to be controlled?"

Zestry shivered in excitement, reaching a single hand out to smooth her fingertips across the length of the dwarf's beard. "As exciting as it might be to be taken, m'lady, I think I would feel more comfortable if I could control the tempo, for the size of your husband's weapon gives me pause, if only with eagerness."

Yasha nodded with a smile. "He does not mind, girl," she said to her, as Arkady started to move up the steps before hopping onto the bed. "You are not the first elvish girl he's had who's afraid his mighty cock will split her cunt in twain."

"M'lady!" Zestry giggled. "Such language!"

Yasha clicked her tongue scoldingly again. "During this ritual, nothing is forbidden other than what my husband dictates is, so no words are unpermitted. I think you may find that level of freedom... exhilarating. I know I have."

Arkady moved to sit on the bed, scooting to press his back against the pillows that were wedged up against the mighty wooden headboard. "In your own time, my dear," he said to her, even as her eyes were transfixed upon his cock.

Zestry moved to the edge of the bed and reached one of her hands out, slowly curling her fingers around the fat oaklike shaft that protruded from the dwarf's belly. She had seen elvish cocks before, and while they were usually longer, none of them had looked as sizable or dangerous as this. Her long spindly fingers barely stretched around the width of it, and once they touched, she slowly dragged her hand down before sliding it back up, unable to look the dwarf or his wife in the eyes, unable to peel her eyes away from the weapon she held in her hands.

"I do not know that it will fit inside me, m'lady," Zestry whispered, even as her hands continued to jack along his shaft, having switched from using one hand to two, as she moved ever closer to the bed, her eyes almost unblinking.

"Oh it will," Yasha said. "It fits inside of me all the time."

Zestry moved to slide one knee up onto the bed before bringing up the other, crawling up onto it, as she couldn't help herself and leaned her head down to lick her tongue along the large curved head of the dwarf's cock, lapping up a single pearl of natural lubricant that had emerged from his slit, which gave the girl goosebumps all along her flesh.

"It's nothing like elf cum," Zestry whispered reverently. "It's richer, more flavorful, like a well aged brandy than any natural fluid."

"You can have more if you like," Yasha said to her, stepping in closer, standing at the edge of the bed now, one of her hands holding her husband's, the other stroking along the girl's back, taking care not to smudge any of the sigils, which were beginning to set.

"As much as I would like, m'lady," the girl said as she moved her knees closer towards the dwarf, one on either side of his thick legs, "I cannot wait any longer to discover how this feels, both for my own edification and to hurry along my interests."

The matching sigils on the dwarf and his wife began to glow, along with many of the sigils upon the girl's body, as she moved to straddle his waist, one of her hands reaching down to steer his cock, the other resting on his shoulders, as if to stabilize her. Once she had lined the wide tip against her cleft, she pushed her pussy down onto his dick slowly, a sharp gasp of inhaled air cutting through the room like a knife, but the girl did not stop, and slowly forced her way down onto his fat shaft, her eyes rolled back into the center of her skull, as her strong grasp on his shoulder threatened to try and clamp the nerves into a wound.

When she was half way down his shaft, Arkady could feel the girl begin to spasm and quiver furiously, oozing as much slickness as she could onto his member, as orgasm after orgasm shredded through her body, a symphonic cacophony of lust blossoming inside of her, and finally when she slid down to encompass all of his cock inside of her snatch, the thick curved tip of his dick nestled against the entrance to her womb, she trembled in waves, and Yasha lost count of how many orgasms the poor girl went through.

For a long moment, Zestry stayed motionless upon his cock, her body undulating in brief fits, as her breathing matched in sudden heaves, gasping for air before forcing it out in one of the filthiest moans either the dwarf or his wife had ever heard, the very pornographic nature of it making his cock throb inside of the girl. Then after what felt like days, she opened her eyes and smiled at him, a nervous, almost giddy laugh escaping from her throat. "I do believe I've paid my orgasms in full, Master Dwarf, if not overpaid by a sizable amount," she said, a fuckdrunk look upon her face, the thick fog of post-orgasm bliss clouding her poise.

He chuckled, tilting his head with a slight nod. "The given, perhaps, but not the taken. For that, there remains work to be done."

The expression on the girl's face changed immediately, the naive and almost innocent facade dropped in lieu of a different mask, a wanton, sultry harlot, her eyes snarled with lust and intent, as she dragged her fingers down across his muscular chest through the matte of thick hair over it. "But sweet Master Dwarf, can you not feel how snug and clenched my cunt is upon your massive cock?" she purred at him with a voice layered with sex that surprised both mages. "How it yearns to feel your gift inside of it, completing our contract?"

Yasha smirked a little bit, squeezing her husband's hand as she flashed him a little wink. They had seen things like this before, supplicants so enamored with their release to the threadbinding that they became purely carnal beings, hellbent on finishing the ritual, all hint of pomp and circumstance gone in the wink of an eye.

"Can you not feel my nubile flesh craving your release, good sire?" Zestry said, as she shifted up on her knees, working to lift partway up his cock before dropping her ass back down onto his thighs, impaling her cunt upon his dick once more with a giggling groan, her tongue swiping drool off her own lips. "Where once I was a nubile stanza, now I am an entire whorish sonnet," she moaned into his face. "I am your own little elven fuck puppet, upon strings like a marionette, desperate to see a look of pleasure upon your brow even one sliver as powerful as what you have wrought inside my loins a dozen times already. Take hold of my hips, Master Threadbinder, and use my inexperienced twat until you find your delight to savor."

The older elf was a little surprised, as the girl continued to bounce upon her husband's lap, one of the dwarf's hands moving from the girl's breast down to her hip, pushing her slender body a bit more firmly down onto his cock each time she thrust herself upon it, making the head of his member rap against the door of her womb like a battering ram upon a castle's gates.

Zetsry growled a bit, as she tried to whip her hips in a fierce snakelike motion, whimpering each time she slid up his shaft, as if the emptiness gave her an unbearable sensation of emptiness, only to have that stripped away from her each time she impaled herself on his cock.

"Fuck me, Lord Arkady," she hissed at him. "Hammer my nubile cunt like a weapon upon the anvil, like something you are attempting to sculpt into greatness. Gods yes. Yes! Fuck the shit out of me until I know only the shape of your fucking cock! Harder! Gods harder still! Plow me until I am wrapped around your cock and you feel ready to give me that which I so desperately want! Gods please cum into my body, sire! Fill your wanton fucktoy with your gift! Bind her! Bind the thread and give her meaning! I beseech thee! Cum within my twat, oh mighty dwarf! Fuck! Fuck! Fuck me, sire! Fuck! ME! RIGHT! FUCKING! THERE! OHFUCK!"

The girl's voice was loud, far louder than the mages had expected, and just as she saw that look upon her husband's face, knowing the moment was about to be upon him, she feared the poor girl would make a noise too sizable for any in the village to ignore, so she thrust her lips upon Zestry's, kissing her hair, swallowing the moan into her own mouth as her husband began to erupt molten cum inside of the girl's pussy, each blast of the steamy jism sending a crescendo of orgasm through the elf's body, as the sound that poured from one mouth to the other was one of the most carnal things Yasha had ever felt.

The runes upon all their bodies glowed a ferocious shade of fire, and as his orgasm crested and the final blast of semen drained into the young elf's pussy, Yasha slapped one hand over Zestry's eyes, the other on the back of her head, keeping their lips locked together in a kiss. She knew well enough to close her eyes, as did her husband, but they had forgotten to tell the young girl about the overwhelming surge of light that would fill the room upon the ritual's completion.

After the light had passed and he could open his eyes once more, Arkady helped Yasha slide the girl over and off of his cock, his hefty club softening enough to slip out from her with a sloppy slurping sound, the fruits of their labors seeping from her gash. Yasha decided she had clearly not approached her husband recently enough, because the dwarf had clearly been backed up.

Once the nearly unconscious girl was laid on her back on the bed, Arkady began to complete the final stages of the ritual, the sigils still holding some glow to them even as they were beginning to fade back towards just pigmentation.

He gestured through the air, his meaty hands twisting into odd shapes, peeling threads aside, one after another just above the girl's body, invisible to all the most trained of eyes, until he found what he was looking for, the familiar telltale golden cord, the purest of threads, that of true love, connecting this girl to another soul somewhere on the horizon.

Now that he had marked it, he would be able to see the cord again with a simple spell, and would be able to follow it, and lead the girl to the soul on the other end of it. It was a powerful thread, which meant the girl was destined for a powerful love, the kind that would never fade or break. The nature of the spooling, how it almost seemed like several threads woven together to form one large cord, meant that the woman would be extremely happy with her decision.

As he finished closing the tagging spell on the cord, he felt a tongue lashing along his cock, and looked down to see Zestry was bathing his dick, licking it clean, a sensation that was only more complicated when his wife joined in, her mirthful eyes looking up at him. "Eyes up, mister," she chided. "Finish your work and we'll finish ours."

By the colors around the base of the cord, he could get a rough estimate of how far their trip would be and was pleased to see it would only be a day's flight or so to get the girl to her perfect match. "We should have you in the arms of your soulmate before the sun sets tomorrow, Zestry."

The girl started to weep tears of joy, and climbed up into the bed to wrap her arms around him in a fierce hug, shoving her face into the side of his head. "Oh thank you, sire. I know I have paid for your services, but even now I think I have not done enough," she said, her voice exhausted.

"Sleep now, and in the morning, we will take our leave of this village."

He slipped down further as his wife snuggled up along the other side of him, drawing the heavy sheets up and over them, and before they knew it, all three of them were fast asleep.

The next morning, the girl made her final farewells, as several villagers loaded up much more heavily stocked saddlebags onto Quiesh, who looked reinvigorated from her night in the barn, her belly fully with the entire stag she'd feasted upon the night before.

The elder gave Zestry a firm hug, and bade the girl to send word when she could of where she had ended up, even giving the girl a single aryou coin, to ensure that she would be able to pay for a messenger to ride to the village and relay a letter to her with information, which the girl insisted she would send, if she did not bring her soulmate to visit instead.

Yasha helped Zestry into the wagon part that sat on the back of Quiesh, as Arkady climbed into the pilot's saddle. He gave a light salute to the gathered villagers and then pulled back on Quiesh's bridle with a kick of his heels, coaxing the griffon to take to the air once more.

It was about six hours flight to the west, as Arkady followed the thread. It was far easier to do this by air, and he'd never understood why so many Threadbinders traveled by land, as it complicated the journeys endlessly. Of course, befriending a griffon was no slight challenge, so maybe that was why.

As they crested over a mountain ridge, Arkady could see the thread leading into a mage's enclave, much to his amusement. It wasn't a great academy, but it was a frontier school, where binders were trained to at least competent levels. Anyone who wanted to highly refine their skills would go to one of the bigger academies in a larger city, but there were hundreds of these feeder enclaves that could offer basic training to get someone to at least a passable level of ability, mostly Threatbinders, but the occasional Threadbinder as well.

Arkady brought the griffon down to land in the enclave's courtyard, as a handful of mages stepped out to see the creature land, a couple of elves, a handful of humans and a pair of dwarves. From the sea of bodies, a single gnome dressed in heavy robes pushed her way through, a wry smile on his face. "Ah, Arkady! You bring a new person to bind?"

"I do, Weesha, now shush." Arkady followed the thread through the air, both Yasha and Zestry remaining in the wagon, as the dwarf stomped into the crowd and grabbed one of the human men by the wrist. He was tall for a human, with a rounded face and a big bushy black mustache upon his face. He was in the training robes of a Threatbinder, but still had much to do. He was reasonably good looking, Arkady guessed, with a bit of easy charm about him. The dwarf would guess he was twenty five years or so old, but humans were difficult to pinpoint sometimes. "You, boy, what's your name?" the dwarf asked him.

"Chester Skyson, sir," the man said to him. "Someone has hired you to find to whom their thread is bound, and that someone is me?"

"Indeed. Do you accept the binding?"

The young man smiled shyly. "Mistress Weesha has spoken quite highly of you, Master Arkady, so if you have found a thread that leads to me, I would be a fool to refuse it. Of course I do."

"You can come out now, Zestry," Arkady called over his shoulder, hearing the girl dismount from the griffon's wagon.

As soon as she set her eyes on the man, her heart leapt from her chest, and she ran over to him, wrapping her arms around him, kissing him firmly, as Arkady saw the two threads fold together, sealing their fate in perfect union, the new thread a thousand times stronger than the individual two had been.

She looked back, her eyes filled with an endless joy. It was a look he never got tired of seeing, and even the dwarf's stony nature couldn't keep him from smiling a little at the expression on her face. "Thank you. A thousand times, thank you. He's perfect. This is perfect."

"You are welcome, little elf. Now enjoy your new life as you and your soulmate figure out where your lives will take you."

She nodded, her body a little taller than the man's, and the two headed into one of the buildings, as Arkady started to turn back towards the griffon. "Well, don't want to bother you too long, Weesha, so we'll be on our way again."

"Actually, Arkady," the gnome said, scurrying closer over to him, "I could use your aid, if you can spare a bit of time. I would be happy to pay you for the time, but I have to admit, I'm in something of a conundrum."

Weesha was a fifth rank Threadbinder, but Arkady had thought the gnome simply hadn't done the exams needed to be higher, so the fact that she was asking for his help intrigued him, so he paused and looked back. "What kind of problem?"

"I'm not sure how to say this, but we have a person here who's paid for Threadbinder services, but the rituals have... well, the results confuse me, and I wouldn't mind a second opinion."

"Confuse?" The dwarf raised an eyebrow, his curiosity getting the best of him for a moment. "I understand some threads are harder to follow than others, but I've never seen a result I would call confusing..."

"This one may stump you then."

"How so?"

"The woman in question... she has four major threads coming from her."

Unable to say anything for a moment, the dwarf finally brought an answer to his lips. "I can imagine that would be confusing. Alright, I think we can take the time to see what's going on. I do so love a challenge. Yasha, I think we have a challenge ahead of us."

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