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The Truth after Seven Years Pt. 02


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As I stood and watched, her appearance was shifting. Gone was the blonde hair, replaced by a soft silver color. Leandra's skin had taken on the odd cooper tone that I had witnessed the night of the accident. And stranger still, her ears were pointed at the top.

A thought thundered through my mind. This woman was definitely not from Kansas or anywhere else in this world.

Sensing me, Leandra turned slowly and smiled at me. Her body seemed to tremble as she approached me. Softly, Leandra stroked my cheek and then kissed me full on the lips. The electricity that I'd felt the first time I touched her was much more intense now, and very pleasurable. I kissed her back with a passion that I thought was long gone.

Leandra helped pull my clothes off and pushed me onto the bed. Her body was exquisite. Not nearly as voluptuous and beautiful as Ashley's, but it had a beauty all its own. I slid my hands over her skin, cupping her breasts, and sucked on them. She clinched in an intense orgasm. I slid my fingers over her pubic hairs, which were also silver. The short hairs had a pleasing softness to them, and I fingered her to another orgasm. But when I went down on her, she pulled my head up to her face and fiercely kissed me.

I then tried to go down on her again, but Leandra shook her head. "I need you inside me. I have dreamed about this for days."

She pushed her legs further apart, and I raised up and guided my penis inside her. I was as rock hard as I think I have ever been. The sensation was incredible. The electrical feeling that was passing between us was increasing the pleasure. Her pussy seemed to pulse around my cock. I held off as long as I could, and then I erupted, spraying line after line of my cum inside her. She screamed in joy.

I don't know how it was possible, but we made love five more times. Leandra didn't have to work to get me hard, she just had to touch me. And it wasn't like when I had multiple orgasms with Ashley. With Ashley, by the third time, I felt like I was shooting water. With Leandra, each time was like the first.

After the sixth time, we lay there in each other's arms. Both of us were quiet for many minutes, content in the afterglow. Finally, I pushed up on my elbow and stared into Leandra's eyes.

"Where are you from?" I asked.

She laughed. "A long way from here. Seventy-two lightyears approximately. My world is called Thalia."

"How and why did you come here?" I was now filled with hundreds of questions.

"I'm not supposed to tell you," Leandra said quietly, "but I need for you to trust me more than anything."

I nodded.

"As I said, my world is seventy-two lightyears away. I came here through a dimensional port. We're able to open up small holes into other dimensions, which allows us to travel great distances in short amounts of time. It took about fifteen minutes of your time to get here. I'm here on a mission. The people of my world are dying out."

"Dying out? What do you mean your people are dying out?" I asked, both curious and alarmed.

Leandra looked at me sadly. She shook her head and sighed. "Our population is dwindling because of our arrogance."

"I don't understand."

"As you have seen, we are much more advanced technologically than the peoples of this world. Still, we were ruled by the same passions - envy, lust, hatred, greed - all of them. We have weapons so powerful that we could destroy whole solar systems. To survive, we decided to edit out these base emotions. We decided to create societies filled with love and creativity. And we thought we had done so, but we miscalculated horribly."

Leandra grew silent, and tears began to stream down her face. She buried her face in my chest and sobbed. "We were so arrogant."

"What happened?" I asked as I stroked her hair.

"When I told you that love was ninety-six percent due to chemicals in your body, it wasn't a theory, we had proved it. Actually, it's ninety-six-point-eight percent. We developed a device that allowed us to analyze this compatibility. That allowed us to arrange the most suitable matches. It was impossible to find a match for everyone. To overcome this obstacle, we developed a new device that can analyze, and if necessary, change the chemical composition of an individual. Of course, there are limitations. For instance, we learned that you can only modify the chemical mixture within a person once. We also discovered there were side effects if you tried to make the compatibility ninety percent."

Leandra paused for a moment. I guess she was trying to gauge my reaction. I remember at that moment, I was filled with equal parts of wonder and skepticism. Apparently satisfied with whatever she found, Leandra continued. "If both individuals have at least a sixty percent match, true love can exist. A higher match just makes the love bond that much stronger. So, we had the love question more or less solved. Using the same principles, we developed a chemical that was supposed to greatly reduce the baser emotions. And it seemed to work, at least in the clinical trials. But when we filled the atmosphere with the chemical, it produced an unexpected consequence. In less than a year, almost all of the males of my world became sterile. This caused chaos and catastrophic wars as nations tried to gain possession of the few remaining fertile males. Over the last two hundred of your years, my planet, that was once home to six billion souls, now has barely a hundred thousand."

"That still doesn't answer why you're here," I was confused and horrified by what Leandra's world had experienced.

"We have been searching the universe seeking species that share our DNA structure. Then we search for fertile males that we can mate with. We have found that the people of this planet share our DNA, but only a few of the males are compatible. About one in a million can impregnate one of our females. I was not scheduled for this particular mission, but one of the women took sick, and I was a last-minute replacement. However, as I was heading to New York, my pod was struck by lightning, and I crash-landed here. Still, it was a most fortuitous accident. I not only discovered someone who could impregnate me but someone whose chemical composition is such that I have fallen deeply in love with them."

I was dumbfounded by this last comment. "Are you talking about me?"

She nodded and kissed me. "You have already placed a child with me, and it will be a male."

"You can tell already? We've only been together this one time."

"Actually, we were together six times," Leandra giggled. "But you put a child with me the first time. The next five were simply for pleasure and because I love you."

I sat up against the headboard with Leandra's head resting on my chest.

"That first night, you couldn't speak our language, could you?" I asked.

Leandra chuckled and shook her head. "No, as a last-minute replacement, there wasn't time enough to learn it. Fortunately, as part of my equipment, I have a universal translator. That first morning, when you found me watching your television, I was using the translator to learn your language. I also learned Spanish."

"So, what happens now?" I asked with just a little concern, which I tried to joke about. "Are you going to spirit me away to your world."

"No," she looked up at me in all seriousness, "Our laws forbid us from abducting anyone. However, you may accompany me back to my homeworld. If you came, you would be much revered, and you would have someone who loves you dearly. Would you do that?"

The thought was appealing, but finally, I declined. "My son isn't ready to take over running the ranch yet. Plus, I am still hopelessly in love with Ashley. Because of that alone, eventually, you would not be happy with me. In my mind, I know that I am never going to get my ex-wife back, but my heart refuses to accept that. And as twisted as it sounds, I want to get revenge against her and her husband."

Tears slid down Leandra's cheeks, and she sighed sadly. "I suspected that you would not wish to go with me."

"Even if I'm not going, can't you stay a little while longer, anyway?" I asked, hopefully.

She shook her head. "No, my time is short. If fact, I would not have stayed here this long if I had not discovered our compatibility. When I scanned your chemical composition, I found that you are eighty-nine percent compatible with me. On the other hand, I am ninety-eight percent compatible with you. It's most unusual when one's compatibility exceeds ninety percent. That's why I love you so much."

Leandra reached herself up and kissed me, and then she snuggled back down on my chest.

"I still don't understand why you can't stay longer?" I almost pleaded.

"I have to return to my world tomorrow before our dimensional hole closes. These holes can only be opened infrequently and close after only a week. If I don't return tomorrow, I'll be trapped here for six months until the next hole can be opened. However, I cannot disguise myself that long."

"But, your pod was destroyed."

"I have a spare," she said, pointing to the dictionary sized blue box. After everything I'd seen and heard, I didn't question that the blue box, somehow, would become her transportation home. But then she surprised me with a request. "But before I go, do you think I could meet this woman who is keeping you from me?"

My initial gut reaction was to say no, and I wish I had gone with that. But I finally agreed and what happened as the result of that night was all my fault. I have to live with the consequences. However, I thought that seeing Ashley and Tuck with Leandra on my arm would somehow make it bearable. Maybe I even thought it might make Ashley Jealous. It wasn't to be in either case.

I knew Ashley and Tuck would be at the quarterly country club dance. Ashley was on the entertainment committee, and she lived for events like this. She would have a chance to show off her latest gown, flirt with the men, and still have her husband there who adored her. She could have her cake and eat it too.

Once I decided that we would attend the dance, I couldn't have Leandra show up in one of Ashley's discarded dresses. Fortunately, I had bought Ashley a new designer dress for her birthday just before everything blew apart. It was still sitting in the closet covered by its plastic cover.

The new dress fit Leandra quite well, and I wore one of only two suits that I owned. When we entered the club, the people there were surprised to see me. I think they were even more surprised to see a beautiful woman on my arm. I was pleased that most of those in attendance were genuinely glad that I was there.

I spotted Ashley almost immediately. She was surrounded by several young men with Tuck right at her side. I used to hate it when Ashley did that, but apparently, Tuck didn't. He seemed to have an attitude, "you can look but don't touch. She's all mine."

Leandra pulled, what looked like, a lipstick from the purse I'd given her and almost dragged me over to where Ashley and Tuck were standing.

Ashley looked up in surprise when she saw me, and her eyes widened when she saw Leandra on my arm. Then her eyes narrowed as she took in the designer gown that Leandra was wearing. Ashley had never seen the dress and was unaware that I had purchased it.

"Well, look what the cat dragged," Ashley said sarcastically. Tuck chuckled, and Ashley continued. "To what do we owe the honor of your presence here tonight. If I remember correctly, Mike, you hate these events."

"Finally got up the guts to face us?" Tuck asked with a smirk. "Your ex-wife really looks stunning tonight, doesn't she?"

Tuck couldn't pass up an opportunity to rub my face in it. The hatred between us was still burning brightly. Leandra looked up at me and squeezed my arm. It was her signal to stay calm.

"No, not guts Tuck, just stomach," I said with a smile. "Besides, Leandra wanted to have dinner out with a little dancing," I paused and smiled at first Tuck and then Ashley. "Oh, excuse me, where are my manners. Leandra, this, as you already know, is my ex-wife Ashley. And this is her new husband, Tuck. Ashley, Tuck, this is Leandra Forth."

"A pleasure," Leandra said as she shook hands with both.

"That's a beautiful dress you're wearing," Ashley said after an awkward silence.

"Oh, thank you," Leandra said with a giggle. "In truth, I had nothing really to wear. I'm on a business trip and visiting Mike was a last-minute decision. He gave me this dress. Don't you think that was really sweet of him."

"What business are you in?" one of the other men asked as he eyed Leandra up and down.

"I'm senior chemist for Sable Enterprises," Leandra answered smoothly. "My team has been working on several new medicines, and we're close to the release of a revolutionary new drug. For obvious reasons, I can't tell you any more about it, but the purpose of my trip to New York is to decide on the release date."

I watched Ashley's expression, and it was clear that she felt upstaged. And God knows, Ashley hated it when someone took the spotlight off of her. A surge of malicious pleasure flooded me.

Ashley just nodded and turned her attention back to me with a nasty smile. "So, Mike, why have you been hiding at the ranch? It's been a year and a half. Surely, you couldn't still be pining over the end of our marriage. I thought that you would finally understand that Tuck had always been my true love. I thought your reactions have been very childish. Because you refused to accept the situation, our children are now divided. I know you've turned my son against me, but at least Tanya is mine." Ashley paused as she smiled up at Tuck. "I would have thought that you would be happy that I've found true love."

Leandra could feel me tense and squeezed my arm again. Then she looked at Tuck and then me before turning back to Ashley.

"I'm sorry, I don't get it," Ashley said with an air of faked innocent confusion. "Why you would give up Mike for anyone else absolutely baffles me. But I guess if you're genuinely in love, trading down is acceptable.

Before anyone had a chance to respond, Leandra grabbed my hand. "Mike, you promised we were going to dance. It was nice to meet you both."

The orchestra had just started playing, and Leandra and I strode onto the dance floor. I'm only a so-so dancer, but Leandra proved to be an excellent one.

"That was masterful," I said as I kissed her on her cheek. Leandra, in turn, pulled me in tight. I could feel my dick begin to harden, but I hoped it would deflate before the music ended. We stayed for about an hour. It was long enough to get something to eat and have a few more dances. From time to time, I caught Tuck or Ashley staring daggers at Leandra and me.

When we got home that night, I wanted to take Leandra to bed immediately. However, she insisted that we have a cup of coffee. Leandra said there was something she wanted to discuss with me.

At the kitchen table, Leandra put her lipstick in the center of the table. She twisted it slightly, and it spread apart to reveal a small screen.

"I hope you don't take offense, but your ex-wife is a spiteful bitch. She cheated and then had the audacity to blame the fallout totally on you. And her husband is a petty little man with an overinflated opinion of his self-worth. He is emotionally immature and insecure."

"Trust me, nothing you can say could be any worse than what I have thought and said myself for the last eighteen months," I offered with a sad smile.

"Now, I want you to pay close attention," Leandra said as she picked up lipstick shaped item. "I am not supposed to do this, but I'm going to show how you can get the revenge you want against your ex-wife and her new husband."

I put my coffee cup down and leaned forward. Leandra definitely had my undivided attention.

"I told you about being able to determine compatibility and change it. This is the device that does both those things. Merely contacting the skin of another will record and analyze the chemical composition of that person. Also, by contacting that person's skin while activating the device, you can change that chemical composition.

"How does it work," I asked, now terribly excited.

Leandra smiled at me. "Since you have decided to remain on your world, I'm going to show you how to make your ex-wife fall madly in love with you. Once that happens, I'm one hundred percent sure that she'll leave her current husband and return to you."

"Okay, I'm all in," I said with enthusiasm. "Explain to me how it works."

Leandra looked at me with a devious smile. "First, a few basics. You already know that I am ninety-eight percent compatible with you and love you so much that it almost hurts. It is especially painful knowing that I have to leave you behind. Still, I will have your child to love, and that will have to be enough. Are you sure that you won't come with me?"

I looked into her beautiful blue eyes, so filled with hope. Because of my selfishness, I can't say that I was even tempted. I cared about Leandra, but I was still desperately in love with Ashley. If I could have her back as my wife, that's all that mattered to me. To steal her back from Tuck would be the icing on the cake. It was just too delicious to pass on. That was totally selfish of me, and I never anticipated the consequences for Tuck, Ashley, or me.

"Leandra, I wish I could love you as you love me," I said. "Perhaps you should alter the chemicals in me to make me love you more than I do, Ashley."

"I had hoped to be able to do that," Leandra said, and I could see the painful sadness in her eyes. "But your compatibility with Ashley is at ninety-six percent. Tuck's compatibility stunned me. It's almost one hundred percent. I've never seen anything that high before, ever. In fact, when I read my compatibility with you at ninety-eight percent, I was shocked. I've only heard of that happening once before."

"So, I have to up my compatibility to that of Tuck's?" I asked, not sure I understood the process at all.

"No, you don't need to change anything about yourself," Leandra said firmly. "You need to change Ashley's percentage concerning you."

The confusion must have been clearly apparent on my face because Leandra laughed. "What I found surprising is that Ashley's chemical makeup only favors you by sixty-six percent. And surprisingly, it is only favorable to Tuck by seventy-five percent. As you already know, Sixty percent is the threshold for love. If you increase Ashley's chemical compatibility, in favor of you, to eighty-nine percent, you will win her back easily."

After a year and a half, my days of depression would soon be over. The thought of having Ashley back was making me hard. I think Leandra saw the physical manifestation of my excitement, and she frowned. All I could do was blush.

"I have a few warnings that I have to explain," she said tightly.

"Okay, I'm all ears," I didn't even try to hide the smile. This was terribly unfair to Leandra, but I wasn't thinking clearly at that moment. All I wanted was to have Ashley back, and at the same time, stick it to Tuck.

"I understand your excitement," she said finally with a sigh. "However, there are two things that you must know. First, exceeding the eighty-nine percent level is not advised. There are potential side-effects. Nothing horrible, but why risk them when eighty-nine percent would leave Tuck in the position of only being her second, distant love. True, going higher would make Ashley even more bound to you, but why risk it?"

I nodded and then asked, "what else should I know?"

"I'm setting this device to dissolve one week after I leave. After that time, it will be gone. If you have not used it by then, you will have lost your opportunity to make your ex-wife love you."

"Okay, so how do I use it?"

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