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The TSA Office

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Man strip searched and more in a case of mistaken identity.
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It was an office like any office. The only difference being that it was a security office at the airport. And he was sitting in a chair with his hands handcuffed before him in his lap.

He had been going through the TSA security line and had been pulled out of the line and escorted to this very office by a young Filipino female TSA officer. And here he sat, cooling his heels for, how long was it now? He twisted his handcuffed hands together and glancing at his watch, realized he'd been waiting for fifteen minutes. What was going on? His fear was slowly beginning to turn to anger.

Abruptly the door opened, as though he'd been left to cool his heels for a quarter of an hour on purpose to 'soften him up'. He still had time to make his flight if this could all be quickly sorted out. Walking into the room was a tall, middle aged African-American woman, her hair close cropped, her body filling out quite nicely, a woman's business suit. High heels and a white blouse with a black bra showing through underneath, and the top two buttons undone, revealing just a hint of cleavage, completed the ensemble. She carried a manila folder as well which she dropped onto the desk in passing. Clearly this was her office. His questions, for better or worse, were about to be answered.

The woman sat on the edge of the desk before him and crossed her legs, her nylons making a sexy sound as they slid against each other as she leaned back against the desk. She crossed her arms and gave him the once over. "I'm in charge here and I want to apologize for the time you've been waiting here but as you can imagine, I'm very busy. The situation is this: you were pulled out of line because you match the description of a drug mule we've been looking for."

He smiled politely, shifting as he began to explain. "Um, there's been a misunderstanding, clearly. I may resemble this person but if you'll just..."

She put her right hand up, gesturing him to stop. "I understand where you're going with this. Please let me finish and don't interrupt me again."

He gulped nervously. She began again, leaning further back and placing her arms behind her on the desk which had the wonderful effect of thrusting her not inconsiderable chest out further. He couldn't help but glance at the line of cleavage, now further revealed to him as she continued. "Whether you are innocent or not remains to be seen. As you say, it is quite possible that you are not the person we are looking for. If that is so and we can establish that, you will be on your way, perhaps even in time to catch your flight. The question now is establishing your bona fides. I'm having your passport examined as we speak to make sure that it is legitimate. Your luggage has been pulled as well and is being gone through by TSA officers. This is all well within the authority of the TSA. That leaves only you. I need for you to agree to a body search to complete our investigation. If you do that, we can complete this and if you are who you say you are, as I said, you can be on your way. You do of course have the right to an attorney and you may call yours or one can be provided for you." She paused waiting for a reply, re-crossing her legs to the other side as she did so. His penis shifted slightly as that same sound of nylon against nylon sent a message to his crotch. The nylons had a seam going up the back of her legs, something he had always found incredibly sexy. She crossed her arms again, pushing her breasts up as she did so. The edge of the black bra poked out from behind her blouse.

He thought it over as his penis began to uncoil down his suit pant leg. Despite his attraction to this commanding woman, he thought a lawyer was called for, as he had no idea what he had gotten himself into. "I don't have a lawyer. I do..."

Again she interrupted him, "I can provide you a lawyer. However, the waiting time involved makes it inevitable that you will miss your flight. That's your business of course. I simply point out the fact." She smiled curtly as he considered his situation.

They sat silently studying each other a moment, and were interrupted by a buzzer on the woman's desk. She got up turned and leaned across the desk to press the speaker dial on her phone, thrusting her left leg out behind her as she leaned in with her right. Her skirt was drawn tightly against what had to be considered a near perfect ass. "Yes?" she asked as she turned to him, busting him completely in the act of admiring her derriere.

"I have the report on the bags and passport for Mr. Devlin." a female voice said. It sounded like the woman who had escorted him to this office to begin with.

"Go on..." she replied as she slid her hand back across the table, stretching like a cat, and straightening to stand before him, never breaking her gaze from his as she did so.

"Everything checks out. Passport good, bags clean."

He watched her as she studied him, unblinking. She smiled a slight smile to herself. "I see. Very good, thank you."

"Do you want me to bring in the family with the expired passport? They're in interview 2."

"No keep them there for now. See about getting them something to drink if they want it. I still have to cross some t's and dot some i's with Mister Devlin". Cutting the connection, she broke her gaze from his and turned and pulled out her desk chair, finally sitting in it after all this time and looked him over coolly. She pulled the manila folder she had tossed on the desk earlier to her and began to leaf through it.

Her perusal of what he could only assume was a file about him, had her leaning over the desk slightly, once again revealing the well filled black bra straining beneath her blouse. He penis continued to engorge but he was much calmer than before. The mistake was cleared and he was going to make his flight. But his pathway to his gate was going to involve a pit stop in the men's room to take care of his burgeoning erection. He was going to enjoy rubbing one out in a stall as he imagined leaning this beautiful woman over her desk, lifting her skirt and plunging his raging hard-on into what he knew had to be a beautiful pussy.

He straightened up in his chair, using his manacled hands to hide what he was afraid was now an obvious tenting of his pants. "So, um, if that clears everything up..."

She looked up at him and leaned back slowly, lithely, cat-like. She smiled warmly, innocently. "Yes, apparently it does. However as I explained earlier, there's still the matter of a strip search to be performed. Your bags have been searched and cleared but you have not."

"Yes, but they said my passport checked out."

"I can hear thank you, Mr. Devlin. Indeed they did. But you still have to be searched regardless. We have procedures to follow. So, we're back to where we were before. Would you like a lawyer assigned and brought in for your search? You never did answer my question before."

He glanced awkwardly again at his wristwatch and saw that time was marching on. He could, theoretically, still make his flight, even with his planned for recreational interlude in the men's room. "Alright, I guess, then. I do want to make my flight if at all possible." He paused and stood up with his manacled hands before his crotch. "What do I do now? Where do I go?"

She leaned forward, pushing herself up and once again pushing her lovely breasts together, as she stood up. God, he hoped she didn't notice his erection. "The search will be conducted in this room. It's equipped her it," she said, as she nodded to the ceiling. He looked up and saw a previously unnoticed dangling steel cable with a hook at the end of it. His gaze returned to her as she came to a stop directly before him and smiled politely at him. "Hands please".

"I'm sorry?" he blurted out. He was intoxicated by her scent, a combination of fine perfume and her own personal musk. More importantly, he was acutely embarrassed, as he knew exactly what she meant when she asked for his hands though he was trying to play dumb, continuing to hide his tenting pants.

She would have none of it. Not breaking his gaze, she reached up above her with her right arm and grasped the steel cable above him. She pulled and the cable, obviously spring loaded, came down from the ceiling. Her left hand reached down and grabbed his handcuffed hands and brought them up as she continued to pull with her right. His hands and the hook on the end of the cable met. There was a snap hook, like you see on mountaineering equipment. She hooked the chain between the handcuffs into the hook and let go her right hand. His hands were yanked upwards as the cable retracted towards the ceiling. He was left standing, slightly on tiptoes, as his weight was not quite enough to counterweight the cable so that he could stand solidly on the floor. She stepped back and studied her handiwork as he prayed that she not look down at the erection he could feel pressing outwards against his slacks. He decided to speak up to draw her eyes to his face. "Um, is all this really necessary?" He strained to find a comfortable standing position on his tiptoes.

"As I said, I have procedures I have to follow." She said matter of factly.

"OK, so, can you bring in the guy that's going to do this? I'm on my tip-toes here and it's uncomfortable." As soon as he said it, he realized it was mistake. His complaint caused her to look him up and down, exposing the tent in his slacks to her gaze. She suppressed a smile and proceeded in a completely professional and commanding manner.

"I'm afraid I have no male personnel available at the moment to conduct a strip search. You said you wanted to try to make your flight. I can unhook you and let you sit while we wait for a male officer to conduct your search but again, I'm afraid that will mean you definitely missing your flight. The choice is entirely yours of course."

At this point, tired, embarrassed (her suppressed smile at his tumescence had not escaped him), and even more than catching his flight, his desire to hide in the men's room and madly stroke his penis until he shot pearl strings of submission and tribute to this woman was overwhelming him. "Ok, ok," he conceded, "I just want to get this over with. Send whomever in and let's get the show on the road."

She stepped back and smiled, in her element, and totally in control. She unbuttoned her jacket as she addressed him. "I'm afraid we're short handed today as I already explained. I'm personally going to finish what I've started here." She shrugged off the jacket and hung it neatly on the chair behind her desk. She crossed back to him, her glorious body, now further revealed. Her breasts were, as they said on Seinfeld, spectacular. He gulped as she stood before him. While his imagination imagined all sorts of things, he was not prepared for this reality. His heart beat and breathing had accelerated. Cold sweat broke out on his upper lip. He tried to steel himself and calm his rampant erection as she stood before him.

"I'll try to get you to your plane, OK?" she smiled. "I'm a professional and there is a camera that has been recording since the moment I walked into the room," she gestured behind her where he now saw the camera, a red recording light blinking unnoticed until now, above her desk. "OK?" He looked at her, his eyes caught up studying the curve of bright red lip-sticked lips. "OK?" she said again.

"OK," he breathed hoarsely.

She spoke up louder, for the camera he supposed, "You freely submit to a TSA body search and examination?"

"Yes," he coughed. She looked at him. "Yes," he said louder for the camera. There was no going back now.

She reached out and unbuttoned his suit jacket. Stepping in closer to him, she pushed the jacket and it's sleeves up his arms, so that it was bunched up above his elbows. He was breathing heavily now. Try as he might he couldn't stop himself. If she was aware of what she was doing to him, she gave no indication. Straight faced, her eyes gazing into his, she quickly unknotted and pulled off his tie. Then she slowly began to undo the buttons of his dress shirt. As she made her way downwards the cool air enhanced what her presence so close to him had already completed. His nipples, though tiny, were hardened nubs of sexual excitement. She continued with the shirt buttons, pulling the tucked in shirt bottom from his pants and undoing the last button. Finished, she grasped the two sides of his shirt and pushed the shirt upward to join the suit jacket above his elbows. As she pushed upward, in the process her right hand glanced against his right nipple. An unbidden tight hiss escaped his lips before he could stop himself. Finished with the shirt she stepped back and looked to his panting chest and hardened nipples. Now she did allow herself a very small smile. Her eyes once again locking on his, she just brushed her left hand against his left nipple, pinching quickly before she moved her hand away. Once again, louder this time, he hissed his breath.

"Cold are we?" she said, stepping back. "Sorry about that. I'll try to move things along". He sighed as his cock, fully engorged, pulsed in his pants, pulsing with the beating of his heart.

She moved forward again and kneeled down before him. His cock bounced up and down in his pants, tenting obscenely before her. Pulsing. Pulsing. She ignored this as she turned her attention to his shoes, untying them quickly and tossing them aside. As he tried to control himself, she looked up. As his penis danced beneath the fabric of his slacks, inches from her mouth, she grinned, looking up at him. The camera was to her back and the expression on her face couldn't be seen by it. He could feel the heat of her eyes on his face. He gazed down, panting, almost as though he were working out. Her position allowed him a perfect view down her blouse where her breasts strained against the fabric. He couldn't tear his eyes away from that beautiful valley until she licked her lips. A soft groan escaped from his. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. She reached up and undid the buckle of his belt. Eyes locked on his like lasers, she threaded the belt out of his slacks and tossed it beside his shoes. As her hands slowly inched his zipper down, his every effort was spent trying not to shoot his seed into his underwear. The zipper undone, she reached for the fly of his slacks and began to pull down. It was almost too much. As she inched his pants downward, a large wet spot was revealed on the fly of his underwear, where pre-cum, despite his best efforts, had escaped from his twitching penis. She smiled up at him and obscenely licked her lips, just for him, the camera as before, only seeing the back of her head. His cock lurched and the pre-cum oozed, enlarging the wet spot, but somehow he managed not to shoot the torrent of cum that was churning in his nuts in tribute to her.

She stood up, and bringing her hands up, quickly and methodically gave his body a once over professional pat down. When she reached his chest, she once again surreptitiously played quickly with his nipples and a drop of pre-cum dripped to the floor from his now thoroughly soaked underwear. His head lolled as his senses overtook him. He was so close, so close...

And then it was done. She had stepped away and back to her desk where she was rifling through a drawer. "We're almost done, Mr. Devlin", she said. He only heard her. He wasn't looking at her. His eyes were closed as he tried to regain control and avoid embarrassing himself any further than he already had. And then he heard it. A snap. A snap of something being stretched. He opened his eyes and saw that she was in the process of putting on rubber gloves. Completing her task as he watched, tensing at what was surely to come, she smiled at him as she reached into the opened drawer again and pulled out a small tube of some kind of lubricant. She approached him tube in hand. He tried to rally, "You didn't say anything about..."

She cut him off before he got any further. "I didn't say anything about the body cavity search? I think it was implied. Don't pretend you didn't know this was coming. How do you think drug mules transport their cargo?" she sneered. She kneeled before him once again and pulled his underwear to his feet in one quick motion. His penis, as hard as it had ever been in his life bounced and stood out, curving slightly upward, thrust before his body. The woman before him might be a total professional as she had said but it was only too obvious to the camera what she had done to him. As yet another drop of pre-cum leaked from his cock, slowly descending to the floor on a string that didn't break until it was over half way to the floor, Devlin hung his head in shame. He knew the video from this camera would be saved, enjoyed, and laughed at over the course of future TSA office parties.

She smiled up at him, triumphantly, and stood up, careful to avoid the small clear puddle of tribute he had left on the floor before her. She unscrewed the cap of the tube of lubricant and greased up her left finger. "Almost done, Mr. Devlin. Just pretend you're at the doctor getting your yearly physical." She set the tube aside and stepped behind him. He could feel her breath on the side of his neck as her right hand settled on his right hip. "Just relax now." He stood, panting and heaving as before, his cock's obscene dance continuing once again. "Spread your legs, please." He was ashamed and so turned on, all at the same time. "Spread your legs." she commanded. There was no please this time as he complied with her order.

The inevitable pressure began as her right hand held his body still. Her left finger inched inward between his cheeks, slowly, slowly. He could feel but see nothing. And yet it was one of the most erotic things he had ever had happen to him. Her hot breath melted against the hairs on his neck. His rectum stretched as her finger inched inward until it reached his prostate. As soon as she hit the spot he gasped uncontrollably and he could feel her grin even if he couldn't see it. Her finger backed up and pushed again. She did it again, more roughly now, raping him as his body bouncing forward off the tips of his toes, despite her right hand grasping his hip. Again and again the finger forced it's way in. Again and again it attacked, thrusting, until there was a pause and then a second finger was added. The attack now doubled, resumed. "Ahhhh..." he exclaimed, unable to stop himself.

"Sorry," she said, though he knew she was not. "Almost done. Just have to make sure you're clean back here so it's a little more involved than your yearly physical." She resumed her attack as his toes curled. His body found the rhythm of her fingers and they danced together. He had lost control. Close, so close, yet again. So close...

And then it was over. His rectum sucked at her fingers one last time as they slid out. He heard the snapping of rubber as she stepped out from behind him. Her back to him, ignoring him, she shrugged off the gloves and through them into a wastebasket. She turned abruptly and addressed him in her professional mode once more. "Well, Mr. Devlin, you are clean as the day you were born as they say. My apologies for this...intrusion and delay. If you'll wait here, I'll be back in just a moment and finish with you." With that terse comment, she turned and was gone. Devlin was left thoroughly used and disheveled. This had been an event he would never forget as long as he lived. Slowly, his panting subsided, as did his erection, at least partially. Though turned on as never before, having been left 'hanging' literally, his anger, long gone started to swell again as he continued to balance his now thoroughly fatigued legs on his tip toes. He waited. She had left him there and there was nothing else he could do.

And then the door opened once again, announcing her return. She closed it behind her, quietly turning the deadbolt lock in the doorknob as she did so. Devlin felt the blood that had been flowing away from his crotch reverse course just at the sight of her. There was just something indescribable about this woman. She stepped forward, straightening and smoothing her blouse as she gazed at Devlin. And then she began to speak, amazingly, unbuttoning the buttons of her blouse as she did so. "I don't think this is going to take too much longer Mr. Devlin. I said I would finish with you and that I mean to do. You will note if you haven't already, that the camera is no longer recording us. This is just between us now. I just had to go and prepare for you." She smiled triumphantly as, the last button undone, she pulled the tail of her blouse from her skirt and quickly removing it from her arms, tossed it onto her desk. Devlin's cock pointed skyward as he finally had an unobstructed view of her beautiful breasts sheathed and supported in their black lace bra as she continued. "I knew for sure what I had in you the moment I saw your hard little nipples when I unbuttoned your shirt." As she continued, she reached behind her and he could hear a zipper begin to unspool from behind her back. "Erections poking out of pants I see all the time. But the nipples..." she smirked at him as her hands continued to slide down behind her and he saw the top of her skirt pull loose from her taut stomach. "The nipples tell me that I have a nice little recreational interlude coming to break up my busy day." And with that, her hands came forward and began to slide the skirt down her legs, revealing to his astonished eyes, not the black panties he expected to match the beautifully filled bra, but a strap-on dildo springing forth as the descending skirt released it, just as his cock had sprung forth in tribute when she had pulled his underwear to his feet. She shrugged and slithered the skirt to the floor, where it soon joined the blouse on her desk, as he stood enraptured at the sight before him. She was wearing only the bra, the strap-on, a black simulacrum of a large penis complete with balls, hooked around her waist with some sort of leather straps, and the nylons, revealed to be thigh highs, sheathing her long perfect legs.


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