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The Twins Ch. 05

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The new sapphic lovers take pics to entice Allie's brother.
4.4k words

Part 5 of the 7 part series

Updated 06/10/2023
Created 03/10/2021
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After their breakthrough evening, the two women shoved their single beds together and made them up as one with a new set of full-sized sheets, the first thing they bought together as a couple. They came out to their friends, ultimately disappointing half of the young men on campus. They nurtured and grew their love.

They settled into their relationship. They made love often enough, but hardly every day. Most nights, they just cuddled for a while in bed then went to sleep happy to be together.

They did experiment with sexual acts of various sorts, though. They made love often enough to keep themselves satisfied, and they developed deep knowledge of each other's sexuality. They expected to have their entire lives to grow together.

Alex called from time to time. He was lonesome for Allie. She, in turn, was thrilled each time he called, and they had long, intimate conversations. Sometimes, the siblings' conversations bordered on phone sex, but mostly they just shared mundane information and assured each other of their desire to show their love when they could be alone together again.

As Carly was around most of the time, Allie felt it necessary to tell Alex that she was listening to them.

"She knows?"

"Yes, Alex, she knows."

"So, are you two ...?"

"Yes. I told you that you might get lucky. Remember?"

"She's okay with us though?"

"She looks forward to meeting you."


"Alex!" she scolded.

"Sorry. I just ... I don't know."



"She's coming to Mom and Dad's after Christmas."

"But, what about us?"

"We're going to have to find out, Alex. I love you, and that won't change. But I love Carly too, and that won't change either."

"So, you two are ... you know," he said suggestively and rather ineptly.

"Yes, Alex. We fuck pretty often. Is that what you want to hear?" Her tone was a mixture of mild exasperation and slight amusement.


"Please don't worry, Alex," she pleaded. "I can love you both. I do love you both. Can you help us make it work? Please?"

Alex had started daydreaming about his sister making love with her sexy roommate. He pictured them lying together, naked, their arms and legs wrapped around each other. He failed to answer Allie's plea.

"Alex? Are you there?"

"Oh, sorry, Allie. What? Oh yeah. I guess. I'm kind of jealous to be honest, but the idea of you two together is pretty hot too, so I don't know. I guess we'll see."

"I love you, Alex."

"I love you too, Allie."

"See you soon!"

"I am so looking forward to that, Allie. I can't tell you how much."

"I feel the same way, Alex. I love you. Good night."

"Good night."

They hung up. Allie turned to Carly who had sat right beside her listening to every word. "So, here we go!"

Carly smiled broadly in response. Alex seemed really nice, if a little inept. She liked him. She wanted to meet him. She imagined the three of them together, the interesting things they could do as a threesome. So many possibilities!

One day he called while Allie was down in the basement doing laundry. She had left her phone on her desk. Carly saw that it was Alex calling and answered.

"Hiya, handsome!"

"Allie?" he said dubiously.

"Nope. Guess again."

"Uh, Carly?"

"Hey! You win the prize."

"Prize? What prize?"

"Well, what prize would you like?"


"Nope. We're outta that!"


"Sorry, that's gone too. One more try."

"Is Allie there?"

"Yup. Just coming through the door now. That's your choice?"

"Yes, please."

"Ooooo, smart and polite too!"

She handed the phone to Allie. "He wants you."

She put the phone to her ear. "Alex?"

"Hi, Allie."

"Hey," Carly interjected. "You guys gonna have phone sex again? 'Cause, I can leave if ya want."

"No, Carly. Not right now," Allie said, giggling.


Allie turned her attention back to Alex. "Hi, Alex. What's up?"

"Uh, is she always like that?"

"No, not really. She just gets silly when she's nervous."


"Yes. She is afraid you won't like her."


"Don't worry about it. You will, I promise."

"Well, if you love her, I am sure I will not dislike her."

"That's what we need to hear! Positivity. So, anyway, what's up?"

"Nothing. I just missed you and wanted to say hi."

"Aww. I miss you too," she said sweetly.

"Well, you do have Carly," he replied with a note of self-pity.

"Yes, I do have Carly. But she is not you. I need you both," she said reassuringly.

"I understand. I am happy for you, really. Still jealous though."

"Well, I hope we can get past that."

"Me too."

"Me too!" Carly interjected.

"Does she always listen in?"

"Yeah, pretty much. It's a small room."

"I guess I need to get used to it, then."

"I hope you do," she answered meaningfully.

"Me too," Carly interjected again, still playing the goof, but truly meaning it.

"Well, okay. Bye, Allie. Bye Carly"

"Bye," both women said in unison.

Alex wasn't sure whether he found Carly amusing or annoying. He realized that his jealousy was a problem and would make it difficult for Allie to be happy, and he wanted her happiness as much as his own. At least that's what he told himself, and it was more or less true.

He thought about their past, especially the past few months. In many ways Allie was very much an extension of himself. He'd always been devoted to her. He was her protector as a child. Anything that hurt her hurt him and he dealt with it, whether she scraped her knee and needed to be escorted home for Mom's nursing or someone teased her and he shut them down. Whatever she needed, he did his devoted best.

When she started dating, he was concerned. He did not trust any of the boys she dated, even if he'd known them all his life.

Looking back on it now, he realized that to some extent he was simply jealous. Those boys had aspirations that he was not allowed to have, and he hated that. He realized that he had always loved Allie far beyond normal sibling love.

And he dealt with it then, as a boy. He could surely deal with it now, as a young man for whom her love had been affirmed in the profoundest way. He missed her badly, though, and he looked forward to the winter break when he could see her, be with her, make love with her again.

And, maybe Carly too? He fantasized about that. The image Allie had put into his head of Carly, naked from the waist down, standing inches away from Allie's face, touching herself most intimately, aroused him every time it crossed his mind. It did that often. But he wanted a clearer picture of her, a better sense of how she looks, how to see her in his mind.

He texted and asked Allie for photographs so he could envision Carly more clearly. Allie felt a twinge of jealousy at his interest in Carly, but that was exactly what she thought she wanted, three lovers devoted to each other, so she was dismayed at herself.

She resisted those jealous feelings and instead focused on appreciating that he was clearly interested in Carly, possibly in having that three-way romance. That, after all, was essential to her developing plan to include both of them into her life as fully as possible, to keep her girlfriend and fuck her brother as often as possible too.



"Alex wants pictures of you."

"Oh? Why?"

"I think he wants to see how beautiful you are, to understand how I see you."

"Okay! So, got anything specific in mind?"

"Yes, I do. I think we should use this as an opportunity to entice him into a menage a trois with us, if that's okay with you."

"That's what I thought we were aiming for."

"Me too. How about if you get naked and sit on the bed there looking sexy, as if you can do otherwise."

"Oh, I could look mean and nasty if I wanted to."

"That might turn him on more, who knows?"

Carly chuckled, thinking of his twin sister's affinity for doses of physical pain as part of her sex play, something they had been exploring. Allie favored having her nipples pinched, her ass spanked, and her clit bitten, usually in that order.

Carly forced herself to stop thinking about that for the moment. Putting thoughts of sex with Allie aside for the time being, she went ahead and stripped naked.

But Carly never does anything simply, it seems. Predictably, she made a show of it, turning away from Allie to remove her shirt, revealing the smooth, bare, olive skin of her graceful back. Turning her head back to be sure Allie was paying attention, she slowly unfastened her brassiere and slipped it off one shoulder at a time, turning just enough to allow quick glimpses of her breasts, but no clear views. Allie knew what they looked like, but somehow being denied a clear view intrigued her, made her want to see more.

Next, still keeping her back toward Allie, she shimmied out of her skirt, revealing her rounded butt cheeks and the dark cleft between them. Allie watched intently, her desire to taste Carly's private places growing by the minute.

When Carly bent over to remove her thong, her cheeks parted just enough to offer a brief flash of her dark anal pucker and the plane of her perineum extending into that curly, dark thatch that so made Allie's mouth water.

Carly moved to the foot of the bed, and finally turned around to allow Allie a clear view of her lovely curves and that luscious patch of raven hair. Allie gulped, trying to keep her mind on the business at hand.

Carly being naked was an unavoidable distraction. Seeing her there, looking so sexy, Allie could not resist. She was compelled to bend down and kiss Carly lovingly, if also a bit passionately. Carly accepted the kiss willingly, opened her mouth, and invited Allie's tongue which she gladly yielded. Allie then emitted a revealing moan as she pushed Carly backward onto the bed.

Seeing this as an opportunity to tease her more, to build Allie's desire to make love, Carly put up her hands and stopped Allie from lying on top of her. "No," she said firmly. "We're never going to get pictures taken if you keep doing that," she reasoned.

"Uh, yeah. Nearly forgot," Allie sighed. She managed to push aside her desire to go down on Carly, and forced herself to focus, at least for the moment, on the serious business at hand. It was the best plan she had to induce her brother into the love triangle she envisioned. The idea of sharing him with Carly evoked a mixture of desire and anxiety that she found exquisitely sexy. She wanted it. She would do what needed to be done.

Stoically, taking a very business-like attitude, she took her phone, moved up close to Carly, and snapped several headshots. Carly moved her head through various positions and expressions for each pose, ranging from demure and shy, to smiling radiantly, to being unequivocally sultry and seductive.

The latter poses piqued Allie's imagination the most. They revealed Carly to be a smoking hot sex partner.

Once they thought they'd taken enough pictures, the two of them scrolled through the shots together, selecting the best. The selected images were generally those that most turned Allie on, that most made Allie want to start making out with Carly and forget about photographs. They uploaded six chosen photographs as an album to Dropbox and texted the link to Alex.

He downloaded the album with high expectations. His expectations were exceeded by what he found.

The very first picture got him hooked on Carly already. She stared directly into the camera, smiling her most luminous smile, her black eyes sparkling in apparent delight at what she saw: presumably, Alex. He thought she looked like some mythical goddess of love and understood immediately why Allie found Carly so captivating. To call her exotic would not be an overstatement.

As he scrolled through the shots, he studied her features: her lustrous skin, the understated makeup that could hardly enhance such a face, the remarkably expressive eyes, sometimes bright and cheery, sometimes playfully seductive, sometimes afire with a promise of unbridled passion.

She was a natural model, and, in his opinion, drop-dead gorgeous. His gonads clearly agreed. Her vibrant sensuality torched a flame deep inside of him. He wanted that woman. And his own hot twin sister was offering her up as part of an irresistible package.

Alex was indeed captivated immediately, much as his sister had been. He studied each photograph carefully, taking her in one picture at a time. He studied her features, her smile particularly, and those amazing eyes that, even in a photograph, seemed to draw him helplessly into an unbreakable spell.

In the final photograph, Carly's head was turned toward the camera to her left, and her eyes smoldered with sexuality. Alex sensed that it was only a matter of time before he too was hopelessly in love with her. She would have to have the personality and hygiene of a honey badger to make him not want to be with her. He contemplated the exquisite joy it would be to make love with her and Allie together.

While Alex was studying the headshots and beginning to fall head over heels for his sister's girlfriend, Allie started snapping more photos back in their dorm room. She began taking pictures from various angles and different distances making a study of Carly's naked form from every possible point of view. They experimented with different props, angles, and lighting.

For some of the more creative shots, Allie got out her tripod and her digital camera. They spent more than an hour at it, and Allie snapped scores of photos. In them Carly struck dozens of different poses. In some, she donned black-framed glasses and looked serious, reserved and sophisticated. In others, she touched her breasts to evoke an image of a woman feeling randy and ready for sex. In some, she spread her legs lewdly as if asking to be either eaten or fucked or, very likely, both.

They also shot several closeups of Allie's feminine parts, her gorgeous teardrop breasts, her lovely, lightly trimmed muff, her moist vagina framed by open, inviting legs. Studying her lover so intimately with the camera inevitably got Allie aroused. Being studied had the same, predictable effect on Carly. One result was that they got ever more explicit with the angles and poses, ultimately verging on raunchy.

They concluded the session with a series of shots with Carly on all fours, her knees spread apart, revealing her most intimate places, her wet, orchid-like vagina set beneath her tight, dark anus. It seemed like a wanton invitation for the viewer to use her for pleasure.

By that point, Allie simply could not take it anymore. She tossed her camera aside, moved up behind Carly, pressed a finger against her clit and slid her thumb into Carly's ready vagina. Her touch evoked a gasp of delight followed by deep, guttural moans as Allie massaged Carly's clit and vaginal canal.

Those carnal sounds provoked Allie still further and, spontaneously, without even thinking about it, she bent down and tentatively rimmed Carly's anus. It was only a couple of seconds, but this lewd, unexpected, and unprecedented act provoked both women to new levels of sexual agitation.

And that was it for photography for the night. Allie tore off her clothes, cast them aside, and literally tackled her naked lover. They rolled on the bed, kissing and groping each other, then spent the next half hour making love wildly, licking, biting, and sucking each other's most sensitive places. Each woman gave the other multiple orgasms. It all culminated in a vigorous spanking that had Allie squealing as she rubbed her pussy to an exhausting orgasm under Carly's discipline.

Just to tie things up for the night, they took a selfie of the two of them, nude, wrapped in each other's arms and legs. Their hair was wet and disheveled from their exertions. Close inspection afforded a peek of Allie's burning, red ass. Both women appeared to be completely exhausted from sex.

Allie texted that photo directly to Alex. He was already primed by the headshots they had sent earlier. He had come to admire and desire Carly nearly as much as he admired and desired his sister. The first glimpse of the two naked women, sated by love making, sent his imagination running wild with visions of them, what they might have just done together, how they had used their fingers and mouths to excite, to please, to satisfy each other to the point that they looked the way they did in the photograph. His arousal was so profound that he locked himself in the bathroom and stroked his engorged cock to a quick and explosive orgasm covering his lower abdomen in big, creamy globs of semen.

Alex texted his sister as soon as he cleaned himself up. "So looking forward to seeing you. And Carly!"

Over the next several days, Allie and Carly created album after album for Alex. Each album was successively racier than the one before it. They uploaded them for Alex, one set every two or three days.

When he viewed it, Alex found the first album to be pretty tame. It was mostly just headshots, but these were taken from a bit further back than the previous ones, and they showed portions of Carly's naked upper body. Some were taken from the back and showed the graceful curves of Carly's backside from the back of her head all the way to the dark, mysterious space between the curves of her buttocks.

Other photos were taken from the sides and exposed the soft, arching curves of Carly's firm breasts, capped by her excited nipples. Allie experimented with angles, lighting, and positioning to create breathtaking silhouettes of Carly's stunning frame. Alex was in awe of both the subject and the artfulness of the photography.

A few days later, they uploaded another album. This one contained several photos taken directly from the front. Depending on her exact pose, the eye might be drawn to her exotic face, her plump, ripe breasts, or the sensual arc beneath her navel.

In most of these photos, Carly's legs were closed, denying views of her sex. Nevertheless, she exuded seductiveness, sending the viewer an invitation to come closer, to touch, to explore her nude body and the many pleasures it can convey.

Toward the end of the album, you could see Allie's naked backside entering the frame and moving to the bed where her lover waited. In one photo Carly gazes at her alluringly, as if drawing Allie in. In the final sequence of photos, Allie could be seen climbing onto the bed, then moving around to embrace Carly from behind. She kneels there, her hands tentatively caressing Carly's shoulders, then she reaches over and down and cups a tender breast in each hand.

From frame-to-frame Allie's hands move as if fondling Carly, massaging her breasts, pinching her protruding nipples, then her right hand drops down toward Carly's still obscured mons. Carly's eyes are closed, her lips parted, and her expression reveals her growing excitement as her lover caresses her.

In the final frame, Carly's legs are spread apart, and Allie's hand caresses her, covering her mons, the middle finger is bent inward and out of sight.

Alex was duly excited by these depictions of the two, young women's intimacy. Again, he had to go into the bathroom for a literally massive orgasm.

Two days later, another album appeared in the Dropbox. Alex opened it eagerly to find a closeup study of Carly's breasts from every imaginable angle. Her nipples were fully excited in each shot. In the last couple of shots, Carly's head is tilted back against Allie's bare chest, and Allie's long, slender fingers can be seen teasing and pinching Carly's tender nipples. Carly's facial expression reveals that she is succumbing to Allie's advances, yielding completely to her lover, overcome by passion.

The next album contained full-body shots as Carly rolled around on the bed posing in various positions, none of which allowed a clear view of her sex. It showcased her beautiful figure, but denied even a glimpse of her pubic area, let alone her backside.


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