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The Vacation Pt. 06


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"I was mad as hell when I learned what Julie had found out." Barbara said. "But that wasn't all of it. She told me that Jim was having an affair with the daughter of one of his closest friends. It had been going on for over a year. Jim had met Rachel at one of our parties. She was young and single and had become a frequent visitor to our home."

"That really sucks." Shirley said.

"I confronted Jim about the allegations and he admitted to them" Barbara said. "I filed for divorce. Jim knew he was screwed and was eager to settle out of court. He knew he would lose in a court battle and I threatened to destroy him. He wanted to minimize his loses and prevent any unneeded publicity."

"I had Julie continue her investigation. I wanted to know more about the affair with Rachel. Julie found out that Jim was actually blackmailing her to have sex with him. Jim had discovered that Rachel starred in some indiscreet videos that had been published on the internet. She was kind of a wild child earlier in her youth and Jim threatened to expose her to her father."

"At first all he wanted was sex." Barbara said. "Soon, he started tying her up and abusing her as well. He raped and sodomized her. Finally, he started using her to help close business deals. He would make her perform sexual acts for various clients as an incentive for closing a deal. He took pictures and used them to drive her deeper into submission to him."

"I met Rachel for lunch one day. " Barbara continued. "We discussed Jim and what he had done. We formed a plan that would free her and teach him a lesson."

Barbara continued to sip on her drink. Shirley kept prodding her.

Barbara recalled the lunch she had with Jim.

"I told him I would settle out of court if he would agree to three conditions. I told him there would not be any negotiations, it was a take it or leave it deal and I would be happy to take him to court if he turned me down. First, I wanted the house that he had just built and we had just moved into. I knew it was his pride and joy and I wanted to deprive him of it."

"Next I wanted all of the profit and development rights for the subdivision he was currently building. In addition to all the development rights, I wanted enough money to complete the build out of the complex. I figured that would be worth a couple of million dollars by the time it was completed. That was plenty for me and my daughters to live on for the rest of our lives."

"Jim agreed in principle to both conditions," Barbara recalled. "I was letting him off cheap, or so he thought. He knew I could have taken him for a lot more which might have caused him to go bankrupt. He was a little over extended at the time, especially after buying the latest property he planned to develop. I'm sure he was also considering the possibility of his relationship with Rachel coming up in the trial and I knew he didn't want that to happen."

"I wanted the deal to be so sweet that he couldn't refuse it." Barbara continued. "Because what I really wanted was for him to agree to the third condition. I wanted him to submit to me as retribution for all of the humiliation he had put me through. He would submit until I was satisfied that I had broken him physically as well as mentally. Of course, I didn't explain it to him in those terms."

"Jim had to think about it for a couple of days." Barbara recalled. "I gave him a time limit, and about 15 minutes before his time was up he called me and agreed to the terms. I told him that Brenda would draw up the agreement. The paperwork would only include the financial settlement. He could have his lawyer look at it if he wished. I told him I would sign it after he had completed the third condition."

"When Jim arrived at his former home I made him strip and kneel before me. Brenda and my younger sister Becky were with me. I told him he would be punished and humiliated until we were satisfied he was sorry for everything he did. He would obey our every command until we were through with him and that would depend on how well he behaved."

"We made him crawl around the room on hands and knees as we followed along and motivated him with riding crops." Barbara seemed amused as she recalled what had happened. "When we tired of that we bent him over a chair and tied his wrists to his ankles. The seat of the chair forced his legs apart. It was uncomfortable for him, but it would soon get worse."

"All three of us beat him." Barbara continued. "He was paddled and cropped. I used several switches on him. I especially liked to whip his balls and penis with the switches. Becky used the strop and I finished with the cane. He was cussing all of us by now, so we gagged him with our panties. They were soaked so he got a good taste of us. He was mad as a hornet but at least nobody had to listen to him."

"We tormented him for over two hours; but he still had a lot of fight in him. He was squirming and fighting to get free but that wasn't happening. I planned to continue to abuse him until he gave up and submitted to me of his own free will."

"We let him up and tied his hands above his head to an eye hook I had screwed into the ceiling. We attached a spreader bar to his ankles and spread his legs about 3 foot apart. We started working on his cock and balls. Becky had a ruler and Brenda had a wooden spoon. They were whacking away when the doorbell rang."

"I knew who it was." Barbara continued. "It had all been planned ahead of time. I answered the door and returned a few minutes later with Rachel. At first Jim looked relieved, thinking she was here to help him. Instead, she walked across the room, her high heeled boots clicking on the floor as she walked. She kicked him in the balls. He tried to fall to his knees but his arms held him in place. Becky and Brenda helped him regain his balance. Rachel gave him a second kick and then a third. He nearly passed out. All of his weight hung on his arms which were still attached to the ceiling."

"When he had recovered, Rachel let him know we knew all about the blackmail. Brenda had written a confession which he reluctantly signed. Rachel then took the cane and lit into him. All of his rebellion was gone. He stood and took it as she delivered blow after blow. When she finally stopped he was crying and begging for forgiveness."

"We had broken him physically but not mentally.' Barbara said. "I handed Rachel a strap-on harness with a medium sized dildo. I knew Jim had never been penetrated so I didn't want to use anything too large. I had planned to use my smallest cock and gradually increase the size, but Rachel insisted we start with something that was at least as big as Jim's cock. I selected an 8 inch model."

"Rachel raped him for what seemed like an hour." Barbara recalled. "I guess she was taking out all the built up rage that was in her. She pounded his ass like a pile driver. She rammed him hard and fast for a while and then administered long and steady strokes as she recovered. After she had rested a few minutes she was back at it. I had never seen a woman so possessed."

"We all had a turn. Rachel and I took two. It was after 1 am when we headed upstairs. Jim was crying like a baby but we weren't through with him. Jim was secured in the bathtub. There was no way for him to get out on his own. A gag was placed in his mouth, replacing the panties he had been sucking on all night. The gag prevented him from clothing his mouth.

"I used him first." Barbara said. "I had to pee really badly and his mouth seemed like the perfect receptacle. I sprayed my piss in his mouth and all over his face. I soaked him and loved every minute of it. When I was done I made him clean me. I used his mouth until I came. It was a shuddering orgasm that seemed to go on forever. When I finally headed to my bedroom Rachel was waiting at the bathroom door. As I came out, she went in. I imagine all four of us used him sometime during the night. We used him to relieve ourselves again the next morning."

"Jim's torment continued on Saturday." Barbara said. "I invited some friends over including all the women from his office and members of my Femdom group. Brenda invited her staff to attend as well. They were already familiar with Jim's history and were firm believers in retribution. Becky and Rachel were still there, and Rachel had invited about a dozen of her friends. There were well over 50 women present to watch Jim's final humiliation."

"I made Jim serve refreshments to the guests throughout the afternoon. He remained naked and the spreader bar attached to his ankles kept his legs spread wide apart. He had to waddle as he moved through the crowd. His cock and balls were exposed and swayed back and forth as he served the women drinks. A few of the women enjoyed giving his cock a jerk or his balls a squeeze. His ass was repeatedly spanked with a variety of instruments that had been laid out on the table for that purpose."

Barbara told us that at one point during the party a group of women gathered around him and started attaching clothes pins to various parts of his body. When they ran out of pins one lady suggested they take a crop and whip them off so another group could repeat the process. She said that is exactly what they did.

Barbara told us the teasing and tormenting went on for a couple of hours before it was time for the main event. Jim was bent over a three foot high padded bench with his arms secured to his ankles. His legs were still spread and his asshole was fully exposed. Rachel came in wearing a strap-on harness. A huge dildo hung from her waist. It was at least 12 inches long and 3 inches in diameter. She stepped in front of Jim and held the fake cock in her hands. She demanded that he open his mouth and suck it.

She said he tried to deep throat it but choked on its size. Rachel asked for two volunteers to help motivate him and two of her friends stepped up and began paddling his ass. After about ten minutes of cock sucking, she pushed a button on the remote she had been holding and the cock started spewing cum. The crowd roared in approval. Jim was not able to swallow all of the cum so some of it ran down his face. Rachel withdrew the cock and allowed it to pump the remaining cum all over him.

Barbara told us the cock was full of cum that Rachel's friends had gathered from their boyfriends. She refilled the cock and lubricated it with some of the juice. When she was in position, she rammed the cock into him as hard as she could, causing the head to penetrate Jim's asshole. She continue to work her cock in to his tight passage. It was hard work but she finally succeeded in impaling him fully. She sawed it into him over and over again. The cheering crowd motivated her. She kept at it for half an hour before pushing the button again. Cum spewed out with each thrust. It took another 15 minutes for all of the semen that was loaded in the cock to spurt out. When it had, she withdrew it to a rousing ovation.

"I told everyone that they were free to use him after that." Barbara said. "A few did but most only watched. After a while they seemed to lose interest in Jim and were busy chatting among themselves. I had one last treat for Jim. I gathered everyone around and showed them the new chastity device that I intended to lock on Jim's cock. It was a tight fit and when I heard it lock, Brenda handed me the divorce papers which I immediately signed. I released Jim from his bonds and he immediately fell to his knees in exhaustion. I hooked a leash to the chastity device and handed it and the key to Rachel."

"I remember telling her that the divorce was now final. I told her that she had the power to control him as long as she possessed the key to his cock. They were married a year later. Her father was thrilled. Jim still serves Rachel as her slave. She controls all of his business interests and has become quite wealthy. She lives down the street from my home here and visits me whenever I'm in town. She brings Jim over every year on the anniversary of our divorce. We have a party and Jim relives his worst nightmare.

Barbara's GPS indicated we were near our destination. I turned down a street and stopped at the entrance to a gated community. A female security officer approached the car. She asked to see our ID's. She took them and returned a few minutes later with a vehicle pass and an ID badge for each of us. We would need to show them when requested by any of the security personnel.

The subdivision was beautifully landscaped. The main feature was a private 18-hole golf course. Barbara explained there were about 250 residences in the original subdivision that was part of the divorce settlement. They surrounded the golf course. The clubhouse featured amenities such as a restaurant, pro shop, exercise facility and spa. The development had expanded twice since it first opened and now included a community center, three pools, playgrounds and tennis courts. All of the amenities were open to all of the residents of the community.

We noticed a lot of green-space as we continued to Barbara's house. We passed several picnic areas and two playgrounds.

"A lot of the most influential people in the area live in the community." Barbara continued. "That's one reason for the security. We also have some well-known individuals who have summer homes here. They enjoy the privacy the development provides. Turn left at the next Cross Street and follow Ladies Way to the cul-de-sac."

A few minutes later we arrived at a beautiful home overlooking the ocean. I parked the car and got out to stretch and admire the view. I noticed the patio with a private pool which overlooked a well landscaped yard. The house was huge and offered a pristine view of the ocean.

We were met by a blonde haired girl who couldn't have been more than 20. She had medium length hair that just touched her shoulder. She looked like the typical college student and I assumed she was Jennifer, Barbara's youngest daughter. It was obvious she had been swimming. Her bikini bottoms were dripping and didn't hide much of her body. Her hips were a little larger than average but complimented the DD breasts that filled out the top half of her neon orange swimsuit. Her hair was wet and brushed back off her face. Although it was a sunny day in the upper 80's, her nipples were hard and stood out like two diamonds.

She ran up to Barbara and gave her a hug.

"This is Jennifer, my youngest and only daughter from my second marriage. She's attending college and lives here with two of her sisters, Sarah and Stephanie." Barbara said.

Jennifer came over and greeted Shirley, giving her a warm hug like women do when they meet. She looked me over carefully. From the look she gave me I got the feeling that she shared a lot of her mother's interests. I couldn't help but think that the apple didn't fall far from the tree. Still, she greeted me pleasantly and reached out to shake my hand.

She turned and head to the house. I got my first look at her luscious bottom. She had plush buns that were separated by a tiny orange string that made up the rear of her bikini bottoms. It didn't really hide anything, in fact in enhanced the appeal of her bottom. As I stared at her she turned and smiled.

"You know it's not polite to stare." She said. "I guess we'll be working on your manners this week."

She escorted us into the house and showed us to our room before giving us a brief tour. I unpacked the car and took everyone's belongings to the appropriate rooms. When I was done I joined the rest of the group in the kitchen.

"The house is beautiful." Shirley said. "Our bedroom is like something from a resort. This is going to be the best vacation ever. I'm so glad you invited us."

We sat at the breakfast nook in the kitchen and munched on a few snacks. Jennifer told us that there was beer and soda in the fridge and to help ourselves. It was late afternoon and I was ready for something cold and refreshing after the long drive. I asked if the women needed anything and served them before getting a cold beer for myself.

Jennifer told us they had planned a cookout for tonight but it would be a couple of hours before everyone arrived. Barbara asked if I could help with the grilling. She said there should be steaks defrosting and needed someone with that grilling touch to cook them just right. I thanked her for the complement and told her I'd be down in an hour or so.

Shirley and I headed back to our room to freshen up. I had some time to kill so I decided to take a nap. I was still wary of Barbara. She had seemed hospitable so far but I wasn't ready to put down my guard just yet. I still had a feeling this could be an awesome vacation or a week in hell.

I went downstairs about 6 PM. I was at the grill when I noticed two young women walking toward me from the house. They were red heads and stood about 5'10". They looked good enough to eat. They had athletic bodies with decent sized breasts and athletic hips. Their thighs and legs had well-developed muscles that indicated they either ran a lot or worked out in the gym regularly. I would gladly submit to either of them.

"Hi, I'm Sarah," the one to my left said.

"And I'm Stephanie." Said her sister.

"We're twins." They said in unison as if it had been rehearsed a thousand times.

I introduced myself and held my hand out politely. Instead of shaking my hand they came up and each gave me a hug, pressing their pert nipples into my chest. I felt one of them grab my butt cheek and give it a little squeeze before releasing me. Her sister smiled and did the same but grabbed my crotch instead.

"This is going to be a great week." Stephanie whispered. "We love threesomes but you better be careful. There'll be hell to pay if you can't tell us apart."

I was rock hard and I was sure the girls knew it as they turned to walk away. Stephanie turned and looked over her shoulder.

"Better check your meat, I think it's done." She said. I blushed a little and turned to check on the steaks.

Dinner was served on the patio by the pool. In addition to Barbara, Jennifer and the twins; Tabitha; Barbara's oldest daughter, had arrived. Barbara also introduced us to her two sisters Becky and Brenda. Brenda was accompanied by her two children Carol and Chrissy.

Carol was the older of the two. I guessed she was about 30. She was beginning to gain those few extra pounds that women get as they grow older. She was pleasant looking, but not overtly beautiful. Her sister Chrissy looked to be about 25. She was blessed with all the beauty that had bypassed her sister. She had a deep tan to go with her strawberry blonde hair and green eyes. She had a sparkle in her eyes that told me she was always ready for a little mischief. She was tall, probably just a little over 6 foot and had runner's legs that stretched all the way to her ass. I found out she played collegiate volleyball, which explained why she had an ass most women would die for.

Carol introduced the only other male at the gathering. His name was Jeremy and he was her husband. He was tall and muscular with short sandy colored hair. He was clean shaven and wore a collar around his neck. His only clothing was a pair of speedos.

"I guess you noticed the collar Jeremy is wearing." Carol announced. "Jeremy is my slave. In fact, he is a servant to my mom and sisters as well. I understand you are familiar with Female Domination, so I assume that Jeremy's status won't offend you. In fact, maybe you two should get together. Jeremy might be able to give you a few pointers on how to serve your Mistress better. After all, he's had plenty of practice."

As I looked around the table I counted ten women. Jeremy might have been used to being surrounded by all of this femininity, but I felt like Custer at the Little Big Horn.

Dinner was pleasant. We talked about our lives. I found out Brenda was a couple of years younger than Barbara. She was dark haired and had a trim figure. Becky was in real estate. She was the youngest of the sisters and appeared to be about 45. She looked quite nice in the designer jeans she was wearing. I guessed she worked out regularly as she looked trim and toned.

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