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The Vacation Pt. 06


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Tabitha was Barbara's oldest daughter. She had joined the military and just returned from a deployment to the Middle East. She had dark skin and was a little taller than her sisters. She wore a Golf shirt with the Marine Corp emblem embossed on the back and a pair of khaki pants. She was a pretty woman but not necessarily beautiful.

When dinner was over I volunteered to clear the table and do the dishes. Jeremy was told to help me. The women headed out to the pool with their drinks. When everything was cleaned and put away we joined the women.

I took a seat next to Shirley and was gently rubbing her back when Barbara addressed us.

"Shirley, I am sure you and Dean have already figured out this is a family that believes in Female Led Relationships. Everyone here subscribes to the Femdom philosophy. In fact, this entire community promotes the idea of Female Supremacy."

Barbara explained that the entire subdivision is governed by a homeowner's association. All property owners must belong to the HOA and pay dues annually. That money offsets the cost of maintaining the amenities and public areas so no one has to pay any user fees to use them.

She explained that the HOA develops various policies that the property owners must follow. Some of those policies deal with the conduct of residents and guests. All residents and their guests are given a copy of the rules of conduct and must sign a statement that indicates they have read and understand them. "

"That sounds reasonable." Shirley replied.

Barbara handed both of us a document titled 'Rules of Conduct'.

The document indicated that all property owners had to be female. It stated that the HOA intended to promote the concept of female supremacy among all property owners and public displays of female domination were possible. It went on to state that all women are superior to men and should be treated as such.

As I continued reading I found out that a public place is defined as any location other than property owned by an individual, where access was freely permitted. It specifically exempted facilities that were rented or scheduled for a specific function where admittance was controlled.

The policies basically outlined what could or couldn't be done in the public areas. I read through the entire document, reading carefully just to make sure I completely understood everything.

"What's this 'Charms and Collar' system?" I asked.

Barbara had left the room so Brenda answered my question.

"Although all of the property owners here believe in a Female Led Relationship in some form or another, everyone does not live the Femdom lifestyle or participate in a FLR. We feel it is important to be able to distinguish everyone's role in our community, especially since we allow activities that would be considered unusual in most communities. It is not uncommon to see a naked male walking, or even crawling through various public areas of the community; or to see males dressed in women's clothing. Observing a paddling is an everyday occurrence; so we developed the 'Charms and Collar System' as a way to identify everyone's role."

"There are those who consider themselves neutral when it comes to the public display of a FLR." Brenda explained. "They might not actively live the lifestyle or if they do, prefer to live it in a more private setting. We call those individuals neutral or 'vanilla'. Everyone under the age of 18 is considered vanilla since we do not allow public play involving minors. Some families introduce their children to the lifestyle at an early age, but any activities involving minors is limited to the private areas of the community."

"You may have noticed the community's logo when you entered the subdivision." Brenda continued. "It's found on many of the buildings and signage located throughout the community as well as our official letterhead. It looks like this..."

Brenda showed us her necklace which had a pendent that displayed the community's logo.

"Whenever a woman is displaying this logo, she must act like and be treated as a dominant." Brenda explained. "She can display the logo on her clothing, wear it as part of her jewelry such as on a necklace like mine or a bracelet like Becky's. She can even have it tattooed to her ass if she wants to. The important thing is that it must be easily identifiable and visible."

Some of the women gave a little chuckle in response to Brenda's comment.

"Subordinates are provided with collars." Continued Brenda. "Hence the name 'Charms and Collars'. Females who submit to other females are given white collars. Males are given black ones. A collared female is called a submissive while a collared male is known as a slave. Both must submit to any woman displaying the community logo, and males must also submit to any woman wearing a collar."

"Those who are neutral or 'vanilla' as we like to say, do not wear a collar or display the logo." Brenda said. "We call it 'going naked' but it has nothing to do with the clothing they are wearing. It just means they are not wearing a collar or a logo so they are neither dominant nor submissive."

"So a female submissive could actually be a switch." I inquired.

"That's correct," Brenda replied. "She might submit to another female but be a dominant to a male. Her owner would decide if she is allowed to remove her collar or wear the logo. Similarly, males are allowed to remove their collar with the permission of their owner."

"Are there any male switches?" Shirley asked. "Or even male dominants?"

"Not that we are aware of." Brenda answered. "It's possible there could be a male dominant or switch living here as part of a Femdom couple, but they would not be allowed to wear the logo or present themselves as a dominant in public. They could wear a collar and be treated as a slave or 'go naked' and be treated as a vanilla."

"One last thing." Brenda added. "Each collar has an ID tag attached to it. It is coded so it can be scanned. It includes personal information about the person wearing the collar including their ID number; Name and Address; Date of birth; Owner's name and Owner's contact information. The tag also lists any pertinent medical conditions and limitations and lists any restrictions imposed by his/her owner. We are very strict about respecting limits."

"So, I want to be sure that I understand this." I said. "If I am wearing a collar, I must submit to any woman displaying the community logo and all women wearing a collar. I do not have to submit to other males or those 'going naked'. If I'm not wearing a collar, then I don't have to submit to anyone. I'm considered neutral or 'vanilla' as you call it."

"That's correct." Brenda replied.

I felt a little better about the upcoming week, especially since I wasn't wearing a collar.

Shirley and I both signed the Rules of conduct and handed them to Barbara. She looked them over and smiled.

Barbara had returned by now and was listening to Brenda explain the rules of conduct.

"Remember, the rules of conduct only apply to what happens in the public areas of the community." Barbara said. "What happens in private is at the discretion of the property owner."

"Shit." I said to myself. "Back into the fire I go."

"It's time you boys were properly attired." Barbara said. "It's time everybody gets to see what you've got, so off with your clothes. You've been wearing them entirely too long. I normally don't allow males to wear clothes. I want to see what their mind is up to and it's easier to tell by looking at their little brain rather than their big one."

The room erupted in laughter at her remarks.

Jeremy immediately stripped out of his speedo which I now realized were the bottoms of a woman's bikini. I had a few extra things to shed but finally was down to the women's panties I was wearing. The women laughed a little but Barbara just gave me a look that told me to lose them as well.

I had become somewhat use to exposing myself before women but this was my first time doing so in front of another male. What made it even more embarrassing was the fact that Jeremy was quite well endowed. His flaccid cock was longer and thicker than my erect one.

"How dare you stand there with an erection?" Barbara shouted. "This deserves an immediate punishment. Who wants to do the honors?"

Sweet Sarah raised her hand. She came over to where I was standing. She was smiling at me as she looked into my eyes. She then reached between my legs and grabbed my balls, massaging them lightly. Her hand felt great until she squeezed and held it for about five seconds. I winced but remained erect. She repeated the process two more time. I was glad it was her that was administering my punishment instead of one of the other more sadistic women. She released me and stepped back. The next thing I remembered I was on my knees doubled over in pain. She had kicked me hard in the groin. She had Jennifer and Tabatha hold me up while she repeated kicking me two more times. I was in agony and fell to my knees; but at least I didn't have to worry about any unwanted erections.

I was devastated. Not only was the pain excruciating, but the one female who I thought was good-hearted was just as sadistic and domineering as all the other women here. I'd come to the conclusion that I'd gladly take Ruth over this bunch.

"I think that takes care of the erection issue." Barbara said.

Barbara had Shirley come up and stand beside her. She invited me to kneel on her other side. She asked for quiet and then addressed us.

"I spent Labor Day weekend with Shirley" Barbara began. "She invited me to help her train her submissive, Dean and I had a marvelous time teaching her how to discipline him. I thought it would be a great idea to invite her to meet my extended family and offer her some additional training. During my stay with her we made a little wager. Unfortunately for me, I lost and had to submit to a paddling from her. Instead of her administering the paddling, Dean restrained me and took advantage of the situation. He paddled and sodomized me and Shirley allowed this to happen."

Barbara continued. "Shirley proclaims to be a dominant woman, and I willingly submitted to her when I lost the bet. However, I've never agreed to allow any man punish me. Therefore, it is time for Dean to pay for his actions and Shirley to pay for allowing it."

"I think it is only fair that they each receive what I got." She said. "That's 4 sets of 100 strokes followed by good ass fucking. Once their punishment is over, we can all resume our vacation as planned."

"What if we don't agree?" Shirley demanded.

"I'm afraid you don't have a choice." Barbara replied. "You have no transportation and I doubt if you can arrange for any before tomorrow. By then it will be too late."

We were hogtied facing each other. Barbara secured us just like I had secured her. Our asses were in the air waiting for the first stroke. Barbara picked up the strop and approached my ass. She asked Brenda to do the same to Shirley. Barbara's strop hurt. She was swinging it with a vengeance. I looked into Shirley's eyes and could see tears forming there, by 50 she was balling. She was begging for forgiveness by the end of the first set of 100.

Shirley was a little claustrophobic. The tight bondage and the painful paddling were taking their toll on her.

"You can stop this at any time. Just say the word and Dean will be glad to take the balance of what you owe." Barbara said.

Shirley shook her head no.

"Who's next?" Barbara ask. "Becky stood up and Barbara gave her the paddle. Give her the next hundred with this."

"Now, who wants to give Dean a paddling?" Barbara asked. "Chrissy stood up."

I tried to look up as her six foot tall frame took the paddle from Barbara. From my position on the floor she looked like a giantess. I remembered how athletic she looked and recalled she played on the college volleyball team.

I knew Shirley wouldn't be able to hold out. I asked her again to submit and allow me to take her punishment. After all, it was me that Barbara really wanted to get even with. Half way through the second set Shirley started hyperventilating. She couldn't breathe. Becky had reached 50 when Shirley caved in. Barbara released her from the bondage and gave her some water.

Meanwhile, I was having troubles of my own. Chrissy was brutal with the paddle. In addition to the leverage of her long arms, her experience from volleyball had taught her how to whip her arm. She generated tremendous speed as she swung the paddle. When she finished her hundred she reached between my legs and squeezed my balls.

"I think he needs a humbler." She said. We could pull his balls back between his legs. They'd make a great target for the flogger."

I was ready for the third set. They put the humbler on me like Chrissy suggested. Barbara asked Tabatha to flog me. She started with my back but soon focused on my thighs. With my balls exposed as they were, they took most of the punishment. When she hit my balls there was a dull thud that increased in intensity until it was nearly unbearable. By the time she was finished, my balls were swollen and throbbing.

Barbara decided to administer the final set. She chose a wooden hairbrush. It was larger than a typical hairbrush and probably heavier too. It stung more than it hurt. By the time she had finished, I knew I had been paddled.

It was time for the anal invasion. Barbara picked a phallus that appeared to be about 10 inches long and a little thicker than my own cock. She asked for volunteers. Jennifer raised her hand. She donned the fake cock and lubricated it well. She spread some lubricant in and around my puckered hole and lined up her tool. She grabbed my hips and in one thrust impaled me to her balls.

She started slowly but quickly picked up the pace. In and out she went with full length strokes. As she got more aroused by what she did, she started spanking my sore bottom. She kept it up until she was exhausted, which was well over 30 minutes. When she was done she bent over and whispered in my ear.

"That's for staring at my ass."

"Shirley," Barbara said. "You are going to administer the rest of Dean's punishment. We will start with the second set. Since you did not complete it, we will start over. Pick an instrument and begin when you're ready.

She started with a leather covered paddle. Even though she was hitting me hard, the pain was minimal compared to some of the other devices I had experienced. I suspected she was trying to give me a little break. In reality she just wanted something a little lighter to swing. When she was done she took a short break while deciding what to use next.

She decided to use her hand. She concentrated on the fleshy areas of my buttocks. She'd concentrate on one area for a while before moving on. It certainly wasn't the most painful experience I had suffered but it did sting. By the time she was done my ass was a crimson colored with bruises starting to form. She was breathing hard, but she was determined to complete what she had started.

She saved the riding crop for the last set. She concentrated on my thighs and came dangerously close to my balls on several occasions. She left some marks, but there didn't seem to be any welts. In addition to having trouble sitting, I guessed I would be having trouble walking tomorrow. When she reached 50 she stopped and asked Barbara if I could kneel for the remaining strokes. Barbara was curious as to what Shirley had planned. When I was kneeling Shirley told me to masturbate.

I was having a bit of trouble getting an erection. I was in in pain and my cock and balls had both suffered during the evening. She asked for a volunteer to help me out. Stephanie quickly volunteered. She got on her knees and gave me a marvelous blow job. I was hard in seconds. She kept at it. I was afraid she was going to make me cum which I was sure would cost me another punishment of some kind. I tried to think of anything that would slow down the inevitable. When I was near the point of no return, she released me and returned to her seat. My cock was twitching, but nothing spurted out.

Shirley took care of the situation by striking my cock hard 10 times in rapid succession. My cock immediately found a hiding spot and my orgasm was ruined.

"I still have 40 to go and I can't hit a limp dick." She announced. "Who wants to help me out?"

Sarah didn't want to be outdone by her sister. She took over where Stephanie had stopped. Her technique was similar, but she also used her hand to massage my swollen balls. When she sensed I was close, she pulled off, leaving my cock jerking in midair. Another 10 with the crop took care of that.

I still had 30 to go. Becky took a different approach. She pulled my head into her crotch and told me to lick. She held it there, directing my tongue to service her pussy to her satisfaction. It took some time but her technique was effective. I was soon hard again, but she didn't let me stop until she drenched my face with her juice. Another 10 strokes and my balls were turning blue.

Shirley looked over at Barbara and smiled

Barbara made me crawl to her. She was sitting with her legs spread wide. I bent to kiss her kitty but she grabbed me by the ears and forced me deep between her legs. She nearly suffocated me. It took her longer to arouse me than it had Becky. My cock was throbbing but remained flaccid. Finally it responded as she exploded. I now had ten stokes left to endure.

Shirley stood before me. I delved into her with all the enthusiasm I could muster. When she came I was again hard. I begged her to administer the last ten strokes. She did and I collapsed onto the floor.

Shirley had one final task to perform. She and Barbara talked for a minute or so and Barbara left the room. She returned a few minutes later with a strap on harness and huge cock; at least it looked huge to me. Shirley put the harness on and walked over to me. She had to support the cock with her hand. She offered it to me. When I didn't respond, she pushed it to my lips. I opened widely and she pushed it in. She didn't make me deep throat it but she did shove several inches into my mouth. She worked it in and out for a brief time before it started spewing a white substance into my mouth. I realized that this was the cock that Rachel had used on Jim. Shirley pulled out and let the cock spray my face. I looked like a ten cent whore on Saturday night. She bent me over and lined it up.

She lubed me up and then pushed hard. She had trouble getting past my sphincter so she withdrew and added more lube. She pushed again and the head entered me. It hurt and I groaned in pain. Slowly I took its entire length. Shirley started driving it in and out of me. She wasn't as fast as Jennifer had been, but the cock was longer and thicker. She didn't last long before she pressed the button and it spewed inside my as. It was a sticky feeling, just like real cum, but I suspected it was something artificial made to resemble the real thing.

Shirley reached around and started to masturbate me. She continued to pound my ass and stroke my cock until I came. I sprayed my come all over the floor, some actually landing on some of the women's legs and feet. When I was done, Shirley withdrew and took the harness off.

She gave me a hug.

"I really need this vacation," She whispered. "So you'll just have to suck it up for a week."

"Now." She announces as she release my from her embrace. "Lick up the mess you made. Make sure you clean it off any of these women that you soiled. If you miss one drop it will be the cane for you."

Barbara came over and gave Shirley a hug. She took the necklace that she was wearing and put it around Shirley's neck. Everyone applauded. It was late. The women started gathered their things and began to leave. Within 30 minutes I was alone in the house with Shirley, Barbara and her four daughters.

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