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The Vassal Academy Ch. 02

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The First Trainee.
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Part 2 of the 39 part series

Updated 10/29/2022
Created 05/08/2008
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Part 02: The First Trainee.

This is a story of fiction, any resemblance to any person, place or thing, living or dead, real or imagined, is purely accidental and unintentional.

Diane woke and immediately set about getting things ready to leave. Her two roommates had been out, when she got home, but their closed door said they'd gotten home since then. Diane ate some cereal, and wrote a note telling them where she'd be. There was a chance that Devon was a serial killer or something, this was a nod in the direction of safety.

Loading some things into two small bags, she left her apartment and carried her things to the subway. At the Harlem station, she boarded the Metro North train for Connecticut. If someone had asked what she was doing, she probably would have gone home. She'd met them once, how could she trust them? Yet, in the club, the only two who had her back was the two she was going to see, Jeannette, and Devon. They were the only two who insisted that she wasn't worthless. They had publicly argued that Diane was not worthless, merely untrained.

Diane got off at the Stamford station, and found a cab that was trolling hoping for a Saturday pick up. He took Diane to the gate of the mansion. The Security guy came out wearing a blazer and tie.

"How may I help you?"

"Um. I'm here to see Devon. I'm Diane Zimmerman, and Devon invited me to come out today." Diane stammered. She didn't know his last name. Wait, it was on the card. Jamison.

"Yes Diane, we've been expecting you." He turned to the cabby. "Please take her up to the house, front door."

Unloading her bags, she turned and found Jeannette walking down the steps barefoot and wearing a short dress that sort of reminded her of a cover-up dress used at the beach. It was almost transparent, linen perhaps, and was painfully obvious that she wore nothing under it. Her nipples were quite obviously visible and the Driver stood alongside the car to watch her.

"Hi Diane, glad you made it." Jeannette said with a genuine smile. She took one of the bags and led Diane up to the door and inside.

"I thought the driver was going to start drooling. Don't you have something to wear that isn't so transparent?" Diane asked.

"No. I accidentally tore all the other dresses that Master gave me." Jeannette said. "I hate clothes."

"So this is the only one you have left?" Diane asked shocked.

"No. Master bought me more like this when he found I didn't mind wearing it as much as the other clothes he got me." Jeannette said smiling. "Master understands me, and my needs."

Diane shook her head and followed Jeannette to the office where Devon walked from around his desk. "Diane, glad you could make it, please have a seat, just leave your bags right there please."

Jeannette set the bag down and then lined it up next to the one Diane was carrying. She walked to the desk and knelt beside it on the ground.

Diane watched this and was again struck how gracefully Jeannette did everything. She sat in the chair, certain that she'd screw up the kneeling bit. "Thanks again for having me Master Devon."

"Our pleasure, I assure you." Devon said smiling.

"Master Devon, I wanted to thank you, for supporting me, and for last night." Diane said.

"You're not worthless. You're not a waste, you're untrained. You want to please, you just don't know how. I can teach you the how, and train you." Devon said leaning on the desk.

Diane nodded. "Thank you sir."

"Jeannette please get the SIT contract." Devon said.

Jeannette rose and glided from the room returning in a minute. She handed Devon the documents and stood back waiting for another instruction.

"Diane, if you want something to drink while we talk, Jeannette will be happy to get it." Devon said laying the document on the table.

"No Sir, I'm good, thanks." Diane said. She'd had a reaction to Devon last night, and she'd assumed it was just the crowd and the situation. No, it wasn't. Devon gave off an aura of power, authority, and made Diane want to obey any order he gave without any thought.

"OK, let's get started. Can you tell me something of your experiences? Give me an idea of your history so I can craft our program to meet your needs?" Devon asked as he sat back in his chair.

"Well, I was in a relationship. I thought I was lesbian, but then I figured out I wasn't. So I broke up, and now I know I want to be a submissive, but I don't know how to go about doing it." Diane said in a rush. Her face turning red as she admitted her novice status.

Devon nodded slightly. "Certainly that's no problem. No one knows, until they are taught."

Diane swallowed hard. "I don't know what this costs, but I can't afford it."

"Diane, when you win the bet by performing properly, at lest much better than you did, with Luke, then your week will be paid for." Devon said easily. "Don't worry about the money, we'll see that is taken care of. Please understand this now. Our trainers are among the best in the world. They will teach you all you need to know over the next week, at least enough to learn how to win this bet."

Diane nodded. She was too scared to speak right now.

Devon picked up the papers that Jeannette had given him and placed them in front of Diane. "This is our standard Slave In Training or SIT contract. Please take some time, and read it. If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. This is the time, before you are committed."

Diane started to read. Four pages, and none in fine print. Some legal mumbo jumbo, but mostly it was plain English. She was here to be a slave in training, her to be properly trained in how to serve a Master or Mistress, and not here on vacation. This was not to be a spa or retreat for spoiled rich kids. She waived all rights except one, the right to leave. That would be initiated by safe word, which was her choice. Once safe word was initiated, there was no do over, nor any second chance. She was leaving, or they would toss her. The space for fee was blank, and so was the safe word space. It was understood that she would earn privileges for a slave. Clothing and furniture were clearly mentioned. There were two paragraphs that described sexual activity as part of her training, and it was understood that she would participate as directed. Corporal punishment, including whippings, floggings, spankings, and restricted movement through bondage would be utilized by the trainers to assist her in learning the tasks given.

"Sir, there's no safe word or fee listed." Diane said.

"Correct. Please write comp in the fee space, and whatever you wish your safe word to be in that space." Devon said.

Diane took the pen and wrote comp in the space for fee. Then she hesitated. She didn't have a safe word she was accustomed to. After taking a moment to consider she looked up at Devon and shrugged. "I don't have a safe word, and now that I apparently need one, I can't think of one."

Devon nodded. "Don't use stop, no, please, or anything like that. Those words are likely to be uttered, especially during punishments."

Diane gulped obviously. "Punishments?"

"Certainly. You saw Jeannette take a whipping. That was a pleasant diversion for her. That would be a severe punishment for a novice like you." Devon said easily.

Diane swallowed hard and looked at the document. She thought of a word that she hardly ever used. She finally shrugged. "Any suggestions sir?"

Devon sighed and smiled at the same time. "How about Rumplestiltskin? I doubt that you'll throw that out by mistake."

Diane smiled and nodded. "OK, and she wrote the word in the space. Then she signed the document and handed it to Devon.

Devon began to sign the document and Diane asked Jeannette. "How long have you been doing this Jeannette?"

"I've been with Master Devon for the last year. I've been a slave for three years." Jeannette said easily. It was the agreed upon answer, and was basically true.

"Wow, you're movements are great. I mean you're so graceful, and it's like you love doing whatever you're doing at that moment." Diane said.

"I do. I love doing what Master Devon or the other Masters tell me to. I'm the house slave, and I'm here to do whatever I'm told to make their jobs easier." Jeannette said. "I choose to be here, because this is where I belong."

"Diane, do I need to tell you that as of this moment, we're in control here? You belong to us for the next week. You'll wear what we tell you, do what we tell you, and obey our orders as though a commandment from God." Devon explained.

Devon had signed in the spot for the Academy staff, and then handed the document to Jeannette. "Jeannette, place her in slave room number one, and get her ready to start her training. We've only got one week, and we've got lots to do to get her ready. I'll let Mistress Rebecca know that you're on the way." Then he turned back to Diane. "Welcome to the Academy Slave In Training Diane."

Diane thanked him and rose to follow Jeannette and turned towards her bags. Devon's voice stopped her. "You won't need those. Take any medications you have, Birth Control pills for example, and give them to Jeannette. Leave the rest."

"Sir, my clothes are in there. Other things, make up, things like that." Diane explained.

"You won't need them. Give any pills to Jeannette, and follow her. Leave the bags." Devon said again.

Diane rummaged around and handed Jeannette two containers. "Allergy and birth control pills."

"What are you allergic to Diane?" Devon asked.

"Oh, just seasonal stuff. It's always bad this time of year."

Jeannette looked at the bottle. "Twice a day, that would be morning and night Master."

"No problem, see that she gets the pills on schedule Jeannette." Devon said.

"Yes Master." Jeannette answered and turned saying. "Follow me Diane, we'll get you to your room and then changed, and off you go to Mistress Rebecca."

"Um, will my bags be in my room later?" Diane asked.

"No. We'll lock them in a storage room, tagged with your name of course." Jeannette said climbing the stairs. She had left the pills in the administration area.

"Well, I need some of that stuff." Diane tried to explain.

"No you don't. We'll give you everything you need." Jeannette said turning to the left at the top of the stairs and entering a hallway after another left turn. "Here is slave sleeping room one."

The door was open, and inside was a futon pad and a chain hanging from the wall. Jeannette explained. "The chains are in case you act up or need to be restrained. They have a red cord attached here." Jeannette pointed. "That's an emergency release. Unless the house is on fire, pulling that cord is the same as safe word. You're leaving if you do."

Diane nodded. "No sheets?"

"Nope. Not unless you earn some, and since you're only here a week there's probably not much chance of that happening. You earn things like a bed, and furniture. OK, strip." Jeannette said.


"Slaves are nude, at least in the beginning, and quite often. We're on display. Oh that reminds me, the door to the sleeping room is supposed to be open unless Master orders it closed. You don't have any privacy either. Privacy is a luxury that Slaves never get." Jeannette explained.

"I'm not prancing around the house nude." Diane said.

"Slaves don't have modesty, we don't need it. By being naked we're showing the Masters that we're giving all of ourselves to them." Jeannette explained.

"You're wearing a dress." Diane said accusingly. It wasn't much of a dress, and left nothing to the imagination. It would be better than nothing though.

"I'm the house slave, I'm supposed to answer the door. Master Devon says that if I'm naked then, I'll scare the squares." Jeannette said. "I'm ordered to wear it, and so I do."

Diane hesitated a moment, and then started to remove clothing. "I suppose that like a Doctor, they've seen it all anyway right?"

"Sure, unless you have something the rest of us girls don't. At my training farm, we had male and female slaves. Everybody was nude all the time. Except the Masters of course, they deserve modesty and privacy." Jeannette said.

"You're kidding. Male slaves?" Diane asked shocked.

"Sure, why not?" Jeannette asked. "We'll probably have some male slaves here soon."

"What about bathrooms, do we get unisex bathrooms too?" Diane asked.

"We don't do much sex in the bathrooms, but in the other rooms it's a definite possibility." Jeannette said smiling. "We train on the same equipment, often at the same time. It's cool, and you get used to it real quick."

"What kind of training?" Diane asked.

"You'll see soon enough. You have Ballet right now, and I mean now, with Mistress Rebecca. I'd hurry if I was you, she doesn't like to wait on slaves." Jeannette said. "Just do what she says, don't think too much, and try and move smoothly."

Diane finished undressing, and felt completely humiliated. She covered herself with her hands while Jeannette put her clothing in a closet saying that she would come for them later and take them to be laundered while Diane was in training.

"Don't worry about covering yourself. You're a slave, and we have the courage to give everything of ourselves." Jeannette walked down the hall with Diane following. "Those are the rooms for the trainees. These are the sleep training, and live sleep test rooms."

"OK, what's sleep training and live sleep test?" Diane asked.

"Sometimes, Master may wish you to sleep with them, and if you do, you must lay very still, and not disturb Master. The sleep training teaches you how to do that, and the live testing is that with whatever skill you've passed." Jeannette said. "You won't be doing any of that, that's won't come into play before phase two."

"What am I doing?" Diane asked as they went down a different stairwell.

"You're going to be doing oral arts, and ballet. Basic stuff, phase one. You can't pass phase one until you've passed basic oral arts, and basic ballet." Jeannette said as they exited onto a lower hallway. The doors here were further apart. "These are the training rooms, each one is set aside for a specific sexual skill."

Diane looked at the doors. They had numbers, and some had names. She stopped and looked at the brass plaque on the door. "Arousal training?"

Jeannette stopped and turned back. "Hurry up, Mistress Rebecca is waiting. Don't worry about that. Arousal training is phase two."

Diane picked up the pace and soon was following Jeannette in through a door. Inside, a petite woman wearing beige leather pants and a white shirt was walking around what looked like a dance studio.

"Jeannette. About time you got here. I've been waiting for five minutes." Rebecca said.

"Sorry Mistress, it took longer than I thought." Jeannette said with her head down.

"No clothes for you slave." Rebecca said harshly.

"Yes Mistress." Jeannette said and removed her dress and laid it in the corner. She then knelt on the floor and waited.

Diane stood covering herself in what she hoped looked like a casual manner, and looked at the room. Hardwood floors, full-length mirrors along one wall. A bar hung from the ceiling, and an umbrella stand by the door had canes sticking out of it.

"So you're Diane, walk across the floor, and stop that nonsense about covering yourself. Silly girl, you don't have something unique." Rebecca said.

Diane lowered her hands slowly and then began to walk across the floor.

"Oh God. Devon is trying to test me isn't he?" Rebecca moaned. "Girl, you walk like an elephant with clubbed feet." Rebecca then went for the umbrella stand and got one of the canes out. She approached Diane. "We only have one week with you silly girl, so we've got a lot of work."

Diane stood there shaking in fear. Rebecca walked around her and soon the cane was tapping things on Diane's body. Rebecca started to chant things that needed correction. "Posture, back straight girl, knees straight. Chin up, eyes forward. Don't look at me, hands at your side." Each correction brought a light tap with the cane.

After a minute of this Diane was standing straight and looking forward with her hands at her side.

"Good, better, at least I know your spine isn't curved naturally." Rebecca said. "Now walk slowly."

Diane took one step and was immediately tapped on the shin by the cane. "Take shorter steps, you're not running a marathon or marching in parade. A slave is graceful." Rebecca chided.

After another pass across the dance floor with the cane tapping here and there with corrections. Rebecca ordered Diane to do it again. This time, the cane didn't tap, but struck with stinging blows to correct parts that were wrong.

"Girl, you can do this." Rebecca said. "Jeannette, show this girl how a slave walks."

"Yes Mistress." Jeannette said and rose from her kneeling position and walked across the floor.

"You see, she's not worried about her nudity, because she's a slave, and that doesn't matter." Rebecca said. "Stop trying to hide your cunt slave, I've seen plenty of them, and yours is no different."

Diane nodded and said. "Yes Mistress."

"Jeannette, come here and kneel the proper way for our trainee." Rebecca said.

Diane watched Jeannette approach and kneel, her hands behind her back. She didn't use her hands to lower herself to the floor, she just sunk gracefully.

"Now, you see, she only wanted to obey, to please the master, not cover anything. You see how her knees are spread, showing her master everything? That is how a slave kneels. That shows the master that everything the slave has is given to the Master." Rebecca commented pointing with the cane.

"Yes Mistress." Diane said again. Jeannette was graceful, and hid nothing from Mistress Rebecca. It was as if Jeannette was honestly trying to offer her body, all of her body to the mistress. No Diane realized, it was as if Jeannette had already offered all of herself, her mind, body, and her very soul to the master. Diane wondered if she could do that. What had Jeannette said? We have the courage to give ourselves completely. Courage; that is certainly what it took to walk around completely naked all the time.

Diane was walked across the floor each time getting fewer stinging blows from the cane. Then she was shown how to kneel. She did this several times, and each time the cane brought tears to her eyes as Mistress corrected her.

Finally after what seemed like hours of this Rebecca nodded and said. "Satisfactory for a level one novice.

Jeannette gave her a little smile when Diane looked over to see her. Jeannette was proud of her accomplishment. Diane felt good about making Mistress Rebecca happy. Somehow she felt like she had really accomplished something, just by walking and by kneeling.

"Slave Jeannette. Take Diane and get her some lunch. I'm sure she's ready for a small break. After lunch, take her to oral arts." Rebecca ordered.

"Yes Mistress." Jeannette said and bowed her head submissively.

Diane rose and followed Jeannette and was kind of surprised when Jeannette left the dress behind. "Hey, your dress."

"I'm not allowed to wear it now." Jeannette said. "Clothes are a privilege, not a right for a slave."

Diane felt bad suddenly. She had delayed and cost Jeannette the clothes. "Sorry Jeannette."

Jeannette shrugged. "It's OK. I'm used to this anyway."

They went down the hallway towards the center part of the house and Diane followed Jeannette to a dining room type of affair. There were some picnic style tables, obviously a slave-dining hall. A cook was laying two trays on the counter and he waved at Jeannette and then walked out. Apparently, she spent a lot of time nude, because he didn't seem to care if she was naked. Diane had almost jumped out of her skin when she saw the cook, Jeannette on the other hand didn't break stride.

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