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The Ward Ch. 04


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Frowning thoughtfully, Aleksis strode down a long, gloomy corridor. It was tidy enough, with odd wisps of cobweb here and there to disclose the place was slowly succumbing to lack of occupation.

Though he could polish the surrounds in a heartbeat, Aleksis felt less inclined to maintain it, when there was no one to bear his company. Believing himself content for so many decades before Sage, the manor now seemed darkly lonesome in her absence.

Entering a library, he immediately made for a large, decorated cabinet with dully gleaming brass handles. His breath caught with the pain of a happy memory of shining those very handles with Sage, laughingly debating what book they would read together next. In a rare display of emotion he wrenched the top drawer open and seized a small pile of old letters.

Perched on a large, red-velvet settee, Aleksis picked through the papers until he found the one he wanted. Extracting the small paper from a faded, coloured envelope, he held it up and skimmed the contents with a satisfied gleam in his eyes.


Breathing heavily, Sage felt Aleksis' absence in her mind.

"Sage?" Edmund's concerned voice floated above her.

"He...he's gone," she sighed.

Edmund pressed soft kisses to her hair and felt her lips curve against his neck in a small smile.

"I will be fine," Sage murmured, sounding immensely relieved.

"Sage, do you...?" Edmund broke off and cleared his throat. A faint flush crept across his cheekbones. "You admit to loving Aleksis. What do you feel for me?"

"I-I..." Sage blushed a deeper red, and looked down. "I feel something different for you. Something more." She cringed, wondering how to express herself without sounding like a harlot. Squeezing her eyes shut, she forced herself to continue.

"I want to be with you like...the way a woman should be with a man," she awkwardly voiced her inner desire for the first time. The disclosure felt both liberating and terrifying.

Risking an upward glance, she was somewhat startled by Edmund's rapt attention. His eyes bored into hers, as though every word she uttered mesmerised him.

Edmund wildly fought his desires as various explicit images of the things Sage had never experienced but wanted to enact with him flittered through his mind. The lustful thoughts created a pleasurable thrill from his chest to his toes, but mostly culminated about his loins. He already knew she desired him, but for her to admit it in such an innocent, tentative way, brought his yearning to impossible heights. His cock was achingly hard.

"I...Thank you," he uttered, quickly moving away from her. The last thing he wanted was to lose his senses and ravish Sage like an animal. And yet, he felt very close to it. "I must go and see Joel. There are arrangements to be made."

Before Sage could reply, she was crushed against him in a heated embrace and his mouth found hers shortly after.

Sage gasped against Edmunds lips as his hands slid up her waist to knead her breasts. She arched, her heart frantically beating as tantalising excitement coursed through her. Feeling strangely reckless, Sage seized Edmund's wrist and guided his hand under her dress.

Edmund's fingers quickly delved into her soft wetness and he groaned as though in pain. One digit circled her entrance and gently squeezed inside her. When his finger probed deeper Sage cried out, then purred like a kitten. Edmund struggled to breathe through his exploratory lust, discovering her tunnel was slick and impossibly tight.

"C-Can I touch you?" Sage panted, her small hand curiously edged up Edmund's thigh toward where something strained against his pants. Again recalling those couples she spied in the forest, Sage wondered how Edmund would enact that union with her.

"No, Sage!" Edmund quickly shifted her hand that was moving perilously close to his cock. One stroke of her fingers, and he would lose control. He was sure of it.

Sage's desire was driving Edmund crazy. Despite reservations about Aleksis, he knew she'd eagerly part her smooth thighs and let him take her in long, slow thrusts. She would moan his name, kiss him back and they would come together.

At this giddy thought, Edmund painstakingly withdrew his hand before he caused damage Sage was unprepared for. Unable to help himself, he sucked his finger.

Wanting more, Sage whimpered with longing. Before she could protest his retreat, Edmund kissed down her neck and dragged himself from the room.


Mildly traumatised by what he'd seen earlier, Joel felt unable to sleep, and hummed whilst attending a small, rare plant he'd taken great pains to grow to a healthier size. The carefully potted specimen almost toppled over as Edmund burst through his chamber door, panting as though he'd sprinted across a field.

"My Lord?" Joel inquired, slightly dreading what new difficulty with Sage the Master might require him to smooth over.

Still catching his breath, Edmund's features were unusually jovial and his eyes sparkled light brown with an excitement that Joel had not seen in Edmund since was a boy.

"Well?" Joel prompted with a touch of exasperation as Edmund grinned stupidly without explanation.

"Can you not guess?" Edmund finally said, his jubilant tone clearly conveyed fortunate bearings.

"My Lord, please tell me you did not spank the girl into accepting your hand?" Joel half-joked, though was slightly afraid that was the case.

Though Edmund had grown into a steadfast, responsible man, Joel was keenly aware his young master was in love for the first time. In response to Joel's remark, Edmund laughed heartily.

"No, I did not. But on the topic of matrimony, you may offer your felicitations."

The plant overturned as Joel leapt to his feet at a surprising speed for a man his age, and clapped his hands together. "My Lord! How wonderful! The girl will do you justice."

Still grinning, Edmund stepped forward and clasped Joel's hands into a fierce grip. "I hope to do her justice. I tell you, Joel, I feel so consumed with happiness that I could explode!"

"I would expect you to settle for no less," Joel warmly replied, his eyes shone with tears and he quickly wiped them away before they could fall. "Forgive an old man for weeping like a woman, but I had given up hope of you settling upon a suitable lady. Your parents would be proud."

"I know." Still overexcited, Edmund began to pace the room. "I need you to arrange number of things..."

"I will have a dressmaker summoned on the morrow," Joel nodded, biting his lip as he corrected the overturned plant. "Wedding gown aside, Sage will need new clothes. I presume a ball?"

"Of course!"

"And will Sage's Guardian attend? I presume you invited them after receiving their blessing?" Joel questioned lightly, though his eyes darted to Edmund's face, which was suddenly stony.

"The identity of Sage's Guardian is now known to me, but the matter remains difficult. That is all I will tell you, for now."

"Very well, my Lord," Joel replied, though his tone suggested the mystery did not suit him at all. "And...ahm...?"


"Lady Amelie?"

"What about her?"

Joel looked pointed, and Edmund's eyes darkened with foreboding. "Joel, my dealings with her were amicable. Her exclusion would be noted, and I've no wish for that. If I were to create that kind of scandal, I would be excluding Nicholas."

"I'd never suggest a course so severe!" Joel declared, looking slightly affronted. "But I believe you could handle the matter more delicately, that is all."

"She should hear it from myself, you mean?" Edmund ruefully rubbed his lower jaw as he considered. "There was never an obligation, Joel. Lucille was happy with our arrangement, which was by no means lasting."

"Nonetheless there is always a chance, my Lord... Or I daresay a probability that she hoped for more."

Edmund sighed, some of his excitement mildly stunted as he accepted the task at hand. "If that is true, then it may not be pleasant."

"Dealings with women are not all joy, my Lord," Joel said dryly, though deeply relieved his master decided to conduct himself honourably. Though Lucille was Edmund's paramour, she was certainly not low-born.


The next day, it was with a rather surly expression that Edmund began his journey into down. He'd much rather be with Sage, though that desire was no recent development. At least now she accepted his hand...

The new smile brightening Edmund's features would have lasted until his destination, but for the open coach coming his direction.

It slowed to a standstill as Edmund approached, and he cursed under his breath when he recognised the two occupants. Various parts of the ornate carriage shone black and red, with wheels glinting thick silver through streaks of mud. The lady in the carriage expectantly waved to him.

The lady was tall, with a distinctly superior coldness about her which melted when she laid eyes on Edmund.

"Edmund, dear boy," she crooned, extending a pale, feminine hand. "I long for the days of your childhood when you and Nicholas played together in our gardens, for now I never see you."

Nicholas brightened at the sour look on Edmunds face as he politely kissed Mary's hand. "Mother, did I mention Edmund has a slave?"

"A slave?" Mary exclaimed. "How very shameful, Edmund. I hope Nicholas' flaws have not passed to you," she purred. There was no censure in her tone. In fact, she sounded very approving.

With his own understanding of Nicholas' flaws, and no retort that would not cause direct offence, Edmund remained silent. Mary beamed at him, and continued.

"I was so disappointed to hear you could not attend dinner. You must find time to call on us," she scolded. "What evening will suit you?"

"I am afraid business will keep me-"

"There is no business which could keep you away indefinitely," she tittered, with a musical laugh. "Come, boy, name the night, and we shall dance attendance on you."

Nicholas grinned, hugely enjoying his rival's squirming uneasiness. "Perhaps you should bring your new slave?" he innocently suggested.

"Oh!" Mary clapped with excitement. "Oh, yes, Edmund, do bring her! I presume the slave is a 'she'?" she winked, and Nicholas laughed heartily at Edmund's discomfort.

Edmund silently reflected how strangely villainous mother and son appeared together. Like Nicholas, Mary was deceptively charming, with the same dark hair and cold blue eyes. Much like her son, she dressed for attention, and wore a rather revealing green-lace gown which displayed her smooth shoulders and dipped low between creamy, ample breasts.

In youth Edmund remembered the attractive widow doted on him, and indulged Nicholas' every whim, no matter how ruthless. Although Mary carelessly spoiled her son, even in adulthood, Nicholas never dared cross her.

Something in Mary's eyes told Edmund that she already knew about Sage, and if he was forced to dine with them, there was no way in hell Sage would be setting foot within the Stiles' estate. He was comforted by the fact nothing less than brute force would bring Sage anywhere near the family.

"But the girl is not my slave," Edmund casually corrected Mary's presumption. "She will soon be - my Lady."

Something vicious flashed in the woman's eyes, reminding Edmund of a snake baring poisonous fangs. Before he'd hardly registered it, the look vanished.

"Why, how very romantic!" she laughed, though Nicholas had stiffened beside her and was no longer smiling. "And when might we expect the announcement of your pending nuptials?"

"Quite soon." Edmund discreetly dug his heel into his horse. The animal obediently reared up, confused by the gesture to move whilst still being held to position.

"Easy!" Edmund soothed the impressive beast. "My apologies. She is new to my stables," he explained, edging back from the coach.

"I understand your plight. Nicholas is very familiar with untamed fillies," Mary smiled, raising the hairs on the back of Edmund's neck. "Should you need assistance with any new acquisitions, be sure to come by. It will be no trouble."

"You are too kind, ma'am," Edmund courteously replied.

"Goodness, boy! I've known you since you were the size of my jewel box. Call me 'Mary'."

"Very well, Mary. I must go," Edmund lied, pulling the reins. "I have an engagement that cannot wait."

"Then we must look forward to your visit, and of course, making your fiancé's acquaintance," Mary said warmly, though her eyes were sharply calculating as they scanned his face.

Edmund smiled politely to Mary and tersely nodded acknowledgement to Nicholas, who cheekily waved farewell as Edmund abruptly resumed his journey.

"So, he secured her affections," Nicholas remarked, his tone mildly curt.

Mary snapped her fingers. "It means little, darling. They are not married, yet."

"Do you think he knows what she is?"

Mary dismissively shrugged an elegant shoulder. "Such a strong, capable man that boy grew to become," she observed Edmund's retreating figure quickly disappear about the bend. "And handsome. It is a shame he distanced from our family."

"We would still be inevitably acquainted, had you not murdered his parents," Nicholas mused for his mother's ears alone.

"Hush," Mary lightly admonished, and signalled the coach to proceed.


Lord Claremont stretched before a large fireplace as a servant promptly brought a dinner tray. Before he'd so much as poured half a brandy, he was interrupted.

"Master, you have a visitor-" the servant began, and Frederick reared up with outrage.

"Dolt! Who in the world would you admit at this hour, without so much as..." he began angrily, then paled as the visitor casually strolled into the room without introduction.

"A-Alexander?" he croaked, his eyes darting to the untouched brandy. He wasn't drunk, yet he had to be.

"Yes." Aleksis' eyes warmed as they rested on his old friend.

"Why...I...why..." Frederick frantically gestured to his curious servant. "Don't stand staring! Bring the man a drink, damn you!"

Seating himself in the armchair opposite Frederick, Aleksis spoke first.

"I believe you mistake me for my father."

"Oh, of course!" Relieved, Frederick collapsed back in his seat with a hand to his heart. "Dear boy, you are the very image of him. I feared I beheld a ghost!"

Alexsis merely smiled and crossed one leg over the other, allowing his friend time to gawk at him. It seemed little escaped Frederick's appraisal, as his eyes roamed Aleksis from his tidy blonde hair to the shining black riding boots reflecting shadows of fire from the heath.

For a while Frederick's gaze lingered on Aleksis' memorable, chiselled features before moving down his fine clothes. Stylishly dressed in dark navy with a soft, white undershirt, it was the familiar jewelled heirlooms glinting on Aleksis' coat breast that held Frederick's attention for quite some time.

"Come, now. Tell me." Frederick briskly shook his head and cleared his throat. "Where is your rascal father?"

With a wry smile, Aleksis plucked the old envelope from his coat pocket. "Unfortunately, he is no longer with us. I found this in his possessions-"

Seeing the old letter, Frederick's eyes filled with tears, which he quickly removed under the guise of a gruff cough. "I'm sorry to hear, Alexander. Your father was a dear friend, a very dear friend of mine."

"I know," Aleksis replied, perceiving how Frederick had aged over the years. The fine young man he occasionally socialised with had deteriorated into a middle-aged inebriate. "He was quite fond of you, believe me. But his condition-"

"The treatment failed?" Frederick whispered, sitting forward. "Sun served a terrible rash, so he told me. Dear boy, do you have the affliction?"

"I have cause to believe so," Aleksis smiled whimsically, declining the beverage offered by the newly arrived servant.

Frederick nodded and thirstily downed the entire contents of his glass. He felt he needed it. "I did not know he married, or had children. He retired, I suppose, well before you were born..."

"And you never married," Aleksis murmured an observation touched with sadness.

"Yes," Frederick sighed, too distracted by Aleksis to ponder the boy's acute knowledge of his personal life. "I was engaged to be wed. The girl passed from consumption. I wanted no other."

"I understand."

The coloured envelope caught Frederick's eye, and he accepted the slip of paper Aleksis extracted from it.

"I must have sent this invitation more than twenty years ago!" Frederick breathed, turning the delicate paper over in his hands. "I presumed my letters were never received. And all this time your father...Had I known..."

"I am afraid that I am quite the invalid he was," Aleksis placidly answered, still toying with the pretty envelope.

"He was a mystery." Frederick tiredly waved a hand, eyeing Aleksis' strong, lithe figure relaxing opposite him. "But hardly an invalid. You truly are his precise image, gloriously handsome to boot. I quite envied him, believe me." He straightened in his chair. "Where do you reside? I searched for him, you know. But I believe your father's estates were...?"

"Quite off the map," Aleksis sighed, not wanting discuss his elusive disappearance. Decades ago, he spied a younger Frederick drunkenly circling the forest, shouting his name. "If it wouldn't trouble you-"

"Say no more!" Frederick insisted, suddenly filled with new vigour. Plagued with depression from a lack of life purpose, the appearance of his dearest friend's son was just the thing to revive his spirits.

"I'll have a room made up for you, Alexander, immediately. The very same I put your father up, when he was kind enough to keep me company. Excuse me a moment, I'll see to the curtains myself. Could never trust those blasted-!"

Aleksis grinned as Fredrick left the room, grumbling about his inept servants just as he remembered. With a heavy sigh, he stood from the black, plush armchair. He idly sauntered across the room to a small pile of unopened letters scattered at the end of a large dining table. His eyes sharply scanned the bills, letters and invitations.

After waiting a suitable timeframe since his transformation, Aleksis began a cycle - he participated in society, then withdrew and eventually returned as a descendent. But raising Sage proved a huge commitment, and only under the guise of a passing traveller did he inconspicuously venture into town for information and supplies.

A strange smile settled on his face as he recalled his encounter with Edmund. The flushed, passionate youth who would be Sage's suitor. Aleksis quickly recognised a man in love, not unlike he was at a similar age, so long ago.

It hurt Aleksis quite deeply when he saw the starry-eyed despondency in Sage when she was told to forget Edmund. Perhaps it would have been simpler if Stiles caught her. An easy slaughter and rescue. Well-justified bloodshed. But with the Bard boy...

With a sharp exhale, Alexsis forced his thoughts to shift to the future. Though Frederick had somewhat retired from societal events, Aleksis knew it would take little effort to reignite a flair for social endeavours with a young guest to entertain. From the outset Aleksis was aware his complicated endeavour would take time and consideration.

The matter had to be handled delicately. Assuming the form of a ruffian, slitting Edmund's throat and stealing off with Sage would have a catastrophic effect on their relationship. It would tarnish any trust, respect and affection she felt for him. Aleksis had to tread very carefully to win her back.

And if Aleksis' instincts were correct, and they were rarely wrong, Lord Claremont would inevitably receive an invitation to Lord Bard's engagement ball. And as Lord Claremont's guest, the invitation would extend to Aleksis.

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AnonymousAnonymousalmost 4 years ago

I'm totally pro team Aleksis! Come on! Why can't Sage love him? Falling in lust at first sight with Edmund and then sticking with him is so boring!!!! "Aleksis, Aleksis, Aleksis" The crowd chanted. :0)

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago

Oh my god I love this story so much! Can’t wait for the next chapter! You are an absolutely incredible writer, I love all your stories!

Bellie444Bellie444almost 5 years agoAuthor
Thanks all

Ch. 5 is in the works, thanks for the nice commentary and votes!

I'm writing a made-up world but kinda based on history (which I know little about). As for spanking, that comment confused me a little - I consider that form of discipline, much like the act of sex, to exist in all cultures. There are obviously variances, but when it comes to basics, I think some old fashioned hand-to-ass is not unique to any time or location. However, if I get into sci-fi, I'm sure my aliens would also enjoy a jolly good spankin'. Thanks again!

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
2 true love?

It's hardest when the 'villain' is really in love to her specially when his love for her transformed from her similar image to his beloved to her character.

Since this is a historical story, I don't know how accurate spanking is to 'chastisement of the wife' in those eras and in that culture (what culture is it hailing from exactly? or is it made-up/fantasy culture?); I can't guess as to how Joel sees what that spanking was.

AnonymousAnonymousalmost 5 years ago
More please

Started to get into the story with this chapter. Can't wait to see what will happen next.

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